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Dual band Antenna for a CubeSat


Muhammad Zaryab Ahmed

Gulbaz Khan


Warda Saeed


Dr Faran Mahmood

Department of Electrical Engineering

Institute of Space Technology, Islamabad

Dual band Antenna for a CubeSat

A thesis submitted to the Institute of Space Technology in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering


Muhammad Zaryab Ahmed

Gulbaz Khan


Warda Saeed


Dr Faran Mahmood

Department of Electrical Engineering

Institute of Space Technology, Islamabad

Institute of Space Technology, Islamabad

Department of Electrical Engineering

Dual band Antenna for a CubeSat


Muhammad Zaryab Ahmed

Gulbaz Khan



Warda Saeed


We take full responsibility of the research work conducted during the FYP Thesis titled “Dual band

Antenna for a CubeSat”

It is declared that the research and development work presented in the FYP Thesis is done solely by me

with no significant help from any other person; however small help where ever taken is duly

acknowledge. We have also written the complete thesis by our self. Moreover, we have not presented this

thesis (or substantially similar research and development work) or any part of the thesis previously to any

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Muhammad Zaryab Ahmed

BE-EE-17 180401014

Gulbaz Khan

BE-EE-17 180401067

I hereby agree that the submitted thesis is the final document and should be checked for plagiarism in
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Warda Saeed

Dated: _____________________

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Dated: _____________________

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This thesis is truly dedicated to the parents,

teachers and friends who helped throughout
the university life


The report contains the designing and fabrication the Dual band Antennae which can be operated
in low earth orbits small satellites. The design which has been proposed is Patch Antenna Patch
antenna is known as patch antenna because it obtains the shape of patch. The size of the antenna
is considered to be important in this research. The finalize size of patch antenna is 10*17.7 cm
which is acceptable under the 3U CubeSat. In order to feed the antenna coaxial feeding is used.
The antenna would be able to work in range of Very High Frequency band and Ultra High
Frequency band with operating frequencies of 145 MHz and 435 MHz respectively.. In order to
design and the antennas Computer Simulation Technology (CST) will be used and method of
shorting pins is used in order to reduce the dimensions of patch antenna and after the simulation
obtained measurements will be used to fabricate antenna. After fabrication the antennas would
undergo the hardware process. In a nut shell, the antenna would be able to operate at desired

1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................. 11
1.1 CUBESAT MISSION ...................................................................................................................... 12
2. LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................. 12
2.1 DUAL BAND ANTENNA ................................................................................................................ 12
2.2 MICRO STRIP PATCH ANTENNA .................................................................................................. 13
2.3 FEEDING METHODS ..................................................................................................................... 15
Contacting feed ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Feeding a micro strip: ........................................................................................................................... 15
Co-Axial Feeding ................................................................................................................................... 16
2.4 NON-CONTACTING FEED ............................................................................................................. 16
3. METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................................... 16
3.1 COMPUTER SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY(CST): .......................................................................... 16
3.2 SOFTWARE SIMULATIONS ........................................................................................................... 17
Formulae ............................................................................................................................................... 17
3.3 PATCH ANTENNA FOR SINGLE BAND .......................................................................................... 18
3.4 PATCH ANTENNA FOR MULTIBAND ANTENNA ........................................................................... 18
............................................................................................................................................................................ 19
3.5 SIZE LIMITATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 19
3.6 SHORTING PINS ........................................................................................................................... 19
At 100 x 100 𝒎𝒎𝟐 ................................................................................................................................ 21
At 100 x 150 𝒎𝒎𝟐 ................................................................................................................................ 21
3.7 T-SHAPE SLOT TECHNIQUE ......................................................................................................... 22
3.8 AT 100 X 177 𝒎𝒎𝟐 .................................................................................................................... 23
4. RESULTS .......................................................................................................................................... 24
4.1 S1,1 PARAMETER: ....................................................................................................................... 24
4.2 VOLTAGE STANDING WAVE RATIO(VSWR): ............................................................................. 24
4.3 IMPEDANCE MATCHING .............................................................................................................. 25
4.4 SURFACE CURRENT ..................................................................................................................... 25
At 435 MHz ............................................................................................................................................ 25
At 145 MHz ............................................................................................................................................ 26
4.5 BANDWIDTH ................................................................................................................................ 26
4.6 RADIATION PATTERN .................................................................................................................. 26
For 435 MHz.......................................................................................................................................... 26
For 145 MHz.......................................................................................................................................... 27
5. HARDWARE ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................... 28
5.1 PATCH ......................................................................................................................................... 28
5.2 GROUND ...................................................................................................................................... 28
5.3 RESULTS ...................................................................................................................................... 29
5.4 COMPARISON:.............................................................................................................................. 30
6. ERRORS ............................................................................................................................................ 30
7. FLOW DIAGRAM ........................................................................................................................... 30
8. FUTURE WORK .............................................................................................................................. 31
9. CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................. 31

10. REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................. 31

Table of Figures

Figure 1-1 Missions for a CubeSat ............................................................................................................. 12

Figure 2-1 Top View for Patch Antenna ..................................................................................................... 13
Figure 2-2 Side view for Patch Antenna ..................................................................................................... 14
Figure 2-3 Azimuthal Plane ........................................................................................................................ 15
Figure 2-4 Elevation Plane.......................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 3-1 Single Band Patch Antenna Figure 3-2 Simulation for Single Band Patch Antenna18
Figure 3-3 Design for Multiband Antenna Figure 3-4 Simulations for Multiband Antenna
.................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 3-5 Design for 100 x 100 𝒎𝒎𝟐 Figure 3-6 Simulation for 100 x 100 𝒎𝒎𝟐... 21
Figure 3-7 Design for 100 x 150 𝒎𝒎𝟐 Figure 3-8 Simulations for 100 x 150 𝒎𝒎𝟐
.................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 3-9 Simulation after changing the shorting pin position ................................................................. 22
Figure 3-10 Design for T Slot Patch Antenna Figure 3-11 Simulation for T-Slot Patch
Antenna ....................................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 3-12 Top View for finalized design ................................................................................................. 23
Figure 3-13 Bottom View for finalized design ........................................................................................... 23
Figure 3-14 Side View for finalized design ................................................................................................ 24
Figure 4-1 S1,1 Parameter for finalized design .......................................................................................... 24
Figure 4-2 Voltage Standing Wave Ratio for finalized design ................................................................... 24
Figure 4-3 Impedance Matching ................................................................................................................. 25
Figure 4-4 Surface Current for 435 MHz.................................................................................................... 25
Figure 4-5 Surface Current for 145 MHz.................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 4-6 Bandwidth Graph ...................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 4-7 Radiation Pattern for 435 MHz ................................................................................................. 26
Figure 4-8 Far-Field for 435 MHz .............................................................................................................. 27
Figure 4-9 Radiation Pattern for 145 MHz ................................................................................................. 27
Figure 4-10 Far Field for 145 MHz ............................................................................................................ 27
Figure 5-1 Top View for the Antenna ......................................................................................................... 28
Figure 5-2 Bottom View for Antenna ........................................................................................................ 28
Figure 5-3 Simulation on Network Analyzer .............................................................................................. 29
Figure 5-4 VSWR observed on Network Analyzer .................................................................................... 29
Figure 5-5 Compared Results for Software and Hardware analysis ........................................................... 30
Figure 7-1 Flow Diagram............................................................................................................................ 30

Table of Tables

Table 1 Dimensions for CubeSat ................................................................................................................ 11

CubeSat is a specialized particular for a little, minimal expense satellite that is generally
twofold the size of a Rubik's Cube. CubeSat are in the nanosatellite class and weigh between
1-10kg (2-29lbs). This sort of measured satellite has a standard size of 10cm3 (1U) and can
circle the Earth 350 miles over the planet's surface as a free unit or as a feature of a satellite
multitude. The idea of CubeSat was created by Jordi Puig-Suari and Bob Twiggs, teachers at
Stanford University's Space program. In principle, a CubeSat can be worked with business,
off-the-rack (COTS) parts and be sent off into space for under $50,000. Interest in conveying
this sort of low Earth circle (LEO) satellite has developed as commonsense applications for
the Internet of Things (IoT) and super low energy (ULE) processing have become standard.
As well as decreasing the dormancy that geostationary satellites insight, CubeSat can likewise
lessen the expense of arrangement by exploiting the abundance limit bigger satellites and
space vehicles require. It is normal for a CubeSat to hitch a ride into space as a component of
another person's payload. To additionally diminish costs, a few kinds of CubeSat can circle
the Earth in a sun-simultaneous way and exploit sun oriented power.

