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Speaking part 1(IT 1st semester)

1. Speak on the following issue(s): What software do you and your non-IT colleagues
use? Mention the differences between the IT and non-IT software you have listed;
which software is the cheapest and which is the most expensive. Which is the
most/least reliable? Which is the most difficult/easiest to use? Which is the
best/worst? Which is the most/least user-friendly?
2. Speak on the following issue(s): A company asks you to recommend a computer and
work station configuration for their sales team. Decide what to recommend. Use the
office floor plan to prepare the computer and work station configuration. Think about
these things: there are six people in the sales team; five people are out of the office
four days of the week; one person is in the office all the time - the team admin
assistant; employees need a network connection (wired and wireless); employees
print, scan and copy; company and client data must be stored on a separate device
and backed up regularly.
3. Speak on the following issue(s): What are the advantages and disadvantages of
shopping online. Mention the issues of security, speed, choice, convenience, and
price. Give examples of the online shops of IT products.
4. Speak on the following issue(s): Which an e-commerce website do you know and
like? Say what is good about it. Use the following words and phrases: open an
account; go to the checkout; put an item in the basket; browse the website; choose an
item; check the order; effective product information; customers can use their credit
cards, PayPal; a lot of promotions; check online tutorials; electronic cheques to pay
for transactions.
5. Speak on the following issue(s): You are setting up a new computer workstation with
a network connection. Your client wants to use the set-up for online purchases, bank
dealing and financial transactions securely. Talk about what security solution you
will install. Use the following phrases: the Internet; the local area network; the
hardware firewall (with a router); computers with firewall software; outbound traffic;
inbound traffic; restricted traffic; allowed traffic.
6. Speak on the following issue(s): Describe the network solution you use at work or at
home. What computer networks do you use in your work or studies? What do you use
the networks for? How do you access the networks? Use the following words and
phrases: equipment, Internet, LAN, recommend, remote, should, VPN, WAN.
7. Speak on the following issue(s): What problems do you have with networks? Make a
list. Think about speed, compatibility, hardware and software. Use the following
words and phrases: modem, repeater, bridge, router, gateway, switch, hub, wireless,
access point, network connectors, network interface card.
8. Speak on the following issue(s): Which tools do you use with computers? Say what
you use them for. Use the following words and phrases: reversible ratchet driver;
screwdriver; hex key; pliers; wire cutter/stripper; insertion/extraction/clipper;
tweezers; anti-static wrist strap.
9. Speak on the following issue(s): Have you ever had a computer security threat? Has
anyone ever hacked into your computer system? Use the words and phrases: adware,
hacker, browser, hijacker, malware, attack, spyware, Trojan, virus, worm, to describe
what happened (if not, imagine it). Tell what you can do to stop these problems.
10.Speak on the following issue(s): Make a list of computer health and safety problems.
Which ones do you follow? Why? What is the most important rule you can give
about computer use?
11.Speak on the following issue(s): Imagine that you are a website designer, your client
wants to order a website but he would like to know the types of the websites and their
purpose before making an order. Tell him about different websites and their purpose.
12.Speak on the following issue(s): You are a senior website developer, explain to your
colleague the steps of website development and briefly define them.
13.Speak on the following issue(s): You are a website designer. You need to make up a
proposal for Learning Now Ltd’s website. Clarify these questions:
a. What is the business type?
b. What is the purpose of the website: sell, inform, share, educate?
c. Who the website users? Where are the website users?
d. What are the features of the website
14 Speak on the following issue(s): What is your favourite website? Why? Describe it,
telling about its design, content, features, and specifications.
15 . Speak on the following issue(s): You are an IT expert describing the data processing
steps to your colleague. i.e. What steps he should follow in processing the data.
Name them and give their definitions.
16 Speak on the following issue(s): Your client asks your advice about backup solutions
for a small company. What are the types of data storage? What is the best or most
traditional solution for individuals and small businesses?
17 Speak on the following issue(s): You are an IT sales manager. You want to persuade
your client to buy and to use your product- e-database (computerised database).
Explain the following questions to your potential buyer:
 Why people and organisations use databases?
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of computerised database? Mention at
least three company departments and the types of data they work with.

18 . Speak on the following issue(s): What is e-commerce? Provide a definition,

examples and benefits of e-commerce. Talk about the different types of e-commerce.
19 Speak on the following issue(s): What are the steps of buying products online? Talk
about an online purchase of any product or service of your choice
20 Speak on the following issue(s): Discuss security issues in e-commerce. What
transaction security measures can be adopted by e-commerce companies?
21 Speak on the following issue(s): Which computer networks would you recommend
for a large corporation, a small business and a 4-person family home? Give reasons
for your answer.
22 Speak on the following issue(s): Give an overview of the networking hardware you
know and say what it is used for.
23 Speak on the following issue(s): Present a biography of a famous person in the IT
industry of your choice (i.e. Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerburg,
etc.), using the past simple tense.
24 Speak on the following issue(s): What software and hardware problems do computer
users often have? Talk about the solution to the IT problems. Use the following
words and phrases: saved in another folder by mistake; misspelt the function in the
formula; need to right-click on the cell, chose the wrong formula.
Speak on the following issue(s): List the technology-related rules in your workplace
or place of study. Which rules would you like to change? Why? Think of some
workplace rules for such activities: installing new software; connecting personal
devices to company computers; downloading files.
26 Speak on the following issue(s): Give the definition of hardware. Talk about the
basic hardware sections and their functions.
27 Speak on the following issue(s): Imagine that you’re an IT manager and you need
specialists in your team. Make a list of specialists you need and explain their duties
and responsibilities.
28 Speak on the following issue(s): Imagine that you are going to set up an IT company
with your friend. Tell your friend about different IT specialists you need to hire and
what they will be responsible for.
29 Speak on the following issue(s): Imagine that you are applying for a job in an IT
company and you have a job interview. Present yourself, providing as much
information as you can, and explain to your potential employer why it is your dream
30 Speak on the following issue(s): Imagine that you work in an IT company. Describe
your job and your job responsibilities, as well as talk about your typical workday
31 Speak on the following issue(s): Think about three antivirus software programs.
Describe them, using comparative adjectives, and recommend the best one, in your
opinion, to your non-IT friend. Give reasons for your recommendation.
32 Speak on the following issue(s): Recommend a computer to your elderly neighbour, a
video gamer and an IT representative of a large corporation. Provide a detailed
description of computer features in each case and give reasons for your

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