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Crisanto A. Daing, Ph.D


1 | The Contemporary World


It is every teacher’s dream to deliver his/her responsibility well to the students. Every student

walks within the confines of the classroom with a dream of transforming his/her life for the better,

trying to appreciate and understand the pressing concerns and the demands of the

contemporary world.

In the course of the fulfillment of the teacher’s noble task in carrying out his/her duties in making

each student’s dream into a reality, challenges may come along the way.

In this worktext, the teacher aids the students in understanding the world as they are exposed to

varied issues and realities.


The worktext comes in complete package making it certain that learning is both fun and

functional. It covers the major skills needed to develop the general education course’s learning

outcomes for intellectual competencies, personal and civic responsibilities as well as practical

skills. The worktext has the following components:

CONNECTING- This increases the awareness of the students as to what are expected from

them in the course of the discussion of the lesson.

CONFIGURING- It uses any news article, opinion editorial, or any activity that activates the prior

learning of the students or bridges them to the present topic of discussion.

DECODING- This checks the comprehension, draws out views and ideas regarding the material

used in the Configuring part.

ADVANCING- It utilizes professional journals and other tools in discussing the concept or the

topic to make the students understand the lesson.

2 | The Contemporary World

CREATING- In this specific component, students are expected to do learning outputs or perform

tasks that assess the students’ learning in the lesson.

UPLOADING- The students are asked to read supplementary materials and do homework

exercises that reinforce their understanding in the lesson.

The selections are carefully chosen to represent significant events that make students really

understand and appreciate the contemporary world.

All skills and competencies developed in the worktext comply with the competencies

developed and suggested by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).

Copyright 2018 by:

Crisanto A. Daing, Ph.D.

Disclaimer: All literary works that appear on the book are copyrighted by their respective owners. We claim
no credit for them unless otherwise noted. If you own the rights to any of the works and do not wish them to
appear on the book, please contact us and they will promptly be removed.

3 | The Contemporary World


This course introduces students to the contemporary world by examining the multifaceted

phenomenon of globalization. Using the various disciplines of the social sciences, it examines

the economic, political, technological, and other transformations that have created an increasing

awareness of the interconnectedness of peoples and places around the globe.

To this end, the course provides an overview of the various debates in global governance,

development, and sustainability. Beyond exposing the students to the world outside the

Philippines, it seeks to inculcate a sense of global citizenship and global ethical responsibility.

4 | The Contemporary World




Lesson 1 Introduction to Globalization

..................................................................... 6

Lesson 2 The Global Economy

..................................................................... 17

Lesson 3 Market Integration

..................................................................... 27

Lesson 4 The Global Interstate System

..................................................................... 44

Lesson 5 Global Contemporary Governance

..................................................................... 58


Lesson 6 Global Divides : The North and the South ...................................................... 67

Lesson 7 Asian Regionalism

..................................................................... 76

Lesson 8 Global Media Cultures


Lesson 9 The Globalization of Religion

5 | The Contemporary World
Lesson 10 The Global City





The students are expected to:

• Define globalization
• Identify the underlying philosophies of the

varied definitions of globalization


KFC Looks to Conquer Africa with Fried Chicken Chain to open hundreds of
restaurants in a dozen countries

(NEWSER) - Kentucky Fried Chicken wants to take over Africa. Like McDonald's and other

fastfood giants, KFC parent company Yum Brands has been countering the slowdown in

American spending with expansion overseas. Having populated China with KFC outlets, Yum

now plans to double the number of stores in Africa to 1,200, the Wall Street Journal reports.

KFC has had an outlet in South Africa since 1971, but Yum plans to open them, and sister

restaurants, in Nigeria,

Namibia, Mozambique, Ghana, Zambia, and elsewhere.

Yum is betting that its expansion will be supported by a growing African middle class—

more than 40% of Africans now live in urban areas, and the number of families with disposable
6 | The Contemporary World
income is surging. Though they ignored the continent for a long time, firms "are now focusing on

the emerging world, with a bit of a gold rush going on," says Yum's CEO.


1. What is the news all about?

2. What did you feel after reading the news? Do you think it can do something for

Africa? For the world?

3. What do you think is the implication of this news to the world?


The term globalization is not new in the modern context. Many researches, debates

and discussions were made as to the meaning of the word. Cuturela (2012) cited a published

work, Towards New Education, which used the term “globalization” in 1930. Globalization

means to designate an overview of the human experience in education. On the other hand,

Inosemtsev (2008) distinguished globalization as one of the most known social studies, but is

still a hollow terminology. However, after the Cold

War the term was already used to define an interdependent world when it comes to its

economical and informational dimensions. As it is defined by Webster, globalization is the

development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked by free trade, free flow of

capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets.

Robertson (1992), in his article, Globalization: Social Theory and Global Culture, defined

globalization as the “understanding of the world and the increased perception of the world as a

whole.” Therefore, the term has a rich concept that people need to have deliberate grasp in

order to fully understand the term. In fact, Albrow and King (1990) defined globalization as “all
7 | The Contemporary World
those processes by which the people of the world are incorporated into a single world society.

This only means that peoples around the globe live in a borderless community.

It is, however, significant to say that globalization has exerted a tremendously serious impact on

each sovereign state. The transnational spread of capital and the formation of the global

markets have replaced the disintegrated economies of various countries.

The work of Giddens (1991) has supported this claim when he highlighted in his definition that

globalization is the process of intensifying social relationships among countries around the world

connecting separate localities in a manner in which local events are formed as a result of

happenings that have occurred from afar. There is a rapid interconnection worldwide that links

among people in the local, national and even

in regional context. This interconnectedness is created because of social and economic

relationships and networks which are relevant in the global interactions.

Steger (2005) cited Freeden (2003) who pointed out that globalization denotes not an ideology,

but ‘a range of processes nesting under one rather unwieldy epithet. He furthered that global

flows occur in different physical and mental dimensions.

Steger (2005), on the other hand, opined that globalization should be confined to a set of

complex, social processes that are changing out current social condition derived from the

modern independence of nation-states. He furthered that key concepts of globalization have

been defined such as multidimensional set of social processes that create, multiply, stretch, and

intensity worldwide social interdependencies and exchange while making people aware of

connections between the local and the distant.

The term globalization should be confined to a set of complex, sometimes contradictory, social

processes that are changing our current social condition based on the modern system of

independent nation-states. Indeed, most scholars of globalization have defined their key

concept along those lines as a multidimensional set of social processes that create, multiply,

stretch, and intensify worldwide social interdependencies and exchanges while at the same time

8 | The Contemporary World

fostering in people a growing awareness of deepening connections between the local and the


The International Monetary Fund (IMF, 2000) identified some overviews of various areas of

globalization. Globalization ‘offers extensive opportunities for truly

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technology based on science and knowledge.

Steger (2014) pointed out that in the mid-1990’s, more population in the global north and

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south had accepted globalism’s core claims, thus internalizing large parts of its overarching

neoliberal framework that advocated the deregulation of markets, the liberalization of trade, the

privatization of state-owned enterprises, and, after 9/11, the qualified support of the global ‘War on

Terror’ under US leadership.

The five core claims of market globalism are as follows:

First claim is that, Globalization is about the liberalization and global integration of

market. This is absolutely anchored in the neo—liberal ideal of self-regulating market as the

normative basis for a future global order. This perspective explains the relevant functions of free

market-its rationality and efficiency, as well as its alleged ability to bring about greater social

integration and material progress-can only be realized in a democratic society that values and

protects individual freedom.

The second claim is that, Globalization is inevitable and irreversible. The

market-globalist perspective sees globalization as the spread of irreversible market

forces driven by technological innovations that make the global integration of national economies

inevitable. As a matter of fact, market globalism is always interlaced with a belief that markets have

the capacity to use new technologies to solve social problems.

Nobody is in charge of globalization is the third claim. This claim highlights the

semantic link between ‘globalization-market’ and the adjacent idea of

‘leaderlessness’. Robert Hormats (1998) opined that ‘The great beauty of globalization is that no

one is in control.’ This only means that no individual, no government or no institution has the

control over globalization. Similarly, Thomas Friedman (1999:112-3) emphasized that the most

basic truth about globalization is this: ‘No one is in charge...But the global marketplace today is

an Electronic Herd of often anonymous stock, bond, and currency traders and multinational

investors, connected by screens and networks.’

11 | The Contemporary World

The next claim is that, Globalization benefits everyone. This lies at the heart of market

globalism and represents a ‘good’ phenomenon. AT the 19986 G-7 Summit in Lyons, France, the

heads of state and government of the world’s seven most powerful industrialized nations issued

a joint Economic Communique (1996) that exemplifies the principal meaning of this claim:

Economic growth and progress in today’s interdependent world is bound up with the process of

globalization. Globalization provides great opportunities for the future, not only for our countries,

but for all others, too. Its many positive aspects include an unprecedented expansion of

investment and trade; the opening up to international trade of the world’s most populous regions

and opportunities for more developing countries to improve their standards of living; the

increasingly rapid dissemination of information, technological innovation, and the proliferation of

skilled jobs.

The fifth and the last claim is that, Globalization furthers the spread of democracy in the

world. Francis Fukuyama (2000) stressed that there exists a ‘clear

correlation’ between the country’s level of economic development and successful democracy.

While globalization and capital development do not automatically produce democracies, ‘the

level of economic development resulting from globalization is conducive to the creation of

complex civil societies with a powerful middle class. It is this class and societal structure that

facilitates democracy’.

The former First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton (1999) praised the Eastern Europe’s economic

transition towards capitalism by saying, “The emergence of new businesses and shopping

centers in former communist countries should be seen as the ‘backbone of democracy.’

12 | The Contemporary World


A. Make your personal concept map of globalization based on the discussion in

Advancing. After drawing out concepts, you need to synthesize a personal definition of

the term, “globalization.”

A sample concept map is provided for you.

Source:Retrieved, March 5, 2018.


13 | The Contemporary World



With the help of the teacher, the class will generate its collective definition of

globalizationbasedon the conceptssharedby the students.


From the five core claims of market globalism, choose two claims and give one

situation or example in each that supports the claim of your choice.

14 | The Contemporary World

Claim Situation/example


Clip or copy any news article which you think has relevance to the

concept of globalization. Write a 50-word summary of the clip.







15 | The Contemporary World


The students are expected to:

• Distinguish economic globalization and

modern world system

• Identify the actors that facilitate economic


• Articulate a stance on global economicintegration


Trade takes center stage

President Trump made it clear during the 2016 presidential campaign that he intended to either

renegotiate or withdraw from most of the United States’ international trade agreements. In 2018,

he may finally focus his energy on these campaign promises, which would put our prosperity at


Early on in 2017, he announced the U.S. withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. We’re

already beginning to see the negative impact of that decision. Our economic and political

influence in Asia may decline in 2018 and the years ahead.

He has also set his sights on the North American Free Trade Agreement and began

renegotiating its terms. Talks are likely to accelerate in 2018, with the pact’s unraveling a real


And in interviews, he has declared the World Trade Organization “a disaster.”

16 | The Contemporary World

International trade deals are an often misunderstood part of U.S. economic policy. However, they

can have a large impact on the economy.

Since the end of World War II, the U.S. has taken the lead in setting up a multilateral, rulesbased

system of international trade. Central to this system was the General Agreement on Tariffs and

Trade. In 1994, this agreement was transformed into the WTO.

Under this system, world trade has expanded dramatically over the last 70 years. In 1947, trade

accounted for approximately 6 percent of U.S. gross domestic product, whereas it now accounts

for approximately 15 percent. Today, U.S. exports support over 11 million jobs, while imports of

many staples from overseas increase the purchasing power of domestic households.

A retreat from a multilateral rules-based system of trade brings with it many problems.

Domestically, it increases the probability of “trade wars” with our major trading partners.

Relatively minor disputes could easily escalate into trade sanctions and counter-sanctions, like

in the aftermath of the Depression-era Smoot-Hawley Tariff, which raised tariffs on hundreds of


Internationally, it could make it more difficult for developing countries to engage in

trade relations with their much larger and wealthier counterparts. While the Trump administration

has drawn attention to the U.S.’s large trade deficit, most economists agree that trade

agreements have little to no effect on that.

Certainly, some aspects of institutions such as NAFTA and the WTO can be

questioned. However, a general retreat from the postwar system of trade could be a dangerous

path for both the U.S. and the broader world economy.


1. Why do you think President Trump has said during his presidential campaign that

he would renegotiate or withdraw U.S.’s international trade agreements?

17 | The Contemporary World

2. What do you think are the effects of US withdrawal to international trade


3. Will the Philippines be affected of this motion? Why or why not?


The discussion will primary be guided by this question: “Why the regions around the

globe are have glaring differences when it comes to economy?”

18 | The Contemporary World

countries and developing countries like the Philippines have to fully understand the impact of the

contemporary global economy to improve their position in the global system.

There is no singular academic field that can completely explain the topic of global

economy because it is inherently interdisciplinary. According to Gereffi, the global economy can

be studied at different levels of analysis.

19 | The Contemporary World
First is at the macro level in which this includes the international organizations and

regimes that establish rules and norms for the global community. The World Bank, the

International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, and the International Labor

Organization are the existing international organizations that make impact to the economy of the

world. The regional integration schemes like the European Union and the North American Free

Trade Agreement are also part of these organizations. Since these regimes blend both the rules

and resources, they substantiate the widest parameters within which the global economy


Next is the meso level in which it is believed that the building blocks for the global

economy are the countries and firms. The global economy is seen as the arena in which

countries compete in different product markets.

The last is at the micro level. There is a growing literature on the resistance to

globalization by consumer groups, activists, and transnational social movements. Therborn

(2000) expressed, “There are many theories related to economic sociology incorporate the

global economy in their frameworks, but they differ in the degree to which it is conceptualized as

a system that shapes the behavior and motivation of actors inside it, or as an arena where

nationally determined actors meet, interact, and influence each other. ”

The development of a world trading system over a period of several centuries helped

to create the tripartite structure of core, semi peripheral, and peripheral economic areas.

According to world-systems theory, the upward or downward mobility of nations in the core, semi

periphery, and periphery is determined by a country’s mode of incorporation in the capitalist

world-economy, and these shifts can only be accurately portrayed by an in-depth analysis of the

cycles of capitalist accumulation in the longue duree of history (Wallerstein 1974, 1980, 1989;

Arrighi 1994). The foundation for a process of industrialization and new international divisions of

labor on a global scale is attributed to the dynamics of the capitalist world-system. Adam Smith,

20 | The Contemporary World

an eighteenth-century political economist, defined “division of labor” as the specialization of

workers in different parts of the production process, usually in factory setting.

Gereffi stressed that the division of labor also acquired a geographical dimension

during the influx of industrial economies as evolved. In a global scope, the “classic” international

division of labor was between the industrial countries producing manufactured goods and the

non-industrialized economies that supplied raw materials and agricultural products to the

industrial nations which became a market for basic manufacturers. Years after World War II,

trade flows have become far more complex, and so have the relationships between the

developed and the developing nations of the global economy.


A. Individual Activity: Based on the explanation about the global economy and your
understanding about the topic, make a list on the advantages and disadvantages
of the global free trade.
The Global Economic Integration

Advantages Disadvantages

21 | The Contemporary World

B. From your list in Activity A, decide whether you agree or disagree to the

proposition that: “Global economic integration has done more harm than good.”

You may scribble down your arguments supporting your stance. Prepare for a

class argumentation to be facilitated by your instructor.






