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8, OCTOBER 2010

Fast Link Adaptation for MIMO OFDM

Tobias Lindstrøm Jensen, Student Member, IEEE, Shashi Kant, Joachim Wehinger, Member, IEEE, and
Bernard Henri Fleury, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—We investigate link-quality metrics (LQMs) based state and feeding the index of this MCS back to the transmitter.
on raw bit-error-rate, effective signal-to-interference-plus-noise It was shown in, e.g., [1] that adaptive modulation and coding
ratio, and mutual information (MI) for the purpose of fast link tremendously increases the throughput of a wireless communi-
adaptation (LA) in communication systems employing orthogo-
nal frequency-division multiplexing and multiple-input–multiple- cation system. The key elements in fast link adaptation (FLA)
output (MIMO) antenna technology. From these LQMs, the are estimation of the packet error rate (PER) for different
packet error rate (PER) can be estimated and exploited to se- candidate MCSs and selection of the MCS that maximizes the
lect the modulation and coding scheme (MCS) among a class of throughput, with the constraint that the time average PER lies
candidate MCSs that achieves the maximum throughput for the below a specified target value. FLA also includes a time-critical
current channel state under a specified target PER objective. We
propose a novel MI-based LQM and compare the PER-estimation aspect, because the selection of the best MCS for the current
accuracy obtained with this LQM with that resulting from using channel state may become obsolete as this state changes.
other LQMs by means of comprehensive Monte Carlo simulations. In systems employing MIMO-OFDM techniques, the main
Search methods for the MCS in the class that is most suitable for difficulty of PER estimation arises due to the unequal SNR
a given channel state are presented. An algorithm for obtaining levels in the different subcarriers, as well as the spatial streams
a practical upper bound on the throughput of any LA scheme is
proposed. The investigated LQMs are applied to the IEEE 802.11n when they are employed. This occurs since 1) the individual
standard with a 2 × 2 MIMO configuration and practical channel subcarriers undergo different attenuations due to frequency
estimation. The proposed MI-based LQM yields the highest PER selectivity and 2) the ability of the receiver to separate multiple
estimation accuracy, and its throughput shows only 1.7 dB signal- spatial streams depends on the condition number of the MIMO
to-noise-ratio (SNR) loss with respect to the upper bound but channel matrix. The particular pattern of the postprocessing
up to 9.5 dB SNR gain, compared to the MCS maximizing the
throughput for the current noise variance. signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) values of the dif-
ferent subcarriers induced by the channel state and the choice
Index Terms—Adaptive modulation and coding, channel-state of the symbol detector strongly influence the decoder perfor-
information, fading, feedback delay, link adaptation (LA), link-
quality metrics (LQMs), multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO), mance. However, the relationship between the post-processing
orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM), packet- SINR levels and the resulting bit error rate (BER) or PER after
error-rate (PER) estimation. decoding cannot be expressed in a simple form [2]. Hence, one
has to resort to a simple yet accurate mapping that provides an
I. I NTRODUCTION estimate of the PER as a function of the SINR levels.
The very same problem is of fundamental importance for
T HE subcarriers transmitted by a multiple-input–multiple-
output (MIMO) orthogonal frequency-division multiplex-
ing (OFDM) system across a time-varying frequency-selective
system-level simulations in cellular communications where the
performance of a multitude of individual links is computed
without actually simulating the transmission procedure of the
channel are received with quality levels that vary over time, fre-
individual bits. The latter approach would require too much
quency, and spatial streams. This knowledge can be exploited
computing effort to determine the overall system performance.
in the transmitter to adjust the modulation and coding scheme
The goal is to identify an appropriate physical-layer abstrac-
(MCS) in such a way that high-order modulations and high cod-
tion that characterizes the instantaneous PER behavior of the
ing rates are used in situations of good channel state. This can
be accomplished by the receiver identifying, among an indexed MIMO-OFDM transceiver for the current state of the time- and
list of candidate MCSs, the best MCS for the current channel frequency-selective channel. In Universal Mobile Telecommu-
nications System technology, based on code-division multiple
access, the assumption is that the instantaneous post-processing
Manuscript received August 4, 2009; revised January 23, 2010 and April 9,
2010; accepted April 21, 2010. Date of publication June 21, 2010; date of
SINRs can be averaged (average value interface) or at least
current version October 20, 2010. This work was sponsored by Wipro- quantized using a few quantization levels [3]. This requires that
NewLogic Technologies, Sophia-Antipolis, France (e-mail: wnl-info@wipro. the channel transfer function fades slowly versus frequency.
com). This work was presented in part at the IEEE International Conference on
Communications, May 19–23, 2008, Bejing, China. The review of this paper
Then, the approach allows for accurate PER estimation results.
was coordinated by Prof. H. H. Nguyen. However, in OFDM, multipath propagation causes a selec-
T. L. Jensen and B. H. Fleury are with the Department of Electronic tive attenuation of the individual subcarriers, and as a result,
Systems, Aalborg University, 9220 Aalborg, Denmark (e-mail:;
individual code symbols experience different SINRs. Hence,
S. Kant is with the LTE & 3G Modem Solutions, ST-Ericsson AT AB, 22183 other methods have to be applied to supply reliable BER/PER
Lund, Sweden (e-mail: estimation.
J. Wehinger is with Wireless Solutions, Infineon Technologies AG, 85579
Neubiberg, Germany (e-mail: One-dimensional mappings of SINR levels to PER exhibit
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TVT.2010.2053727 low complexity while guaranteeing good performance [2]. An

