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Environmental Software 7 (1992) 229--240

MIKE 21: a modelling system for estuaries,

coastal waters and seas

1. R. Warren
Danish ftydraulic Institute. Agern AII~ 5. 2970 Horsholm. Denmark


H. K. Bach
Water Quality Institute. Agern AIIb 11. 2970 Horsholm. Denmark


MIKE 21 is a comprehensive modelling system for the simulation of hydraulics and hydraulic-
related phenomena in estuaries, coastal waters and seas. It can be applied to any two-dimen-
sional free-surface flows where stratification can be neglected. The various modules of the
system simulate hydrodynamics, advection-dispersion, short waves, sediment transport, water
quality, eutrophication and heavy metals. The system has a wide range of engineering and
environmental applications in coastal hydraulics, oceanography, wave dynamics, harbours,
rivers, environmental hydraulics and sediment processes. An extensive pre- and post-process-
ing module allows analysis and graphical presentation of both data and model results, which
are stored in a simple data base. A flexible, interactive menu system facilitates data handling,
model input and program execution. It runs on UNIX work stations including PC's with SCO
UNIX operating system.

KEYWORDS: 2-D modelling system, hydraulics, water quality, sediment transport, waves,


Name: MIKE 21

Contact address:

Danish Hydraulic Institute

Agern All6 5, DK-2970 Horsholm, DENMARK

Fax: +45 42 86 79 51


All modules are available and can be delivered at short notice.

Ejtvironmental Software 0266-9838/93/$06.00 ¢~ 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd
230 I.R. Warren, H. K. Bach

Hardware/Software Requirements:

UNIX work stations, PC's with 80386 or 80486 chip and SCO UNIX, minimum 8
MBytes DRAM, minimum 200 Bytes h ~ d disk, printer plotter.

Installation and Training:

Can be installed by the purchaser or DHI. A minimum training course together with
the installation is recommended.


Available upon application to Danish Hydraulic Institute. 80% discount for univer-


Detailed users guides and scientific documentation are delivered with system. Built-in
help menu facilities.

INTRODUCTION tions performed in most of the other modules, for

example the Advection-Dispersion, Water Quality
MIKE 21 is a 2-dimensional microcomputer based and Sediment Transport modules.
modelling system for estuaries, coastal waters and
seas. It is a professional engineering software pack- MIKE 21 HD simulates the water level variations
age for the modelling of flows, water levels, waves, and flows in response to a variety of forcing func-
sediment, pollutant transport and water quality. tions in lakes, estuaries, bays and coastal areas. The
water levels and flows are resolved on a rectangular
The basic module of MIKE 21 contains hydrody- grid covering the area of interest when provided with
namic modelling facilities, a simple data base, graph- the bathymetry, bed resistance coefficients, wind
ical facilities and pre- and post-processing routines. field, hydrographic boundary conditions, etc. The
A range of add-on modules makes MIKE 21 an ideal module solves the vertically integrated equations of
package for the coastal and environmental engineer. continuity and conservation of momentum in two
Modules for advection-dispersion, short waves, horizontal dimensions. The following effects are
sediment transport, water quality, eutrophication and included in the equations:
the transport of heavy metals enable the user tO study
many of the problems which have become important • convective and cross momentum
and sensitive issues in our society, see Fig. 1. • wind shear stress at the surface
• barometric pressure gradients
MIKE 21 is designed for use by engineers and tech- • Coriolis forces
nical staff with a sound background in hydraulics, • momentum dispersion ('eddy')
coastal engineering and/or environmental science, • sources and sinks (both mass and impulse)
that is, professionals who work at a high technologi- • evaporation
cal level to solve complex and often multidisciplinary
problems. The equations are solved with a high order accuracy,
fractioned step, alternating direction implicit
THE BASIC HYDRODYNAMIC MODULE - (ADI) finite difference method; Abbott et. al. (1981).
MIKE 2 1 H D
MIKE 21 HD simulates 2-dimensional free surface
flows where stratification can be neglected. It is the The MIKE 21 HD module includes a range of pre-
basic module of the entire MIKE 21 system and and post-processing software, which eases the input
provides the hydrodynamic basis for the computa- of data and analysis of simulation results. The soft-
M I K E 21: a modelling s)'stem ,/or estuaries, coastal waters and seas 231