CubeSat Dimensions Size(Max)

1U 10 cm × 10 cm 1 kg
× 11.35 cm

2U 10 cm × 10 cm 2 kg
× 22.70 cm

3U 10 cm x 10 cm 3 kg
x 30 cm

6U 20 cm × 10 cm 6 kg
× 34.05 cm

12U 20 cm × 20 cm 12 kg
× 34.05 cm.

Table 1 Dimensions for CubeSat

1.1 CubeSat Mission
CubeSat are supposed to give modest web inclusion across the globe. As per analysts, the scope
for extra LEO satellites that can proficiently deal with satellite-to-satellite (S2S) and satellite-
to-Earth (S2E) correspondences is emphatically lined up with the rollout of 5G and edge
figuring, as well as the privatization of the avionic business. Since this kind of satellite is so
little and reasonable, it is frequently permitted to wreck in the climate when its circle corrupts.
During the previous 10 years, there has been a rising interest in involving the Internet in Space
to help Earth-bound applications in energy, the military, horticulture and production network
the executives.

Figure 1-1 Missions for a CubeSat

This research contains the previous working which has been done for this purpose. There are
many techniques which can be implied in order to make the Multiband Antenna. In order to
select method different articles, research were studied so that we may have a constructive

2.1 Dual band Antenna

An antenna with various frequency bands of operation is referred to as a Dual band antenna.
One portion of a multiband antenna is active for one band while another portion is active for a
different band. In order to accommodate the numerous bands, multiband antennas may either
have lower-than-average gains or be physically larger than single-band antennas. Simple

multiband antennas have a few inches between the ends of the wires and a short vertical
distance between the wires in the center of the feed. With these straightforward dimensions, it
is possible to reduce antenna lengths for certain frequencies and do away with the requirement
for pruning.

2.2 Micro strip Patch Antenna

The ability to print Micro strip or patch antennas directly onto a circuit board makes them more
and more practical. The use of micro strip antennas in mobile phones is expanding rapidly.
Patch antennas are inexpensive, have a small profile, and are simple to make.

A micro strip transmission line feeds the micro strip antenna in Figure 1 as an example. High
conductivity metal is used to make the patch antenna, micro strip transmission line, and ground
plane (typically copper). The patch has the following dimensions: L, W, and is supported by a
substrate (a dielectric circuit board) with the following thickness, h, and permittivity, or
dielectric constant. It is not significant how thick the ground plane or micro strip is. The height
h should not be much less than 0.025 wavelengths (1/40th of a wavelength), else the antenna
efficiency would suffer. Typically, the height h is substantially smaller than the operating

Top View

Figure 2-1 Top View for Patch Antenna

Side View

Figure 2-2 Side view for Patch Antenna

The micro strip antenna's width W regulates the input impedance. The bandwidth can also be
expanded by using wider widths. The input impedance for a square patch antenna supplied in
the way described above will be in the range of 300 Ohms. The width can be expanded to
reduce impedance. However, lowering the input impedance to 50 Ohms frequently necessitates
using a very broad patch antenna, which consumes a significant amount of space. The radiation
pattern is also controlled by the width. The micro strip antenna emits the most radiation when
it is pointed broadside (perpendicular to the substrate) and, in a perfect world, emits none when
it is pointed end-fire (along the substrate's surface). The micro strip antenna emits the most
radiation when it is pointed broadside (perpendicular to the substrate) and, in a perfect world,
emits none when it is pointed end-fire (along the substrate's surface). Typically, the size of the
antenna is chosen so that it resonates at the working frequency and creates a true input
impedance. This necessitates that the antenna's length, L, be around half a wavelength in the
dielectric medium for a rectangular micro strip antenna. The level of the input impedance, on
the other hand, is determined by the antenna's width, W. One example of an antenna is the
micro strip is imagine a square chamber with open sidewalls. The radiation is produced by the
fringing fields through the open sidewalls. However, with very little fringing radiation, the
structure is mostly a resonant cavity. As a result, the radiation's bandwidth is inadequate when
compared to the bandwidth of the antennas mentioned before. However, a wide range of
communication applications may be used with the little bandwidth.

