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Sept 20

Biology - 5N2746

Skills demo 25% (5x5%)

Learner record 25% (5x5%)

Role of the employer:

Provide training
Establish a good work environment
Lay out safety procedures
Ensure safety inspections take place
Minimise risks and hazards
Provide information
Hazard identification and risk assessment
Safety statement
Health surveillance & medical fitness to work
Safety representative
Employee consultation

Follow procedures and training
Reporting hazards
Rules and regulations
Taking the work seriously
Using the right equipment for the right job
Listening to people with more experience
Time management
Ensuring customer safety
Never misrepresent oneself

Safety Statement:
Prevention of accidents:
Financial reasons
Moral reasons
Legal reasons

H&S Mind Map

● Who is responsible for safety?
○ Everyone
● Legislation
○ Safety and Health and welfare at work 2005
● Duties
○ Employee
■ Follow procedures
■ Report hazards
■ Attend training
○ Employer
■ Provide training
■ Supervise
■ Safety inspections
● Hazards
○ Can cause potential harm
● Risk
○ The likelihood of a hazard causing harm
○ Low -> medium -> high risk
○ Risk assessment
■ Contains all hazards and risk assessments in the workplace
● Safety statement
○ Legal document - mandatory
○ Duties and roles
○ Risk assessments
○ Safety/emergency procedures
○ Why?
■ Financial reasons
■ Legally required
■ Duty of care
● Safety in the lab
○ Legislation
○ Label, store, and transport chemicals safely
○ Must know the chemical symbols (identify only)
● MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet)
○ Properties of chemical
○ Causes of the chemical
○ First aid measures
○ Suitable storage

Excretion organs:
Skin - sweat, water, salt, urea
Lungs - carbon dioxide
Kidneys - urine, water, waste

Sexual reproduction:
Male and female involved
Common in animals and plants
Offspring are similar but not identical to parents
Asexual reproduction:
No sex cells (gamates) produced
Common in single cell organisms like amoeba
Offsprings are clones of parent
Offspring are infertile

Animal Cell Aim

● What is a cell and know 3 examples of cell types
● Differences between animal and plant cells
● Be able to label diagrams
● Functions of each organelle in both plant and animal cells
● Difference between prokaryotic (first (primitive) organisms) and eukaryotic
Cell membrane
● Made up of phospholipids and proteins

LR2 Conclusion: (5 Marks)

● Research and discuss
○ The species you identified - abundant and scarce
○ Adaptations
○ Abiotic factors - favourable soil ph, temp, light, intensity
○ Leaf litter
○ Mushrooms - shaggy mane

23rd November Ecology Exam

● 100,000 species
● Mushrooms, moulds, yeast
● Are eukaryotes
● Cell walls made of chitin
● Reproduce with spores
● Mainly Saprophytes - eat dead matter
● Do not carry out photosynthesis, are always heterotrophic - get food from ground
● Ultimate decomposers

● Called the sporangium
● Commonly called moulds
● Includes blights
● Hyphae have no cross walls (aseptate)
● Grow rapidly
● Includes bread mould

Psychoactive mushrooms
Psilocybin mushrooms possess psychedelic properties
Commonly known as magic mushrooms
Edible: field mushroom, truffle, chanterelle
Poison: Death cap, destroying angel

Binary Fission: the asexual reproduction of two cells by splitting one body into two
Eukaryote: organisms that contain a nucleus and other organelles within a membrane
Prokaryote: organisms that lack a nucleus
Obligate parasite: a parasite that needs a host to complete its life cycle
Facultative parasite: a parasite that doesn’t need a host to complete its life cycle
Asepsis: being immune to disease carrying microorganisms
Inoculation: the addition of cells to a nutrient medium
Incubation: growing microbes in a warm environment
Medium: a mixture in which cells can grow

12: Wash hands before and after; sterilise bench before and after; sterilise equipment before
and after
13: With flame or alcohol
14: 2-3 days
15: 25-30 degrees
16: 35 degrees

Qualitative and quantitative study
Equipment you used
Using and designing a key
60 mins
Capture recapture method

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