Environmental Water | Tidal Coastal Hydraulics

Hydraulics quality | circulations and Oceanography
depletion Storm

Algal Dispersion Secondary


lw- Quality AD Hydro-
\ flows

• HD
I Outfalls • "~'B' IL
• m MIKE J ~Modules Applications
I I Heav,, II • , i.,.--=.==~.~-,,=- =
-! Metals ME I 21 / I wave i
• ! ~,l ~ SW I disturbance •
Littoral / ~B- 1

I ~ / EU I ~ J' seiche I
I Morphology ~ " I ST X / I
~IL of coasts and ~ h . Eu.t.rophl- / X / Ship motion /
estuaries ~ cation / Sediment ~
I ~
~ // .lranspor~
.... i h~lP" Breakwater
Slurry ~ / ~ alignments A W
disposa, \ /
~ ~, Navigation AV
' l . Dredging I Dam break ~ c h a n n e l s ~
Sediment ~ plumes I X ~ Wave
Processes " ~ Reclamation I River ~ / Dynamics
~ ~ ~ " and Harbours


Fig. 1 MIKE 21 application area and software modules.

ware can be applied both to the data and results of all stance in an aquatic environment under the influence
the MIKE 21 modules. of the fluid transport and associated natural disper-
sion processes. The substance may be a pollutant of
Some examples of the software capabilities are: any kind, conservative or non-conservative, inorganic
or organic: salt, heat, suspended cohesive sediment,
• Input of time series and 2-D data dissolved oxygen, inorganic phosphorous, nitrogen
• Isoline plots of any variable and other such water quality parameters.
• 2-D vector plots of current patterns
• Plots of the variation in space of a variable
Similar to the hydrodynamic stage, the concentration
along any line through the model
of the substance is calculated at each point of a rec-
• 3-D plots of bathymetries, surface levels,
tangular grid covering the area of interest. Informa-
tion on the transport, i.e. currents and water depths
• Statistical analysis of time or space variation
at each point of the grid, are provided by the hydro-
of any variable
dynamic module. Other data required includes sub-
All graphical presentations can be made in colour, stance concentrations and discharge quantities at
produced with the UNIRAS graphics package. outfalls, together with concentrations at boundaries.

~~ON-DI~E~ION MODULE M21AD solves the so-called advection-dispersion

~ 2 1 ~ equation for dissolved or suspended substances using
a two-dimensional form of the QUICKEST finite
The advection-dispersion module of MIKE 21 simu- difference scheme; Leonard (1979), Ekebja~rg and
lates the spreading of a dissolved or suspended sub- Justesen (1990).
232 I.R. Warren. H. K. Bach

THE SEDIMENT TRANSPORT MODULE simulations with MIKE 21 ST. The water depth and
MIKE 21 ST current conditions due to tide and wind will be calcu-
lated- with the hydrodynamic module MIKE 21 HD
Non-Cohesive Sediments which can also give the wave-driven currents through
the inclusion of the wave radiation stresses. The
The system includes a sediment transport module for wave fields can be calculated by MIKE 21 SW, the
assessing rates of bed level changes in coastal areas deterministic wave module, or by MIKE 21 NSW,
subject to the action of waves and currents. The DHI's spectral wind-wave modelling system for near-
sediments are assumed to be non-cohesive, i.e. sand, shore areas. See Fig. 2.
but may vary in grain size throughout the model
area. The currents may be due to tide, they may be The core of the MIKE 21 ST is the calculation of the
wind-driven or even wave-driven. The effect of both sediment transport capacity as a function of the local
non-breaking and breaking waves is included in the wave, current and sediment conditions. This calcu-
module computations. lates the time-varying distribution of suspended sedi-
ment and bed load over the wave period in combined
For given bathymetry, sediment type, water depth, wave and current motion, including effects of wave
currents and wave pattern, the MIKE 21 ST module breaking if relevant; Deigaard et. al. (1986).
calculates the sediment transport capacity at each
point of a rectangular grid covering the area of inter- The rates of bed level changes are described by the
est. Erosion and deposition rates in the model area equation of continuity. This equation is solved by a
are thereby estimated. The data concerning current finite difference model.
and: wave conditions is provided by other modules of
the MIKE 21 system and are prepared prior to the Cohesive Sediment

MIKE 21 ST also encompasses the simulation of the

WAVE t erosion, transport and deposition of cohesive sedi-
I ~'~'~ l
I I ments using state-of-art descriptions of the important
t processes; Mehta and b). The sediment
is described by up to four layers or phases (Fig. 3):