C. Journal Writing: Write your short reflection or insights from the topic discussed.






22 | The Contemporary World


Define the following terminologies and give their descriptions and/ or contributions

to the global economy:

A. InternationalMonetaryFund






B. The World Bank






23 | The Contemporary World

C. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade






D. The Bretton Woods System









The students are expected to:

24 | The Contemporary World

• Explain the role of international financial institutions in the creation of a global


• Identify the attributes of global corporations


Globalization and Labor Market Integration in Late Nineteenth- and Early

Twentieth-Century Asia

By: Gregg Huff and Giovanni Caggiano

(Excerpted from the article.Retrieved from: 32242 en.pdf. )

Beginning in the late nineteenth century, globalization swept through Asia, transforming

its product and labor markets. By the 1880s steamships had largely replaced sailing

vessels for transport within Asia as well as to Western markets, and

shipping fares had begun to fall sharply. Also already underway was the mass migration of

Indian and Chinese workers, principally from the labor-abundant areas of Madras in India and

the provinces of Kwangtung (Guangdong) and Fukien (Fujian) in Southeastern China, to

landabundant but labor-scarce parts of Asia. Chief among the immigrant-receiving countries

were Burma, Malaya and Thailand (Siam) in Southeast Asia. Indian and Chinese labor inflows to

these countries constituted the bulk of two of three main late nineteenth- and early

twentiethcentury global migration movements, the other being European immigration to the New

World. Immigration to Southeast Asia was almost entirely in response to its growing demand for

workers which, in turn, derived from rapidly expanding demand in core industrial countries for

Southeast Asian exports.

25 | The Contemporary World
Studies by Latham and Neal (1983) and by Brandt (1985, 1989) establish the

development of an integrated Asian rice market beginning in the latter part of the nineteenth

century (see also, .Myung, 2000). Furthermore, a series of articles and books by Williamson and

his co-authors reveal internationally integrated commodity markets and relative factor price

convergence in conjunction with pre-World War II globalization. ( Williamson, 2000, 2002;

O’Rourke and Williamson, 1999; Hatton and Williamson, 2005). But in contrast to work on

product market integration, the possible emergence of an integrated Asian labor market has

attracted less attention. In part this reflects the lack of Asian wage data. As Harley (2000, p. 928)

observes, “Analysis of the low-wage periphery, which is most relevant to modern [globalization]

debate, is

restricted by data availability”. This article makes available for the first time the data needed to

test for labor market integration over a large part of Asia.

The article has two main aims. One is to analyze whether as part of pre-World War II

globalization an integrated Asian market for unskilled labor existed to encompass Asia’s chief

emigrant-sending regions of South India and Southeastern China and the principal Southeast

Asian receiving countries for Indian and Chinese immigrants. Our metric for integration, following

both econometric works on GDP convergence and Robertson’s recent analysis of integrated

labor markets, comprises three complementary criteria: (i) that wages do not diverge from a

common trend; (ii) that over time wage dispersion does not increase; and (iii) that a correction

mechanism pushes wages towards equilibrium relationship aftershocks. It can be misleading, as

Robertson (2000, p.728) warns, to rely on price as a criterion for integration. Markets are

integrated if adjustment mechanisms operate to correct deviations from a wage differential or


Second, the article aims to compare wage trends in the area of Asia from South India

to South China and including Burma, Malaya and Thailand with an industrial core of the global

economy, defined as the United Kingdom, United States, Germany and France. Were unskilled

26 | The Contemporary World

labor markets in Asia and the industrial core similarly affected by globalization such that in these

two parts of the world wages followed a common trend? Or, in contrast to commodity markets,

was globalization in Asia and the industrial core associated with a drifting apart of real unskilled


27 | The Contemporary World

We argue that by the late nineteenth century South India, Southeastern China and the

three Southeast Asian countries had become integrated and constituted a unified labor market .

Furthermore, Asian evidence reveals a period of real wage convergence prior to the 1930 s. But

labor market integration that characterized Asia, and also obtained in the industrial core,

stopped at the geographical frontiers of each of these two regions . Unlike Asia’s export of

primary commodities, flows of Asian labor hardly penetrated either the core industrial countries,

or the wider Atlantic economy . The pre -World War II labor market pattern was, instead, one of

strong divergence between Asia and the world’s rapidly developing and industrializing core

economies .


1. What do you think is the purpose of the article?

2. From the article read, define what market integration is .

3. Extract the statements that prove that there was market integration in Asia .

4. Describe the labor market integration in the late 19 th century and in the early 20 th century.

28 | The Contemporary World


The Rise of the Global Corporation

By: Deane Neubauer

Part One: The historic rise of the global corporation—three periods

As indicated throughout this text, global corporations are inseparable from the more general

phenomenon of globalization itself. It follows that how one identifies globalization serves to

“locate” global corporations, both in the complex interactive pattern defined by globalization and

within given historical periods.

The approach to the study of globalization sometimes termed “historical globalization” locates

the phenomenon itself in early patterns of trade and exchange (Bentley, J. 2003; Gills, 2006;

Moore and Lewis 2000.) In early historical periods as both cities and countries extended their

reach beyond their own borders, this view holds, a form of globalization was initiated which then

followed complex patterns of interactive engagements organized through trade and directly

influenced by the emergent and subsequently dominant technologies, especially in shipping and

navigation (Harvey, 1990). As Moore and Lewis contend, the entities operating within this

environment were functionally and organizationally not so very different from contemporary

organizations, being possessed of “head offices, foreign branch plants, corporate hierarchies,

extraterritorial business law, and even a bit of foreign direct investment and value-added activity

(Moore and Lewis, 2000; 31-32).

The vast heterogeneity of this long period, however, leads a majority of scholars to

situate the direct antecedents of the contemporary global corporation within the dynamics of a

two plus-centuries long duration spanning the period prior to the end of WW II in which the

modern nation state system emerged in ways that allowed invention and social organization to

combine that vastly increased world capital and the wealth of nation states. Coupled with an

29 | The Contemporary World

extraordinary rise in global population that attended the industrial revolution, the societies that

arose would invent new ways to organize the world itself through colonialism and imperialism

that vastly attenuated their interactions between peoples, states and regions such that a clearly

differentiated era of global interaction can be said to exist (Harvey, 1990). Many of the

characteristics of the global corporation that we examine directly in this chapter date from this

period (e.g. patterns of equity ownership, corporate ownership and management of subsidiaries,

the relationship of “central” organizational functions to supply and distribution chains, etc.) as

attributes of corporate structures in the most prosperous and globally-engaged nations (largely

through colonial and imperialist relationships).

As the world emerged from the vast destructions of WWII, economic recovery and

expansion were led overwhelming by American corporations which for a period from the end of

the war until the re-entry of Japanese and European corporations onto the global scene

essentially stood for what by then had come by then to be viewed as multinational corporations

(MNCs) (Barnet and Muller, 1974). This period from the end of WWII to the present can be

viewed, therefore, as a third and distinct period in the

transformation of the global corporation. As the next parts of this chapter detail, the

transformations of the global corporation occurring within this third period have been far reaching

and distinctive, reflecting changes taking place within the broader structural dimensions of

globalization itself and at the same time significantly contributing to those continuing changes.

Part Two: How do global corporations function? What constitutes a global corporation?

The contemporary global corporation is simultaneously and commonly referred to either as a

multinational corporation (MNC), a transnational corporation (TNC), an international company, or

a global company. While much of the remainder of this chapter will serve to clarify some of these

distinctions, those offered by Iwan (2012) are practically useful.

30 | The Contemporary World

International companies are importers and exporters, typically without investment outside of their

home country; Multinational companies have investment in other countries, but do not have

coordinated product offerings in each country. They are more focused on adapting their products

and services to each individual local market.

Global companies have invested in and are present in many countries. They typically

market their products and services to each individual local market.

Transnational companies are more complex organizations which have invested in foreign

operations, have a central corporate facility but give decision-making, research and develop (R&D)

and marketing powers to each individual foreign market.

More formally the transnational corporation has been defined by the United Nations

Centre on T ransnational Corporations (UNCTC) as an “enterprise that engages in activities which

add value (manufacturing, extraction, services, marketing, etc) in more than one country (UCTC,

1991).” This chapter will employ the term “global corporation” to refer to all of these types, seeking

within specific contexts to be clear about which usage most applies. As many of the citations

employed below indicate, however, these distinctions are often not employed within the literature.

An understanding of how global corporations operate within contemporary globalization

requires a brief recounting of some of the major changes that have taken place over the almost

seventy years since the end of WWII. As indicated above, US corporations operating internationally

had enormous advantages in the immediate postwar period as they—virtually alone in the world—

emerged from the war with their productive, organization and distributional capacities intact. What

would take shape as the beginning of contemporary globalization, however, dates from the

economic recovery of capital structures in Japan and Europe and the re-entry into global markets of

their national corporations. By 1974 Barnet and Muller in a path-breaking volume could both define

31 | The Contemporary World

the MNC as a major economic global actor and begin an effective description of how this particular

corporate form was coming to dominate various

aspects of global production and exchange (Barnet and Muller, 1974). A considerable amount of

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Citing UN data he dates 1960 as the major turning point for FDI as the major driver of extended

global corporate development. In each subsequent decade until the turn of the century, FDI

would triple (Hedley 1999).

Throughout these periods economists, other scholars and government actors at both

the national and transnational level tended to “frame” the progressive growth of the global

corporate structure (again, referred to almost indiscriminately as either MNC’s or TNC’s) through

efforts to define, measure and assess the extent and consequences of foreign direct investment,

defined initially and primarily as the entry of private capital from a source external to a country

into a receiving country. Usually referred to in terms of “out-ward” and “in-ward” flows, supplies

of FDI were viewed as the major elements of global economic development, and during various

policy periods as “essential” for the development of what was then viewed as the “third” world,

even if in reality the vast majority of FDI into the 1990s was between countries of the

“developed” world—primarily North America, Europe and Japan. Since 1964 the United Nations

Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has focused on the various roles that FDI

plays in the development process and has maintained an extensive policy library of global FDI

statistics as well as the dense structure of regulation that frame global corporate cross-border

engagements (Fredriksson 2003). Periods of intense FDI changed the global corporate

landscape. During the period 1985-1990 FDI grew at an average rate of 30% a year. One result,

unsurprisingly, was the landscape of corporate units and their relationship to each other. DeAnne

Julius indicates that the expansion of FDI, inter-corporate alliances, and intra-firm trade during

this period reached a level at which “a qualitatively different set of linkages” was created among

advanced economies (Julius 1990). It was estimated that some 20,000 new corporate alliances

were formed just in the period 1996-1998 (Gilpin, 2000: 170).

The investment-based period was dominated by producer-driven commodity or value

chains, which in turn tended to be dominated by firms characterized by large amounts of

concentrated capital focused on large-scale or capital-intensive manufacturing or extractive

33 | The Contemporary World

industries. The organization of the dominant global firms during this period was powerfully

influenced by the transformation within national economies of the older manufacturing

companies wrought by what was viewed as the progressive “de-industrialization” of these

economies through wide-scale off-shoring of labor applications and its related costs. This

progressive shift in the silting of manufacture transformed the dominant manufacturing firms of

these older developed companies into more fully extended and integrated organizational forms

that moved many such firms from a self-conscious understanding of themselves as “national

firms operating internationally” into more authentically global firms that required extensive

corporate integration of their activities throughout the world.

Many corporate structures, especially those in the United States, operating within the

frame of the producer-driven commodity chain had been organized by what came to be

recognized as “fordist” management principles. U.S. firms in particular had sought to transport

these models abroad to their international manufacturing holdings. The emergence of Japan as

a major producer nation, especially of automobiles and consumer electronics from the 1970’s on,

brought onto the scene new models of effective production focused especially on quality and

regimes of flexible production— a move that was echoed within European firms rejoining the

global commodity chains.

These activities were experienced by U.S. firms as unwelcome challenges to their

previously virtually unchallenged positions on product design, production efficiency, and quality

—and ultimately on the ability of these corporate structures to maintain their accustomed returns

on investment. The result was a progressive “reinventing” of the American business model,

especially the industrial model—a challenge that would dominate the curricula of U.S. business

schools for over two decades (Risi 2005) and which is also continuously associated with the

global value shift from manufacturing capital to finance and human capital in

progressively networking societies (Castells, 2009).

Part Three: What is different about this phase of global corporate development?
34 | The Contemporary World
The so-called “developing economies”, and especially those of Brazil, India and China

—the so-called BRICS economies, have become the most dynamic sector of global corporate

growth, represented in part by their significant FDI over the three decades.

The relative size, growth and range of activity of global corporations from the emerging

economies suggest that they are on a trajectory that will soon situate them firmly within those of

the historically more developed economies. The number of global corporations from the

emerging market economies listed in the Fortune Global 500, which ranks corporations by

revenue, rose from 47 firms in 2005 to 95 in 2010. These companies have also become active in

the broad pattern of global mergers and acquisitions (M&A), a primary vehicle by which

corporate concentration takes place. To

cite Ahern: “In 2010 these companies accounted for 2,447 acquisitions, or 22% of global

M&A transactions, which is up from 661 acquisitions, or 9% of total M&A acquisitions, in

2001. Of the 11,113 M&A deals announced in 2010, 5,623 (50%) involved merging market

companies, either as buyers or as take-over targets of MNCs in advanced countries”

(Ahern 2011: 23). The fact that the global economic slowdown resulting from the financial

crisis of 2007 has had a lesser impact on many developing economies, especially the

BRICS, indicates the extent to which they have become a new and important source of

capital within the global system.

Capital flows in general over the past decade and a half have begun to change from the

dominant North-North/North-South dynamic to one in which South-South and South-North

capital flows are significant (Rajan 2010) with most of the South-North capital flows coming

from China and India. Examples include China’s Lenovo corporation’s purchase of IBM’s

PC business and India’s investment in various historically British firms including Jaguar

Land Rover (Economist, 2011). Increased North-South investments during this period

allowed global North corporations to rebound quickly from their profit losses and restore

35 | The Contemporary World

income growth. The relative robust nature of the emerging economies has continued to

The importance of global corporations in Brazil, India and China to the current

and projected global economy is singular . With 40 % of the world’s population the BRICS

represent a primary force in both global production and consumption .

Hawksworth and Cookson predict that “middle class” consumers in China and

India will grow from some 1.8 billion in 2010 to 3 .2 billion in 2020 and 4 .9 billion by 2030

(2008 ). The relative import of their global corporate cultures can be gauged in part by the

fact that in 2012 global corporations in China made up 73 of the largest in the Fortune

500 list (CNN Money 2012 ), and whereas Brazil and India with 8 apiece currently

account for a small share of such corporations, emergent market countries are projected

to account for a near doubling of their share of world trade over the next 40 years,

reaching nearly 70 % by 2050 (Ahern, 2011 ). In 1998 only one of the top 100 global

corporations was located outside the US, Europe or Japan (Oatley 2008 ).

(Excerpted from, The Rise of the Global Corporation by Deane Neubauer)

attract FDI and to create conditions leading to the rapid expansion of their nationally based

global corporations (UNCTAD, 2011: 26).

36 | The Contemporary World



Guide Questions:

1. Why is the study of globalization termed, historical globalization?

2. Explain the roles of international financial institutions in the creation of a global


3. What are the attributes of global corporations?

4. Do global corporations do good or harm? Cite examples.

B. Journal Writing: Write your short reflection or insights from the topic discussed.






C. Venn Diagram: Complete the graphic organizer below by supplying the

differences and similarities of the identified global corporations.

37 | The Contemporary World



Watch the film, The Corporation directed by Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbot. Write a film

review or reaction paper with the aid of the guide questions. Properly cite references

when you use facts and opinions that support your claims.

38 | The Contemporary World

What is your general impression of the film?

What is the general storyline of the movie?

Who are the actors who play major characters?

What are the strengths of the film? What about the weaknesses? What evidences prove these in

relation to your opening paragraph.

What is your final message to the audience in relation to your introduction? Will you recommend

the film? Why or why not?