0018-9545/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE

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alternative is to use two-dimensional mappings that yield the a MIMO bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) OFDM
PER as a function of, e.g., the mean and the variance of system equipped with NT transmit antennas and NR receive
the SINR levels [4], [5]. However, the resulting gain in ac- antennas. In the IEEE 802.11n system, the information bit
curacy is small according to [2], which shows that the gap stream {b} is encoded using a convolutional encoder with
between optimal performance and the performance achieved by generators [133, 171] in octal representation and basic code
one-dimensional mappings is minor. Our simulations show a rate Rc = 1/2. The coded bit stream may be punctured to
similar behavior (see Fig. 7). Thus, FLA algorithms using one- increase the code rate to 2/3, 3/4, or 5/6, depending on the
dimensional mappings almost exhaust the maximal theoretical used MCS. The stream of interleaved and spatially parsed bits is
performance improvement, and the additional gain achievable mapped to a stream of complex symbols using Gray mapping.
by using more-complex techniques is minor. This motivates the Supported subcarrier modulation formats are binary phase-
interest in one-dimensional mappings in FLA. shift keying (BPSK), quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK),
Robust one-dimensional mappings have widely been studied 16-state quadrature amplitude modulation (16QAM), and
in the literature, considering metrics such as uncoded BER/raw 64-state quadrature amplitude modulation (64QAM). The can-
BER [6], effective SNR [7], mutual information (MI) [8], [9], didate MCSs available are enumerated according to a certain
and PER indicator [10]. We propose a novel link-quality metric order. In the sequel, Ω denotes the index set of the MCSs in
(LQM) for MIMO OFDM to be used for FLA. We call it this list. By convention, the term MCS might designate either
mean MI bit mapping (MMIBM). We compare this metric with the MCS scheme itself or its index in Ω. The available MCSs
three other metrics, i.e., MI effective SNR mapping (MIESM), for single- and dual-stream transmissions are listed with their
effective SNR mapping (EESM), and RawBER. We assess the index in Table I. Their maximum throughput is reported in the
estimation accuracy of all four metrics for a large number of columns “Throughput”. BICM schemes using different codes
realizations of the (frequency) transfer function of frequency- and modulation formats per stream in multistream transmission
selective channels exhibiting different delay spreads. We com- are given in [14].
pare the effectiveness of these metrics by means of realistic The streams of complex symbols {x} are modulated in an
throughput link-level simulations including channel estimation OFDM format with NSD = 52 data subcarriers of 312.5 kHz
and feedback delay. We extend the investigations in [11] by bandwidth. The total bandwidth of the OFDM signal is
comparing further metrics, presenting a solution to problems 20 MHz. The relationship for the kth (k = 1, . . . , NSD ) sub-
occurring with multiple packet lengths, and addressing the carrier between the input of the spatial expansion scheme and
important issue of how to obtain accurate mappings. In contrast the output of the OFDM receiver in Fig. 1 is
to [12], we include results on the PER estimation accuracy,
obtain an exact expression for the MI between the coded bits y[k] = H[k]x[k] + n[k] (1)
and the log-likelihood ratios (LLRs), and provide comparison
among state-of-the-art PER estimation methods, as opposed to where y[k] ∈ CNR and x[k] ∈ CNSS are the received signal
the less-accurate instantaneous SNR method [2]. Furthermore, vector and the transmitted symbol vector, respectively, for
we develop a methodology to obtain an upper bound for the subcarrier k, and n[k] ∈ CNR is a complex zero-mean Gaussian
throughput of any link adaptation (LA) algorithm. A similar noise vector with covariance matrix σn2 I NR . The variable NSS
upper bound was independently proposed in [13]. However, we denotes the number of spatial streams, and H[k] ∈ CNR ×NSS
show that in order to obtain this bound, it is only necessary describes the effective channel matrix, including the chan-
to evaluate an ordered subset of the candidate MCSs, instead nel transfer function, the cyclic delay diversity (CDD), and
of all candidate MCSs, as was done in [13]. We also prove the spatial expansion [14] for subcarrier k. Spatial expansion
the bound and study its tightness. In particular, we analyze transmits NSS symbol streams over NT transmit antennas,
the conditions for which the FLA algorithm can achieve the where NSS ≤ NT . When spatial multiplexing is employed,
bound. NSS = NT . When either beamforming or Alamouti space-time
Notation: We denote vectors by bold lower case letters, e.g., coding is applied, NSS < NT . The CDD transmits a cyclicly
x and y, and matrices by bold upper case letters, e.g., H and delayed OFDM symbol waveform through each transmit an-
G. The conjugate transpose of the matrix A is denoted by AH . tenna to obtain frequency diversity at the receiver.
The element in the ith row and jth column of A is denoted An unbiased linear minimum mean square error (MMSE)
as [A]i,j . The Q × Q identity matrix is written as I Q . The estimator is used to recover the transmitted symbol from the
expectation operator is denoted by E{·}, and C is the set of received signal y[k], i.e.,
complex numbers.
x̂[k] = GH [k]y[k]. (2)
The NR × NSS matrix G[k] = [G1 [k], G2 [k], . . . , GNSS [k]]
We choose the IEEE 802.11n standard as a concrete
has columns given by
example for the system model. However, other systems,
such as IEEE 802.16d/e or Third-Generation Partnership 1
Gj [k] =  −1
Project - Long-Term Evolution (3GPP-LTE), can be described HH
j [k] H[k]H [k] + σn2 I NR
H j [k]
in a similar way. The setup common to these systems is shown  −1
in Fig. 1. This figure shows the simplified block diagram of · H[k]H H [k] + σn2 I NR H j [k] (3)

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Fig. 1. Block diagram of a MIMO-OFDM system employing BICM.


j = 1, 2, . . . , NSS , with H j [k] denoting the columns of H[k], the transmitter. This MCS feedback (MFB) response may occur
i.e., H[k] = [H 1 [k], H 2 [k], . . . , H NSS [k]]. Notice that the based on a request from the transmitter.
linear biased MIMO MMSE estimator corresponds to (3) with The FLA algorithm considers the channel-state information
the expression in the denominator set to one. The postprocess- via the postprocessing SINRs of all spatial streams and sub-
ing signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio (SINR) at the output carriers Γ = [γj [k]]j=1,...,NSS ;k=1,...,NSD . For a given MCS m,
of the linear MMSE estimator for the jth stream and kth the FLA algorithm computes a scalar LQM value q = q(m; Γ).
subcarrier is given by [15] The PER value PERm,p (Γ) for packet length p corresponding
to the current realization of the channel transfer function is esti-
1 mated by PERAWGNm,p (q), i.e., the PER achieved when the MCS
γj [k] =  −1  −1 (4)
Es transmits across the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN)
2 N H [k]H[k] + I NSS
σn T channel with quality metric q. The latter mapping circumvents
the need to store a lookup table of PERm,p (Γ) functions for
some selected (quantized) SINR matrices. Indeed, the set of
with k = 1, 2, . . . , NSD ; j = 1, 2, . . . , NSS ; and Es /σn2 denot- such quantized matrices required is large, which makes an
ing the SNR measured at the ports of each receive antenna. A implementation of this approach problematic.
MaxLog symbol demapper is used to generate LLRs for the Thus, for a given MCS m transmitting packets of length p
coded bits, which are then multiplexed into a single stream across a channel inducing postprocessing SINRs Γ, the LQM-
{L(c)}. This stream is deinterleaved and depunctured before to-PER mapping is determined such that the approximations
it is fed to a Viterbi decoder that computes the information
bit estimates {b̂}. In this paper, we focus on the case with PERm,p (Γ) ≈ PERAWGN (q(m; Γ)) ≈ ψm,p (q(m; Γ)) (5)
NT = NR = 2 antennas. The IEEE Channel Model B (with
root-mean-square (RMS) delay spread of 15 ns and excess hold. For each MCS m ∈ Ω and packet length p of interest,
delay spread of 80 ns) and Channel Model E (with RMS the function ψm,p (q) is computed considering two different
delay spread of 100 ns and excess delay spread of 730 ns) are channel-quality metrics, i.e., the SNR γ and the MI I of
used [16]. the AWGN channel. Each function is obtained by fitting a
quadratic log-linear regression to a set of (q, PERAW m,p
pairs (q ∈ {γ, I}) obtained from Monte Carlo simulations.
The PER performances of the single-stream MCSs reported in
The objective of FLA is to exploit the varying channel state Table I are shown in Figs. 2 and 3 versus γ and I, respec-
to increase the throughput of the system while maintaining tively, together with the approximation functions ψm,pref (γ)
some target PER (PERtarget ). The FLA algorithm employed and ψm,pref (I), respectively. A reference packet length pref =
in the receiver feeds the index of the selected MCS back to 1024 B is considered. As can be seen from these figures, the fit