• suspended sediment (moves with the

* high concentration suspension or fluid
[ "'=~ i mud (stationary)
• consolidating (soft) deposit
WAVE MODEL • settled (firm) consolidated bed

t Mathematical descriptions of both erosion and depos-

I I~D~ON ~ S E S J wAv1~
ition are based on critical shear stress concepts. For

f - I


I Suspension In Horlzonlal Transport I

I t t t
f Deposition Re-entrainment

[ I
Fig. 3 Physical states and processes governing
Fig. 2 The interaction of MIKE 21 ST with other cohesive sediment transport (after Mehta
modules of the system 1982).
M I K E 21: a modelling ,~:vstem Jbr esttulries, coastal waters and seas 233

erosion, the critical shear stress depends on the den- etration of regular and irregular wave trains, studies
sity of the sediment, which gradually increases in the of harbour resonance and seiching due to long period
lower three layers. Deposition also depends on a swell, studies of earthquake generated waves and
critical shear stress and a settling velocity for the their runup at coasts, and studies of flood waves
floes of suspended sediment. The bed shear stress is introduced by dam breaks.
that due to the action of both currents and waves
where, like non-cohesive sediments, the waves are Pre- and post-processing software for short wave
frequently the most important. The mathematical application are included in the module. Some
descriptions are rather empirical, so use of this mod- examples of the short wave software capabilities are:
ule is heavily dependent on good field data.
• generation of irregular wave input
The cohesive sediment computations are integrated with or without directional spreading
with the advection-dispersion module, which calcu- • generation of regular wave input
lates the spreading of suspended sediment in the with or without directional spreading
ambient hydraulic flows. • calculation of reflection coefficients.
• calculation of wave disturbance coefficients.
Typical applications of the sediment transport module
M I K E 21 W Q
• coastal and river morphology.
• siltation in approach channels and harbour The water quality module MIKE WQ is used to
basins. investigate the environmental problems connected
• spreading of slurry discharges and sediment with pollution sources such as domestic and industrial
from dredging operations and disposal. sewage and agricultural run-off in coastal areas. The
• scour and sedimentation around structures. model describes the resulting concentrations of
bacteria which threatens bathing water quality, oxy-
THE SHORT WAVE MODULE - MIKE 21 SW gen depletion due to the release of BOD (both sus-
pended and dissolved) excess concentrations of nutri-
The short wave module, MIKE 21 SW, simulates the ents and degradation of chemical substances. It is
propagation of short period waves in shallow to deep integrated with the advection-dispersion module
water up to a maximum depth to deep water wave which describes the physical transport processes at
length ratio h/L. ,, 0.50. MIKE 21 SW is capable of each grid-point covering the area of interest. Other
reproducing the combined effects of most of the data required are concentrations at model boundaries,
wave phenomena of interest to the coastal engineer. flow and concentrations from pollution sources,
These include shoaling, refraction, diffraction and water temperature, etc.
partial reflection of directional, irregular, finite-ampl-
itude waves propagating over complex bathymetries. MIKE 21 WQ solves a system of ordinary differ-
ential equations describing the physical, chemical and
The module is based on the time-dependent vertically biological interactions involved in the survival of
integrated Boussinesq equations of conservation of bacteria, resulting oxygen conditions and excess
mass and momentum, and is solved by implicit finite levels of nutrients in coastal areas. As a basis for the
difference techniques with the variables defined on a description of the water quality conditions the MIKE
space-staggered rectangular grid. The Boussinesq 21 AD calculates the salinity, S, and water tempera-
equations include non-linearity as well as frequency ture, T; Malmgren-Hansen (1984).
dispersion. Basically, the frequency dispersion is
introduced in the flow equation by taking into The following parameters can be modelled:
account the effect that vertical acceleration (or the
curvature of the streamlines) has on the pressure Dissolved BOD BODd
distribution. Suspended BOD BOD.
Sedimented BOD BOI~,
MIKE 21 SW can be applied to the study of wave Ammonia NI-I3
dynamics in coastal zones and in harbours. This Nitrate NO3
includes studies of wave disturbance due to the pen- Dissolved oxygen DO
234 1. R. Warren. H. K. Bach

