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HAAD EXAM 24/01/2018

(Dr Vipesh pavithran)

1. Orthodontic removal appliance should be kept in mouth for

A. 4-6 hrs
B. 6-8 hrs
C. 8-12 hrs
D. 24 hrs

2. Patient come to the dental clinic with pain in relation to 48, on clinical
examination u found that pericoronitis and occlusal and distal caries in
partially impacted tooth in dental x-ray, you decided to extract 48 after
antibiotic coverage, recalled the patient after one week. During surgery :

A. Turn off the water propellant of micro motor hand piece and cut the
bone with high speed with distilled \ water irrigation
B. Turn off the water propellant of micro motor hand piece and use
saline instead
C. Combination of saline and distilled water with high speed micro motor
D. Saline solution for bone cutting and distilled water for bone chip
removal is an established rule
3. Intraligamentary injection is?
A. Infiltration
B. Intraosseous
C. Subperiosteal
D. Intraperiodontium

4. Choose the correctly matched pair

A. PSA : pterigopalatine fossa
B. IANB: pterigo mandibular space
C. Goe gates : retro pharyngeal space
D. Both B and C

5. Maxillary occlusal rim aligned according to?
A. Campers plane
C. Inter pupillary line
D. A and C
6. Muscles responsible for downward and slight backward movement of
anterior maxilla after bilateral fracture at canine region?
A. Myelohyoid, anterior belly of digastrics, hyoglossus, genioglossus
B. Anterior belly of digastrics, genio hyoid, genioglossus, myelohyoid,
thyro glossus
C. Anterior belly of digastrics, genio hyoid, genioglossus
D. Myelohyoid, posterior belly of digastrics, genioglossus, thyrohyoid

7. Occlusal rest for adequate width, the thinnest portion should be at least?
A. 1mm
B. 1.5mm
C. 2mm
D. 2.5mm
8. Choose the correctly matched pair/s?
A. Frictionless orthodontic wire : stainless steel
B. Loss friction by heating : Thermal NiTi
C. Best orthodontic wire for patient with allergy: stainless steel
D. A and B
(Best orthodontic wire for patient with allergy: beta titanium)
9. Cause of allergic dermatitis?
A. Cinnamon flavours
B. Component of dental materials
C. Agents of tooth paste
D. All of the above
10. What is percentage of resorption of mandible comparing to maxillary
dental arches?
A. 4% higher
B. 8% higher
C. 12 % higher
D. 8% lower
11. Choose the correct statement
A. Penicillin is least effective if we used with tetracycline
B. Drug of choice for pregnant women is penicillin
C. Tetracycline works on 30S ribosome
D. All of the above
12. Which of the following is not a NSAID
A. Celecoxib
B. Piroxycam
C. Lisnopril
D. Ibuprofen
(lisnopril is a calcium channel blocker)
13. Consider the following statement about Chlorhexidine
A. Has metallic component
B. Effective against gram negative organism
C. Broad spectrum antimicrobial activity
D. All of the above
14. LA of long duration
A. Bupivacaine
B. Procaine
C. Lidocaine (lignocaine)
D. Articaine
15. Rotation force is sometimes enough for the extraction of which
permanent tooth?
A. Maxillary central incisors
B. Mandibular central incisors
C. Maxillary first premolar
D. Mandibular molars
16. 31 year male patient comes to clinic with 3 cm diameter lesion / ulcer on
buccal mucosa, your treatment choice must be?
A. Incisional biopsy
B. Excisional biopsy
C. Recall after 14 days
D. Observe it will heal soon

(its 3 cm in diameter , it will take more than one week to develop into
such a big lesion, so waiting for further 2 wks are not appropriate i
think and its size over than 2cm exclude it from excisional biopsy )
17. A patient reported to your clinic with a blow at his right side of the face,
on examination you noticed that his mouth deviated to left side, your
diagnosis will be?
A. Fracture of the left condylar region and left zygomatic arch
B. Fracture of the right condylar region only
C. Bilateral condylar fracture
D. None
(deviation to the left side means left condylar fracture , from the given
statements there is no adequate data to determine fracture of zygomatic
18. Patient has throbbing pain during last night time, which increased by heat
and relieved by cold, and pain on percussion. Diagnosis ?
A. Irreversible pulpitis
B. Reversible pulpitis
C. Acute periodical periodontitis
D. A and C
(In irreversible pulpitis pain aggravated by cold and sweets usually but
at the end stage of irreversible pulpitis a relief by cold application is
evident and tenderness on percussion always represent apical