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MI-based metrics are used in system-level simulations to
estimate the PER since they achieve a high PER estimation ac-
curacy for a large variety of realizations of the channel transfer
function [4], [9], [17]. In [8], an MI-based LQM is suggested
for system-level simulations in IEEE 802.16e. This metric
computes the effective MMI per (subcarrier) symbol, i.e.,
Ieff (m; Γ) = IM (m) (γj [k]) . (6)

Fig. 2. PER versus SNR in the AWGN channel of the MCSs in Table I with The PER is estimated by inserting I = Ieff (m; Γ) in the
packet length pref = 1024 B computed from Monte Carlo simulations. The
functions ψm,pref (γ) (solid lines) are obtained by fitting a quadratic log-linear corresponding function ψm,p (I) shown in Fig. 3. The function
regression to the simulation results. IM (γ) in (6) is the MI per symbol for the modulation format M
at SNR γ. The function M (m) specifies the modulation format
of MCS m. For the MaxLog demapper under consideration,
IM (γ) is selected as follows:
⎧ √

⎪ = J(√8γ), M = BPSK

⎪ = J( 4γ), M = QPSK
⎨ 1 √ √
≈ 2 J(0.8818 γ)+ 14 J(1.6764 γ)
IM (γ) √

⎪ + 14 J(0.9316 γ), M = 16QAM
⎪ 1
⎪ √ √

⎪ ≈ J(1.1233 γ)+ 1
J(0.4381 γ)
⎩ 3 1 √ 3
+ 3 J(0.4765 γ), M = 64QAM.
The function J(·) is given in (25) in Appendix C. Assuming
Fig. 3. PER versus MMI per symbol in the AWGN channel of the MCSs in
an equivalent Gaussian channel for each subcarrier after
Table I with packet length pref = 1024 B computed from Monte Carlo simula- MMSE equalization [18], IM (γ) is given in closed form as a
tions. The functions ψm,pref (I) (solid lines) are obtained by fitting a quadratic function of the SNR γ for M = BPSK and M = QPSK [8].
log-linear regression to the simulation results. PER curves corresponding to the
same code rate are bundled with an ellipse.
No closed-form expression for IM (γ) is known for the high-
order modulation formats M = 16QAM and M = 64QAM.
In [8], I16QAM (γ) and I64QAM (γ) are approximated by
provided by ψm,pref (q) to the simulation results is good. Closer numerical integration of the LLR histogram. These relations
inspection of Fig. 2 reveals that a single decibel change in are then approximated with the linear combinations of
γ leads to a PER change of up to 1.5 decades. The same expanded/compressed versions of J(γ) given in (7).
comment applies to the PER performance versus I shown We propose a simple and more elegant method to derive
in Fig. 3. This implies that the LQM function q(m, Γ) must an approximation of I16QAM (γ) and I64QAM (γ). The method
be very accurate. In Section IV, we consider different SNR- first computes the MMI using the reliability of the LLRs
and MI-based LQMs that are used as arguments of ψm,p (γ) along [19], i.e.,
and ψm,p (I), respectively, to estimate the PER. We assess the 
accuracy of these LQMs in Section V. 1
ILLR (L) =
Nsymb NSS NSD Nbits
Nsymb NSS NSD Nbits
· f Lnj [k](ci ) . (8)
In this section, we define the four investigated LQMs. The n=1 j=1 k=1 i=1
first two LQMs are based on the concept of MI. The third
LQM relies on a weighting of the entries in Γ in a log-sum-exp In this expression, Nsymb is the number of OFDM symbols,
manner. The last LQM is based on raw BER. The MI-based Nbits is the number of bits mapped to one subcarrier symbol,
LQMs basically compute the mean MI (MMI) per subcarrier Lnj [k](ci ) is the LLR of the ith coded bit in the kth subcarrier
symbol in the receiver, where the MI of one symbol is obtained of the nth OFDM symbol in the jth spatial stream, and L =
by averaging the MIs of the bits mapped to this symbol [8]. This [Lnj [k](ci )]j=1,...,NSS ;k=1,...,NSD ;i=1,...,Nbits ;n=1,...,Nsymb . The
LQM corresponds to the MMI between the stream of coded function f (·) is given by [19]
bits {c} at the output of the puncturer in the transmitter and  
1 2
the corresponding stream of LLRs {L(c)} at the output of the f (x) = log2
1 + exp(+x) 1 + exp(+x)
deinterleaver in the receiver (see Fig. 1). The accuracy of the  
four investigated LQMs is assessed in two types of frequency- 1 2
+ log2 , x ≥ 0. (9)
selective channels in the next section. 1 + exp(−x) 1 + exp(−x)

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Sets of ILLR (L) are computed for 16QAM and 64QAM sig-
naling across the AWGN channel for a wide range of the
SNR γ. Then, nonlinear least-squares fits (cf. [20]) are per-
formed to these sets to obtain the coefficients of the approxi-
mations for I16QAM (γ) and I64QAM (γ) in (7). Notice that the
MMI in (8) is not used as an LQM in this paper. It is merely
employed to compute the approximations in (7).
The MMI per symbol in (6) is used to estimate the PER of
MCSs operating in fading channels [8]. However, simulations
show that the MMI per symbol does not accurately estimate
the PER in IEEE 802.11n fading channels due to the high
dynamic of the MI per symbol (or of the entries in Γ) caused by
frequency selectivity. As a remedy, in [13], the authors propose
to replace the sum in (6) by a weighted sum of first-order
statistics. Inspired by [21], we propose an alternative approach
in which the right-hand side of (6) is augmented with a term Fig. 4. Estimated PER ψm,p (q) versus computed PERm,p without and with
that reflects this dynamic, i.e., correction parameter. Simulation settings: m = 0 (BPSK, Rc = 1/2, p =
1024 B), single-input–single-output (SISO) system, Channel Model B, and
NSS N Channel Model E. One depicted point corresponds to one realization of the
1  SD
channel transfer function generated with one of the two models. The resulting
Ieff (m; Γ) = IM (m) (γj [k]) MSEs are also reported in the legend. One data set is used to both calculate the
k=1 correction parameters and compute the estimated PER values.
⎡ ⎤

