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ECAI 2018 - International Conference – 10th Edition

Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence

28 June -30 June, 2018, Iasi, ROMÂNIA

Blockchain Technology Applied in Health

The Study of Blockchain Application in the Health System (II)

Andrei Cirstea Florentina Magda Enescu Nicu Bizon

University of Pitesti Pitești, University of Pitesti Pitești, University of Pitesti Pitești,
România România România

Cosmin Stirbu Valeriu Manuel Ionescu

University of Pitesti Pitești, University of Pitesti Pitești,
România România

Abstract – This paper will introduce a minimal of the Bitcoin: A Peer Electronic Cash System, which
introduction to blockchain technology, followed by a is a purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash. A
medical application (MedBlocks). The application is year later, in 2009, the bitcoin appeared in the
based on this technology, with the purpose to make blockchain structure, although it did not have an initial
medical field more efficient. Blockchain technology has success (in 2009, no one could be found willing to
the potential to revolutionize both medicine and any offer the $ 50 "colossal" amount in exchange for
other field for system decentralization. This can change 10,000 BTC, in 2010 1 BTC was listed at $ 0.003). It
the whole world through efficiency and secure way to has grown exponentially and triggered a real
act. The objective of this paper is to show the
technological revolution, not just by the fact that 1
extraordinary potential of this technology and how it
BTC in a period (December 15, 2017) had reached the
will fundamentally change all aspects of receiving,
transmitting and securing of information. "stratosphere" at $ 17,900, [1], [2], but also through its
ingenious operation.
Keywords - blockchain, hash, peer-to-peer, DDBMS, With this boom, more and more developers have
decentralization, encryption, decryption, miner, realized the enormous potential of this "trust" scheme
MedBlocks (if we can call it that) and today the blockchain is
involved (or will be involved) in all areas.
I. INTRODUCTION This application is based on a simple idea:
building a health system in which the relationship
We all witnessed a global phenomenon that slowly
between the patient and the doctor is one of
recovered the modern monetary world. This
maximum trust, and the diagnostics are given
phenomenon occurred with Satoshi Nakamoto (whose
depending on the effectiveness of the treatment. [3],
true identity is still unknown) in 2008 with the launch
[4], [5]

Figure 1 The data management system

978-1-5386-4901-5/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

• The operating principle is simple to be used
A. Define and use
by a wide range of users.
Blockchain can be defined, as can be deduced from
the name, as a chain of interconnected blocks. This • Step 1: A patient will access the platform,
concept consists of storing data in blocks, and each from any device and sign in.
block is linked by a digital fingerprint (hash). Hash is a • Step 2: Each patient will complete the medical
kind of encrypted code that is used to validate data that history on our database. The database
can be of any kind. [6] containing patient data files consists of fields
containing information, depending on the
All blocks (data) are then stored on a multitude of request / question / field.
places using a distributed database management system
(DDBMS). [7], [8] Figure 1. • Step 3: The user who inserts a medical file
will, upon completion, activate the finish
This is basically a centralized software system that button. The data is automatically verified,
manages multiple data in different locations as a whole encrypted and stored, and the user as a reward
and is also used to perform the following tasks: will periodically receive the latest treatment
• Used to create, recover, update, and delete • information, find out the latest news about the
distributed databases; most effective drugs and latest treatment
methods from clinics, research centers,
• Synchronizes the database periodically and international conferences, factories drugs.
provides access mechanisms to make the
distribution transparent to users; • Step 4: After activating the finish button, the
user is directed to a contract page in which he
• Fortify that modified data on any site is can provide selective visibility. Check the
universally updated; people / categories of staff who can access the
• Designed for heterogeneous database information in the datasheet: doctors,
platforms; researchers, pharmacists, close people, family
members. In this way, the user is extremely
• Maintain the confidentiality and integrity of selective regarding the privacy of personal
database data. data.
• Step 5 (optional): If a user has questions or
B. Data processing
concerns, he may permanently activate the
forum heading and consult with industry
For the system to be functional, the storage data specialists.
needs to be decrypted, checked, and encrypted again.
All this endurance work is done by a group of
Once all the above steps have been completed, the
computers / servers that through a specific software
data sheet will be loaded automatically into the
program processes the system data. The program keeps
database and will be instantly visible to all users who
the interface between its graphics card or processor and
has permission.
system data. It actually trades its processing power
(depending on the case, it can use from 1% of the
processing power of the so-called miner up to 100% of B. Data Access
its power) in return for some advantages.
Physicians, researchers, laboratories,
pharmaceutical factories, other users will have access
II. APPLICATION PRESENTATION to data through a special hash that Once all the above
steps verification of the person / group identity using
First, MedBlocks, was thought to be a step in the they diploma accreditation.
evolution of medicine and the Internet itself.
MedBlocks wants to be a network where everyone can
Once logged into the database each authorized
contribute to major changes in the overall medical
person can access a multitude of data from patients
system's efficiency.
such as: age; height; weight; arrangement of organ
donation; type of blood; run; operate suffered;
Anyone can offer experience with their treatments, ruptures, spills, sprains; the frequency of visits to the
illnesses, allergies, operations, and can also give a huge doctor per year; the frequency of medical problems per
help to the system by collecting data (otherwise year; the disease suffered; commonly used drugs;
extremely expensive considering only the time medications that showed yield; medicines that did not
allocated) extremely easy and accessible to doctors and show performance; drugs that have given adverse
researchers, but also for drugstores. [9], [10], [11] effects; and so on Figure 2 [12], [13], [14].
Figure 4 User Interface
Figure 2 Principle of operation