19. Position of needle in relation to medial pterigoid during IANB?

A. Lateral and posterior
B. Medial and anterior
C. Lateral and anterior
D. Medial and posterior
20. Right statement/s regarding grey and white MTA?
A. Both have same osteogenic effect or potential
B. Grey colour of the grey MTA is due to the increased iron content than
white MTA
C. Sealing ability of both of them are different
D. All of the above
21. Consider the following statements about gingival retraction chord (RC)
A. 8% zinc chloride containing RC causes tissue necrosis
B. We can use 0.8% epinephrine containing RC to all patients
C. Aluminium chloride greater than 10% causes tissue destruction
Choose the correct statement /s
A. 1 only
B. 1 and 3 only
C. 3 only
D. All of the above
(Epinephrine containing RC are contra indicated in cardiac patients)
22. Retraction chord usually used in dentistry?
A. Mechanical
B. Physical
C. Chemico-mechanical
D. Chemical
23. Choose the correct statement/s about clasp assembly unit?
A. Retentive arm should be passive
B. 360 degree encirclement is ideal
C. Clasp assembly unit placed perpendicular to fulcrum line
D. None
24. Fracture of all ceramics begins as?
A. Semi lunar
B. Lunar
C. Compound
D. Radial (not sure, most common is semi lunar but begin ad radial or
linear i think not sure )

25. 8year old patient reported immediately after an accident with avulsed 11,
you replanted the tooth with all established rules of tooth replantation and
given a flexible splint, after 2 wks patient reported back with pain reason
A. Inflammatory resorption
B. Replacemental resorption
C. Ankylosis
D. Both B and C
26. Consider the following statements; choose the correct statement/s?
A. Phase one of periodontal therapy includes scaling and root plaining
B. Plaque removal included in multiple stage of periodontal therapy
C. Both statements are correct
D. Both statements are false
27. Over drying after acid etching before bond application causes?
A. Micro leakage
B. Nano shrinkage (not sure )
C. Gaping
D. Secondary caries
28. Delayed eruption seen in all except?
A. Hypothyroidism
B. Hypopitutarism
C. Cleido cranial dysplasia
D. Gardners syndrome
29. Choose correct statements about flowable composite
A. Low modulus of elasticity
B. Lower filler content
C. Higher polymerization shrinkage
D. All of the above
30. A 15 year old boy with well controlled diabetes mellitus type 2 reported
to your clinic for routine check up, your main advise to the patient is ?
A. Routine plaque control
B. Reduce intake of sugar (I think, it must be the primary concern,
second plaque control)
C. Advise revisits every three months
D. None
31. After the extraction of upper first molar you noticed an oro antral
communication about 5mm diameter , your first line of treatment is ?
A. Close the extraction socket with buccal or palatal advancing flap
B. Leave it, it will heal as a normal extraction socket
C. Cadwel leuc surgery
D. Use of gauze saturated with povidine iodine and clot stabilization
with figure of 8 suture

32. Choose correctly matched pairs?
A. Foramen ovale : sphenoid bone
B. Foramen laceram : sphenoid bone
C. Foramen caecum : orbital floor
D. A and B
(lacerum at the junction of sphenoid, occipital and temporal, caecum at
frontal bone and in tongue too)
33. Causative organism of infective endo carditis?
A. Streptococcus viridns
B. Staphylococcus albus
C. Staphylococcus aureus
D. Streptococcus milleri
34. Disinfection of gutta percha?
A. 5.2% NaOCl for one minute and wash in hydrogen peroxide
B. Wash with 5.2% NaOCl and autoclave
C. Wash with 5.2% NaOCl then hot air oven
D. Any one of the above
35. Composite tag length ?
A. 1-4um
B. 3-5 um
C. 7-25 um (um .......... micrometer)
D. Greater than 40um
36. Which inhalation (volatile) anesthetic preffered in children?
A. Desflurane
B. Sevoflurane
C. Halothane
D. Nitrous oxide

37. Chose correct statement/s about malignant hyper thermia ? (MH)
1. Hypermetabolic
2. Isoflurane triggers MH
3. Succinyl choline will minimize MH
4. If untreated will lead to death
A All except 3
B 1 and 3
C 2 and 4
D All statements are wrong
38. Type 4 ZnOE is?
A. Temporary filling
B. Liner
C. Permanent filling
D. None
39. Setting reaction of Resin modified GIC?
A. Chemical
B. Polymerization
C. Dual cure
D. All
40. A 19 year old male patient come to your clinic with retruded mandible
and deep bite, on examination you found that under developed mandible
and anterior crowding, maxillary arch are normal, what will be your
treatment plan?
A. Fixed Orthodontic treatment only
B. Orthognathic surgery and fixed orthodontics
C. Orthognathic surgery alone
D. Anterior maxilla set back
41. Important factor in selection of shade?
A. Hue
B. Value
C. Chroma
D. Metamerism

