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Olga Koshevaliska
Elena Maksimova
Historical overview
Crimes committed by women as serial killers –
• Nannie Doss - the giggling nanny - murders of her five husbands, her mother,
sister, mother-in-law and nephew;
• Elizabeth Bathory - the Blood Countess - Hungarian noblewoman, 1585 -
1610 tortured and killed nearly 650 girls, mostly teenagers;
• Amelia Dyer - housed and cared for newborns in Victorian England, left it to
die of negligence;
• Jane Toppan - Jolly Jane, confesses to 31 murders, nurse who experimented
with morphine and atrophins on her patients' poor families;
• Aileen Wuornos- killed seven men in Florida ,1898 a-1990 under the pretext
of self-defense against rape- not proven in court;
• Leonarda Cianciulli - Italian housewife, 1939 - 1940 made tea cookies and
soaps from human flesh. Offered the cakes to family and friends and used the
soaps to bathe with her husband.

Numerous unsolved cases in large noble families where the female background
was overseen
• ancient historian Titus Livius records a case - sixth century BC, the daughter of
the penultimate Roman king Servius Tullius, Tulia, initiated and supported the
murder of her own father
General facts:
• 90% of homicides committed by men,
• 70% of homicide victims are men
• over half of all homicides occur between men
• much more likely that male perpetrators kill stranger, casual acquaintance than a loved
one – opposite for women

male homicides – confrontational,

demonstration of greater power,
honor, control, revenge killings, Females - one's own perception of
well-planned attacks, cold- experiencing "failure" in a particular
blooded murders or murders for field of life - loss of control, murders
gain. committed in an emotional state
in self-defense or instrumentally, to
achieve certain momentary goals,
“bettered woman syndrome”
Comparative researches
Swedish research group
research in Finland 2008 and 2011 The countries of the Balkan region
1990 - 2010
• adult victim - the intimate partner, • Female homicide – previous family • victims that are weaker
influence of narcotics, using a cold violence • take advantage of the moment of
weapon "knife violence", prior violence • failed to finish elementary school carelessness and powerlessness -
from the victim • suicidal ideation - not the case with insidious ways, qualifying circumstance
• child victim - 24% of the total, male perpetrators -severe punishment
• for man, only 5% • a slight increase in this crime, • disturbed personality, lack of empathy
• scene - usually the home, different for compared with past researches - psychologist Nebojsa Jovanovic
men • significant narrowing of the gap • more monstrous than man
• Homicide / suicide between male and female • first registered serial killer is a woman
• mental disorder perpetrators. (grandmother Anujka)
• negligence and infanticide • constant alcohol abuse • causes - selfishness, revenge, chronic
• mental disorder, violence and the use • less and less in a family or intimate alcoholism of the victim and jealousy,
of hallucinogenic substances relationship with the victim of the • tool – situational
crime • Place - home
• In past - by hanging, hot liquids,
baking soda, novelty - "Molotov
Canada cocktail"
mainly committed on intimate partner, in 28% • dominated by the murder of a partner
previously victimized by the victim • frequent after the disintegration of the
USA • does not linked with another crime,
downward trend such as theft
1.6 perpetretors per 100 000 inhabitants
In most cases - sentimental motives, profile of the victim - intimate
partner, current or former - due to previous abuse, putting the

Intimate woman in a central role

Partner male perpetrators of intimate partner homicides – (heterosexual

relations) women are victims have a less "victimized history" of
violence than compared to a situation where a woman appears to
be the perpetrator

→Intimate subtypes of homicides committed by victimized intimate partners:

Partner - self-defense homicides,

-revenge homicides,

-and sexual domination and possessive homicides;

collateral killing - on the new partner of their previous intimate

partner, his child, a stranger or a police officer present
Infanticide – delicta propria

Subtypes: Homicide of a child during childbirth, ie in the first 24 hours after birth
(neonaticide) -associated with young girls and their previous denial of
pregnancy. In other cases, the children are thought to be at least one day old, but
not more than a year old (infanticide).

