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Area of Study : Geometry

Level : I-A (Grade 1)

Teacher : Camille Ostique
Presentation / Module No 6: Study of Lines: Relations between Two
Straight Lines
1. Determine the different relationships between two lines and explain
2. Illustrate figures showing the different relations between two lines.

Materials: For OSD: white board, marker, ruler, notebook, and pencil
For I- LEAP: whiteboard, marker, notebook, and pencil

Due date: September 17, 2022

I. Topic: Relations between Two Straight Lines

parallel lines
Two straight lines are parallel when they lie on
the same plane; as far as they go, they never
meet, no matter how far they extend.

This is read as Line XY is parallel to Line OP, or
RS ║ TU or TU║ Line OP is parallel to Line XY.
Where can we see parallel lines?
intersecting lines
Two straight lines are called intersecting when they cross each other at one point.

Example: D
This is read as Line EF intersects Line GH or
AB intersects CD or CD intersects Line GH intersects Line EF.
W h e r e c a n w e s e e i n t

perpendicular lines
Two straight lines are perpendicular when they cross each
other and therefore form four right angles.


This is read as Line VW is perpendicular to Line XY or
VW XY or XY VW Line XY is perpendicular to Line VW.

Where can we see perpendicular lines?

Here I am with a presentation using our Box of Sticks: Relations between Two Straight

Please try constructing different lines using your own Box of Sticks.

Can you search your house for parallel, intersecting, and perpendicular lines? Draw
one for each kind and prepare to share during our OSD.

To learn more, click this: Parallel, Intersection, Perpendicular Lines

Listen to this song to help you remember: Parallel, Perpendicular,

and Intersecting Lines song.

II. Activities
For OSD: Prepare your whiteboard, marker, ruler, notebook, and pencil for some exercises.
For I- LEAP: whiteboard, marker, notebook, and pencil
Together, we will work with the Box of Sticks. We will also observe the things
around us. We will draw and name objects that represent:
1. parallel lines
2. perpendicular lines
3. intersecting lines

III. Summary
In this module, we learned the three different relations between two lines: parallel,
intersecting, and perpendicular lines.

IV. Online Synchronous Discussion. During our online discussion, we will:

1. distinguish the different relations between the two lines using the Box of Sticks.
2. make more examples of these lines using the Box of Sticks.

V. Assessment
Option 1: You may click here to answer: Module 6 - Assessment: Relations between Two
Straight Lines
Option 2: You may print and answer the assessment below, take a picture, and email it to with filename and email subject
Last name-Section-Module 6 - Assessment: Relations between Two Straight Lines
(Vitas -Faulkner - Module 6 - Assessment: Relations between Two Straight Lines), or
drop it off in school.

Name: _____________________________ Score: _____ / 10

Section: ___________________________ Date: __________

A. Observe each illustration with lines. Write parallel, intersecting, or perpendicular in the
box. (5 pts.)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

B. Analyze the figure below to answer the following questions. Write your answers on the line
before the number. (5 pts.)

______1. Line AB and Line CD are _____________.

A. parallel B. intersecting C. perpendicular
______2. Line EF and Line GH are _____________.
A. parallel B. intersecting C. perpendicular
______3. Line AB and Line EF are _____________.
A. parallel B. intersecting C. perpendicular
______4. Line CD and Line GH are ____________.
A. parallel B. intersecting C. perpendicular
______5. Line CD and Line EF are ___________.
A. parallel B. intersecting C. perpendicular

● Montessori Geometry Album
● Khan Academy. (2015a, July 17). Parallel and perpendicular lines intro [Video].
● AdaptedMind. (2017, May 12). Parallel, Perpendicular, Intersecting Lines Lesson
[Video]. YouTube.
● Icon Math. (2017a, January 5). Parallel, Intersection and Perpendicular Line [Video].

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