42. 21 partially erepted, 11 extracted due to severe dental caries, 21 will
A. Normally without any space conqre of 11
B. Mesially erupts and conquer the space of 11
C. 12 mesially drift and conquer space of 11
D. B and C
(B and C occur only during eruption of canine)
43. Structures very close to PDL?
A. Cementum and alveolar bone
B. Alveolar bone and dentin
C. Cementum amd enamel
D. Dentain and enamel
44. Moderate / intermediate disinfection will destroy?
A. Mycobacterium
C. (not remember) Strepto / staphylo coccus
D. All of the above

45. After complete teeth extraction patient came with alack and blue
discoloration on neck, what is your diagnosis?
A. Surgical emphysema
B. Haematoma
C. Blue nevi
D. None
46. . Polyether impression material advantage is?
A. High affinity towards water / water solubility
B. Shot setting time
C. Dimensionally stable
D. All
47. Hand piece sterilization should be done after
A. Dissemble- lubrication-packing -sterilization
B. Sterilization-swipe with alcohol -pack it
C. Dissemble – packing – sterilization – packing
D. Wash with saline - dip in chemical solution – pack it

48. All are true about MODIFIED WIDMAN flap surgery except?
A. First incision is internal bevel incision through interdental area
B. It is a pocket elimination surgery
C. Second incision is an external bevel incision
D. All
49. Consider the following statements about alveolar osteitis, select the right
answer from the given combinations?
A. May be complicated by contraceptives.
B. Develops after 3 to 4 days of extraction
C. Have nothing to do with antibiotics
D. Happen more with increased fibrinolytic activity
A. 1 and 3 only
B. 2 and 4 only
C. 1,2, and 4 only
D. All of the above
50. Place of incision for Mandibular tori removal?
A. Above the torus 
B. At the base of the torus 
C. From the gingival sulcus of adjacent teeth 
D. Midline of the torus
51. How to increase the efficiency of disinfection solution in dental clinic?
A. Prepare solution every morning
B. Follow manufactures direction
C. Prepare solution multiple times in a day
D. Bulk sterilization at every evening
52. Not an indication of Mandibular tours removal and sharp mylohyoid
A. Interference with speech 
B. Interference with taste 
C. Mucosal ulceration
D. Denture interferences

53. Which of these aids in placement of gold crown?

A. Venting
B. Vibrating
C. Drilling mesial and distal groove after secondary impression 
D. Die relief 
E. All of the above
54. Not a feature of sialolithiasis?
A. Common in submandibular salivary gland
B. Pain during eating
C. Due to the anti gravitational passage of submandibular salivary duct
D. Purely serous nature of the submandibular gland play a major
55. From the given statements what is incorrect about amalgam?
A. To decrease setting time of amalgam spherical amalgam are used
B. Compressive strength of high copper amalgam is more than tooth
C. Hardened amalgam is brittle and susceptible to bulk fracture
D. All the given statements are true
56. Important points about centric relation recording in dental office?
A. Condylar gently guided by dentist is less consistence
B. Condylar gently guided by dentist is more consistence
C. Manipulation of condyle by opening, not less than 20mm
D. None
57. Chose the correct statement/s about tooth movement?
A. During eruption maxillary tooth tend to move in buccal or labial
B. During tooth drifting it will move in mesial direction
C. During eruption tooth tend to move in lingual direction first and then
D. Both A and B

58. A radiograph of a 4 yr old child reveals no evidence of second

Mandibular premolar calcification. what you will explain to the parents?

A. These teeth may develop later
B. The child probably will never develop premolars
C. It is too early in life to make final predictions concerning development
of any permanent teeth
D. Primary molars should be extracted to allow first permanent molars to
drift forward

(Second premolars start calcification at 2-2.5 yrs old. Calcification can

be delayed in some cases up to 4 or 6 years, I think here the best
answer is A).
59. What is true regarding Tetracycline intake time and affected tooth?
A. Mid pregnancy to 5th month of intrauterine : all deciduous teeth
B. 3 months to 6 years : permanent anteriors
C. 4th month of intrauterine to 8years : all permanent and deciduous teeth
D. All of the above
60. True about radiograph?
A. Low contrast means more shades of grey
B. High KVp means better quality
C. Quantity depends up on mA
D. All
61. Which will cause difficulty in polishing of composite?
A. Soft filler, hard matrix
B. Hard filler, soft matrix
C. Hard filler only
D. Soft matrix only
62. What is the kind of bur used for refinement and polishing of composite?
A. Fine carbide
B. Diamond
C. Both
D. Disc