The students are expected to:

• Explain the effects of globalization on


• Identify the institutions that govern

international relations

39 | The Contemporary World


40 | The Contemporary World

1. Share your work with the class .

2. Explain why you came up with such diagram, illustration or web .

3. Do you think your work is relevant today? Why?


An International Civilization? Empire, Internationalism and the Crisis of the Mid -twentieth


By Mark Mazower

(International Affairs 82, 3 (2006 ) 553 -566 , © The Royal Institute of International Affairs 2006 ) On

7 March 1934 , an unusual event took place at Madison Square Garden in New York . Twenty

thousand people attended a meeting there to hear speeches marking the Nazis’ first year in

power and denouncing the regime . The rally was organized as a mock trial and was

advertised in the press as the ‘Case of civilization against Hitler’, with indictment, witnesses

and, eventually, a judgment delivered by a Minister of the Community Church of New York

City . ‘Hitlerism denounced as a crime against civilization,’ ran the headline in the New York

Times the following day . Organized principally by the American Jewish Congress, the meeting

anticipated Nuremberg in its consciousness of the power of what the scholar Louis Anthes

calls ‘publicly deliberative drama’. It looked forward, too, to the Cold War in its evocation of a

joint Judeo-Christian

civilization ranged against the threat of totalitarianism. But in its emphasis on that common

‘civilization’ it looked backwards, to the concept that lay at the heart of the claim to world

leadership that Europeans had been advancing since at least the early nineteenth century.
41 | The Contemporary World
It was really after the defeat of Napoleon that the concept of a European civilization became

fundamental to new understandings of international order and new techniques of international

rule. In France, Guizot abandoned the Enlightenment project of fitting Europe into a scheme of

universal history for the [Herderian] task of tracing the continent’s own cultural roots. As he put it

in his History of civilization in Europe: ‘civilization is a sort of ocean, constituting the wealth of a

people, and on whose bosom all the elements of the life of that people, all the powers supporting

its existence, assemble and unite’. It was just possible, thought Guizot, to locate among the

various civilizations of the world a specifically European variant: ‘It is evident,’ he wrote, ‘that

there is a European civilization; that a certain unity pervades the civilization of the various

European states...’

In Britain, John Stuart Mill suggested by contrast that there was but a single model of civilization;

but this too—in his 1836 essay on ‘Civilization’—he located in Europe since ‘all [the elements of

civilization] exist in modern Europe, and especially in Great Britain, in a more eminent degree...

than at any other place or time. Whether one believed like Mill that civilization was singular and

hierarchical, or plural and historically

relative—and as time went on Mill would win out over Guizot—what came to be seen

as self-evident was civilization’s location in Europe.

One fertile intellectual elaboration of this belief was—as we have learned from the work of Martti

Koskenniemi and Antony Anghie—the new discipline of (mostly positivist) international law. As a

generalization and adaptation of the values of the Concert of Europe, international law was

designed as an aid to the preservation of order among sovereign states, and its principles were

explicitly stated as applying only to civilized states—much as Mill saw his principles of liberty as

applying solely to members of ‘a civilized community’. In 1845 the influential American

international lawyer Henry Wheaton had actually talked in terms of the ‘international law of

Christianity’ versus ‘the law used by Mohammedan Powers’; but within twenty or thirty years,

42 | The Contemporary World

such pluralism had all but vanished. According to the late nineteenth century legal commentator,

W. E. Hall, international law ‘is a product of the special civilization of modern Europe and forms a

highly artificial system of which the principles cannot be supposed to be understood or

recognized by countries differently civilized... Such states only can be presumed to be subject to

it as are inheritors of that civilization.

Thus conceived, international law faced the issue of the relationship between a civilized

Christendom and the non-civilized world. States could join the magic circle through the doctrine

of international recognition, which took place when ‘a state is brought by increasing civilization

within the realm of law.’ In the 1880s James Lorimer suggested there were three categories of

humanity—civilized, barbaric and savage,

and thus three corresponding grades of recognition (plenary political; partial political; natural, or

mere human). Most Victorian commentators believed that barbaric states might be admitted

gradually or in part. Westlake proposed, for instance, that: ‘Our international society exercises

the right of admitting outside states to parts of its international law without necessarily admitting

them to the whole of it.’ Others disagreed: entry ‘into the circle of law-governed countries’ was a

formal matter, and ‘full recognition’ all but impossible.

The case of the Ottoman Empire exemplified this ambivalent process. Of course European

states had been making treaties with the sultans since the sixteenth century. But following the

Crimean War the empire was declared as lying within the ‘Public law of Europe’—a move which

some commentators then and now saw as the moment when international law ceased to apply

only to Christian states but which is perhaps better viewed as a warning to Russia to uphold the

principles of collective consultation henceforth rather than trying to dictate unilaterally to the


In fact, despite its internal administrative reforms, the empire was never regarded in Europe as

being fully civilized, the capitulations remained in force, and throughout the nineteenth century

43 | The Contemporary World

the chief justification of the other Powers for supporting first autonomy and then independence

for new Christian Balkan states was that removing them from Ottoman rule was the best means

of civilizing them. We can see this clearly in contemporary attitudes towards the military

occupation of Ottoman territory by European armies. After the Franco-Prussian War,

international lawyers had

devised the notion of belligerent occupation—a state of affairs in which a military occupant

interfered as little as was compatible with military necessity in the internal affairs of the occupied

country so as not to prejudice the rights of the former ruler of that territory who was regarded as

remaining sovereign until a peace settlement might conclude otherwise. Belligerent occupation

was, in other words, a compact between so-called civilized states not to unilaterally challenge

each other’s legitimate right to rule. In the case of Ottoman territory, the Powers felt no such

inhibitions: the Russians in Bulgaria in 1877, the Habsburgs in Bosnia the following year, and the

British in Egypt in 1882 all demonstrated through their extensive rearrangement of provincial

administrations, that although they would allow the Ottoman sultan to retain a fig-leaf of formal

sovereignty, in fact the theory of belligerent occupation did not apply in his lands. Thirty years

later, the Austrians [in 1908] and the British [in 1914] went further: on both occasions they

unilaterally declared Ottoman sovereignty over the territories they were occupying at an end,

suggesting that whatever had or had not been agreed at Paris in 1856, by the early twentieth

century, the Ottoman empire was regarded once again as lying outside the circle of civilization.

[The fact that it was a Muslim power was certainly not irrelevant to this. In 1915, when the

French and Russians prepared a diplomatic protest at the mass murder of Ottoman Armenians,

their initial draft condemned the massacres as ‘crimes against Christendom’. Only when the

British mentioned that they were worried over the possible impact of such a formulation on

Indian Muslim opinion was the wording changed to ‘crimes against humanity.’
If the Ottoman Empire was, as it were, semi-civilized, then sub-Saharan Africa—site of

44 | The Contemporary World

basis—usually—of codes or constitutions; effective administration of its territory by a state; warfare

conducted by a regular army; and

freedom of conscience. The fundamental task of international law in this zone was to

45 | The Contemporary World

resolve conflicts between sovereign states in the absence of an overarching sovereign. Outside

this sphere, the task was to define terms upon which sovereignty—full or partial—might be

bestowed. It was thus in the non-European world that the enormity of the task required in

acquiring sovereignty could best be grasped. There, too, the potential costs—in terms of

legalized violence—of failing to attain the standard of civilization were most evident.

The laws of war, codified by the Great Powers at length at the end of the nineteenth century,

were designed to minimize the severity of conflicts between civilized states. But where no

reciprocity of civilized behavior could be expected, European armies were taught they need not

observe them—or indeed in some versions—any rules at all. Britain’s General J.F.C. Fuller

noted that ‘in small wars against uncivilized nations, the form of warfare to be adopted must tone

with the shade of culture existing in the land, by which I mean that, against people possessing a

low civilization, war must be more brutal in type.’ The 1914 British Manual of Military Law, too,

emphasized that ‘rules of International Law apply only to warfare between civilized nations...

They do not apply in wars with uncivilized states and tribes.’ After all, savages were impressed

only by force; fanaticism could be stopped only through an awesome demonstration of

technological superiority. ‘A shell smashing into a putative inaccessible village stronghold is an

indication of the relentless energy and superior skill of the well-equipped civilized foe. Instead of

merely rousing his wrath, these acts are much more

likely to make [the fanatical savage] raise his hands in surrender.’ These were the words of

Colonel Elbridge Colby, an interwar US advocate of air power in colonial insurgencies (and

father of William Colby, future director of the CIA and architect of the Advanced Pacification

Campaign in Vietnam).

Until well after the First World War, it was axiomatic that ‘international law is a product of the

special civilization of modern Europe itself.’ The United States was, by the century’s end,

regarded from this point of view as a European power, if not of the first rank. But Washington—

which had stood on the sidelines during the carve-up of Africa, had achieved a special
46 | The Contemporary World
relationship to international law following the war with Spain. Through the Roosevelt Corollary, it

toughened up its reading of the Monroe Doctrine, while at the same time encouraging the pan

American codification of international law as a way of enshrining its own regional hegemony.

Siam was admitted to the Hague conferences as a mark of respect; but in China, where the

Boxer Rebellion was put down with enormous violence—on the grounds that it was ‘an outrage

against the comity of nations’—the unequal treaties remained in force. It was only the Japanese

who seriously challenged the nineteenth century identification of civilization with Christendom.

Having adhered to several international conventions, and revised their civil and criminal codes,

they managed to negotiate the repeal of the unequal treaties from 1894 onwards, as well as to

win back control over their tariffs, and their victory over Russia in 1905 simply confirmed their

status as a major Power. Not surprisingly,

the Young Turks—desperate to repeal the humiliating capitulations—could not hear enough of the

Japanese success.

The Japanese achievement confirmed that the standard of civilization being offered by the

Powers was capable of being met by non-Christian, non-European states. But the Japanese

achievement was also unique. After the ending of the Russo-Japanese war, the Second Hague

Conference of 1907 talked of ‘the interests of humanity, and the ever progressive needs of

civilization.’ But could civilization (with a capital C) really ever be universalized, and how far

could it be extended? Many had their doubts. German and Italian jurists essentially ruled out any

non-European power receiving full recognition; the prominent Russian jurist de Martens was

equally emphatic. As for the empire-builders, in Africa, in particular, as well as in the Pacific,

many liberals and Gladstonians came to terms with imperialism at century’s end—as Saul

Dubow has recently reminded us—because they thought in terms of a kind of an imperial

cosmopolitanism or commonwealth, in which individual peoples might preserve their own

distinctive cultures. Where necessary, of course, civilized powers had to rule others to ensure

47 | The Contemporary World
The idea of trusteeship, which was—with a slightly different coloration—to become the lynchpin

of the League of Nations system of colonial rule, expressed a similar caution about the

exportability of (European) civilization. Unilaterally abrogating Ottoman sovereignty in Egypt in

December 1914, the British proclaimed that they regarded themselves as ‘trustees for the

inhabitants’ of the country. Their unilateralism

was only one sign of the death of the old Concert and its values. Blazing a trail that others would

follow in the wars of the coming century, they tore up one of the fundamental axioms of the

latenineteenth century European order—that the basic legitimacy of the sovereign ruler would

always be respected—and replaced it with a new understanding in which sovereignty inhered,

not in the head of state, but in the people or nation. What Nehal Bhuta has recently—in the case

of Iraq—called the doctrine of ‘transformative occupation’ thus makes its appearance.


A. ESSAY WRITING: Respond to the following questions intelligently.

1. Discuss the concept of European civilization. How did it become significant in the international

order and rule?


2. What are the three categories of humanity? How is each category described in the article?

48 | The Contemporary World


4. Reacton the concepts of civilizationas expressedby Guizotand Mill.


5. Is the Victorian International Law still significant today across all nations? Why or why


3. Comment on the “Japanese achievement” as discussed in the article.

49 | The Contemporary World

B.SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION: Read the article, “The Rise of International

Law and Universal Principles” by Hans Schattle.

Guide Questions:

Enumerate the provisions of international law discussed in the article.

Discuss the institutions that govern international relations.

Discuss transgovernmental networks.

What are the limitations of the United Nations?

What is the doctrine of “responsibility to protect (R2P)?

C.CAROUSEL LEARNING ACTIVITY. Students in group have to answer questions

based on the articles discussed in the lesson.


Research the following concepts.

1. Peace of Westphalia

2. Supranationalism


3. Napoleonic Code

50 | The Contemporary World


4. The Concert of Europe and its Tenets


5. Liberal Internationalism


6. The League of Nations




The students are expected to:

51 | The Contemporary World

• Identify the roles and functions of United

• Discuss the challenges of global governance in the 21st century

• Formulate a position paper to explain the relevance of the state amid globalization


ICC Is Investigating Duterte, Who Suddenly Wants Out He says

Philippines is withdrawing from the ICC, ‘effective immediately’

By Kate Seamons, Newser Staff

(Retrieved from:


(NEWSER) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has had a bumpy relationship with

the International Criminal Court. He once described it as “bulls---,” then in February said he

welcomed its preliminary investigation into allegations of crimes

against humanity during Duterte’s war on drugs. Now, he says he’ll pull the Philippines from the

court altogether, “effective immediately,” though the BBC reports that formally withdrawing from

the ICC is a year-long process. “It is apparent that the ICC is being utilized as a political tool

against the Philippines,” he said, while blasting the “baseless, unprecedented, and outrageous

attacks” directed at him by the UN. The Guardian looks at the recent-most bad blood between

the two that apparently spurred those comments.

Duterte’s government put a UN special rapporteur on a list of communist terrorists, leading the

body’s commissioner for human rights to say last week that Duterte needs “some sort of

psychiatric examination.” Should the Philippines successfully withdraw its ratification of the treaty

that created the ICC, it would be only the second country to do so, after Burundi. But that

52 | The Contemporary World

wouldn’t protect Duterte from a potential trial, as the treaty states “withdrawal shall not affect any

cooperation with the court in connection with criminal investigations.” Still, the BBC notes it could

make the Philippines less cooperative. Speaking of cooperation, the country’s Senate on

Monday flagged the constitutional provision that requires the Senate to agree to the revocation

of any international treaty. Duterte contends the Senate failed to publicize its 2011 ratification of

the treaty as required by law, reports the Associated Press.


1. What did you feel after reading the news article?

2. Is the move of President Duterte relevant to the country? Why or why not?

3. Share with the class your impressions with the news article presented.
independent at the time of their admission in the organization.

53 | The Contemporary World

Even from the seventeenth century, the legal framework of a sovereign state has served as a

4. As a Filipino citizen, would you support Duterte’s move of withdrawing

Philippines from ICC? Defend your answer.


Globalization is a rich and a broad concept and may be defined in various perspectives . It

cannot be denied that globalization has made a tremendous impact on the sovereign state .

Fowler and Bunck (1996 ) emphasized that a sovereign state has a territory, the people, and a

government .

Any state admitted as a member of the United Nations will be upon the decision of the General

Assembly as recommended by the Security Council . The United Nations membership

requirements are (1) the state must be a peace -loving state which accepts the obligations

contained in the present Charter, and (2) in the judgment of the Organization, must be able and

willing to carry out these obligations .

Chapter 2, Article 4 of the United Nations Charter states that only sovereign states can become

members of the United Nations . Although all UN members are fully sovereign states at the

present, the Belarus, India, Philippines, and Ukraine - four of the original members - were not
definitive ground for political governance and economic system.

Sovereignty has been constitutionally used both on national and international levels. The

intercontinental spread of capital and the formation of global markets have eventually substituted

54 | The Contemporary World

the fragmented national economies. Sovereign states are experiencing increased difficulties in

supplying regulatory and redistributive public goods and establishing and enforcing property

rights in the face of relatively open trade, rapid information-technology advances, and

considerable financial deregulation. Moreover, both market relations and political discontent with

economic policies have virtually become “borderless.”

The international system has now become less state-centric that makes a way into the political

constitution of domestic policies. Notably, the advancements in technology and its innovations

have increased the speed of the migration and transplantation of legal rules and policies.

The transnational actors, which are non-state, such as the intergovernmental organizations

(IGOs), international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs), and transnational corporations

(TNCs) have assumed relevant roles in global governance. They have created transnational law

that runs many dimensions of the political economy that was once governed by the sovereign


Sovereignty is at the heart of both public international law and the legal constitution of the state.