Micro strip antennas have a low radiating capacity, making it possible for them to only cover
short wave transmission distances, such as those between nearby offices, shops, or other

interior sites. As a result, poor transmission cannot be tolerated over such a vast area at a single
place. A patch antenna is typically used to give hemispheric coverage at an angle of 300 to
1800 at width from the mount.

Figure 2-3 Azimuthal Plane

Figure 2-4 Elevation Plane

2.3 Feeding Methods

The Microstrip antenna is feed via a variety of techniques.However, there are two ways to catego
rise feeding techniques

Contacting feed
In this technique, the radiating element receives power directly. A coaxial wire or micro
strip is used for this.
There are so two varieties of feed:
Feeding a micro strip:

It is a conducting strip whose width is much smaller than the radiating element's width. The feed
line allows for simple etching on the substrate because the strip's dimensions are
narrow . The structure's feed line may be placed in one of three locations: the centre, inset, or off
Co-Axial Feeding

One of the often employed techniques for feeding the antenna is coaxial feed. Feeding through c
oaxial is given to the antenna in a way that connects the patch to the inner conductor. while the
ground plane is connected to the outer conductor. The impedance varies along with the variation
in the coaxial feed's position. Because the feed line can be linked wherever on the patch, impedance
matching is made easier. However, since this requires drilling a hole in the substrate, connecting
the feed line with the ground plane is a little challenging.

2.4 Non-contacting feed

The radiating element receives energy from the feed line via electromagnetic coupling.

The project consists of two process. In first process simulations would be done using the

software known as computer simulation technology (CST)

3.1 Computer Simulation Technology(CST):

Electromagnetic (EM) systems and components are developed, analyzed, and optimized using
the high-performance 3D EM analysis software CST Studio Suite®.

In a single user interface, CST Studio Suite offers electromagnetic field solutions for
applications across the EM spectrum. Due to the solvers' capacity to be coupled to carry out
hybrid simulations, engineers are free to swiftly and efficiently assess large systems made up
of several components. By co-designing with other SIMULIA products, EM simulation may
be incorporated into the design flow and act as the primary driver of the development process
from the very beginning. CST Studio Suite is used by top engineering and technology

companies all around the world. It enables shorter product development cycles and cheaper
development costs, offering important benefits for getting a product to market. Simulators can
be used to implement virtual prototyping. The device's performance can be enhanced, potential
compliance issues can be identified and resolved early in the design phase, fewer physical
prototypes are required, and the likelihood of test failures and recalls can be reduced.

3.2 Software Simulations

Different designs have been made in order to simulate the multiband antenna for a CubeSat.
The simulations contains the patch and dipole antenna design.

Following formulae are used in order to calculate the dimension of patch antenna
𝑣 2 𝜀𝑟 +1 𝜀𝑟 −1 ℎ −1⁄2 ∆𝐿 𝜀𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑓+0.3 ( +0.264)
W=2𝑓𝑜 √𝜀 𝜀𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑓 = + [1 + 12 𝑤] = 0.412 + ℎ
𝑟 𝑟 2 2 ℎ 𝜀𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑓−0.258 ( +0.8)

𝐿 = 2𝑓 − 2∆𝐿
𝑟 √𝜀𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑓

Where as the value of dielectric constant of substrate is 𝜀𝑟= 4.3 considering FR-4 lossy and
height of substrate is h=1.5mm

𝑓𝐻 +𝑓𝑙
Where 𝑓𝑟 is the Resonant frequency which is calculated as .

435𝑀𝐻𝑧 + 145𝑀𝐻𝑧
𝑓𝑟 =

𝑓𝑟 = 290𝑀𝐻𝑧

Similarly Width and length of the antenna is determined by above formulae.