63. True about Biologic Width?

A. Ideally it is 2.64mm
B. Includes junctional epithelium and connective tissue component
C. Ideally it contains junctional epithelium, connective tissue component
and attached gingival
D. Both A and B
64. Mixed dentition period in children occur between the eruption of
following teeth?
A. 1st permanent molar & canine
B. 1st permanent molar & premolar
C. Canine & second permanent molar
D. First permanent molar & third molar
65. True about splinting of avulsed tooth?
A. Splint for 4 wks, rigid splint
B. Splint for 4 days, flexible splint
C. Splint for 10 days, flexible splint
D. Splint for 10 days, rigid splint
66. Best suture place after extraction of single tooth?
A. Single suture at the center of the extraction socket
B. Two suture at the two extremes close to adjacent tooth
C. One at center and other at proximity of most posterior tooth
D. One at center and other at proximity of most posterior tooth
67. Best bone graft?
A. Cortical bone graft
B. Cancellous bone graft
C. Xenograft
D. Allograft
68. Best bone graft for grade ll furcation?
A. Cortico-cancellous
B. Alloplas
C. Cortical bone graft
D. Bioglass

69. Patient had angina attack after extraction, what will be the most evident
A. Stress from procedure 
B. Epinephrine
C. Methyl paraben
D. Sitting position
70. Patient in dental chair as difficulty in breathing due to?
A. Asthmatic attack
B. anaphylactic shock
C. diabetic ketoacidosis
D. all the above
71. True about implant?
A. Diameter of the implant 4mm
B. Distance from adjacent tooth 1.5mm
C. Distance from vital structures 2mm
D. All of the above
72. In modified class three preparation retention achieved mainly by?
A. Retentive grooves
B. Acid etching
C. Pins
D. Both A and B
73. Custom tray are made from patients diagnostic plaster cast: so that,
alginate impression are required for the fabrication of custom tray
A. First statement is correct second statement is wrong
B. Both statements are correct
C. Both statements are wrong
D. First statement is wrong, second statement is correct

74. Dental student made impression with alginate how could he disinfect it:
A. 10% glutraldehyde for 10 sec
B. 1% sodium hypochlorite
C. 10% glutraldehyde for 10 min
D. Iodophore
A. 3 and 4
B. 1 and 4
C. 2 and 3
D. 2 and 4
75. Loos of tooth in mixed dentition affects the?
A. Same quadrant
B. The whole mouth 
C. Relevant jaw 
D. Relevant quadrant
76. Cause of Delayed eruption of central incisor in 9 yr old child?
A. Supernumerary tooth
B. Thick fibrous tissue
C. Hormonal problems
D. All of the above
77. After endodontic treatment from other clinic, patient referred to your
clinic for further restoration, on history it’s clear that have undergone
RCT before 1 month, on IOPAR there is 1-2mm gutta-percha over
extended and a surrounding radiolucency, patient is asymptomatic. what
will be your treatment plan?
A. Immediate periapical surgery
C. Returns the patient to the old clinic
D. Periodic review
78. Incipient proximal caries commonly occurs at?
A. Contact point
B. Coronal third
C. Gingival third
D. All have equal potency

79. Reduction of anteriorly displaced mandible?

A. Down ward medially
B. Downward anteriorly
C. Downward posteriorly
D. Downward laterally
80. First division of external carotid artery?
A. Superior thyroid artery
B. Lingual artery
C. Facial artery
D. Greater occipital artery
81. Following statements are true about RPD?
A. Anterior border of the strap terminate at valley of the rugae
B. Anterior border of the strap terminate at crest of the rugae
C. In maxilla anterior border should terminate 6mm short of marginal
D. Both A and C
82. A dentist is preparing Tooth # 30 for an occlusal amalgam restoration.
Once the ideal form and depth have been established, the dentist notes that
caries remains on the facial, pulpal, and lingual walls of the preparation.
The next step in treatment is?
A. Extend the outline form
B. Remove the caries with spoon excavator
C. Remove the caries with larger round bur.
D. Remove caries and prepare the tooth for a crown
83. New researcher about RCT post and core, what does it say?
A. Immediate use of post immediately after RCT has resulted in decrease
apical leakage.
B. Delayed post immediately after RCT has resulted in decrease apical
C. Immediate use of post immediately after RCT has resulted in increased
apical leakage.
D. No relation between apical leakage and post and core placement

