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Ortiz 1

Roberto G. Ortiz

Trishia Briones

English 1302 160

November 19, 2022

Essay 3 Reflection Questions

Essay one went into great detail on how different types of music affected people in the

gym. Whether they would be more motivated and which songs did not create any motivation for

the user. This essay created a pathway into how technology incorporates one's feelings towards

life. Essay 2 is where I started researching how technology gets entangled with one's mind and

how it can affect a person's mood or well-being. Essay 3 provided another opportunity to fully

depict to my audience how technology nowadays is not always positive as some people tend to

portray technology. The types of music correlated with the mind had nothing to do with the

research of essays 2 and 3. In essay two, I used different resources to help me establish my work,

which I did not use in essay three.

In Essay three, I learned that technology is beneficial to one as we use it for almost

everything now. Whether it is to form an essay like the ones we have been constructing or if it is

to research a specific topic in history, technology will be crucial nowadays as it is an essential to

keep up with modern times. Nevertheless, as things usually go for a positive thing, there is a

negative effect. With this being said, it is imperative to note that too much of this technology will

lead one to become lonely and establish a very anti-social life if misused.

Creating an argument has helped me by incorporating my thoughts in a more convincing

way, allowing me to engage my reader into formatting a more well-thought-out opinion towards

my writing. In the future, it will allow me to form my sentences better when speaking, writing,
Ortiz 2

and presenting. The positives remain stable throughout my three essays, which are usually a very

good choice of grammar and a very well-put structure of the paragraphs. The negative comments

I received about this one were about how I cited and needed to fix it.

Hopefully, as this class comes to an end, I hope that the professor's comments towards

my essays will continue to be good and hopefully get good feedback to improve my essays in the

future. One of the most challenging parts of this essay was finding new articles and resources to

help me, as I wanted to use different articles from the second essay. Nevertheless, I found other

resources/articles and put together a well-done essay that will hopefully be an exciting read.

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