Phosphorous PO4 It will, therefore, not be subject to transport by water

Faecal coliforms CF movements or to dispersion.
Total coliforms Ca.
One or more user defined pollutant (UDP,...) The simulated 12 components or the state variables
of the model are:
The processes and concentrations of the parameters
are influenced by external factors such as incident * Phytoplankton carbon (PC) (g/m3)
solar radiation and discharges. • Phytoplankton nitrogen (PN) (g/m3)
• Phytoplankton phosphorous (PP) (g/m3)
THE EUTROPHICATION MODULE - • Chlorophyll-a (CH) (g/m3)
MIKE 21 EU * Zooplankton (ZC) (g/m~)
e Detritus carbon (DC) (g/m3)
The eutrophication module of MIKE 21 is used in • Detritus nitrogen (g/m3)
investigations of eutrophication effects and as an • Detritus phosphorous (g/m3)
instrument in environmental impact assessments • Inorganic nitrogen (IN) (g/m3)
considering: • Inorganic phosphorous (IP) (g/m3)
• Dissolved oxygen (DO) (g/m3)
• pollution sources such as domestic and • Benthic vegetation carbon (BC) (g/m2)
industrial sewage and agricultural run-off.
• cooling water outlets from power plants The processes and transfer of carbon, nitrogen and
resulting in excess temperatures. phosphorus in the eutrophication model system are
• physical conditions such as sediment loads illustrated in Figure 4. Also included in the model is
and change in bed topography affecting, an oxygen balance. The processes describing the
especially, the benthic vegetation. variations of the components in time and space are
dependent on some external factors such as the salin-
The aim of using eutrophication modelling as an ity, water temperature, the light influx, and the dis-
instrument in environmental impact assessment charges.
studies is to obtain, most efficiently in relation to
economy and technology, the optimal solution with
The salinity and water temperature can be results of
regards to ecology and the human environment.
MIKE 21 AD simulations or be user specified values.
The first possibility is especially relevant for cooling
The eutrophication model describes nutrient cycling,
water investigations whereas the latter possibility
phytoplankton and zooplankton growth, growth and
often is used in areas where only natural variations in
distribution of benthic vegetation in addition to simu-
temperature are seen.
lating oxygen conditions. The model results are the
concentrations of phytoplankton, chlorophyll-a, zoo-
plankton, organic matter (detritus), organic and The mathematical formulations of the biological and
inorganic nutrients, oxygen and the area-based chemical processes and transformations for each state
biomass of benthic vegetation. In addition to this a variable form a system of differential equations,
number of derived values are stored: primary produc- which are 1st order, ordinary and coupled. The
tion, total nitrogen and phosphorous concentrations, system is solved using a 4th order Runge-Kutta inte-
sediment oxygen demand and secchi disc depth. gration method in an integrated two-step procedure
with the advection-dispersion module.
The MIKE 21 EU module is coupled to the MIKE 21
AD module in order to simulate the simultaneous The eutrophication module can be applied to a range
processes of transport, dispersion and biologi- of environmental investigations:
cal/biochemical reactions. The eutrophication pro-
cesses are described in a system of 12 differential • studies where the effects of alternative nutri-
equations describing the variations for 12 compo- ent loading situations are compared and/or
nents. All except one of these 12 components are different waste water treatment strategies are
treated in both the MIKE 21 AD and the MIKE 21 evaluated
EU module. The 12th component is the benthic • studies of the effects of the discharge of
vegetation attached to the sea bed, stones or the like. cooling water.
MIKE 21: a modelling .~3"stem.~or estuaries, coastal waters and seas 235


5 13
' I ~ '

l, ,o
\, i , J/ /

1. IZroduction, phytoglankton 8. mineralisation of s u s p e n d e d detritus

2. sedimentation, phytoplankton 9. sedimentation of detritus

3. grazing 10. mineralisation of detritus

4. extinction, phytoplankton 1 1. accumulation in s e d i m e n t

5. excretion, zooplankton 12. production, benthlc/eelgrass vegetation

6. extinction, zooplankton 13. extinctlon,benthic/eelgrass vegetation

7. resoirat|on, zooplankton 14. exchange with surrounding waters.

Fig. 4 The principle o f the fluxes of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous in the eutrophication model.

• comparisons of the environmental conse- The bioavailability and toxicity of the heavy metals
quences of-different construction concepts are very dependent on the form of element or com-
for harbours, bridges, etc. pound to which the organisms are exposed. For that
• evaluation of the environmental conse- reason the speciation of the metals is also very impo-
quences of developing new urban and indus- rtant when considering the effects of heavy metal
trial areas. pollution.