Forced, assisted infanticide - when it involves the male, predominant, partner.

◦ Mostly privileged form of crime Women are involved in relationships filled with violence and are afraid of their
(except USA no act so far provides ) partners.

◦ female infanticide - more Infanticide associated with carelessness and negligence, where newborns die of
practiced neglect and carelessness on the part of the mother.

◦ Mostly committed -
abandonment and exposure of the Infanticide related to abuse and violence, where the cause of death is precisely
child to starvation, cold or animal the abuse.
attack, suffocation, drowning and
the aforementioned, neglect or
Infant-related mental illness in the mother, acute or chronic, significant
depression or psychotic episode results in the death of the newborn
Poison, always considered as a female tool
General female’s methods ◦ historically - thallium, sleeping pills,
and ways to commit homicide insulin injections, poison gas, ground glass,
and normal arsenic.
◦ Nowadays -standard poisons as well as
narcotics and sleeping pills, and poison
◦ close to the character and constitution of
the woman,
◦ most characteristic for white women

Other ways:
➢ homicides by suffocation ,
➢ drowning,
The way a woman would commit a homicide ➢ strangulation, cold weapon - knife
depends on the victim and the situation, ➢ firearms - in cases of necessary defense,
affective state - repeating the action with which when the partner possesses such (USA -
inflicts fatal injuries! 39% from whole)
It is a rare crime
it as a privileged type of homicide,
Mostly from - bodily injury and severe bodily
incriminated as "killing a child during injury.
Female - more often they occur as victims
the frequency of this crime is in the
◦ . As perpetrators - in relation to the homicide
rural areas - unwanted pregnancies in under Article 125 of the Criminal Code, ie at
girls from rural areas the moment and under Article 126, ie due to
The first such case registered in 1962 negligence
Homicides committed by women are usually
from 2005-2015 we have 4 child preceded by many years of harassment and
murder registrations victimization - accumulated mental distress
presence of a dark figure Intimate partner abuse that inevitably leads to
Intimate partners homicide
most often as a mother – female -age
16-18 years, sometimes even we have more cases of attempted homicide
younger, not aware of pregnancy at than actual homicide

all, or is careless of her own condition the use of cold steel, like a knife, a screwdriver
affective character

1 123 Criminal Code

for the murder of her
husband - a sentence
2 Murder, sentence of 6
➢ Case study - interview

years and 10 months

of 6 years of prison,
(typical self-defense)

Bettered woman
Married, mother of
syndrome, mother of
two – one minor,
two children, 24 years
several months victim
victim of domestic
of physical and

3 4
violence, B.Sc.
mentall violence

Sentenced to 20 years
imprisonment –
Homicide– sentenced
homicide of a 3 year
to 20 years
old girl, committed
together with her

Abroad, mother of
two, victim of Mother of four, Roma
domestic violence, nationality, abused
desecration of a from first spouse,
victim, psychic prob. impaired mental
in her and in the health
children, ignorant
Data from interview in
Macedonian’s prison
“Bettered woman
in most cases, - to protect
syndrome" - should be a
the family, and
sentenced to long prison guideline for the
themselves, from the
primary offenders terms, over five years in individualization of the
aggressor (prior
prison, treatment of women. In
victimization for many
RNM is either neglected
or not performed at all

Self-defense - Most often - the last

accumulated anger from option is violence - she
Often as a trigger -
violence or affective, as does not intend to kill
current irritability from
well as diverting the him, just to end the
the last event
attack from self-harm to current unbearable
injury situation
Less than male perpetrator – new
forms, more violence – must be follow

Affection – emotions included

"Intimate partner homicide", not

every blow is an indicator of the real
abuser- more attention to previous
signs of victimization –better police

Bettered women syndrome –

authorities must take it into account
and know how to recognize it



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