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This course is chosen because of its vast application in biomedical field.

As I worked on a brain control

wheelchair that allows paralyzed patients to move without the assistance of others. Also, worked on an
eye tracking-based command generator, which is useful for handicapped persons who can only move
their eyes to communicate with others. Therefore, these projects stimulate my interest in this field. So, I
want to improve and get advance skillset of this course as well as comprehension of the application of
academic information in practical fields. So, I can improve the medical emergency services by using
robotics technology and techniques that I will learn during course of my study.

Liverpool hope is my top pick since their curriculum offer modules in my area of my interest. Also, this is
one of the well reputed and prestigious university of UK. With college’s experienced faculty and
research opportunities, I aim to obtain the expertise and deep understanding in the robotics engineering
and, particularly in the biomedical robotics, which will aid me in achieving my future goal.

Although industry has moved outside the UK, being leader of industrial revolution since 1760, it's
institutions still play an important role in scientific research and development.

Profound knowledge of course that includes robotics, embedded systems, artificial intelligence, IOT, and
variety of other topics and concepts that will help me to achieve my academic goals and helpful while
working on my project. With this expertise, I will be able to work in different organization to gain my
industrial skills. And it will allow me to improve my communication abilities and will boost my

The dissertation topic that I have in mind is role of modern technology in enhancing the social services
such as emergency medical services.

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