+ λ(m) ⎣ vark IM (m) (γj [k]) ⎦ . (10) MCS m, it is necessary to consider a sufficiently large number
NSS j=1
of independent realizations of the channel transfer function [2].
For each MCS m, we calibrate λ(m) by considering a total
In this expression, vark {z} is the sample variance of z com- of 45–50 realizations of the transfer function generated with
puted versus index k. The motivation for including the correc- both Channel Model B and Channel Model E. Even though
tion term is given as follows: We know that high frequency the calibration is conducted based on realizations drawn with
selectivity decreases the PER, i.e., leads to a higher Ieff . both models, the accuracy of the resulting PER estimator is still
Channel coding across subcarriers is indeed able to compensate accurate when the realizations are generated with one of the
for subcarriers with low MI per symbol when the frequency two models only. This supports the thesis that the FLA does
transfer function of the channel significantly fluctuates over the not need to know the prevailing channel type. The proposed
ODFM system bandwidth. As a result, the PER performance is calibration approach is consistent with the method used in [2]
lower than that obtained from the MMI per symbol in (6). The and [22]. Other PER estimation techniques show similar results
term in the brackets in (10) is used as a measure of the fluc- [23], [24].
tuation of the channel transfer function across the subcarriers. As shown in Fig. 4, the introduction of the additional term
It is obtained by first computing for each stream the variance in (10), with λ(m) selected according to (11), significantly
of the MIs of the subcarriers and then taking the average of reduces the mean square error (MSE)
the MI variances of all streams. Note that this approach using
Ieff in (10) is different from that proposed in [13], where (6) 1   (i) 2

is replaced by a weighted sum of MI per symbol values. The MSE(m) = em (λ(m)) . (12)
N i=1
correction term in (10) considers an estimate of the variance
of these values, whereas, in [13], these values are individually
weighted. B. MIESM
The parameter λ(m) balances the contribution of the MI
mean and variance terms in Ieff . It is individually calibrated The second metric is an effective SNR based on the MI
for each MCS by performing a least-squares fit in the log(PER) proposed in [17]:
domain [17], i.e., ⎡ ⎛  ⎞⎤2
N  1 γj [k]
  2 γeff (m; Γ) = κ(m)⎣J −1⎝ J ⎠⎦ .
 NSS NSD j=1 κ(m)
λ(m) = arg min m (λ)
e(i) (11) k=1
λ i=1 (13)

The functions J(y) and J −1 (y) are given in (25) and (26),
(i) (i)
where em (λ) = log(ψm,p (q (i) (λ))) − log(PERm,p ). The pa-
rameter N is the number of considered realizations of the respectively, in Appendix C. The parameter κ(m) is calibrated
channel transfer function; PERm,p is the simulated PER for with the same method as used to obtain λ(m) [see (11)]. For
MCS m, the ith transfer function realization, and a given noise the special case of BPSK, a modified version was already given
variance; and ψm,p (q (i) (λ)) is the corresponding estimated in [9]. The PER is estimated by inserting γ = γeff (m; Γ) in the
PER for the given selection of λ. To calibrate λ(m) for a given corresponding function ψm,p (γ) shown in Fig. 2.

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The third considered metric is the effective SNR proposed in
[7] and [25]. The metric is defined for a given MCS m to be
⎛ ⎞
1 γj [k]

γeff (m; Γ) = −β(m) log⎝ exp − ⎠.
NSS NSD j=1 β(m)
The parameter β(m) is calibrated with the same method as
used to obtain λ(m). The PER is estimated by inserting γ =

γeff (m; Γ) in the corresponding function ψm,p (γ) shown in
Fig. 2.

This mapping computes a single scalar value by averaging
the uncoded BERs of all subcarriers [6], [26], i.e.,
RawBER (m; Γ) = RawBERj,M (m) [k].
In the right-hand expression, RawBERj,M [k] is the raw BER
of the jth spatial stream and kth subcarrier when using the
modulation format M. A function ψm,p (RawBER) is used as
an estimate of the PER. Let us, for example, consider the
modulation format M = BPSK. If we assume that the output
of the MMSE receiver can be approximated as the output of an
AWGN channel [18], we have
RawBERj,BPSK [k] ≈ Q 2γj [k] . (16)
Fig. 5. Scatter plots of estimated PER ψm,p (q) versus computed PERm,p
for MCSs with the same modulation and coding per stream (a) m ∈ {3, 11}
Notice that this metric is independent of the used code. We and (b) m ∈ {7, 15}. Each data point reported in one figure is computed for
one of the two considered MCSs and one realization of the channel-transfer
introduce a correction similar to that applied to the EESM function generated with either Channel Model B (2 × 2 MIMO) or Channel
metric [see (14)] for RawBER, i.e., Model E (SISO) using a packet length p = 1024 B. The respective correction
parameters of the LQMs are computed from these scatter plots. The average
RawBER(m; Γ) MSEs, e.g., 1/2(MSE(3) + MSE(11)) in (a), are also reported in the legends.

⎛ √ One data set is used for both finding the correction parameters and computing
 ⎞ α(m) the estimated PER values.
1  SD
2γj [k] ⎠
=⎝ Q . (17)
NSS NSD j=1 k=1
α(m) 1.5 decades away from the true PER. Fig. 5 shows a scatter
plot of pairs of computed and estimated PERs using the con-
The parameter α(m) is calibrated with the same method as used sidered LQMs for different realizations of the channel transfer
to obtain λ(m). The method can be generalized to arbitrary function generated with Channel Model B (2 × 2 MIMO) and
subcarrier modulation formats. Simulations show that, with this Channel Model E (SISO). Table II reports the correction para-
correction, the accuracy of the PER estimation increases. meters for these LQMs. The values are given in decibels with
(·)dB = 20 log10 (·).
It can be seen that the MMIBM, MIESM, and EESM met-
rics provide nearly the same PER estimation accuracy, with
In this section, we discuss the PER estimation accuracy of MMIBM slightly outperforming the other two metrics. The
the four considered LQMs. The accuracy of the approxima- RawBER metric shows the largest MSE. We observe outliers
tion in (5) can be assessed numerically by means of Monte that result when the interleaving depth of the interleaver is mis-
Carlo simulations. To this end, estimates of the left-hand term matched to the current channel state. Indeed, a static interleaver,
(PERm,p (Γ)) and the right-hand term (ψm,p (q(m; Γ))) in (5) as used in IEEE 802.11n [14], is designed according to average
for a particular LQM q are computed for various realizations channel statistics, i.e., coherence bandwidth and coherence
of the channel transfer function. The steepness of the function time. However, individual realizations of the channel transfer
m,p (q) requires the calculated LQMs to be quite accu- function may exhibit an instantaneous coherence bandwidth
rate. An inaccuracy of 1 dB can lead to a PER estimate shifted and/or coherence time exceeding the interleaver depth. In this