Relevant changes in the international system definitely affect the shape of sovereignty and the

future of the state law.

However today, any sovereign state cannot just neglect issues that are related to the

interests of the humanity, may they be within the borders or outside the borders of the state.

Individuals and groups enjoy greater recognition as subjects of international law, as seen in the

expansion of legal regimes and enforceable mechanisms in the fields of international human

rights law, international refugee law, international criminal law, and the like. Victor Peskin

observes that the United Nations Security Council's ad hoc tribunals for the former Yugoslavia

and Rwanda continued to trump state sovereignty insofar as targeted states and all other UN

members were legally bound to comply. However, the development of international criminal

tribunals suggests a changing balance of tribunal authority and state sovereignty. He criticizes
55 | The Contemporary World
the next generation of war crimes tribunals as supporting the expansion of the influence of state

judicial actors as well as the strengthening of the doctrine of sovereignty.

The Rome statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) upholds the principle of

complementarities and recognizes that states do not have to collaborate with the court unless

they have ratified the statute. However, this is only part of the picture. The establishment of

special hybrid courts in Cambodia, East Timor, Lebanon, and Sierra Leone means that states no

longer see sovereign state law alone as a sufficient means of punishing serious war crimes. The

decisions of international judges and prosecutors now permeate and shape the domestic

criminal law of these countries. William Burke-White further asserts that the ICC has become

part of a system of multilevel global

governance through its alteration of state preferences and policies and its deterrence of future

crimes through judicial and prosecutorial pronouncements.

International law has evolved into a central framework for the emergent system of global

governance. This system supplies the normative mechanisms for the establishment of IGOs and

the facilitation of the international response to issues as diverse as nuclear proliferation, climate

change, ocean use, and the functioning of the world trade system. Alexandra Khrebtukova

insightfully points out, “[n]ational borders no longer confine the diverse views that prioritize

subjects of international law ... . different perspectives are often less identifiable with specific

states than with discrete branches of the law, each manifesting separate functional perceptions

of what that law should take as its primary focus.

A sovereign state and its laws are changing; they are transforming according to their relevance

to the international system. A state may, in some point in time, opt to comply with the

international and transnational standards. However, the adaptive power of the state law should

not be underestimated.

56 | The Contemporary World

Generally speaking, the laws that govern the sovereign state are strong and flexible enough to

endure the many challenges along the way. Even with globalization around, the laws are here to

stand firm on the political influence over the lives of sovereign state’s people and the majority of

peoples around the globe.



Guide Questions:

1. What are the characteristics of a sovereign state? Can you consider the

Philippines a sovereign state?

2. How does the international law affect the laws of the sovereign state?

3. Explain how the transnational actors influence global governance.

4. Does a sovereign state have to adhere to the international law?

5. Can a sovereign state ignore issues that are outside its boundaries? Why or

why not?

B. SMALL GROUP ACTIVITY. Research on the functions and roles of the United

Nations in relation to global governance. As much as possible, cite concrete

examples in which the UN has performed its functions in a global scale.


Choose any of the #GlobalIssues below. Express your viewpoints

regarding the topic you have chosen and write a position paper. Make

57 | The Contemporary World

sure to make a clear thesis statement in your introduction. The body of

discussion of the claims and the counterclaims. The conclusion of your paper

must provide suggested solutions or courses of actions to the topic.

#endpoverty, #warondrugs,#stopterrorism,#graftandcorruption,










the paper must clearly present the background information, the


58 | The Contemporary World











| The Contemporary World




The students are expected to:

• Define the term, ‘Global South’

• Differentiate the Global South from the third World

• Analyze how a new concept of global relations emerged from the experiences of Latin

American countries CONFIGURING

UN's Human Rights Chief Just

Went There on

Myanmar 'Seems like a

textbook example of

ethnic cleansing'

By John Johnson, Newser Staff

Posted Sep 12, 2017 12:10 PM


(NEWSER) - The top human rights

Myanmar’s Rohingya ethnic minority reach for food official for the UN has dropped a
distributed by volunteers in Bangladesh (AP
Photo/Bernat Armangue, File) damning charge on
Myanmar: "ethnic cleansing." Addressing the agency's Human Rights Council, Zeid Ra'ad Al

Hussein said that Myanmar will not allow investigators to fully assess what's happening to the

Muslim Rohingya community,"but the situation seems like a textbook example of ethnic

cleansing," per France 24. He's referring to the bloody crackdown by government forces against

militants in the western part of the country. The government of Aung San Suu Kyi swears troops

are going after only "terrorist" militants and doing their best to spare civilians, but members of the

60 | The Contemporary World

ethnic group fleeing the country tell a much different story of scorched villages of mass killings.

As of Tuesday, about 370,000 had crossed the border into Bangladesh.

On Monday, the US joined those criticizing the military operation. "The massive displacement

and victimization of people ... shows that Burmese security forces are not protecting civilians,"

said White House press chief Sarah Huckabee Sanders, per the Washington Times. And on

Tuesday, Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina visited refugees in makeshift camps and

implored Myanmar to allow them to return safely, reports the BBC. "Hundreds of years they are

staying there," she said. "How they can deny that they are not their citizens?" Myanmar, however,

got an important note of support from China, which said it backed the government's moves

toward "stability," per Reuters. Meanwhile, more than 400,000 people have signed a petition

seeking to have Suu Kyi's Nobel Peace Prize withdrawn. (A columnist wrote a prescient piece

back in 2014.)


1. Why do you think the UN Human Rights chief considers what happened to

Myanmar an ‘ethnic cleansing’?

2. Why had the members of Rohingya community crossed the borders of


3. What is your stand regarding the issue presented in the article?

4. Why do you think China is backing up the Burmese government?


61 | The Contemporary World


This map presents the literal division of the world - The Northern and the Southern
Hemispheres . Can you identify the differences between countries in the Global North and Global
Global North Global South

1. Home to all the members of G8 and to 1. Africa, Latin America

four of the five permanent members of

UN Security Council

2. United States, Canada, Western 2. Developing Asia, including

Europe Middle East

3.Developed parts of Asia Australia, and

4. New Zealand

Northern Hemisphere

Rich, Industrialized, Wealthy

Nations Democratic Capitalist Countries

Southern Hemisphere

Developing Nations Non -

Democratic Countries divide#/media/File:North South divide.svg

62 | The Contemporary World

Concepts of Global Relations

Major Premise

Y The underdevelopment of certain states/peoples and their lack of representations

in global political process is a reality


Y Imbalances of Aggregate economics and political power between states Interstate


Locating the Global South

By Lisandro Claudio

The Starbucks and the Shanty

Y There are markers of global interconnectedness, even global modernity

Y There are Starbucks branches in Melbourne and Manila, New York and New Delhi

Y All these branches look more or less the same

Y The sameness represents the cultural homogenization that many critics have associated

with globalization

■/ In Manila and New Delhi, there is a good chance that upon leaving the coffee

shop, you will meet a child beggar in tattered clothes or walk a block or two,

with your latte still hot, you will find a shanty town

■/ Spaces of affluence in the developing world may mirror the Global North

63 | The Contemporary World

■/ Spaces of underdevelopment in developed countries may mirror the poverty of

the Global South

■/ There is something more confronting about poverty in the global south, and the

north/south divide is as visible as the processes of globalization that

engender it

■/ The divide reminds us that globalization creates undersides Major Lenses:

International Relations

Globalism (Steger):

Global economic integration is not only inevitable given the rise of new technologies; it

is, more importantly, a normative international goal.

To not partake to globality is backwards

Civilization Discourse:

Dominant ideology of colonialism and the logic that shaped the birth of international


Modernization theory (Rostow):

64 | The Contemporary World

Outlined the historical progression terms of a society’s capacity to produce and

consume material goods



Guide Questions:

1. Going back to the article in Configuring, would you consider the problem presented a

challenge in the Global South?

2. What is a Global South? Can you name countries that you can consider part of the Global

3. What do you think is the difference between Global South and Third World?

4. Is Lisandro Cladio able to express his views about the Global North and the South suing

the Starbucks and the shanty? Why or why not?

5. Do you think there is a concrete example of the north and south divide in the

Philippines? Name one and explain.

6. Do you think those countries in the Global South can become members of the Global

North? Why do you say so?

B. GROUP REPORTING. Divide the class into groups with at least five (5)

members in each. Ask them to make a 10-minute presentation on the

contemporary foreign and economic policies of their assigned Latin

American countries.

Suggested countries:

Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, Chile,

Guatemala, Cuba, Haiti, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Paraguay, El

65 | The Contemporary World
Write a brief description/explanation in each of the following concepts:

1. Clash of Civilizations (Huntington



2. End of History (Fukuyama)


3. The Lexus (Friedman)

Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, etc.

66 | The Contemporary World



The students are expected to:

• Differentiate between regionalization and globalization

• Discuss the different features of globalization and Asian regionalism using the three views

• Analyze how the different Asian states confront the challenges of regionalization and


Trade War Looms as China Hits Back at Trump Tariffs

Beijing targets 3 biggest US imports

By Rob Quinn, Newser Staff

Posted Apr 4, 2018 6:12 AM CDT
Updated Apr 4, 2018 6:44 AM CDT

(NEWSER) - China says it doesn't want a trade war—but it's not going to back down if

President Trump starts one. After the Trump administration recommended new 25% tariffs on

$50 billion in Chinese goods Tuesday. Beijing hit back within hours with
its own proposed tariffs on 106 American products accounting for around $50 billion in trade,

raising fears of an all-out trade war between the world's two biggest economies, the New York

Times reports. The new categories of American goods that would face tariffs under the move

include aircraft, soybeans, and cars, which were last year's three biggest exports from the US to
67 | The Contemporary World
China, reports the Guardian. Other goods targeted include whisky, tobacco, cotton, wheat, and


As Asian markets tumbled, a Foreign Ministry spokesman in Beijing slammed Trump's approach

to trade issues. "Those who attempt to make China surrender through pressure or intimidation

have never succeeded before, and will not succeed now," said Geng Shuang. Sources tell the

Wall Street Journal that many of the 106 items on China's list, including sorghum and beef, were

included in an attempt to target states that voted for Trump. But both sides still have a chance to

back down from the brink of trade war. China hasn't said when its tariffs will take effect, and the

US tariffs are not due to take effect until May 11 at the earliest. (China announced new tariffs on

another 128 US products earlier this week.)


1. What is the implication of this news to the world market?

2. Why do you think the Trump administration recommended new 25 percent tariffs on

Chinese goods?
3. What is your opinion about China hitting back its proposed tariffs for 106 American


4. How does this trade war affect the global economy?

5. Does this war affect the Asian region? Why do you say so?

Towards Asian Regionalization

The center of gravity of the global economy is shifting to Asia. The region’s economy is already

similar in size to those of Europe and North America, and its influence in the world continues to

increase. In many Asian countries, the cycle of poverty has been broken; in others, this historic
68 | The Contemporary World
aim is within sight. Asia’s extraordinary success has brought new challenges—while rapid

economic growth remains a priority, citizens demand that it also be sustainable and more

inclusive. AndAsia is now so important to the world economy that it must also play a larger role in

global economic leadership. Regional economic cooperation is essential for addressing these

challenges. Asia’s economic rise is unprecedented. The region is home toover half the world’s

population, produces three tenths of global output (in terms of purchasing power), and

consistently records the world’s highest economic growth rates. The Asian “miracle” (World Bank

1993) did not end with the 1997/98 financial crisis a decade ago; for some countries, it marked

the beginning of renewed acceleration.

The question is no longer whether Asia will be central to the 21 st century economy, but

rather how it will exercise its prominent role and how its dependence on the rest of the world has


Regionalism is a relatively new aspect of Asia’s rise.Asia’s economies are increasingly

connected through trade, financial transactions, direct investment, technology, labor and tourist flows,

and other economic relationships.

Asian economies are principally connected through markets— but where markets lead,

governments are following. Asian leaders have committed to work together more closely and have

already taken concrete steps in some areas. The 1997/98 financial crisis, in particular, was an

important catalyst for this new regionalism and gave rise to a range of new initiatives. These have not

sought to replicate the institutions of the European Union (EU), but have rather focused on finding

new and flexible forms of cooperation that reflect the region’s diversity and pragmatism nor are Asia’s

regional initiatives intended to replace global relationships, but rather to complement them. It is not a

matter of pulling up the drawbridge, but of building bridges that connect Asian economies together as

well as to the rest of the world.

69 | The Contemporary World

The stakes could not be higher. A dynamic and outward-looking Asian regionalism could

bring huge benefits not just to Asia, but to the world. It could help sustain the region’s growth,

■ / link the competitive strengths of its diverse economies in order to boost their productivity and

sustain the region’s exceptional growth ;

■ / connect the region’s capital markets to enhance financial stability, reduce the cost of capital,

and improve opportunities for sharing risks ;

■ / cooperate in setting exchange rate and macroeconomic policies in order to minimize the

effects of global and regional shocks and to facilitate the resolution of global imbalances ;

■ / pool the region’s foreign exchange reserves to make more resources available for

investment and development ;

■ / exercise leadership in global decision making to sustain the open global trade and financial

systems that have supported a half century of unparalleled economic development ;

■ / build connected infrastructure and collaborate on inclusive development to reduce

inequalities within and across economies and thus to strengthen support for pro -growth

policies ; and

■ / create regional mechanisms to manage cross -border health, safety, and environmental

issues better .

How can Asian regionalism benefit the world?

underpin its stability, and—with the right policies—reduce inequality. And it could help marshal a

common response to major new challenges that often arise suddenly and unexpectedly.

How can regionalism benefit Asia?

70 | The Contemporary World

■/ generate productivity gains, new ideas, and competition that boost economic growth and raise

incomes across the world;

■/ contribute to the efficiency and stability of global financial markets by making Asian capital

markets stronger and safer, and by maximizing the productive use of Asian


■/ diversify sources of global demand, helping to stabilize the world economy and diminish

the risks posed by global imbalances and downturns in other major economies;

■/ provide leadership to help sustain open global trade and financial systems; and ■/ create

regional mechanisms to manage health, safety, and environmental issues better, and thus

contribute to more effective global solutions of these problems.

While Asian regionalism is primarily motivated by the desire to advance welfare in the

region, it would not do so by detracting from development elsewhere. On the contrary,

Asian regionalism can help to sustain global economic progress at a time when other

major regions are reaching economic maturity.

The economics of Asian regionalism

The economics of regionalism have a complex and troubled history. In the 1930s, countries

created preferential trade blocs in an attempt to shelter their economies from the Great

Depression. Several countries established discriminatory currency blocs with strict

exchange controls against outsiders. Far from helping, these arrangements led to the

collapse of international trade and financial flows, accelerating the downward spiral of

economic activity. This experience was foremost in the mind of

the architects of the post-war global economic system as they adopted the principle of

nondiscrimination as a central pillar of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the

forerunner of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Many economists and policy makers remain

71 | The Contemporary World

skeptical about regionalism because of its potentially negative impact on the multilateral trade

and financial system.

The case for regionalism therefore has to be carefully formulated. Regionalism must not lead to

protectionist blocs—a “fortress Asia” is no more desirable than a “fortress Europe” or a “fortress

North America” would be. But the open, outward-oriented regionalism that is emerging in Asia

can avoid posing such a threat. Just as the absence of barriers to commerce within national

economies—that is, among the states and provinces of countries such as the People’s Republic

of China (PRC), India, Germany,and the United States (US)—is generally beneficial, so too is the

creation of a market spanning several national economies. Much of the evidence assembled in

this report suggests that Asia has—and will continue to have—a fundamental stake in both

regional and global integration.

Asia comprises several powerful countries and centers of economic activity, with many shared

economic priorities, but also some diverging ones. At times, these differences are amplified by

history and politics. The price of cooperation is the loss of some national sovereignty and the

narrowing of policy options for pursuing purely national objectives.



