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I. Training/Title Title
Training on GAD Focused in Protection of Children and Women in the Work place

II. Background and Rationale

The state recognizes the value and dignity of women and children. Accordingly, it shall guarantee full
respect for human rights and the need to protect the family and its members, particularly the women
and their children, from violence and threats to their safety and security. This is stipulated in R.A.9262 of
2004 or “Anti-Violence Against Women and Children.

In our workplace, women and children are given high regard. However, they are still vulnerable and left
unaddressed. If left unaddressed, this will contribute to injustice and low performance in the workplace.
Hence, ________GAD training is focused on the protection of children and women in the workplace is

III. Description of the training program

This three-day seminar workshop will be done through lectures and discussions on protecting children
and women in the workplace through workshops and demonstration teaching.

IV. Goals and Objectives

1. Enhance awareness and responsibilities about matters concerning the prevention of violence against
children and women

2. Provide adequate information and equip participants with knowledge regarding issues, policies laws
concerning the protection of women and children

3. Support the agency's programs by applying their learning in dealing with their students

4. Address Different issues concerning violence against children and women in the workplace

V. Expected Dates of training and venue

The seminar will be on ___________________________at _____________________school gymnasium.

VI. Strategies and Sub-projects

Lecture and discussion on the protection of children and women in the work place through
demonstration teaching, and workshop

Participants are expected to make a semi-detailed lesson plan integrating the GAD concept that focuses
on protecting children and women in the workplace.

VII. Fund Source/ Project Partners/ Donors

The Seminar workshop will be funded through GAD’s Allocation of MOOE

IX. Financial Plan

a. Food and accommodation for the participants, Technical Working Group, and division personnel will
be provided by the organizers.

b. Training Expenses (Training Kits, Certificates, Cartolina, and more will be charged against MOOE)

X. Project Proponent/s

Juan Dela Cruz

Juan Dela Cruz

XI. Implementing Agency

(school, district or division )

XII. Legal Basis

R.A. 9262 “Anti-Violence Against Women and their children of 2004.”

DepEd Order No. 40 “DepEd Child Protection Policy”

XIII. Proposed Training Matrix/Design

Day 1
Time Activities Lecturers
Convention on the Rights of a
Child and Deped Child
Protection Policy
Lunch Break
School/Establishing Child
Friendly School
CPP-Personal Safety Lesson
Day 2
Magna Carta (R.A. 9710)
GAD Mandated Laws and Deped
Orders: Sex and Gender: and
Forms and gender Biases
Women’s Welfare and Benefits,
and Legal Actions on violence
Against women and children
Lunch break
Magna Carta of women (R.A.
9710) Duties Related to human
rights and Empowerment
Gender Equality in the Work
Day 3
Work shop
Lunch Break
Demonstration Teaching
Closing Remarks

XIV. People Involved

a. Working Committees

 Over-all Chairman and organizers:

 Planning committee

 Technical Committee and Secretariat

 Registration and Attendance committee

 Activity/workshop assistant
 Attending nurse/s
 quality assurance monitoring and evaluation

b. Resource speakers


XIII Personnel Requirements

a. Target participants

Number of target Participants

Teacher I Teacher II Teacher III MT-I MT-II others Total


a. Number of technical working Group
b. number of Division Personnel
c. Number of Resources Speaker


Tasks/ activities
Meeting with the working
Final meeting and preparation for
the seminar workshop
Seminar proper

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