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case, all soft bits at the interleaver output will be affected by of the link, if retransmission is needed and, of course, the
similar highly correlated channel weights [27]. This motivates throughput. Different PERtarget values can therefore be used
the use of adaptive interleavers [28]. Even with the presence of according to the quality of service needed for the considered
some outliers, the scatter plots in Fig. 5 show that the correction applications (digital video streaming, voice over Internet Proto-
parameters are valid for both Channel Model B and Channel col, web browsing, etc.).
Model E. We observed that each correction parameter is robust, Note that, at sufficiently high and low SNR regimes, it is not
i.e., a small variation of it results in a small variation of the PER possible to obtain a PER close to PERtarget . This is because
estimates. transmission with all MCSs will almost always succeed at
sufficiently high SNR, whereas it will almost always fail at
sufficiently low SNR. If, at a given mid-SNR regime, PERth
is selected such that PERtarget is fulfilled on average, this PER
might not be reached within a small time window. The fol-
The function ψm,p (q) is parameterized by the MCS index lowing algorithm controls PERth such that the FLA algorithm
m and packet length p. It should therefore be computed for approximately delivers a given PERtarget value within a certain
each pair (m, p), with m ∈ Ω and p ranging in the set of time window: If the recorded PER is too high or too low as time
supported packet lengths. However, to keep the complexity of elapses in the window, then adjust PERth such that the PER is
the mapping low, it is desirable to store ψm,p (q) for a few approximately equal to PERtarget at the end of the window.
of the most used packet length values only and to interpolate It is desired that the Rx always feeds back an MCS index
the PER for other packet length values from this set of reference to the Tx. Excluding the MCS with the lowest throughput in
functions. The simple case, which we consider here, is when the constraints of the optimization problem (19) guarantees that
the set contains one element ψm,pref (q) only. We propose the this problem always has a solution. If no MCS succeeds in
following interpolation: providing a sufficiently small PER—a situation that occurs at
p sufficiently low SNR—the Rx feeds back arg minm∈Ω TP(m)
ψm,p (q) = 1 − (1 − ψm,pref (q)) pref . (18) to the Tx.
In the literature, either the objective function TP(m) in (19)
The right-hand expression yields a reasonable approximation
or (1 − ψm,p (q(m; Γ)))TP(m) is used to select the MCS to be
across a wide range of p. This approximation has, however,
utilized (see, e.g., [13] and [30]). The two objective functions
a limitation: ψm,p (q) = 1 for all p when ψm,pref (q) = 1. If a
are equivalent if
higher accuracy is needed, multiple reference curves can be !
used. Since the set of packet lengths supported in a practical TP(m1 )
PERth < min 1 − (20)
network is small, storing multiple reference curves is a minor m1 ,m2 TP(m2 )
practical problem. The approach presented in [29] is an attrac-
tive alternative for turbo codes. where m1 ,m2 ∈ Ω, m1 = m2 , and TP(m1 ) ≤ TP(m2 ). Indeed,
TP(m) cannot differ from (1 − ψm,p (q(m; Γ)))TP(m) by
more than a factor 1 − PERth because of the PER constraints
VII. M ODULATION AND C ODING S CHEME S EARCH in (19). Condition (20) is fulfilled in the simulation setup
The selected MCS fed back to the Tx is the MCS keeping the provided in Section IX. Hence, the MCS selection algorithm
PER below a given threshold PERth . This selection procedure is optimal with respect to both the objective function TP(m)
leads to a discrete optimization problem that can be formu- and (1 − ψm,p (q(m; Γ)))TP(m) for these simulations.
lated as One way of solving (19) is by performing an exhaustive
search across all elements in Ω [13]. We propose a sequential
max TP(m) search, in which the MCSs are first ordered in decreasing order
of their throughput, and then, the PER of each MCS in the
s.t. ψm,p (q(m; Γ)) ≤ PERth ordered list is evaluated one by one. The first MCS that fulfils
! the PER constraint in (19) is the sought solution, because it has
∀m ∈ Ω \ arg min TP(m) (19) the maximum throughput among the MCSs satisfying the PER
constraint, due to the selected ordering. Both exhaustive and
for the prevailing SINR matrix Γ. In (19), PERth is selected sequential search procedures lead to the same solution. How-
such that PERtarget is met on average over time. This step ever, the sequential search method has a smaller computational
includes some heuristics and is based on experimental evidence. burden compared to the exhaustive search method. For instance,
The parameter PERtarget essentially controls the delay/jitter the latter approach searches the complete set of cardinality 16

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for NT = 2 [14] when the same modulation format is used

on both spatial streams, whereas the former stops earlier in
general. Both methods are applicable when the number of
candidate MCSs, i.e., the cardinality of Ω, is fairly low. We
apply the sequential search method to assess the performance
of the FLA algorithms in Section IX.
In case unequal modulation formats are used in the spatial
streams, the effective MI is computed to be a weighted sum of
the MI values calculated for the individual streams. The weights
equal the relative fractions of information bits transmitted in the
The transmission mode can use beamforming or spatial mul-
tiplexing, depending on the condition number of the channel.
This would, for example, imply NSS = 1 for beamforming
and NSS = 2 for dual-stream transmission. To consider both
scenarios in the MCS search, an estimate of the full MIMO
channel matrix Ĥ[k] ∈ CNR ×NT must be available at the re-
ceiver. With this estimate, the receiver calculates another effec- Fig. 6. Flow graph of the performance bound algorithm. The function h fulfils

tive channel matrix estimate Ĥ [k] = Ĥ[k]Q[k], with Q[k] ∈ the property TP(h(i)) ≥ TP(h(i − 1)), i ∈ {1, . . . , |Ω| − 1}.
CNT ×NSS denoting the precoding matrix. The corresponding
postprocessing SINRs, LQMs, and estimated PERs are then We now describe the algorithm that computes an upper

