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At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. define language features; and
b. identify language features in an argumentative text.


a. Topic: Identifying Language Features in an Argumentative Text
b. Materials: PPT
c. Reference: English 10 Module

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Review
5. Energizer
Warm- up Dance Exercise “Dynamite” by Chair One Fitness
Instruction: Through video presentation, the students will do the warm-up dance

B. Motivation
“Spell the Word”
Instruction: The class will form one big circle. As the music plays, a ball will be
passed to one another counter clockwise. When the music stopped, the last students
who holds the ball will spell the word to be given by the teacher. If the word is spelled
incorrectly, the student will either sing or dance as punishment.
a. features
b. argumentative
c. language
C. Lesson Proper
1. Activity
Instruction: The class will be divided into four groups. The teacher will instruct
one student to be an “actor” wherein he acts the given word, to be guessed by
the students. The first group to get three points wins.
“Words to guess”
• Think
• Emote
• Connection
• Remember
• Ideas

2. Analysis
Ask the question to the class:
o In your perception, what is language feature?
3. Abstraction
Proceed to the discussion of the topic as well as the presentation of

4. Application
Ask the question to the class:
o Define language features.
Short Quiz
Instruction: In a ¼ sheet of paper, identify the five language features that are
used in the text.

To remember it is to believe its horrifying impact. COVID-19 is dreadful, its

wrath excuses no one! However, the pandemic taught us things that we can consider
beautiful. First, it taught us how to be personally hygienic. This could keep us healthy.
Second, it brought realizations to value our loved ones while they’re present. This can
be done through interactive communication. Lastly, the pandemic made us reflect
about contentment and appreciation. With these details, the pandemic proved that
there is light behind negativities.

Answers Key:
o Thinking Verbs
o Emotive Words
o Conjunctions
o Connective Words
o Modal Verbs/ Adverbs

V. Assignment
Direction: Search in the internet one example of an argumentative text utilizing
the six language features. Write it in a one whole sheet of paper.

Prepared by
Joven W. Baguio

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