1. What is the difference between regionalism and globalization? How does the former

affect the latter?


2. Do you really think regionalization can benefit Asia and the world? Prove your

72 | The Contemporary World


3. Does Asia’s economic interdependence do more good or harm? Explain your answer.

4. What do you think is the challenge of Asian regionalism? Why do you say so?


5. What do you think are the contributions of the Philippines towards the

______________________________________________ regiona
lization of Asia?


B. GROUP REPORTING. With the same groupings, students have to prepare a

10-minute presentation on the contemporary foreign and economic policies

of an Asian nation assigned by the teacher.

73 | The Contemporary World

INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY. You need to establish the relationship between regionalization and

globalization of your assigned Asian nation using the three views of existentialist,

generative and alternative.

Globalization Views on Globalization and Asian Regionalism Asian


Generative Alternative


74 | The Contemporary World




The students are expected to:

• Discuss how various media drives affect global


• Enumerate the advantages of local and global media in creating a global village

• Appreciate the dynamics between local and global cultural production by creating a slogan
75 | The Contemporary World
or info graphics



1. What does the info graphics reveal?

2. Do you think the trend can be avoided? Why or why not?

3. What is the implication of the info graphics to the world economy?

4. Would you consider the facts presented in the info graphics related to


5. How do the specific brands affect the culture of the people around the

globe? Within their country?


Globalization and Media

Cultural Imperialism and the Global Media Debate

76 | The Contemporary World

In international communication theory and research, cultural imperialism theory argued that

audiences across the globe are heavily affected by media messages emanating from the

Western industrialized countries. Although there are minor differences between "media

imperialism" and "cultural imperialism," most of the literature in international communication

treats the former as a category of the latter. Grounded in an understanding of media as cultural

industries, cultural imperialism is firmly rooted in a political-economy perspective on international

communication. As a

school of thought, political economy focuses on material issues such as capital, infrastructure, and

political control as key determinants of international communication processes and effects.

In the early stage of cultural imperialism, researchers focused their efforts mostly on nationstates

as primary actors in international relations. They imputed rich, industrialized, and Western nation-

states with intentions and actions by which they export their cultural products and impose their

sociocultural values on poorer and weaker nations in the developing world. This argument was

supported by a number of studies demonstrating that the flow of news and entertainment was

biased in favor of industrialized countries. This bias was clear both in terms of quantity, because

most media flows were exported by Western countries and imported by developing nations, and

in terms of quality, because developing nations received scant and prejudicial coverage in

Western media.

These concerns led to the rise of the New World Information Order (NWIO) debate, later known

as the New World Information and Communication Order (NWICO) debate. Although the debate

at first was concerned with news flows between the north and the south, it soon evolved to

include all international media flows. This was due to the fact that inequality existed in news and

entertainment programs alike, and to the advent of then-new media technologies such as

communication satellites, which made the international media landscape more complex and

therefore widened the scope of the debate about international flows.

The global media debate was launched during the 1973 General Conference of the

77 | The Contemporary World

United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Nairobi, Kenya.

As a specialized agency of the United Nations, the mission of UNESCO includes issues of

communication and culture. During the conference, strong differences arose between Western

industrialized nations and developing countries. Led by the United States, the first group insisted

on the "free flow of information" doctrine, advocating "free trade" in information and media

programs without any restrictions. The second group, concerned by the lack of balance in

international media flows, accused Western countries of invoking the free flow of information

ideology to justify their economic and cultural domination. They argued instead for a "free and

balanced flow" of information. The chasm between the two groups was too wide to be

reconciled. This eventually was one of the major reasons given for withdrawal from UNESCO by

the United States and the United Kingdom-which resulted in the de facto fall of the global media


A second stage of research identified with cultural imperialism has been associated with

calls to revive the New World Information and Communication Order debate. What

differentiates this line of research from earlier cultural imperialism formulations is its emphasis

on the commercialization of the sphere of culture. Research into this area had been a hallmark

of cultural imperialism research, but now there is a deliberate focus on transnational

corporations as actors, as opposed to nation-states, and on transnational capital flows, as

opposed to image flows. Obviously, it is hard to

separate the power of transnational corporations from that of nation-states, and it is difficult to

78 | The Contemporary World

cohesion and local reactions of dispersal. In this complex era, the nation-state is no longer the

sale or dominant player, since transnational transactions occur on sub national, national, and


levels. Conceptually, globalization appears to capture this complexity better than cultural

imperialism. Second, according to John Tomlinson (1991), globalization replaced cultural

79 | The Contemporary World
imperialism because it conveys a process with less coherence and direction, which will weaken

the cultural unity of all nation-states, not only those in the developing world. Finally, globalization

has emerged as a key perspective across the humanities and social sciences, a current

undoubtedly affecting the discipline of communication.

In fact, the globalization of culture has become a conceptual magnet attracting research and

theorizing efforts from a variety of disciplines and interdisciplinary formations such as

anthropology, comparative literature, cultural studies, communication and media studies,

geography, and sociology. International communication has been an active interlocutor in this

debate because media and information technologies play an important role in the process of

globalization. Although the media are undeniably one of the engines of cultural globalization, the

size and intensity of the effect of the media on the globalization of culture is a contested issue

revolving around the following question: Did the mass media trigger and create the globalization

of culture? Or is the globalization of culture an old phenomenon that has only been intensified

and made more obvious with the advent of transnational media technologies? Like the age-old

question about whether the egg came before the chicken or vice versa, the question about the

relationship between media and the globalization of culture is difficult to answer.

One perspective on the globalization of culture, somewhat reminiscent of cultural

imperialism in terms of the nature of the effect of media on culture, but somewhat different in its

conceptualization of the issue, is the view that the media contribute to the homogenization of

cultural differences across the planet. This view dominates conventional wisdom perspectives on

cultural globalization conjuring up images of Planet Hollywood and the MTV generation. One of

the most visible proponents of this perspective is political scientist Benjamin Barber, who

formulated his theory about the globalization of culture in the book Jihad vs. McWorld (1996).

The subtitle, "How Globalism and Tribalism Are Reshaping the World," betrays Barber's reliance

on a binary opposition between the forces of modernity and liberal democracy with tradition and

80 | The Contemporary World
Although Barber rightly points to transnational capitalism as the driving engine that

brings Jihad and McWorld in contact and motivates their action, his model has two limitations.

First, it is based on a binary opposition between Jihad, what he refers to as ethnic and religious

tribalism, and McWorld, the capital-driven West. Barber (1996, p. 157) seemingly attempts to go

beyond this binary opposition in a chapter titled “Jihad Via McWorld," in which he argues that

Jihad stands in "less of a stark opposition than a subtle counterpoint." However, the evidence

offered in most of the book supports an oppositional rather than a contrapuntal perspective on

the globalization of culture. The second limitation of Barber's book is that he privileges the global

over the local, because, according to him, globalization rules via transnational capitalism. "[T]o


that globalization and indigenization are entirely coequal forces that put Jihad and McWorld on

an equal footing is to vastly underestimate the force of the new planetary markets .... It's no

contest" (p. 12). Although it would be naive to argue that the local defeats the global, Barber's

argument does not take into account the dynamic and resilient nature of cultures and their ability

to negotiate foreign imports.

Another perspective on globalization is cultural hybridity or hybridization. This view privileges an

understanding of the interface of globalization and localization as a dynamic process and hybrid

product of mixed traditions and cultural forms. As such, this perspective does not give

prominence to globalization as a homogenizing force, nor does it believe in localization as a

resistive process opposed to globalization. Rather, hybridization advocates an emphasis on

processes of mediation that it views as central to cultural globalization. The concept of

hybridization is the product of interdisciplinary work mostly based in intellectual projects such as

post colonialism, cultural studies, and performance studies. Hybridization has been used in

communication and media studies and appears to be a productive theoretical orientation as

researchers in international media studies attempt to grasp the complex subtleties of the

globalization of culture.

81 | The Contemporary World

One of the most influential voices in the debate about cultural hybridity is Argentinean Mexican

cultural critic Nestor Garcia-Candini. In his book Hybrid Cultures (1995), Garcia-Candini

advocates a theoretical understanding of Latin American nations as hybrid cultures. His analysis

is both broad and incisive, covering a variety of

cultural processes and institutions such as museums, television, film, universities, political

cartoons, graffiti, and visual arts. According to Garcia-Candini, there are three main features of

cultural hybridity. The first feature consists of mixing previously separate cultural systems, such

as mixing the elite art of opera with popular music. The second feature of hybridity is the

deterritorialization of cultural processes from their original physical environment to new and

foreign contexts. Third, cultural hybridity entails impure cultural genres that are formed out of the

mixture of several cultural domains. An example of these impure genres is when artisans in rural

Mexico weave tapestries of masterpieces of European painters such as Joan Mira and Henri

Matisse, mixing high art and folk artisanship into an impure genre.

In media and communication research, the main question is "Have transnational media made

cultures across the globe hybrid by bringing into their midst foreign cultural elements, or have

cultures always been to some extent hybrid, meaning that transnational mass media only

strengthened an already-existing condition?" There is no obvious or final answer to that question,

because there is not enough empirical research about media and hybridity and because of the

theoretical complexity of the issue. What does exist in terms of theoretical understanding and

research results points to a middle ground? This position acknowledges that cultures have been

in contact for a long time through warfare, trade, migration, and slavery. Therefore, a degree of

hybridization in all cultures can be assumed. At the same time, this middle ground also

recognizes that global media and information technologies have substantially increased

82 | The Contemporary World

contacts between cultures, both in terms of intensity and of the speed with which these contacts


Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that transnational mass media intensify the hybridity that is

already in existence in cultures across the globe. Consequently, the globalization of culture

through the media is not a process of complete homogenization, but rather one where cohesion

and fragmentation coexist.

Source: Kraidy, M. (2002). Globalization of culture through the media. In J. R. Schement

(Ed.),Encyclopedia of communication and information (Vol. 2, pp. 359-363).

New York, NY: Macmillan Reference USA. Retrieved from

papers/325 .

83 | The Contemporary World


A. INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY. From the journal article above, you need to construct a

slogan, poster, or info graphics highlighting your valueladen reflection from the


B. DYADIC ACTIVITY. Identify and enumerate the advantages of local and global media in
the creation of a global village using the matrix below.
Local and Global Media Advantages

84 | The Contemporary World


INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY. Research one Asian act that became internationally famous. Answer the

following questions in a short bond paper. Each question is given ten (10) points. Below is the

rubric for rating your essay.


1. Where did the musical act/artist originate?

2. In which countries did the act/artist become famous?

3. How did the act become famous?

85 | The Contemporary World

4. Why do you think the act/artist became famous?

86 | The Contemporary World



The students are expected to:

• Discuss the significance of religion in one’s life

• Explain how globalization affects religious practices and


• Analyze the relationship between religion and global conflict, and conversely, global peace


Timeline: the Rise, Spread and Fall of the Islamic State

By Cameron Glenn Jul 5, 2016
Retrieved: https://www.wilsoncenter.ora/article/timeline-the-rise-spread-and-fall-

The Islamic State - also known as ISIS, ISIL, or Daesh - emerged from the remnants of al

Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), a local offshoot of al Qaeda founded by Abu Musab al Zarqawi in

2004. It faded into obscurity for several years after the surge of U.S. troops to Iraq in

2007. But it began to reemerge in 2011. Over the next few years, it took advantage of

growing instability in Iraq and Syria to carry out attacks and bolster its ranks.

87 | The Contemporary World

The group changed its name to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in 2013. ISIS

By December 2017, the ISIS caliphate had lost 95 percent of its territory, including its

two biggest properties, Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, and the northern Syrian city of Raqqa,

its nominal capital. The Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al Abadi

declared victory over the Islamic State in Iraq on December 9, 2017. But ISIS was still inspiring

and carrying out attacks all over the world, including New York City.
88 | The Contemporary World

1. Why do you think The Islamic State exists?

2. What is your idea about the ISIS’s formation of caliphate?

3. Do you think the US campaign, “Operation Inherent Resolve”, became successful? Why or

why not?

4. What is your view regarding the information presented in paragraph 4?

5. Do you think the fall of ISIS will do something good around the globe?

6. Would you consider the rise of ISIS a threat to global peace?

Religion in the New Global War

Mark Juergensmeyer

When Mohammed Atta boarded the airline on September 11,2001 that soon thereafter slammed

into the World Trade Center towers, he left behind a manual of instruction. Apparently prepared by

his colleagues in the al Qaeda network, it instructed him and his fellow activists how to behave and

what to do in preparation for their fateful act. What is interesting about this document is not only

the text, but the subtext. Lying

beneath the pious rhetoric of the manual and its eerie ties to the World Trade Center tragedy are

hints about the perplexing issue of the role of religion in the contemporary world, and answers to

the persistent question, how could religion be related to such vicious acts of political violence?

The common sense way of putting this question about the September 11 attack and all of the

other recent acts of religious terrorism is “what’s religion got to do with it?”

89 | The Contemporary World

The common sense answers to this question are varied, and they are contradictory. On the one

hand some political leaders—along with many scholars of comparative religion—have assured

us that religion has had nothing to do with these vicious acts, and that religion’s innocent images

have been used in perverse ways by evil and essentially irreligious political actors. On the other

hand, there are the radio talk show hosts and even a few social scientists who affirm that

religion, especially Islam, has had everything to do with it—and not just ordinary religion, but a

perverse strain of fundamentalism that has infected normal religion and caused it to go bad.

The Role of Religion

What is odd about this new global war is not only the difficulty in defining it and the non-state,

transnational character of the opposition, but also the opponents' ascription to ideologies based

on religion. The tradition of secular politics from the time of the Enlightenment has comfortably

ignored religion, marginalized its role in public life, and frequently co-opted it for its own civil

religion of public religiosity. No one in the

secular world could have predicted that the first confrontations of the 21st century would involve, of all

things, religion-secularism's old, long banished foe.

Religious activists are puzzling anomalies in the secular world. Most religious people and their

organizations are either firmly supportive of the secular state or quiescently uninterested in it.

Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network, like most of the new religious activists, comprise a small

group at the extreme end of a hostile subculture that itself is a small minority within the larger world

of their religious cultures. Osama bin Laden is no more representative of Islam than Timothy

McVeigh is of Christianity, or Japan's Shoko Asahara is of Buddhism.

Still one cannot deny that the ideals and ideas of activists like bin Laden are authentically and

thoroughly religious and could conceivably become popular among their religious compatriots. The

authority of religion has given bin Laden's cadres the moral legitimacy of employing violence in their

assault on the very symbol of global economic power. It has also provided the metaphor of cosmic

90 | The Contemporary World

war, an image of spiritual struggle that every religion has within its repository of symbols--the fight

between good and bad, truth and evil. In this sense, then, the attack on the World Trade Center was

very religious. It was meant to be catastrophic, an act of biblical proportions.

Though the World T rade Center assault and many other recent acts of religious terrorism have no

obvious military goal, they are meant to make a powerful impact on the public consciousness.

These are acts meant for television. They are a kind of perverse performance of power meant to

ennoble the perpetrators' views of the world

and to draw us into their notions of cosmic war. In my comparative study of cases of religious

terrorism around the world I have found a strikingly familiar pattern. In all of these cases,

concepts of cosmic war are accompanied by strong claims of moral justification and an enduring

absolutism that transforms worldly struggles into sacred battles. It is not so much that religion

has become politicized, but that politics have become religionized. Worldly struggles have been

lifted into the high proscenium of sacred battle.