obtained from Ĥ [k] for all possible supported precoding and bound on the throughput for a given set of candidate MCSs.
MCS combinations. If Ĥ[k] is not available, the channel is The algorithm—we coined it performance bound algorithm—is
only known for the particular precoding mode. Hence, the shown in Fig. 6 for the sake of clarity. Define on Ω an
performance of other combinations of precoding and MCS ordering function h, such that TP(h(i)) ≥ TP(h(i − 1)), i ∈
cannot be accurately estimated. A straightforward approach, {1, . . . , |Ω| − 1}. The bound is obtained as follows: First, gen-
which is also suggested in 802.11n [14, Sec.], is that erate a realization of the channel transfer function and then
the receiver selects an MCS based on the observed channel obtain an index i ← |Ω| − 1 with the corresponding MCS m =
matrix only. That is, the MCS selection is based on a subset h(i), i.e., starting with the MCS having the largest throughput.
of the set of MCSs supported for the fully known channel. In our case, this MCS is 64QAM with Rc = 5/6. This MCS is
This subset is determined by the observed signal dimen- used to send a packet across the channel with the generated
sion and the precoding capabilities of the considered MIMO realization of the transfer function. If the transmission fails,
system. i.e., the packet is incorrectly received, the algorithm updates
i ← i − 1 (if i = 0) and obtains a new MCS m = h(i). Notice
VIII. U PPER B OUND FOR THE T HROUGHPUT that the throughput of the new MCS is equal to or lower than
that of the previous MCS. The new MCS is then used to send a
packet across a channel with the same realization of the transfer
The common way of determining an upper bound for the function. These steps are repeated until the transmitted packet is
throughput is to evaluate the ergodic capacity of the MIMO successfully received or i = 0, which corresponds to the MCS
channel. However, the resulting bound is weak in this particular with the lowest throughput. Information on the outcome of the
context, and it cannot be achieved due to the following reasons: last transmission (packet error event and throughput) is then
1) We use only convolutional coding; 2) we consider practical saved for later evaluation. The algorithm then generates a new
channel estimation; and 3) the set Ω of candidate MCSs is realization of the channel transfer function and starts a new
not infinitely large in terms of available subcarrier modulation cycle.
formats and code-rate combinations. Hence, we are interested The upper bound is practically not achievable, but it is tight
in a practical bound on the throughput for any LA scheme. The enough to be of practical use, as we will see in Section IX. The
genie-based method [2] provides such a bound. However, the bound is derived in Appendix A, and its tightness is investigated
method has high complexity, because it necessitates to simulate in Appendix B.
the PER for all MCSs and large sets of SNRs and realizations
of the channel transfer function. Instead, we propose an upper
bound and a low-complexity algorithm to compute it. A similar
bound was independently presented in [13]. We show here For the evaluation of the FLA algorithm, we utilize a simu-
that it is not necessary to evaluate all candidate MCS m ∈ Ω, lator fully compliant with the IEEE 802.11n standard [14] and
as done in [13]. Instead, it suffices to evaluate an ordered the IEEE Channel Models B and E [16]. Channel estimation
subset of MCSs. The proposed bound can be seen as a further is performed based on the long training field provided in the
generalization of the bound in [31]. Notice that the algorithm in preamble of a packet [14]. The channel estimates are smoothed
[31] generates a bound for a specific LA method, whereas the before they are used in (4) for the computation of the post-
proposed algorithm generates a bound for any LA method. processing SINR matrix Γ. The correction parameters α(m),

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MCS achieving the maximum throughput at that SNR

considering no PER constraints. The bumpiness of the
PER curve results due to the limited number of candidate
MCSs since a smooth transition in performance between
the optimum MCSs for two consecutive SNR values is not
always realized.
• The “PER-constraint envelopes” are obtained for a given
SNR by selecting the performance (throughput or PER) of
the MCS achieving the maximum throughput at each SNR
while maintaining a PER value less than 1%. These curves
describe the performance of a slow LA (SLA) method,
which selects the MCS maximizing the throughput for
a fixed noise variance while maintaining a certain PER.
Since the set of candidate MCSs is finite, the correspond-
ing PER curve is also bumpy. The SLA method does not
consider the instantaneous fading in the channel realiza-
tions, and hence, it is less effective than FLA, as we will
see shortly.
The FLA algorithms under consideration operate as follows:
Within each cycle, a single data packet is sent with the MCS
suggested by the receiver. The MFB link is assumed to be free
of error. The results are shown in Fig. 7. The throughput and
PER values at each considered SNR value have been obtained
by transmitting packets until 200 of them fail, with a maximum
number of transmitted packets set to 3000.
It is observed that the throughput curves of the FLA al-
gorithms using MMIBM, MIESM, EESM, and RawBER are
practically lying on top of each other, with a small degradation
for EESM around 25 dB SNR. Using EESM and RawBER also
Fig. 7. Throughput (TP) and PER versus SNR of the considered schemes yields a slightly larger PER than that achieved using MMIBM
computed for the following simulation settings: Channel Model B, velocity and MIESM. The throughput performance curves of MMIBM-
of 1.2 km/h, 2 × 2 MIMO system, p = 1024 B, and PERtarget = 1% with and MIESM-based FLA methods are at most 1.7 dB shifted to
PERth = 3% in (19).
the right of the throughput upper bound. Moreover, at a given
β(m), κ(m), and λ(m) are found by means of preliminary sim- throughput, the SNR requirement for these FLA methods are
ulations in which realizations of the channel transfer function 9.5 dB lower than for the PER-constraint envelope. The PER
are generated with both Channel Model B and Channel Model stabilizes around 1% within the SNR range 15–30 dB. This
E (see Section IV-A). Table II reports the obtained values of feature, which is common to all four FLA methods investigated,
these parameters. Only Channel Model B is used to generate is known as the inherent antifluctuating property of FLA [32].
the results discussed below. The sequential search approach All curves generated with the FLA algorithms approach the
presented in Section VII is used to determine the MCS fed back corresponding throughput value for the fixed MCSs h(0) and
to the transmitter. h(|Ω| − 1) at, respectively, low and high SNR regimes. An FLA
algorithm is expected to have this behavior. For sufficiently
A. Throughput and PER low SNR, only MCS h(0) may lead to error-free reception;
at sufficiently high SNR, all MCSs lead to successful packet
Simulation results of the throughput and PER versus the reception, such that the FLA algorithm selects MCS h(|Ω| − 1)
SNR are shown in Fig. 7. The realizations of the channel to ensure the highest throughput.
response are normalized such that their time-averaged energy If the channel is time invariant, FLA is equivalent to SLA.
is unity. The SNR is defined as the inverse of the noise variance This means that no gain is observed by using FLA, compared
γ = 1/σn2 . For clarity, we first discuss the results when FLA is to SLA in this case. On the other hand, if the channel has small
not applied: time coherence, i.e., the channel response changes fast, SLA
• The reported upper bound on the throughput is obtained will be ineffective due to the long averaging time. Generally,
using the performance bound algorithm described in the smaller the time coherence, the higher the performance gain
Section VIII. of FLA, compared to SLA.
• Each curve indicated in dashed line (“fixed MCS”) repre-
sents the throughput or PER performance versus SNR of
B. MFB Delay
one individual MCS m ∈ Ω.
• The “fixed MCS envelopes” are obtained for a given SNR The performance of FLA is evaluated with respect to the
by selecting the performance (throughput or PER) of the MFB delay. The MFB delay is the time required for the MCS

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Fig. 8. Throughput (TP) and PER versus MFB delay of MIESM-based FLA Fig. 9. Throughput (TP) and PER versus MFB delay of MIESM-based FLA
computed for different scatter velocities and the following simulation settings: with the velocity as a parameter. Simulation settings: Channel Model B, 1 × 1
Channel Model B, velocity of 1.2 km/h, 2 × 2 MIMO system, and p = 1024 B. MIMO system, SNR = 20 dB, p = 1024 B, and PERth = 5%. Note that the
The target PER of 1% is fulfilled up to an MFB delay of around 2.3 ms. Note horizontal axes are nonlinear.
that the horizontal axes are nonlinear.

