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SCF 83, Model Town Phase 1, Bathinda.

Cell : +91-9888175447

Table of Contents
Table of Contents....................................................................................................... 1 Project title : .............................................................................................................. 2 Team details:.............................................................................................................. 2 ................................................................................................................................. 2 Aim / Objective........................................................................................................... 2 Technologies used :....................................................................................................2 Module Introduction (Post Management)....................................................................3 Module Introduction ( Comments management)........................................................3 Module Introduction ( Admin Module).........................................................................4 Current status of project development.......................................................................4 Target audience..........................................................................................................4 Market potential and expected popularity..................................................................4

SCF 83, Model Town Phase 1, Bathinda. Cell : +91-9888175447

Project synopsis
Project title :
Open source MVC blog engine

Team details:
Total team strength: 5 Total number of modules: 4 The team would be divided to work on each module. Each of the team members will play separate roles during the development of their modules. They would acts as leads, team members and QA person for different sections of the module. Once they code their modules they will be responsible as a team in performing integration with other modules developed in parallel by other teams. During this process they will be performing integration testing to make sure that all the modules get plugged in properly. After the integration is performed successfully the complete team as a whole would be responsible for deploying the system on UAT server , staging server and finally on the production server. At each step of deployment a regression testing phase will be undertaken to make sure that the functionality is working properly.

Aim / Objective
Open source MVC blog engine would be used by individuals, companies or any other entity for hosting their blogs. It would provide full functionality that is required in a good blog website. Anybody using this blog engine would be able to post his / her blogs, receive and reply to comments, add / remove categories, enable / disable comments, add / remove users etc. This blog engine will have a complete admin panel which will be available to users in admin role. They can login to the admin section and change the settings from the project.

Technologies used :
This project will be using the following technology stack: a) MVC

SCF 83, Model Town Phase 1, Bathinda. Cell : +91-9888175447 b) c) d) e) C# LINQ WCF JQuery

Module Introduction (Post Management)

This is the module via which the user would be able to post his blogs online. The user may post his blog, take the blog offline, edit an already posted blog or moderate the comments for his blog post. Below are the things he can possible do via this module: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Add a new post to his blog. Take the post offline. Allow / disallow comments for the post. Add moderators for his blog post. Provide readers with RSS feeds for the blogs. Receive email notifications whenever the blog is created / updated. Add multimedia elements to his blog post. Categorize the posts according to date and category. Provide searching features for the reader to search the post of their interest.

Module Introduction ( Comments management)

Each of the blog that would be posted by the user will have comments posted on it. The author may choose to allow comments on his block or he may disable comments for his blog. This would apply to each post that he writes. In case he chooses to allow comments on his blog then the following would be done: 1) The reader would be able to post comments on his blog post. 2) The author may or may not moderate the comments that he receives. 3) In case he chooses to moderate the comments for his blog post he will have to log in and approve / disapprove a comment to his blog. A comment would only be visible in case the author approves it. 4) Whenever the user views a post all the comments for that particular post shall be fetched from the database and displayed along with the post. 5) Comments can be posted independently by the users or they may post a comment in reply to other readers comment. 6) Whenever a new comment is posted for a blog post the author will be informed via email. 7) All the comments for each blog post could be subscribed by the reader via RSS feeds.

SCF 83, Model Town Phase 1, Bathinda. Cell : +91-9888175447

Module Introduction ( Admin Module)

This blog application has a complete admin panel for performing administration. The main administration is done for user management, role allocation, determining what permissions to be given to which role etc. Following are the features that would be included in this module 1) Manager blog user. 2) Manage user roles. User management would be done using membership profiles. 3) Assigning permissions to each roles. This would decide what that role can do. 4) Managing styles and themes for the blog. The user would be able to change the look and feel of the blog using this feature. 5) Add / remove categories for posts. 6) Managing user profiles. 7) Password management. 8) Each of the steps above would have an email sent to the user and the admin to inform them about the changes and also to ask for their approval if required.

Current status of project development

Currently the projects is in the planning stage. The mockups for the project are ready and deployed at .

Target audience
This project would be of useful to anybody interested in hosting his / her individual blog. Also this will be used for hosting blogs in a company where there will be multiple users using this blog and managing their profiles. This is an open source project so the users can at anytime modify the code as per their priorities. They would be able to share their posts with the world using RSS feeds and also categorize their posts as per their liking.

Market potential and expected popularity

As this is an open source project the market potential for it makes no sense. There are no financial motivations behind building this project. The main motivation is experimentation and developing a world class piece of software.

SCF 83, Model Town Phase 1, Bathinda. Cell : +91-9888175447 On the flip side the popularity of this project is expected to be huge. We expect that the number of downloads of this project would surpass 1000 in the very first year. Then with more addition in functionality the popularity of this project is expected to raise more.

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