Global War

The September 11 attack and many other recent acts of religious terrorism are skirmishes in

what their perpetrators conceive to be a global war. This battle is global in three senses. The

choices of targets have often been transnational. The World Trade Center employees killed in

the September 11 assault were citizens of 86 nations. The network of perpetrators was also

transnational: the al Qaeda network that was implicated in the attack--though consisting mostly

of Saudis--is also actively supported by Pakistanis, Egyptians, Palestinians, Sudanese,

Algerians, Indonesians, Malaysians, Filipinos, and a smattering of British, French, Germans,

Spanish and Americans. The incident was global in its impact, in large part because of the

worldwide and instantaneous coverage of transnational news media. This has been terrorism

meant not only for television but for global news networks such as CNN--and especially for al

Jazeera, the Qatar based news channel that beams its talk-show format throughout the Middle

91 | The Contemporary World

East. Increasingly terrorism has been performed for a televised audience
around the world. In that sense it has been as real a global event as the transnational activities

Such religious warfare not only gives individuals who have engaged in it the illusion of

empowerment, it also gives religious organizations and ideas a public

92 | The Contemporary World

attention and importance that they have not enjoyed for many years. In modern America and

Europe, the warfare has given religion a prominence in public life that it has not held since

before the Enlightenment, more than two centuries ago.

Although each of the violent religious movements around the world has its own distinctive

culture and history, I have found that they have three things in common regarding their attitudes

towards religion in society. First, they reject the compromises with liberal values and secular

institutions that most mainstream religion has made, be it Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh

or Buddhist. Second, radical religious movements refuse to observe the boundaries that secular

society has set around religion-keeping it private rather than allowing it to intrude into public

spaces. And third, these movements try to create a new form of religiosity that rejects what they

regard as weak modern substitutes for the more vibrant and demanding forms of religion that

they imagine to be essential to their religion's origins.

(Retrieved from: juergensmeyer.pdf. )

Beyond the Secularization Debate

■/ There is a discontinuity between research agenda that focus on secularization and


■/ Social Scientists have debated the scope, nature, extent and parameters of secularization in an

effort to unveil the overall patterns and/or trajectories of the modern world.

■/ Initially, secularization had a strong following but eventually it was superseded by


■/ Various debates lead to re-appraisal.

■/ Secularization debates have been reframed.

93 | The Contemporary World

■/ Secularization is understood as a shift in the overall frameworks of human condition; it

makes it possible for people to have a choice between belief and non-belief in a

manner hitherto unknown.

Transnational Religion and Multiple Glocalizations

■/ Migration of faiths across the globe has been a major feature of the world throughout the

20th century.

■/ Transnational religion emerged through the post-World War II.

■/ Two distinct blends of religious universalism and local particularism.

■/ It is possible for religious universalism to gain the upper hand, whereby religion becomes

the central reference for immigrants. Religion transnationalism-“religion going global”.

■/ It is possible for local ethnic or national particularism to gain or maintain the most important

place for local immigrant communities.

Religion in Global Conflict

■/ Religious ideas, values, symbols and rites relate to deep issues of existence; it should not

be surprising when religion enters the picture in times of crisis.

■/ The ere of globalization brought with it three (3) enormous problems, namely:

• Identity

• Accountability

• Security

Religion provides answer to these concerns:

■/ It provides a sense of identity

94 | The Contemporary World

■/ Traditional religious leadership provides a sense of accountability ■/ Religion offers a sense

of security


SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION. Discuss the content of the journal, “Religion in the New Global

War.” You may use the guide questions below.

1.Is your religion significant to your life? Why or why not?

2.What is the role of religion in solving global conflict?

3.Does religion play significantly in attaining global peace?

4.Do you think globalization affects religious practices? Cite concrete examples to show that

religious beliefs are influenced by globalization.

5.What can you do to stop global terrorism?

6.Explain the three things common regarding attitude towards religion in the society.

7.Do our religious beliefs create division and country in the country and the globe at large?

C. INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY. Express your understanding about this phrase in an

illustration, “UNITY in DIVERSITY” showing the interconnectedness of globalization and


95 | The Contemporary World


Watch the film, “The Rise of ISIS” (http://ww w.pbs.orq/wqbh/frontline/film/riseo f-isis/). Write a

film review or reaction paper with the aid of the guide questions. Properly cite references when

you use facts and opinions that support your claims.

1. What is your general impression of the film?

2. What is the general storyline of the movie?

3. Who are the actors who play major characters?

4. What are the strengths of the film? What about the weaknesses? What evidences prove

these in relation to your opening paragraph.

5. What is your final message to the audience in relation to your introduction?

96 | The Contemporary World



The students are expected to:

• Identify the attributes of a global city

• Analyze how cities serve as engines of globalization


Given the global competition between cities, the Global Power City Index (GPCI) evaluates and

ranks the major cities of the world according to their “magnetism,” or their comprehensive power

to attract creative people and business enterprises from around the world.

Considering that the comprehensive power sought by each city fluctuates in accordance with

economic and social changes, the GPCI has continually strived to improve its findings by revising

its indicators and methods of data collection. The GPCI-2017 has endeavored to obtain more

reliable and highly objective data for a number of indicators, while adding new data that suitably

reflect current conditions, such as the advancement of women in society, ICT infrastructure, and

risks to mental health. The breadth of the GPCI has also been expanded this year to encompass

44 cities - the

new cities being Dubai, the center of trade and commerce in the Middle East, and Buenos

Aires, one of the major cities in South America.

The GPCI is now in its tenth year of publication following its initial release in 2008. During this

decade long period, the world has seen financial crises, large scale natural disasters, a
97 | The Contemporary World
growing population that now exceeds seven billion, and technological advancements that

have brought us the smart phone and other devices. The urban environments that envelop

cities have also changed dramatically, and as if responding to such changes, cities around the

world have seen their urban power affected relative to the global context. The Mori Memorial

Foundation’s Institute for Urban Strategies has continued to follow this evolution of urban

power over the past decade.

The research results of the past 10 years should serve as valuable data to help us

understand the challenges faced by cities around the world, as well as what makes them

appealing. We hope that the GPCI can assist many people in the formulation of urban policies

and corporate strategies.

Retrieved from: http://mori-m-foundation.or.ip/pdf/GPCI2017 en.pdf.


1. Why do you think the cities around the world have to be ranked?

2. Do you think cities around the world affect the global trends such as the value of

ideas and collaboration, connectivity, entrepreneurial spirit, and economic


3. What do you think are the challenges faced by the cities around the globe?

4. Name a city in the country and say something about its development ad

contribution to nation-building.


What is a Global City?

Global City
98 | The Contemporary World
S The idea emerged in the social science literature in the 1980’s, shortly after the concept of


S It has a central place in understanding contemporary spatial patterns of globalization

S It is the main physical and geographic playground of the globalizing forces

S The global flows of people, capital and ideas are woven into the daily lived experiences of its


■/ It means power, sophistication, wealth, and influence.

■/ The ideas and values of the metropolis shape the world.

■/ Embodies both the good and the bad effects of globalization.

■/ The global city transcends boundaries of nation-states

■/ According to Sassen (1991), global cities are characterized by occupational and income

polarization, with the highly paid professional class on the one end and providers of

low-paid services on the other.

■/ The lifestyle and needs of the well-off professional classes bring into the global city an

army of low-paid workers who deliver personal and labor-intensive services like

cleaning, child-care, delivery, restaurants and eateries, catering, maintenance,

transport, hotels, domestic help and retail.

■/ Sassen (2005) introduces global cities as global command centers of the world economy.


■/ It is the phenomenon most readily associated with the global city.

Large, diverse cities attract people, material and cultural products from all over the world.

■/ The idea of cosmopolitanism invokes pleasant images of travel, exploration, and ‘worldly’

pursuits enjoyed by those who have benefited from globalization

99 | The Contemporary World

S Everyday life is significantly shaped by commercial culture, retail and shopping as well as

cross cultural variety of food, fashion, entertainment and various other consumables

and artifacts.

S Consumption is costly in resources S Networks and groups rely on geographic proximity

Global Cities are livable cities because:

• They provide jobs that pay an adequate wage

• They provide basic services, including safe water and adequate sanitation

• They are void of discriminatory practices

• People have access to educational opportunities and health care

• People are not at risk of forced eviction

• People enjoy security of tenure in affordable housing

• People live in communities that are safe and environment that are clean

• The cities are governed through inclusive local democratic processes

Japanese Mori Foundation’sGlobal Power City Index

It measures the global power of cities using the combination of six (6) criteria: S Economy

S Research and Development

100 | The Contemporary World

Cultural Interaction



Features of The Global Power City Index (GPCI)

1. As opposed to limiting the ranking to particular areas of research such as “Finance” and

“Livability,” the GPCI focuses on a wide variety of functions in order to assess and rank the

global potential and comprehensive power of a city.

2. 44 of the world’s leading cities were selected and their global comprehensive power

evaluated based on the following viewpoints: six main functions representing city strength

(Economy, Research and Development, Cultural Interaction, Livability, Environment, and

Accessibility), and five global actors who lead the urban activities in their cities (Manager,

Researcher, Artist, Visitor, and Resident), thus providing an all-encompassing view of the cities.

3. The GPCI reveals the strengths and weaknesses of each city and at the same time

uncovers problems that need to be overcome.

4. This ranking has been produced with the involvement of the late Sir Peter Hall, a global

authority in urban studies, as well as other academics in this field. It has been peer reviewed by

third parties, all international experts from both the public and private sectors.

Key Findings of the GPCI-2017

GPCI-2017 Characteristics

101 | The Contemporary World

■/ In the GPCI-2017 comprehensive ranking, the top five cities of London (No. 1), New York (No.

2), Tokyo (No. 3), Paris (No. 4), and Singapore (No. 5) all maintain their respective positions from

last year. These cities have remained in the top 5 for nine consecutive years.

■/ Sydney (No. 10) climbs four spots this year to edge its way into the top 10 for the first time in

seven years. Cities such as Los Angeles (No. 11), Beijing (No. 13), and San Francisco (No. 17)

also largely improve their rankings from last year.

■/ By region, the European cities on the whole score highly in Livability and Environment. The

cities of Asia, which rank highly overall, earn strong scores in Economy.

Trends for the Top 3 Cities

■/ London, the No. 1 city in the comprehensive ranking for the sixth year in a row, further extends

its lead over the competition by improving its scores for such indicators as GDP Growth

Rate and Level of Political, Economic and Business Risk in Economy, and for Attractiveness of

Dining Options and Number of Visitors from Abroad in Cultural Interaction.

■/ New York (No. 2) increases its scores for the Economy indicators of Nominal GDP and GDP

Growth Rate, but fails to make any significant headway in

comprehensive score, having returned weaker scores this year in Cultural Interaction

indicators such as Number of World-Class Cultural Events Held and Livability

indicators like Variety of Retail Shops .

■/ Tokyo claimed the No. 3 ranking for the first time last year and closes the gap on

New York (No. 2) this year. This is a result of the American city’s score stalling while

Tokyo continues to improve every year in the Cultural Interaction indicator of Number

of Visitors from Abroad . However, Japan’s capital city slips from No. 1 to No. 4 in

Economy due to weaker scores in “Market Size” and “Market Attractiveness.”

Results for New Cities in GPCI-2017

102 | The Contemporary World

■/ Dubai and Buenos Aires make their first-ever appearances in the GPCI in 2017 with

respective comprehensive rankings of No. 23 and No. 40.

■/ Dubai boasts strengths in Cultural Interaction (No. 9) and Economy (No. 11) mainly

thanks to strong evaluations for Corporate Tax Rate in Economy, and Number of

Luxury Hotel Guest Rooms in Cultural Interaction.

(Source: Global Power City Index 2017. Retrieved from: Error! Hyperlink reference not valid..)
Downsides of the Global City

• High costs

• Alienation

• Impersonality

• Social isolation

• Discrimination against migrants of certain kinds Key


• Diversity and community

• Mobility and community


A. ESSAY WRITING. Answer the following questions intelligently.

1. Why do you think global cities are considered ‘global’?

103 | The Contemporary World

2. Enumerate and explain the various attributes of a global city.


3. In what manner/ways do global cities manifest global processes?


4. Would you consider global cities as engines of globalization? Support your answer

_______________________________________________ with
some contemporary examples.


5. Does the Philippines have a global city? Name the city and explain why.

104 | The Contemporary World

B. GROUP REPORTING. With the same groupings, you have to prepare a 10-minute

presentation on an assigned global city to discuss and research on. Your reports

should answer the following questions:

1. How would you describe your city?

2. What is your city known for?

3. What makes your city a global city?

4. What is its ranking in the Mori’s GPCI 2017?

Suggested Cities:

Jakarta, Bangkok, Taipei, Beijing Los Angeles, San Francisco, Toronto, Chicago,

Boston Copenhagen, Brussels, Madrid, Milan, Barcelona Istanbul, Geneva, Kuala

Lumpur, Mumbai, Mexico City


Journal Writing: Write a short reflection about the topic discussed.


105 | The Contemporary World



The students are expected to:

Explain the theory of demographic transition as it

affects population


Shanghai Will Allow Only 800K More to Live There Chinese city will cap its

permanent population at 25M

By John Johnson, Newser Staff Posted Dec 26, 2017 8:03 AM CST

(Newser) - Anyone interested in moving to Shanghai better not dawdle. The Chinese economic

hub currently has a population of 24.2 million, and authorities just put a plan in place to cap the

permanent population at 25 million, reports Reuters. The idea behind the newly adopted master

plan through 2035 is to curb the maladies common to major cities such as environmental

pollution, gridlock traffic, and a decline

in the quality of public services such as medical care and education. The State Council, which

refers to all of the above as "big city disease," also will limit the amount of land made available

for development in the coming years.

A research fellow at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences predicts that the poor will bear

the brunt of the new population limit the most because the government will begin tearing down

cheap housing now in existence, per the Global Times. Imposing such a limit, he warns, is

"unpractical and against the social development trend." China similarly hopes to cap the

106 | The Contemporary World

population of Beijing at 23 million by 2020, notes the Guardian. Already, plans were in the works

to move government offices out of Beijing to a new city being built about 50 miles to the south.


1. What is the news article all about?

2. Why do you think Shanghai city is limiting its population to 25M only?

3. Is China’s way of limiting the people in the city and the land made available for development

reasonable? Why or why not?

4. What is the implication of this news to the global population?

5. Can we also do the same thing here in the Philippines? Explain your answer.

The Demographic Transition: Three Centuries of Fundamental Change

By Ronald Lee
(Retrieved from: 2003.pdf. )

Before the start of the demographic transition, life was short, births were many, growth was

slow and the population was young. During the transition, Z mortality and then fertility

declined, causing population growth rates first to accelerate and then to slow again,

moving toward low fertility, long life and an old population. The transition began around

1800 with declining mortality in Europe. It has now spread to all parts of the world and is

projected to be completed by 2100. This global demographic transition has brought

momentous changes, reshaping the economic and demographic life cycles of individuals

and restructuring populations. Since 1800, global population size has already increased by

a factor of six and by 2100 will have risen by a factor of ten. There will then be 50 times as

many elderly, but only five times as many children; thus, the ratio of elders to children will
107 | The Contemporary World
have risen by a factor of ten. The length of life, which has already more than doubled, will

have tripled, while births per woman will have dropped from six to two. In 1800, women

spent about 70 percent of their adult years bearing and rearing young children, but that

fraction has decreased in many parts of the world to only about 14 percent, due to

lower fertility and longer life.

108 | The Contemporary World

and degenerative diseases, notably heart disease and cancer (Riley, 2001). ■/ In the

later part of the century, publicly organized and funded biomedical research has played
Mortality Declines

■ / The world’s demographic transition started in northwest Europe, where mortality began a

secular decline around 1800 .

■ / The first stage of mortality decline is due to reductions in contagious and infectious

diseases by air or water .

■ / Preventive medicine, small pox vaccine, played significantly in the mortality decline in

the eighteenth century .

■ / Improved personal hygiene also helped as income rose .

■ / The gem theory of diseases became more widely known and accepted .

■ / Another major factor in the early phases of growing life expectancy is improvement in

nutrition .