84. Retraction cords, which is correct?

A. The instrument used to pack the cord must be held parallel to
tooth axis
B. Cord packing starts from buccal surface
C. Cord overlaps in proximal areas
D. Cord overlaps in buccal surface
85. Recent studies about Gingival retraction cord , for how much minimum
time we take place to get a minimum retraction?
A. 1 min
B. 2 min
C. 4 min
D. 6 min
86. 7 year old male patient came with Trauma to 11 resulting in fracture of
enamel and dentin and 2mm exposure of pulp, reported to the clinic after
4 hrs, what will be your management?
A. Direct pulp capping
B. Cvek polpotomy
C. Pulpectomy
87. 8 year old child reported with trauma to enamel and dentin without pulp
exposure, patient complaints of sensitivity, what is your line of treatment?
A. Calcium hydroxide liner and composite restoration
B. GIC liner and composite restoration
C. Amalgam restoration
D. varnish
88. How to control aerosol in dental office?
A. Proper ventilation
B. High volume suction
C. Moisture absorbent (not remember)
D. All of the above

89. SNA angle important to determine the proclination of maxilla. What is


A. Plane connecting sagital plane and nasion
B. Plane connecting midpoint of pituitary fossa and nasion
C. Lane connecting sagital sinus and nasion
D. None of the above
90. Frankfort plane extends from?
A. Horizontally from sella to nasion
B. Ala of the nose to tragus
C. Horizontally from point on superior aspect of external auditory
meatus to orbitale
D. None
91. True about marry land bridge?
A. Usually for maxillary lateral incisors
B. Best made with single base metal alloy
C. Can use resin cement for luting
D. Both A and C
92. Before cementing the PFM crown with GIC the dentin of the abutment
tooth will be?
A. Etched with phosphoric acid
B. Etched and dentin bonding has applied
C. No need for any dentin treatment in GIC
D. Resin GIC and resin restoration in PFM and full ceramic crown
93. Components of GIC?
A. Silicate glass, Aluminium oxide, Aluminium fluoride, Aluminium
B. Zinc oxide, Aluminium oxide, Aluminium phosphate, Magnesium
C. Silica glass, Aluminium oxide, Zinc oxide, Magnesium oxide
D. Aluminium oxide, Aluminium fluoride, Zinc oxide, Calcium fluoride

94. Tweed’s method of serial extraction?

A. CD4

B. D4C
D. None
95. Internal resorption?
A. More prevalent in the deciduous dentition than the permanent dentition
B. Like bone resorption, tooth resorption is brought about by the
multinucleated giant cells
C. The defect appears like ballooning of pulp space, outline continuous
with pulpal space outline.
D. All of the above
96. The extract upper deciduous molar, the movement should be?
A. Buccal first to move tooth
B. Palatal first to move the tooth 
C. Distal first to move the tooth 
D. Rotation movement 
97. Most rapid in bone resorption?
A. Perio abscess
B. Chronic periodontitis
D. Gingival abscess
98.  Interproximal bone is apical to radicular bone this is:
A. Reverse architecture
B. Normal
C. Negative architecture
D. None
99. First evident sign of gingival inflammation?
A. Sulcus fluid
B. Bleeding on probing
C. Redness
D. Mobility

100. A patient that wasn’t anaesthetized well in his 1st visit, next day he
returns with a limited mouth opening ( truisms ) He must be anaesthized,
what’s the technique to be used: 
A. William’s technique.
B. Bercher’s technique
C. Gow gates technique
D. None
101. Eme’s technique mercury and silver ratio is?
A. 3:1
B. 1:1
C. 2:3
D. 3:2
102. Contra indication of functional appliance?
A. High angle cases
B. Proclained Mandibular anteriors
C. Crowded dentition
D. All of the above
103. Under developed maxilla seen?
A. Cranio facial dysostosis
B. Cleido cranial dysplasia
C. Down’s syndrome
D. All of the above
104. Head position in cephalometry?
A. Natural head position
B. Forward tipping head position
C. Flexed head position
D. 180 degree tilted
105. Endocarditis prophylaxis indicated in?
B. Pacemaker
C. Intra oral injection except intraligamentary
D. None

106. For fixing of biopsy specimen?

A. 10%formaline

B. 25%formaline
C. 50%formaline
D. 100%formaline
107. Identify the correctly matched pair/s?
A. Air on aspiration : solitary bone cyst
B. Straw coloured aspiration : dentigerous cyst
C. Dirty creamy white : OKC
D. All
108. Non absorbable suture?
A. Nylon
B. Silk
C. Dacrone
D. All
109.Target lesion found in?
A. Erythema multiforme
B. Psoriasis
C. CREST syndrome
D. All
110.Temperature of water for alginate mixing?
A. 18-24 degree C
B. 45 degree C
C. 60 degree C
D. 70 degree C




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