C. The method of payment of services B. Explain in general the code to be carried

out for the platform
In exchange for these data, the beneficiaries will
also end up with a virtual contract with the patients Before this platform can be made it is useful to
(users) that they are committed to offering various form a block figure 5.
benefits to those who support the system (miners).

Miners in exchange for their processing power will

receive payment in cryptocurrencies, these
cryptocurrencies will be used to pay for various
services (treatments, medications, analyzes, therapy,
dental problems, etc.). [15]

Example of statistic data that can be make using our

platform Figure 3:

Figure 5. The creation of a block

• Now we are going to make a blockchain

(figure 6):

Figure 3 Statistical data


This section describes Accelerating the
development of new effective method how a part of
the program and the user platform interface were

A. User Interface
At the basis of the user interface, there were two
ideas: simplicity and clarity for data collection. Figure 6 The creation of a blockchain

Site was made using the WIX platform Figure 4 • For security we will use diverse method of
encryption like SHA-2, SHA-3
• The algorithm for mining will be similar • Removing ineffective treatments;
with the one in the Figure 7: • Choosing for cheaper medications (in some
• Public information on diseases across
different categories (for example diabetes by
• Push in a more accelerated way the
development of new effective methods;
• Informing the masses about various current
medical problems (by sending various
electronic leaflets);
• Removing counterfeit medicines; Decrease
of misdiagnosis;

Figure 7 Mining Method [4]
• For the implementation of block and healthcare
blockchain algorithm it going to look very [6] explained/
similar with the one below (figure 8): [7] mining-
[11] is-
[13] Cristian, Hoarca Ioan; Raducu, Marian, “Performance
comparison of three MPPT algorithms: aESC, mESC and
P&OBy“, IEEE Conference: 7th International Conference on
Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI)
Location: Bucharest, ROMANIA Date: JUN 25-27, 2015
Figure 8 Implementation of block and blockchain [15] Satoshi Nakamoto ,Christian Esteve Rothenberg, Mauricio
Ferreira Magalhães , “Bitcoin A Peer-to-Peer Electronic
Cash System
It is beneficial that in the future to reach to use such nse-content-
technology that comes in support of both the patient, disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3DBitcoin_A_Peer-to-
but also of doctors, researchers who want to have Peer_Electronic_Cash_S.pdf
access to the medical records of the patients, of all
those who wish to obtain information about the
evolution, treatment and the results of the post-
treatment achieved by the various patients, the
pharmaceutical industry and last but not least, the
medical system is no longer dependent on a certain

The main advantages of using the blockchain

technology are as follows:
• The disappearance of ineffective medicines;
• Improvement of common and efficient traps
due to market predictability in terms of

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