■ / Famine mortality was reduced by improvements in storage and transportation Secular

increases in incomes led to improved nutrition in childhood and throughout life

■ / Life expectancy is positively associated with height in the industrial country populations

(Fogel, 1994 ; Barker, 1992 .)

■ / In recent decades, the continuing reduction in mortality is due to reductions in chronic

an increasingly important part, and the human genome project and stem cell research

promise future gains.

■/ In India, life expectancy rose from around 24 years in 1920 to 62 years today, a gain of

109 | The Contemporary World

.48 years per calendar year over 80 years. In China, life expectancy rose from 41 in

1950-1955 to 70 in 1995-1999, a gain of .65 years per year over 45 years.

■/ On the optimistic side, Oeppen and Vaupel (2002) offer a remarkable graph that plots the

highest national female life expectancy attained for each calendar year from 1840 to


■/ The points fall close to a straight line, starting at 45 years in Sweden and ending at 85

years in Japan, with a slope of 2.4 years per decade. If we boldly extend the line

forward in time, it reaches 97.5 years by mid-century and 109 years by 2100.

■/ Less optimistic projections are based on extrapolation of trends in age-specific death

rates over the past 50 or 100 years. This approach implies more modest gains for the

high-income nations of the world, with average life expectancy approaching 90 years by

the end of the twenty- first century (Lee and Carter, 1992; Tuljapurkar, Li and Boe,

Fertility Transition

■/ Between 1890 and 1920, marital fertility began to decline in most European provinces,

with a median decline of about 40 percent from 1870 to 1930 (Coale and Treadway,

1986, p. 44).

■/ Most economic theories of fertility start with the idea that couples wish to have a certain

number of surviving children, rather than births per se.

■/ Some of the improvement in child survival is itself a response to parental decisions to

invest more in the health and welfare of a smaller number of children (Nerlove, 1974).

■/ These issues of parental investment in children suggest that fertility will also be in*

influenced by how economic change influences the costs and benefitsZ of childbearing. ■/

Bearing and rearing children is time intensive.

110 | The Contemporary World

■/ Technological progress and increasing physical and human capital make labor more

productive, raising the value of time in all activities, which makes children increasingly

costly relative to consumption goods.

■/ Since women have had primary responsibility for childbearing and rearing, variations in

the productivity of women have been particularly important.

■/ Rising incomes have shifted consumption demand toward nonagricultural goods and

services, for which educated labor is a more important input.

■/ Overall, these patterns have several effects: children become more expensive, their

economic contributions are diminished by school time and educated parents have

higher value of time, which raises the opportunity costs of childrearing.

■/ Furthermore, parents with higher incomes choose to devote more resources to each

child, and since this raises the cost of each child, it also leads to fewer children

(Becker, 1981; Willis, 1974, 1994).

Population Growth

■/ The combination of fertility and mortality determines population growth.

■/ Between 1950 and 2050, the actual and projected trajectories for the More, Less and

Least Developed Countries are plotted.

■/ One is a trajectory for Europe from 1800 to 1950. The end point of this trajectory in 1950

is quite close to the start point for the more developed countries.

■/ The starting points of these demographic paths differ somewhat.

■/ India had higher initial fertility and mortality than Europe, as did the Least Developed

Countries relative to the Less Developed Countries in 1950, which in turn had far

higher mortality and fertility than the More Developed Countries in that year.

111 | The Contemporary World

■/ Except for India, the starting points all indicate moderate (for Europe) to rapid (for Least

and Less Developed Countries) population growth.

■/ There has been rapid global convergence in fertility and mortality among nations over the

past 50 years, although important differences remain.

■/ This convergence of fertility and mortality is in marked contrast to per capita GDP, which

has tended to diverge between high-income and low-income countries during this time.

■/ Today, the median individual lives in a country with a total fertility rate of 2.3— barely

above the 2.1 fertility rate of the United States—and a median life expectancy at birth of

68 years compared to 77 years for the United States (Wilson, 2001).

Some Consequences of the Demographic Transition

The three centuries of demographic transition from 1800 to 2100 will reshape the world’s

population in a number of ways. The obvious changes are the rise in total population

from 1 billion in 1800 to perhaps 9.5 billion in 2100—although this long-term estimate is

highly uncertain due largely to uncertainty about future fertility. The average length of

life increases by a factor of two or three, and the median age of the population doubled

from the low 20s to the low 40s. Many More Developed Countries already have

negative population growth rates, and the United Nations projects that the population of

Europe will decline by 13 percent between now and 2050. But many other changes will

also be set in motion in family structure, health, institutions for saving and supporting

retirement and even in international • flows of people and capital.

112 | The Contemporary World

3. Had the medical progress and the rising per capita income affected the mortality rate?
4. Has the contraceptive technology influenced the fall of fertility rate? Cite examples.

5. Does the world approach to a biological limit of life expectancy? Why or why not?

6. How does demographic transition affect global population?

113 | The Contemporary World

B. DYADIC ACTIVITY. Write a research paper and discuss answers to this question,

Has the Philippines undergone demographic transition? Why do you say so?


Read the journal titled, A Concise History of World Population by Massimo Livi-

Bacci, (file:///C:/Users/Timoteo/Downloads/A Concise History of World Population.pdf),

then make an analysis using the format below.

I. Summary

Write the summary of the journal in your own words.

Avoid copying and pasting.

II. Insights

What are your reflections after reading the journal?

III. How does the article influence you as a citizen of the world?


The students are expected to:

• Analyze the political, economic, cultural, and social factors

underlying the global movements of people

114 | The Contemporary World

Display first-hand knowledge of the experiences of the OFW’s



1. Share with the class your viewpoints regarding the statistics presented above.

2. Why do you think most Filipino workers choose to work in Asia?

3. What does this statistics tell us?

4. Do you think international migration help the economy of our country? Prove your


5. Would you also choose to work abroad in the future? Why or why not?


115 | The Contemporary World

Glo6aC Migration: Definitions and Types

• Migration means crossing the boundary of a political or administrative unit for a certain

minimum period (Boyle et al. 1998).

• Internal migration is the movement of people from one area like a province, a district, or

municipality to another within one country.

• International migration is the crossing the frontiers which separate one of the world’s

approximately 200 states from another.

• Many scholars argue that internal and international migration are part of the same process;

they should be analyzed together (Skeldon 1997).

• The great majority of border crossings do not imply migration: most travelers are tourists or

business visitors who have no intention of staying in the country for good.

• International migration arises in a world divided up into nation-states, in which remaining in

the country of birth is still seen as norm and moving to another country as a


• Migration tends to be regarded as problematic. It has to be controlled and curbed, for it may

bring unpredictable changes.

International migrants are divided into:

• Temporary labor migrants- who migrate for a limited period of time in order to work and send

remittances to families in the country of origin.

• Highly-skilled and business migrants- people with qualifications such as the managers,

executives, professionals, technicians, and the like, who move within the internal labor

markets of transnational corporations and international organizations.

116 | The Contemporary World

• Irregular migrants- also known as the undocumented or illegal migrants. They enter the

country in search for employment with no necessary documents and permits.

of a ‘well -founded fear or persecution on account of race, religion, nationality,

membership in a particular social group or political opinion .

• Asylum seekers - those who move across borders in search of protection .

• Forced migration - in a broader sense, this includes not only refugees and asylum

seekers but also people forced to move by environmental catastrophes or development

projects like new factories, roads or dams .

• Family members - also known as family reunion or family reunification migrants .

• Return migrants - those who return to their countries of origin after a period in

another country .

Cause of Migration

■ / Disparity in levels of income

■ / Employment

■ / Social well -being

■ / Differences in demographic patterns with regard to fertility, mortality, age -structure,

and labor -force growth

■ / According to neo -classical economic theory, the main cause of migration is

Refugees- those who are unable or unwilling to return to their country because

individual’s efforts to maximize their income by moving from low-wage to high-wage


117 | The Contemporary World

■/ Migration decisions are made not just by individuals- they often represent family strategies

to maximize income and survival chances (Hugo, 1994).

The Volume of Contemporary Migration

• The United Nations figures show that the global migrant stock (the number of people

resident in a place outside their country of birth) grew from 75 million in 1965 to 120 million

in 1990.

• The 1990 figure was roughly equal to 2% of the world’s population.

• The number of migrants grew slightly faster than world population as a whole, but the annual

growth rate of 1.9% for the whole period increasing to 2.6% from 1985-1990 was not


• International migrants remain a fairly small minority.

• Internal migration, conversely, is much larger,

• For instance the number of internal migrants in India in 1981 was some 200 million, more

than double the number of international migrants in the whole world at that time.

• The significance of migration as a major factor in societal change lies in the fact that it is

concentrated in certain countries and regions.

• Migration affects certain areas within both the sending and the receiving countries more than


• Migration needs to take place in an orderly way to safeguard the human rights of migrants.

A. INTERVIEW. You will interview a former or a current Overseas Filipino Worker through

face-to-face or online. Draft your possible questions first. Make sure your questions will

118 | The Contemporary World

tackle concerns about the factors or the reasons of their employment abroad. Two to

three questions will do.

119 | The Contemporary World

B. Synthesis:

Inside the heart-shaped organizer, express your learning and reflection you gained

from your interview. Share it with the class.

120 | The Contemporary World


The students are expected to :

• Compare and contrast stability from sustainability

• Identify and analyze challenges towards sustainable


• Generate insights on sustainable development initiatives and efforts













121 | The Contemporary World


1. From the 17 sustainable development goals presented above, which do you think is the

most achievable? Why do you say so?

2. Which is the least achievable? Elucidate reasons why.

3. Which do you think the citizens around the globe should address with urgency? Why?

4. As an ordinary citizen, what can you do to help achieve these sustainable development


5. What should we, as citizens of the world, collectively do to fulfill the goals for

sustainable development?


Sustainable Economic Systems

There was a strong impression that the global economy became the sphere of extreme

uncertainty and risk during the first decade of the twenty-first century. It can be recalled that there

was a dimension of crisis that began in 2007. It was not like another business cycle setback. It

was a serious breakdown that challenged the foundations of modern approaches to the creation

of welfare.

Collapsing financial markets, rising unemployment, deeper inequalities, a shrinking

middle class, extreme indebtedness, and inability of governments to force through reforms were

just some of the symptoms of crisis around the globe. Moreover, the challenges of climate

change and the unavailability of resources that were important in the development of

technologies to keep the economy growing continued to surface. Ulrich Beck, a German

122 | The Contemporary World

sociologist, has predicted these things to happen years back, and has coined the term, “risk

society” (Beck, 1986).


• Firmness in position, permanence and resistance to change are the words

associated with stability.

• The International Monetary Fund, 2012 defines it as ‘avoiding large swings in

economic activity, high inflation, and excessive volatility in exchange rates and financial markets.

• This refers to indexes that describe the economy in short term categories.

• Knoop (2009) expressed that within a few years, every economy moves through periods of

rapid growth with rising demand, higher inflation and dropping unemployment, followed

by depression with reversal phenomena.

• Excessive highs and lows should be avoided.

• There was a Great Depression that happened in 1929, when the economy

collapsed in a dramatic way after long years of post-war prosperity and overproduction.
• The global crisis in the 1970’s opened the gates of new economic ideas.

• Monetarism, which is premised on the idea that stabilization could be produced control of

amount of money in circulation.

• Milton Friedman started to dominate global capitalism.

• Global capitalism fitted well with neo-liberalism, which expanded with the free market

reforms of Ronald Reagan in the USA and Margaret Thatcher in the United Kingdom.

• The 1990’s still experienced world economy collapses such as the Asian financial crisis in

19987, the Russian crisis followed by the disaster in Argentina that started in 1999.

123 | The Contemporary World

• These crises were mainly attributed to major political mistakes, but particularly alarming with

their contagion effects.

• Since 2007, many countries had been trying to restore stabilization.


• It considers the long-term capacities of a system to exist, not its short term resistance

to change

• Bruntland Report (World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987) said

that ‘development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability

of future generations to meet their own needs’ deserves the label of sustainability.

• Technology became a fantastic escape from the sustainability dilemma.

• The Solow-Swan model from the 1950’s saw the only chance for innovations.

• A sheer increase of the amount of resources added to input could lead to diminishing

marginal returns only.

• New ideas in technology and organization made it possible to overtake the steady state

of zero growth and induce development without increasing resources.

• Paul Romer and Robert Lucas in 1980’s proposed a new theory called, the New


• The endogenous factors like human capital and education were recognized as crucial

for growth and their application was free from the steady state of classical resources.

• In the 19th century, the issue of sustainability considered mainly social conditions in

early industrial capitalism.

• Modern debate on sustainability focused mainly on environmental questions.

124 | The Contemporary World

• In 1968, Garret Hardin wrote the famous book, Tragedy of Commons that analyzed

how public goods got exhausted by actors in a free market economy (Hardin, 1968).

• The Club of Rome published, The Limits to Growth that dealt with the connection

between economic growth and the scarcity of resources.

• Rising awareness of the sustainability problem in environmental issues and resources

translated also into international cooperation.

125 | The Contemporary World

Sustainability perspectives started to be visible not only in the environmental

area but also on the theme of overpopulation.


A. INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY. Show the similarities and differences of

stability and sustainability using the Venn diagram below.

126 | The Contemporary World

B. Historical Data Analysis. Using the historical data, global or local,

express your ideas about them.

“hi the last 30 years the proportion of the World population

living in 1. extreme poverty has...”






4 Populatio Vearly % ChangeDensity

Country’s Share of
World Pop
Populatio Global
1,312,457, 1.2% 446 17.85% 7,432,663,
832 275 2

127 | The Contemporary

ation (2016, and
099 2
20151.27% historical)441
1.47% 414 18.88% 2
1,230,984, 6,929,725,
504 043

C. Journal Writing.

What should the people around the globe do to attain the 17 sustainable development


128 | The Contemporary World


Using the graphic organizer below, write down the things you shall do to

help attain the 17 SDG’s.



CONNECTINGThe students are expected to:

• Discuss the meaning of global food security and its four


Critique key trends in global food security

Propose concrete actions to address problems and challenges on global food security


New Hope against Hunger: These 'Super Beans'

Early signs of success in Africa
By Newser Editors and Wire Services Posted Dec 3, 2017 3:10 PM CST
129 | The Contemporary World
(NEWSER) - The so-called "super bean," a fast-maturing, high-yield variety, is being

promoted by Uganda's government and agriculture experts amid efforts to feed

hungerprone parts of Africa, the AP reports. It's also a step toward the next goal: the "super,

super bean" that researchers hope can be created through genetic editing. The beans are

thrilling farmers in an impoverished part of northern Uganda that also strains under the

recent arrival of more than 1 million refugees from its war-torn neighbor, South

continent, and in the globe at large?

130 | The Contemporary World

3. Why do you think scientists, like the ones in Africa, continue to research for things that

address hunger?

S . T Inter C f T Ag s t b h b b b
u h natio e o r ric a h e a e r y
d e nal n r o ult y e a v e e
a m t r t t dc p ur cs t tn s l e an a d l
n e o e e h ro i e a h os t e s r a
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d of l‘super beans’ can really solve hunger in the country, in the

131 | The Contemporary World

4. Is the problem of food, nutrition and diseases common in the Philippines?Give concrete


5. Can you name of government organizations and programs that address such problems?


The Challenge of Feeding the World

Global food security has become one of the challenges of the 21st century. The increase of

global food prices has caught the attention of all governments worldwide. The vulnerability of

food systems to a number of demographic, socio-economic, environmental and policy-related

factors was also among the concerns of the globe. The detrimental impacts of high food prices

and food and agriculture-related policies affected the poor and marginalized communities,

specifically in the developing countries.

The upheavals in local food systems have an influence on the regional and global food security

concerns. Conversely, the developments at the global level often have the power to penetrate

deep within the regions and states to cause high levels of insecurity. These developments may

also have diverse and far-reaching consequences for the security and over-all well-being of

communities across borders.

