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Exploring Sound worksheet (U5, LO1: AC 1.


*Remember to use CMD+K to add links to the definition text you put in the boxes below*

You are required to complete the tasks on this sheet and place the content in your Weebly Research section calling it EXPLORING
SOUND. You will be required to answer a series of questions in order to pass. They are in RED on this document. You can answer
these questions using examples from TV, film, animation or gaming but will need to provide links so make sure you can do this
when choosing them!

Wherever you use a quote from any other source, please say where you got it from or it could result in a PLAGIARISM mark
which would automatically fail the unit.

Task 1/6: Diegesis and Non-Diegesis

You are required to give…

 An existing definition of both diegetic and non-diegetic sound. Say where you got them from.
 Rewrite each definition in your own words to show you understand what they mean.
 Provide an example of each of these. This could be a Youtube link (timecoded please!) with a very short description.

Name Existing Definition with link Your understanding Example(s) with description

Diegesis is a style of Diegesis is everything the This scene in the Guardians of the
fiction storytelling that characters can see and hear and Galaxy at 1:40 the music is heard by the
presents an interior view is existent in their world. character and therefor is existent in his
of a world world.

non-diegesis are things Non-diegesis is everything that This scene in avengers at 1:10 the music
which occur outside the the characters can’t see or hear is not being heard by the characters but
story-world therefore being non existent. it is used to enhance the scene.

Task 2/6: Background Music

You are required to give…

 An existing definition of both soundtrack music and score music. Say where you got them from.
 Rewrite each definition in your own words to show you understand what they mean.
 Provide an example of each of these. This could be a Youtube link (timecoded please!) with a very short description.

Name Existing Definition with link Your understanding Example(s) with description

a recording of the Independent song that does This song is a soundtrack as it was
musical accompaniment o not particularly have to be recorded for the film but not tailored
f a film. used for just the film. around a specific scene for the film and
can be used independently.

A film score is original A piece of music tailored This trailer could be argued that it is
Score music written specifically specifically for the film. using a score as the original song has
to accompany a film been mixed to fit the trailer.

Task 3/6: Ambience

You are required to give…

 An existing definition of ambient sound. Say where you got it from.

 Rewrite the definition in your own words to show you understand what it means.
 Provide at least one example of this. It could be a Youtube link (timecoded please!) with a very short description.

Name Existing Definition with link Your understanding Example(s) with description
1. Birds chirping – this is ambient
Ambient sound in Ambient sounds are usually as it is an environmental noise.
relation to audio refers background noise such as birds
chirping or trees blowing. 2. Waves on shore – this is
to the background ambient as it is environmental
noise present at a given and not deliberate and cannot
scene or a location. be controlled.

3. Wind blowing – this is ambient

as it cannot be controlled.

Task 4/6: Foley

You are required to give…

 An existing definition of foley sound. Say where you got it from.

 Rewrite the definition in your own words to show you understand what it means.
 Provide at least one example of each this. It could be a Youtube link (timecoded please!) with a very short

Name Existing Definition with link Your understanding Example(s) with description
1. Footsteps – these are foley as
Foley is the reproduction Foley is sounds like footsteps, they enhance quality and
of everyday sound doors opening, etc. that are realism.
effects that are added to used in post production to give
films, videos, and other the best effect on audio quality. 2. Punch Sound – these are foley
Foley media in post-production as it can enhance the sound of
Sound to enhance audio the power of the hit.
3. Someone falling over – this is
foley as it can enhance how
serious the fall sounds.

Task 5/6: Recording apparatus

You are required to list as many ways as possible that you could personally record sound for your work. Think about
hardware and software, so for example if you want to use your phone, talk about what type it is and as a result what
software or app you may choose. Talk about other methods you may be able to use, perhaps equipment which can be
booked from the college?

Name/type of hardware/software Advantage Disadvantage

H/ware Best sound quality Not portable
XLR Microphone
H/ware Bad sound quality Portable
S/ware Good Configuration Hard for beginners
Audacity Software
S/ware Bad Configuration Easy for beginners
iPhone Voice Notes

Task 6/6: Handling noise and other unwanted sounds (usually WIND)
You are required to give…

 Existing definitions of handling noise, distortion/clipping and gain as they relate to audio recording, microphone use,
etc. Say where you got them from.
 Rewrite the definitions in your own words to show you understand what they mean.

Existing Definition with

Name Your understanding of cause Example with link

any undesired noise Unwanted noise in the

that comes from a background of a recording
whilst the recording device is
Handling noise cable or microphone mobile.
when being moved or

Clipping is a form A form of waveform

of waveform distortion when an amplifier
is overdriven and is
Distortion/clipping distortion that occurs
attempting to output more
when an amplifier is voltage then the device can
overdriven handle.

Gain in audio is a

term for the amount What makes the audio louder
of amplification or not, using amplification.
applied to a signal by
any process that
increases its strength.

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