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IBDP Atomic Structure (Topic 2/12)

SL CONTENT (HL from page 6)

SL EQUATIONS (data booklet)

𝐴 2−
1. What is represented by A in 𝑍
𝑋 ?

A. Number of electrons

B. Number of neutrons

C. Number of nucleons

D. Number of protons

2. What is the maximum number of electrons that can occupy the 4th main energy level in an atom?
A.  8

B.  14

C.  18

D.  32

3. Which statement about 56Fe3+ and 54Fe2+ is correct?

A. Both have the same numbers of protons and electrons.
B. Both have the same number of protons.
C. Both have the same number of neutrons.
D. Both have the same numbers of protons and neutrons.

IBDP Atomic Structure (Topic 2/12)


4a. State the nuclear symbol notation, 𝑍
𝑋, for iron-54.

4b. Mass spectrometry analysis of a sample of iron gave the following results:

Calculate the relative atomic mass, Ar, of this sample of iron to two decimal places.

[2 marks]

5. Which represents the shape of an s atomic orbital?

IBDP Atomic Structure (Topic 2/12)

6. Which is the electron configuration of a chromium atom in the ground state?

A. [Ne]3s23p64s13d4
B. [Ar]3d3
C. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d4
D. [Ar]4s13d5

7a. Bromine can form the bromate(V) ion, BrO3−.

State the electron configuration of a bromine atom.

[1 mark]
7b. Sketch the orbital diagram of the valence shell of a bromine atom (ground state) on the energy
axis provided. Use boxes to represent orbitals and arrows to represent electrons.

[1 mark]

IBDP Atomic Structure (Topic 2/12)


8a. The emission spectrum of an element can be used to identify it.

Draw the first four energy levels of a hydrogen atom on the axis, labelling n = 1, 2, 3 and 4.

[1 mark]

8b. Draw the lines, on your diagram, that represent the electron transitions to n = 2 in the emission

[1 mark]
9. Which electron transition emits radiation of the longest wavelength?

IBDP Atomic Structure (Topic 2/12)

10. Which is correct for the line emission spectrum for hydrogen?

A. Line M has a higher energy than line N. 

B. Line N has a lower frequency than line M. 
C. Line M has a longer wavelength than line N. 
D. Lines converge at lower energy.

IBDP Atomic Structure (Topic 2/12)

HL EQUATIONS (data booklet)


11. Bonds can be formed in many ways.

The first six ionization energies, in kJ mol–1, of an element are given below.

Explain the large increase in ionization energy from IE3 to IE4.

[2 marks]

12. This question is about sodium and its compounds.

Plot the relative values of the first four ionization energies of sodium.

  [1 mark]
IBDP Atomic Structure (Topic 2/12)


Which shows the first ionization energies of successive elements across period 2, from left to right?
14. Which element is in group 13?

IBDP Atomic Structure (Topic 2/12)

Which statement explains one of the decreases in first ionization energy (I.E.) across period 3?

A.     The nuclear charge of element Al is greater than element Mg.
B.     The electron-electron repulsion is greater, for the electron with the opposite spin, in element S
than in element P.
C.     A new sub-level is being filled at element S.
D.     The p orbital being filled in element Al is at a lower energy than the s orbital in element Mg.

IBDP Atomic Structure (Topic 2/12)


16a. Hydrogen spectral data give the frequency of 3.28 × 1015 s−1 for its convergence limit.
Calculate the ionization energy, in J, for a single atom of hydrogen using sections 1 and 2 of the data

[1 mark]
16b. Calculate the wavelength, in m, for the electron transition corresponding to the frequency in
(a)(iii) using section 1 of the data booklet.

[1 mark]
17. The electron configuration of copper makes it a useful metal.
Determine the frequency of a photon that will cause the first ionization of copper. Use sections 1, 2 and
8 of the data booklet.

[2 marks]

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