THE HEAVY METAL MODULE - MIKE 21 ME The processes and reactions considered in the heavy
metal module are:
The heavy metal module describes the resulting adsorption (water --, suspended matter)
concentrations of heavy metals in water, suspended desorption (suspended matter --, water)
matter and biota based on an equilibrium assumption sedimentation (suspended matter --, sedi-
for the partition between dissolved and suspended ment)
matter. The concentration of suspended matter is bioaccumulation (water --, biota)
modelled as well. Data required are the concentration
of suspended matter and total heavy metal at the The dependent variables are concentrations of:
boundaries, flow and concentrations from pollution
sources and some specific heavy metal constants total heavy metal CT (mg/l)
(partition constants). dissolved heavy metal W (mg/l)
adsorbed heavy metal Cs (mg/l)
heavy metal in biota Ca mg/kg)
Heavy metals are distributed in aquatic systems by
suspended sediment SS mg/l)
means of advection-dispersion, sedimentation/resus-
pension and uptake/release/accumulation in biota. It is assumed that equilibrium exists between the
The metals can exist in the water phase as free ions, concentration of heavy metal in water and suspended
precipitated or absorbed to suspended matter. This is matter as well as between water and biota. See the
schematically illustrated in Fig. 5. general reference, lergensen (1979).
236 I.R. Warren, H. K. Bach

MIKE SHE - Simulation of all Processes in

l~JUmJE ~
the Hydrological Cycle
WIIM OWIIAN~ tJOANI~ FIELDMAN - D a t abase and Analysis SoR-
[ I~IEaPITATIEII ware for Field Data

The city of Venice in Italy and its lagoon are subject

u $t~al~ to flooding from storm surges in the Adriatic Sea -
the so-called "aqua aim". At~er a very severe storm
• AgON
~ ~ oom~8 in 1966, a project was established to save Venice by
the construction of storm surge barriers in the three
. K ) N ~
entrances of the lagoon. The special law passed by
O T W ~ WI~a~AUl
the Italian parliament also stipulated that the con-
struction works should not have any detrimental
effects on the lagoon ecosystem or the coastline
which includes the famous beaches of Lido and
Fig. 5 Speciation of metals in the aquatic environ-
ment. The MIKE 21 system has been applied to many of
the investigations in connection with this mammoth
SOFTWARE FAMILY project and some results are briefly illustrated here.

MIKE 21 is a member of the software product family A 300 m grid model of the entire lagoon (50 km x
from DHI which presently also includes: I0 km) has been set-up and calibrated for a variety of
tidal and storm surge situations, Fig.6. This is the
MIKE 11 - River and Channel Modelling basic model for most of the studies. Fine grid models
MOUSE - Urban Sewer and Drainage (50 m) have been made of each of the entrances for
LITPACK - Littoral Zone Process studying the hydraulics and sediment transport, Fig.
SAW - Oil and Chemical Spill 7. Each layout of the surge barriers was tested in
Analysis these models to ensure smooth flow patterns, un-

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Fig. 6 The 300 m grid model bathymetry of Venice Lagoon.
MIKE 21." a modelling system ./br estuaries, coastal waters and seas 237

changed flushing of the lagoon and suitable naviga-

tion conditions.

The 300 m grid model was also used with MIKE 21

AD for studying the spreading of pollutants from
various sources in the lagoon and the changes in
flushing caused by various construction works in the
lagoon itself, Fig. 8.

In certain areas, the bed of the lagoon has been

severely eroded during the last 20 years and an ex-
tensive study has been made of this phenomena and
how to restore the lagoon morphology. This included
a study of the erosion, transport and deposition of the
cohesive sediments which form the lagoon bed, Fig.
9. The erosion is closely related to the severe state of
pollution of the lagoon. The excessive nutrient con-
centrations cause dramatic macroalgae and
phytoplankton blooms each year and this kills all the
benthic vegetation which stabilizes the bed. The
MIKE 21 EU was applied to, among other things,
estimate the reduction of nutrient loadings which is
necessary to restore the lagoon ecosystem, Fig. 10.

The Venice project plans included some alternatives,

which involved extension of the entrance jetties and
construction of offshore breakwaters to protect the
50 60 70 80 90 100 110
entrances against wave penetration. Such structures
2 m/s should not cause sedimentation in the entrances nor
Fig. 7 Flow pattern in Lido entrance computed with cause the bathing beaches to erode and these prob-
M21 HD. lems have been studied with the MIKE system. For
(Gridspocing 300 m)



0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

Fig. 8 Spreading o f a conservative pollutant discharged at the Fusina sewage ouO~all s#e.
Computed with MIKE 21 AD.
238 I.R. Warren, H. K. Bach

(Gridspecing 300 m)




~I I I I I I l I I
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

Fig. 9 Suspended sediment concentration during a Bora storm. Computed with MIKE 21 ST.