An Evolving Concept of Food Security

■/ Food security is used widely across disciplines and issue areas.

■/ The prevalence of food insecurity is manifested by the presence of hunger and


132 | The Contemporary World

■/ Food security is associated with the availability of food at the local, national and global levels

(McDonald, 2010).

■/ 1974 UN World Food Conference defined food security as the ‘availability at all times of

adequate world food supplies of basic foodstuffs to sustain a steady expansion of food

consumption and to offset fluctuations in production and prices' (FAQ, 2003: 27).

■/ Maxwell (1996) mentioned that in subsequent decades, three distinct paradigm shifts

took place to significantly influence the food security discourse and international


■/ First paradigm shift was through the late 1970's and early 1980's in which the academic

and policy discourse on food security witnessed a shift away from the rather limiting

focus on food availability and supply as the core concerns of food security.

■/ The second paradigm shift highlighted the importance of livelihood security as a key

household priority and component of food security, shaping decisions around whether

or not to go hungry in the short term.

■/ The third shift indicates a move away from a purely calorie-counting approach to food

security, to one that incorporates subjective measures of what it means to be

foodsecure, including access to food that is preferable (Maxwell, 1988,1996:158-60.)

■/ Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic

access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food

preferences for an active and healthy life (FAO, 2002).

Global Food Security- Key Trends

A. Rising Food Prices and Poverty

• In the mid 2000’s, global food prices began to climb.

133 | The Contemporary World

• The prices of key staples such as wheat, rice, maize, and soy bean as well as edible

oils all soared.

• Civil unrest in the forms of protests and riots in numerous countries around the world


• The impact of food prices spikes has been most devastating to those who are in the

poverty level.

• The global food price crisis in 2007-2008 may have forced as many as 100 million

people deeper into poverty.

• The global food price spike in 2010-2011 may have consigned an additional 44 million

around the globe to a life of poverty and food insecurity (Rastello and Pugh, 2011).

• There are several reasons that have been debated over the global food price spikes.

One of those is the on-going world population growth.

• The growth of the world population is proportionate to the demand for food and rising

incomes and growing per capita food consumption.

• The rising cost of fuel and agricultural inputs like fertilizers and pesticides; in developing

countries, declining or stagnating agricultural yield growth rates in the context of the

poor; adverse weather events such as droughts and floods; the knee-jerk government

export bans in the face of food shortage, and the financial speculation in agricultural

commodities could have also been the reasons of global food prices spikes on the

supply side.

B. Population Growth and Urbanization

• By mid-century, the world’s total population is set to reach over 9 billion, doubling the

demand for food, feed, and fiber (FAO, 2009).

• The increase of demands for food comes from developing countries in Asia and Africa.

• India and China, for example, are the fastest growing countries in the Asian region.

134 | The Contemporary World

key staples- cereals.
• There is a substitution phase in which the cereals are replaced by more energy-rich foods

• The demographic trends in Asia have serious implications for food systems in the

region and elsewhere .

• As the youth move from rural areas to urban areas to look for better livelihoods, there

are fewer people of working age left behind to produce the growing quantities of food

required to meet rising demand in urban areas .

• The mass movement of people from rural to urban areas has also been accompanied

by a rapid and ongoing expansion of cities and slums in parts of Asia .

• By 2030 , urban populations and the number of slum dwellers in Africa and Asia are set

to double .

• Slums are characterized by lack of access to clean drinking water, inadequate

sanitation and waste disposal mechanism, making resident population highly

vulnerable to quick -spreading diseases and chronic food insecurity (CISS, 2013 ).

C . Rising Incomes and Changing Diets

• As incomes in developing countries continue to grow, more and more people are able

to access food in greater quantities .

• Initial increases in food consumption may pertain to the intake of higher quantities of
such as meat and those with a high concentration of vegetable oils and sugar (Godfrey et al.,

2010: 2770)

• Global consumption of meat increased by around 62 per cent between 1963 and 2005.

135 | The Contemporary World

• The consumption of meat in the developing countries grew threefold during this period.

• Much of the growth of meat consumption took place in Asia in general and in China in

particular (Kearney, 2010:2796).

• However, not all developing countries have experienced this phenomenon of nutrition

transition equally.

• In India, for example, the consumption of meat continues to lag behind when compared to

Brazil and China for people at similar income levels.

• The overall demand for grains for direct and indirect consumption through animal products

continues to expand.

• In China, the increasing conversion of land for intensive mono-cropping of soybeans and

maize for animal feed over the decades had caused immense pollution of waterways by

pesticides and fertilizers, declines in biodiversity, the destruction of natural carbon sinks and

rising greenhouse gas emissions (Schneider, 2011).

D. Bio-fuel Production, Land Use Change and Access to Land

• The global surge in bio-fuel production was triggered in 2004-2005.

• It happened when the United States and the European Union adopted a number of

policies and incentives to boost bio-fuel consumption (USAID, 2009).

• Biofuels are seen to be significant in reducing dependence o fossil fuels in a number of

countries around the globe.

• Biofuel production -and policies that encourage and support it- has become highly

controversial in the context of global food security.

• First generation biofuels are produced from plant starch, oils, animal fats and sugars.

136 | The Contemporary World

• Bio-ethanol, for example, is produced from food crops such as sugarcane, maize, wheat,

sugar beets and sweet sorghum, and is currently the most widely used form of biofuel.

• The United States and Brazil are the world’s largest bioethanol producing countries.

• Largest quantities of biodiesel, which is made from edible oils, come from Germany,

France, United States, and Italy (Naylor et at., 2007).

• Jean Ziegler (2007:2), the UN special Rapporteur on the right to food, stated that the

sudden, ill-conceived, rush to convert food into fuels is a recipe for disaster.

• The IMF highlighted that biofuels were responsible for almost half the increase in the total

consumption of key food crops in 2006-2007.

• In Asia, a large number of small farmers in countries like Cambodia, Laos, the Philippines,

Bangladesh, and Nepal continue to suffer from weak access to land and tenure insecurity, in

the wider context of weak governance

institutions, poor law enforcement, and endemic corruption.

E. Climate Change

• Climate change affects all four dimensions of food security: food availability, food

accessibility, food utilization, and food systems stability.

• Agriculture is highly-sensitive to climate, and food production is affected directly by

variations in agro-ecological conditions for growing crops

(Devereux and Maxwell, 2001; Fischer et al., 2002; Kurukulasuriya and Rosenthal, 2003;

Schmidhuber and Tubiello, 2007).

• Overall studies show that the impacts of climate change will be mixed and uneven

across regions (IPCC, 2007).

• In the next four decades or so, average global temperature will rise by 2-3 degrees

Celsius (Stern, 2006:56).

137 | The Contemporary World

• For countries located at lower latitudes, the IPCC warns that the productivity of major

crops like rice, wheat, and maize, is projected to drop with even small increases in

local average temperature. This is

particularly the case for countries that are located in seasonally dry and

tropical regions.

• Climate change will bring the developing countries ‘high costs and few

benefits’ (Stern, 2006:vii).

• Low income developing countries tend to lack adequate infrastructure for health care,

and large chunks of the population often do not have access to basic amenities

such as clean drinking water and sanitation.

• Both sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, with the highest levels of hunger and

malnourishment worldwide, are set to suffer from the negative impacts of climate

change on crop production.


A. ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION. Discuss the matters and

issues regarding the assigned topic in each group.

Group A- Rising Food Prices and Poverty Group B- Population

Growth and Urbanization Group C- Rising Income and

Changing Diets Group D- Biofuel Production, Land Use Change

and Access the Land Group E- Climate Change

138 | The Contemporary World

problems and challenges on global food security.
C. Journal Writing.

You may answer the guide questions below as you discuss


assigned topic by filling out the Analysis Matrix.

1. How does this trend affect the food system locally and globally?

2. How can this trend be remedied for a long -term sustainability?

How does this # 1 global QUESTION
trend shape #2
food security? QUESTION # 3

B. ROLE -PLAYING ACTIVITY . In five minutes, dramatize situations

highlighting concrete actions on how we can address the

Can you name the threats of food system in the Philippines? What should we do to

hurdle such challenge?

139 | The Contemporary World


In a short bond paper, enumerate and explain the four pillars of food





The students are expected to:

• Articulate a personal definition of global citizenship

• Appreciate the ethical obligation of global citizenship


140 | The Contemporary World

The UK Commits to Safer Schools, Urged by the Actions of Global
Citizens and Partners
This is vital news at a time of escalating conflict

By Katie Dallas
(Published April 20, 2018. -safe-schools-action/#.)

In a week of military action in Syria that is drawing global attention, it is important to

remember the innocent human lives — including the many children — that suffer during conflict.

An often-overlooked consequence during these periods is the impact on education, despite how

critical learning is for children to rebuild their war-torn communities.

More than a third of Syrian schools have been destroyed or damaged by fighting

leaving nearly 2 million children out of the classroom. And another 600,000 who have fled their

homes are not in school. The story is much the same with rising conflict across the globe — 246

million children experience some kind of school violence in the world today.

Thus it came as very welcome news on Thursday that the UK became the 74th

signatory to the Safe Schools Declaration — a commitment that serves as an official assurance

that the UK will condemn attacks on schools, protect education during armed conflict, and offer

supervision, services and teaching to save children’s lives.

Just 48 hours before, at the “Girls in Emergencies” reception co-hosted by Global

Citizen and Coalition for Global Prosperity, Global Citizen and our partners at Send My Friend to

School had performed a petition handover to the UK Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, at the

event. The petition contained the signatures of 25,549 people and children from 932 schools

who want the UK to sign this declaration to make schools around the world safe. At the event,

Johnson had indicated that the declaration would be signed “very soon.”

This vital commitment is thanks to your actions and the tireless campaign led by our

partners — among them: Send My Friend to School, the Global Coalition to Protect Schools

from Attack, Save the Children, Results UK, Plan UK, Human Rights Watch, Global Citizen and
141 | The Contemporary World
the Malala Fund. For the past four years these organizations have been urging the UK

government to join 73 other countries, including Canada, France and New Zealand, as

signatories to the Declaration.

The importance of a commitment like this should not be underestimated. In

Afghanistan, where at least 40 schools were attacked in 2016, the Education Ministry is using

the declaration to push for the removal of military checkpoints and bases from schools, with

other big steps also taken in Central African Republic, Nigeria, Somalia and the Democratic

Republic of Congo.

Of course, Global Citizen and partners will be watching closely to see that the UK

government stands by this commitment and takes concrete steps to make it less likely that

students, teachers, schools and universities will be attacked in coming months. And we invite

other Commonwealth countries, like Australia, Malawi and Bangladesh, and G7 leaders like

Japan and the United States to sign up to the Declaration to help every child stay safe in their

place of learning.


1. What did you feel after reading the article?

2. How does the Syrian military action affect the children in the country?

3. What is the relevance of UK’s signatory to Safe School Declaration?

4. Do you think the Philippines has to sign the said declaration?

5. Why should we care about the children and their learning environment around the

formal transnational organizations.

142 | The Contemporary World

These organizations pursue professional or social interests that have become an important

feature of international politics.


Acting as Global Citizens

• The world citizen was typically an intellectual, who travelled widely, met and corresponded

with intellectuals in many countries and advanced cosmopolitan views .

• Since 1945 , the global citizen is usually pictured as the activist on transnational social

movements .

• The idea that travelling is an expression of cosmopolitanism is indeed debatable .

• Mass tourism, which often shields people from the society they are visiting, has nothing to do

with increasing international understanding and may hay harmful effects on the environment and

local culture .

• However, there are travels that are seen as means of promoting international understanding

like exchanges between schoolchildren,

• The image of wandering scholar is still part of a cosmopolitan view of the world of learning .

• It is also encouraged by governments to promote friendly relations between countries .

• In the beginning of the 21 st century, there was the development of informal networks and

• The existence of these organizations can be interpreted as the creation of civil global

society. • The existence of transnational associations does not necessarily mean that

143 | The Contemporary World

those involved are acting as global citizens because in many cases, they are basically

promoting their own particular concerns.

• Those who belong to these organizations meet in international conferences to share their

ideas and to call for states and international law to respect their rights to copyright and to

an income from their writing.

• Campaigning to transnational organizations is committed to global causes.

• The number and importance of voluntary bodies opposing oppression, or expressing

practical solidarity with those suffering in other parts of the world also grew significantly in

the 20th century.

• Many people around the world are making links across national frontiers to demonstrate

support for cosmopolitan ideals.

• Transnational organizations like Amnesty International, Oxfam, and Greenpeace cite

discussions on global citizenship.

• Transnational movements usually involve political lobbying and protest.

• Sometimes, they encompass more extreme form of resistance.

• They also depend on volunteers who offer direct assistance to those who are suffering

from abuse, poverty, war, among others.

Global Civil Society

• The concept of civil society has become central to social theory since the 1980’s when

dissident intellectuals in Eastern Europe looked to social networks initiated from below to

provide a sphere of independence from the state and a basis for resistance.

• The existence of autonomous social groups and institutions has been seen as essential to

democratization both in remaining communist regimes such as China and in other

authoritarian states.

144 | The Contemporary World

• Democratic theorists have argued that civil society is essential to liberal democracies as a

barrier to an encroaching state

• Participation in voluntary bodies provides a political education and promotes responsible


• Hegel and Marx conceptualized civil society as the sphere defined by the market

economy, and its resulting individualism and socially divisive effects.

• But most theorists of civil society see it as distinct from both the state and the economy.

• Civil society also suggests very informal links - whether between neighbors or fellow

enthusiasts of a particular hobby.

• The implication of global civil society must depend on how it is defined and on the

comparative economic and political power of groups within it.

• Global civil society poses a direct challenge to states when groups within one country

ignore or oppose official policies to create links with citizens in other countries.

Campaigning for human rights: Cosmopolitan principles and international law

• The basic tenet of cosmopolitanism is the belief in universal equality and human rights.

• Transnational organizations supporting human rights are often cited in discussion of both

global society and global citizenship.

• Richard Falk discussed how global civil society promotes a world order based not on state

interests but on the interests and rights of human beings.

• Amnesty International and regional human rights bodies typify this move towards ‘a law of


• Amnesty International is probably the best-known human rights campaigning

145 | The Contemporary World

organization with a separate international secretariat and sections in many parts of the


• It is used to exemplify transnational action to protect individual rights.

• Amnesty has also played a role in strengthening global civil society.

• It can also be seen as a collective global citizen.

• Human Rights Watch, which is based in the USA, is one of those who play important role

in monitoring human rights worldwide and protesting about abuses.


A. Make your personal concept map of global citizenship based on the discussion in

Advancing. After drawing out concepts, you need to synthesize a personal

definition of the term, ‘global citizen’.

146 | The Contemporary World

C. Green activities and world citizenship

Synthesis: What is a global




The class will generate its collective definition of a global citizen based on the concepts they

a ________________________________________________
r ________________________________________________
d ________________________________________


In a short bond paper, discuss the following topics:

A. Wo r a transna so
me i n tional lid
n’s g d ari
B. Transnat a f a a develo
h ty
ional c o i n pment
t r d d
147 | The Contemporary World
D. Consumers as global citizens


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Lee, Ronald. (2003). The Demographic Transition: Three Centuries

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Fundamental Change. (Retrieved from:

Mazower, Mark. 2006. “An International Civilization? Empire, Internationalism and

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Neubauer, D. The Rise of the Global Corporation.

Robertson, Roland (1992). Globalization : Social Theory and Global Culture (Reprint. ed.).

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Steger, M., Battersby, P. & Siracusa, J. (2014). The SAGE Handbook of Globalization. Two

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Steger, Manfred B.(2005). Ideologies of Globalization. Journal of Political Ideologies 10(1): 11-


Weiss, Thomas & Thakur, Ramesh. (2014). The United Nations Meets the Twenty first Century:

Confronting the Challenges of Global Governance. The SAGE Handbook of


150 | The Contemporary World

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