selected in the FLA algorithm to be effectively utilized at the OFDM system operating in frequency-selective channels. Our
transmitter. We consider only the MIESM-based FLA method findings, which are exemplified for the IEEE 802.11n standard,
to assess the impact of the MFB delay. The results for the other indicate that introducing a correction parameter for MMIBM
considered FLA methods are very similar, as already observed considerably improves the accuracy of the PER estimation. The
in Fig. 7. Fig. 8 shows the throughput and PER versus the MFB correction parameter depends on the MCS, but it is valid for
delay computed for the simulation settings described in the a wide class of channel models. The PER estimators based on
caption of this figure. The throughput decreases and the PER the modified MMIBM, MIESM, EESM, and RawBER perform
increases as the MFB delay increases for both considered SNR very closely. Furthermore, we have proposed a practical algo-
levels of 20 and 30 dB. At 4.5–5.5 ms MFB delay, the loss in rithm to compute an upper bound on the throughput of an LA
throughput is only minor, but we observe a drastic degradation method using a given set of MCSs by means of simulations. The
of the PER. throughput that results from using the FLA algorithms is only
We also investigate the impact of scatter velocity on FLA. 1.7 dB away from the throughput upper bound and shows a gain
The results are shown in Fig. 9. Here, we select a slightly of up to 9.5 dB over an SLA approach. FLA methods using
larger PERth = 5%. We further observe that, for higher scatter MI metrics slightly outperform methods employing RawBER
velocity, the observed PER increases faster as a function of the and EESM in terms of PER. FLA outperforms SLA in chan-
MFB delay. nels with low time coherence. The dependence on feedback
In general, it is hard to know the MFB delay—in IEEE delay was also investigated. We have observed that the PER
802.11n, it is unconstrained—or even the scatter velocity in rapidly increases to an unacceptable level as the feedback delay
advance. Both factors significantly impact the observed PER, increases. This effect may be counteracted by adjusting the PER
as shown in Figs. 8 and 9. To address this problem, PERtarget threshold using an outer loop.
can be maintained by adjusting PERth based on long-term PER
statistics, without affecting the fast adaptation feature of FLA.
We have investigated four LQMs, i.e., MMIBM, MIESM, We show that the algorithm proposed in Section VIII yields
EESM, and RawBER, for the purpose of FLA in a MIMO- an upper bound on the throughput. Let m̃ = fLA (H, γ, Ω) ∈ Ω

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be the selection function of any LA algorithm for the channel relative to MCS m̃, and hence, the upper bound is not reachable
H = [H[k]]k=1,...,NSD and average SNR γ. The throughput of by any LA algorithm. Thus, the setup with the steepest PER-
an LA algorithm can be written as versus-SNR curve yields the tightest bound. We observe two
TPLA (γ, Ω) = E {TP(m̃) (1 − PER(m̃, H, γ))} (21) 1) For stronger codes, the PER curves drop faster versus
SNR, leading to a tighter upper bound.
where TP(m̃) and PER(m̃, H, γ) are the maximum throughput
2) If only few MCSs exist with a high probability to be
and the PER of MCS m̃ for the channel realization H and
selected by the performance bound algorithm, i.e., with
average SNR γ, respectively. Expectation is with respect to H.
high Ps (m, Ω, H, γ), then the bound will be tight. Thus,
The function TPLA depends on Ω through m̃ = fLA (H, γ, Ω).
the more MCSs there are to choose from, the less tight
The throughput resulting from using the performance bound
the bound is. This can be concluded from the fact that the
algorithm is
bound is reached at very low or high SNR, where only
 one MCS is likely to be selected (see Fig. 7).
TPPBA (γ, Ω) = E TP(m)Ps (m, Ω, H, γ) (22)
with Ps (m, Ω, H, γ) denoting the probability that MCS m A PPROXIMATIONS OF THE F UNCTION J(·) IN (7)
is selected by the algorithm from the set Ω for the channel In [33], the function J(·) in (7) is approximated by
realization H and SNR γ. Although H is fixed, thermal noise
casts the outcome of successful decoding as a probabilistic a1 x3 +b1 x2 +c1 x, 0 < x < 1.6363
J(x) ≈
process. Consider now the partition Ω = Ωhigh ∪ {m̃} ∪ Ωlow . 1−exp(a2 x3 +b2 x2 +c2 x+d2 ), 1.6363 ≤ x < ∞
The set of MCSs with throughput higher than TP(m̃) is Ωhigh , (25)
and the set of MCSs with throughput lower than or equal to with the coefficients found for the MaxLog demapper [20]
TP(m̃) is Ωlow . The evaluation of the algorithm on the set
Ω̆ = {m̃} ∪ Ωlow is a1 = − 0.04210610, b1 = 0.209252, c1 = −0.00640081
a2 = 0.00181491, b2 = −0.142675, c2 = −0.08220540
TPPBA (γ, Ω) ≥ TPPBA (γ, Ω̆)
" # d2 = 0.0549608.
= E TP(m̃)Ps (m̃, Ω̆, H, γ)
From (25), we obtain the inverse function of J(x)
+E TP(m)Ps (m, Ω̆, H, γ) . a5 y 2 + b5 y + c5 y, 0 < y < 0.3646
(23) J −1 (y) ≈
m∈Ωlow a6 log (b6 (y − 1)) + c6 y, 0.3646 ≤ y ≤ 1
Because the first evaluated MCS in the algorithm using the
with coefficients
set Ω̆ is m̃, Ps (m̃, Ω̆, H, γ) = (1 − PER(m̃, H, γ)). Hence, the
first term in (23) is the throughput of any LA algorithm, as given a5 = 1.09542, b5 = 0.214217, c5 = 2.33727
in (21). Now,
a6 = − 0.706692, b6 = −0.386013, c6 = 1.75017.
TPPBA (γ, Ω) ≥ TPPBA (γ, Ω̆) ≥ TPLA (γ, Ω) (24)