B!i ..... .~.~ ~.~.~:.

ll ~ 450


Fig. 10 Distribution of macro algae in June. Computed with MIKE 21 EU.

MIKE 21: a modelling svslem lbr estuaries, coastal waters and seas 239

Surfoce Elev

I Above 2.00
r---1 t.20 - 2.00
0.70 - 1.20
I~l 0.30 - 0.70
0.20 - 0.30
0.10 - 0.20
0.05 - 0.10
0.00 - 0.05
I -oo5 - ooo
I -0.10 - -0.05
I -0.20 - -0.10
I -0.30 - -0.20
I -070- -030
I -1.20 - -0.70
I Below -1.20

Fig. 11 3-D illustration of wave penetration in Lido entrance. Computed with MIKE 21 SW.

(Gndspacing 50 m)


1 m3/m/hr
O m3/m/hr

I Above 1.00
I 0.50 - 1,00
0,25 - 0.50
0.15 - 0.25
.¢- 0.10 - 0.15
F~ o.o5 - 0,10
o.o I - 0.05
~0.01 - 0.01
[] -o.o5 - -o.ol
-0. I0 -0.05
-0,15 - -0.10
[~ -0.25 - -0.15
-0.50 -0.25
['---'1 - 1,oo - - 0 . 5 0
~w - 1.00

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Fig. 12 Sediment transport field averaged over the tMal cycle

240 I . R . Warren, H. K. Bach

(Gddspacing 50 m) flows. Part 1: The accumulation of the evi-

70- dence. Journal of Hydraulic Research, Vol. 23,
No. 4, pp. 309-326.
. Deigaard, R.J. Fredsoe, I.B. Hedegaard (1986).
E" 50-
Suspended sediment in the surf zone.
.~ 4o- J. of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean
Engineering, ASCE, Vo. 112, No. 1.

5. Ekebj=rg, L. and P. Justesen (1990). An
20- 0.020 explicit scheme for advection-diffusion
-0.~$ modelling in two dimensions. Comp. Meth.
10- z, -0.020
- 0.050
Appl. Mech. and Eng., Vol. 88, No.3, pp. 287-
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Fig. 13 Calculated initial bed level changes per year . Hedegaard, I.B. (1985). Wave generated ripples
corresponding to strong scirocco wind. and resulting sediment transport in waves. Inst.
Hydrodynamics and Hydraulic Engng., Tech.
Univ. of Denmark, Ser. Paper 36.
sediment transport it is necessary to know the wave
conditions in detail. MIKE 21 NSW was used to . Jorgensen, S.E. (1979). Modelling the distribu-
calculate the storm wave climate in the nearshore tion and effect of heavy metals in an aquatic
region and MIKE 21 SW in the entrances where ecosystem. Ecological Modelling, 6, pp. 199-
diffraction and reflection are important, Fig. 11. 222.

Knowing the wave conditions and the currents due to . Leonard, B.P. (1979). A stable and accurate
tides, wind and waves, MIKE 21 ST was applied to convective modelling procedure based on quad-
calculate the non-cohesive sediment transport, Fig. ratic upstream interpolation. Comp. Meth. Appl.
12, and the resulting bed level changes, Fig. 13. Mech. and Eng., Vol. 19, pp. 59-98.

. Madsen, P.A. and I.R. Warren (1983). Per-

formance of a short-wave numerical model.
REFERENCES Coastal Engineering, Vol. 7.

. Abbott, M.B., A. McCowan, I.R. Warren 10. Malmgren-Hansen, A . , P. Mortensen, B.

(1981). Numerical modelling of free-surface M~ller (1984). Modelling of oxygen depletion
flows that are two-dimensional in plan. Trans- in coastal waters. War. $ci. Tech., Vol. 17, pp.
port Models for Inland and Coastal Waters. 967-978.
Academic Press, pp. 222-283.
11. Mehta, A.J. (1988a). Cohesive Sediment
. Abbott, M.B., A. McCowan, I.R. Warren Transport. I: Process Description. Journal of
(1984). Accuracy of short-wave numerical Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 115, No. 8, pp.
models. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 1076-1093.
110, No. 10.
12. Mehta, A.J. et. al. (1988b). Cohesive Sediment
3. Abbott, M.B., J. Larsen, J. Tao (1985). Transport. II: Application. Journal of Hydraulic
Modelling circulations in depth-integrated Engineering, Vol. 115, No..8, pp.1094-1112.

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