holds, because TP(m)Ps (m, Ω, H, γ) ≥ 0. Thus TPPBA is an ACKNOWLEDGMENT

upper bound of throughput for any LA algorithm.
The authors would like to thank Dr. K. Maouche from
Wipro-NewLogic Technologies for kindly providing some of
A PPENDIX B the simulation results.
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[6] M. Lamarca and F. Rey, “Indicators for PER prediction in wireless sys- [32] M. Lampe, H. Rohling, and W. Zirwas, “Misunderstandings about link
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3GPP2 - Ericsson, Tech. Rep., Apr. 2003. [Online]. Available: ftp://ftp. Tobias Lindstrøm Jensen (S’08) received the M.Sc.
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[10] M. Lampe, T. Giebel, H. Rohling, and W. Zirwas, “PER-prediction for versity, Aalborg, Denmark, in 2007.
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GLOBECOM, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 2003, pp. 25–29. Systems, Aalborg University. In 2007, he was a
[11] T. L. Jensen, S. Kant, J. Wehinger, and B. Fleury, “Mutual information Research Associate with Wipro-NewLogic Tech-
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[16] Members of IEEE 802.11 TGn, “TGn Channel Models for IEEE 802.11 Shashi Kant received the M.Sc.E.E. degree with
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[17] K. Brueninghaus, D. Astely, T. Salzer, S. Visuri, A. Alexiou, S. Karger, ing in communications from Aalborg University,
and G. Seraji, “Link performance models for system level simulations Aalborg, Denmark, in August 2007.
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mutual information in transmission systems with LogAPP decoders and versity, and was an external researcher with Nokia
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Nuremberg, Germany, Jan. 2004, pp. 195–202. Modem Solutions (erstwhile Ericsson mobile platforms), ST-Ericsson AT AB,
[20] T. L. Jensen and S. Kant, “Fast link adaptation for IEEE 802.11n,” M.S. Lund, Sweden, working on Third-Generation Partnership Project Long-Term
thesis, Aalborg Univ., Aalborg, Denmark, Aug. 2007. Evolution physical-layer algorithms development, simulation, and performance
[21] B. A. Bjerke, J. Ketchum, R. Walton, S. Nanda, I. Medvedev, M. Wallace, evaluation. His interests are time and frequency synchronization of orthog-
and S. Howard, “Packet error probability prediction for system level onal frequency-division multiplexing systems and channel-quality indicator
simulations of MIMO-OFDM based 802.11n WLANs,” in Proc. IEEE estimation.
ICC, San Diego, CA, May 2005, pp. 2538–2542.
[22] E. Westman, “Calibration and evaluation of the exponential effective
SINR mapping (EESM) in 802.16,” M.S. thesis, Royal Inst. Technol.
Elect. Eng. Dept., Stockholm, Sweden, Jul. 2006.
[23] Beijing Univ. Posts Telecommun., “ESM Beta Training in 802.16e Sys-
tem 3.0,” WiMAX Forum, AATG Report, Tech. Rep., 2007. Joachim Wehinger (S’00–M’06) was born in
[24] Nortel Networks, “Modelling of Performance With Coloured Interference Hohenems, Austria, in 1975. He received the Dipl.-
Using the EESM (Exponential Effective SIR Mapping),” 3GPP TSG RAN Ing. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from
WG1 37, R1-040509, Tech. Rep., 2004. Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria, in
[25] S. Nanda and K. Rege, “Frame error rates for convolutional codes on fad- 2001 and 2005, respectively, and the M.Sc. degree
ing channels and concept of effective Eb /N0 ,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., in digital communications from Chalmers Tekniska
vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 1245–1250, Nov. 1998. Högskola, Göteborg, Sweden, in 2002, all with
[26] F. Peng, J. Zhang, and W. Ryan, “Adaptive modulation and coding for distinction.
IEEE 802.11n,” in Proc. IEEE WCNC, Hong Kong, Mar. 11–15, 2007, From 2001 to 2006, he was with Forschungszen-
pp. 656–661. trum Telekommunikation Wien (ftw), Vienna, where
[27] C. Stierstorfer and R. F. H. Fischer, “Adaptive interleaving for bit- he was a Senior Researcher and Project Manager in
interleaved coded modulation,” in Proc. 7th Int. ITG Conf. SCC, Ulm, the area of multiuser receivers and smart antennas in third-generation (3G)
Germany, Jan. 2008. systems. During 2006–2007, he was with Wipro-NewLogic Technologies,
[28] S. Lei and V. Lau, “Adaptive interleaving for OFDM in TDD systems,” Sophia-Antipolis, France, where he was in charge of modem development for
Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng.—Commun., vol. 148, no. 2, pp. 77–80, Apr. 2001. IEEE Standard 802.11n and Bluetooth 2.1+EDR. Since 2008, he has been
[29] S. Dolinar, D. Divsalar, and F. Pollara, “Code performance as a function a Senior Staff Engineer with Wireless Solutions, Infineon Technologies AG,
of block size,” JPL, Pasadena, CA, TMO Progress Report 42-133, Tech. Munich, Germany, working on baseband-chip development for 3G+mobile
Rep., May 1998. devices. He has authored more than 30 papers in international journals and
[30] R. C. Daniels, C. M. Caramanis, and R. W. Heath, “Adaption in con- conference proceedings. He is a Reviewer for the EURASIP Journal on Signal
volutionally coded MIMO-OFDM wireless systems through supervised Processing. His research interests are low-complexity implementations, link
learning and SNR ordering,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 59, no. 1, adaptation, iterative receivers, multiple-input–multiple-output, and multiuser
pp. 114–126, Jan. 2010. communication systems.
[31] K. Freudenthaler, A. Springer, and J. Wehinger, “Novel SINR-to-CQI Dr. Wehinger serves as Reviewer for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
mapping maximizing the throughput in HSDPA,” in Proc. IEEE WCNC, SIGNAL PROCESSING and the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS
Kowloon, Hong Kong, 2007, pp. 2231–2235. COMMUNICATIONS.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad de Malaga. Downloaded on June 14,2022 at 13:44:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Bernard H. Fleury (M’97–SM’99) received the

Diploma in electrical engineering and mathemat-
ics in 1978 and 1990, respectively, and the Ph.D.
degree in electrical engineering from the Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ),
Zurich, Switzerland, in 1990.
Since 1997, he has been with the Department
of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University, Aalborg,
Denmark, as a Professor of communication theory.
He is the Head of the Section Navigation and Com-
munications, which is one of the eight laboratories
of this department. From 2006 to 2009, he was a Key Researcher with
Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien (FTW), Vienna, Austria. Dur-
ing 1978–1985 and 1992–1996, he was a Teaching Assistant and a Senior
Research Associate, respectively, with the Communication Technology Lab-
oratory, ETHZ. Between 1988 and 1992, he was a Research Assistant with the
Statistical Seminar at ETHZ.
Prof. Fleury’s research interests cover numerous aspects within commu-
nication theory and signal processing, mainly for wireless communications.
His current research interests include stochastic modeling and estimation of
the radio channel, particularly for multiple-input–multiple-output applications
and fast time-varying environments, iterative message-passing processing with
focus on the design of efficient feasible advanced receiver architectures, and
localization in wireless terrestrial systems. He has authored, and coauthored
more than 100 publications in these areas. He has developed with his staff a
high-resolution method for the estimation of radio channel parameters that has
found a wide application and has inspired similar estimation techniques both in
academia and in industry.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad de Malaga. Downloaded on June 14,2022 at 13:44:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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