𝑊 = 317.5𝑚𝑚

𝐿 = 249.2𝑚𝑚

After doing the optimization reduced dimensions comes out which are written below

𝑊 = 17.7𝑚𝑚

𝐿 = 100𝑚𝑚

3.3 Patch Antenna for Single Band

Following are designs which have been made in order to make antenna for a single frequency
for learning of CST software. In the design FR-4 lossy as a substrate has been used while
copper material is used at ground. Micro strip line has been fed for feeding which can be seen
below in the figure. It is a simple Micro strip patch antenna which is design at a frequency of
435MHz. Waveguide port has been used for giving the input to the Micro strip line

Figure 3-1 Single Band Patch Antenna Figure 3-2 Simulation for Single Band Patch Antenna

Above designing is showing simulations for single band operating at 435MHz. It is clearly visible
that S1,1 parameter is showing the dip at 445MHz at below -10db.

3.4 Patch Antenna for Multiband Antenna

Following initial design was made for the multiband antenna. In this design different slots were
made to tune to the desired frequencies which are 145 MHZ and 435 MHZ.

Figure 3-3 Design for Multiband Antenna Figure 3-4 Simulations for Multiband Antenna

Two dips are coming one is on 435 MHz and other is coming reluctantly at 420 MHz which is
not giving the true results for our desired simulation. The dip coming at 420MHz is not
showing the good results in this case. It should be lesser that -10db while it is giving higher
value than -10db

3.5 Size Limitations

While simulations it has been observed that there is size limitation for a CubeSat. Initially it
was decided that the size of CubeSat would be 10*10 but in this case the frequency of VHF
which is 145 MHz is not tuned. Minimum frequency in this case is coming 188MHz. In this
situation it may be desirable to change the size of a CubeSat or change the range of VHF. In
order to resolve this issue we made another design having same size 10*10 but in this case
coaxial feeding was used. Where as the technique named shorting pins is also used to reduce
the dimensions of the patch antenna.

3.6 Shorting Pins

To design a dual band antenna with resonance frequency peaks at 145MHz and 435MHz. the
dimension can be calculated by formula or using online calculator who’s dimensions will be
around 30 40 cm. So in order to reduce the size of patch there are some techniques which helps
to get same results with half of original size of patch are even lower. One of them is shorting
pin technique The original size of antenna is slightly higher due to Fringing effect comes due
to electric field lines which makes the antenna size wider after excitation. The main cause of
fringing effect is due to width and position of feed in antenna. A shorting pin can act like the

feed line of the Micro strip antenna. Shorting pins are added which connect patch and ground
plane through substrate to create the direct flow of current between patch and ground. This
helps to get resonance peak or dip against the original dimensions of antenna. So we can get
resonance frequency with small size of design. The working frequency band is considered
below -10db which means 90 percent of power antenna is radiating in the environment and 10
percent is loss. So return loss equal to -10db considered best where 95 percent is antenna
radiating the waves. So in order to get high dB we use more than one shorting pin to increase
the strength of surface current flow from patch to ground and here placed in symmetric manner
because as we need to shift the resonance band it become easy. By moving along feeding
coaxial port we optimize to get the require resonance frequency. Actually this can be observed
with surface current in CST. Shorting pins increase the flow of current so that force antenna to
resonate with less dimensions as compare to original dimensions that that optimize position in
this way we can decrease the size of antenna.

Shorting pin can be used for three different purposes.

When shorting pin is used near to feeding position about 3mm apart which enhance the db or
dip improvement. With slightly change in position or radius can optimize the resonance to the
require frequency of operation. Second way is using shorting pin at diagonal of square patch
and moving along diagonal which helps to generate new resonance frequency and with the
optimization of position and radius of shorting pin can shift the band upto some extent. This
diagonal movement of shorting pin should be symmetric in order to get equal dip of each band.
Third way is moving shorting pin way from feeding position to words corner can shift the
frequency band with same dimension of antenna. So everything has some limits can shift the
band upto certain frequency after that dip of band start decreasing so in this case we need to
change substrate or increase the dimensions and optimize again. As we say shorting pin force
antenna to resonate at particular frequency without original size of antenna for that frequency
the gain of antenna is compromised , which is more changes from directional to bidirectional
or omni directional so due to side lobes increases in results the forward gain reduced.

At 100 x 100 𝒎𝒎𝟐

Figure 3-5 Design for 100 x 100 𝒎𝒎𝟐 Figure 3-6 Simulation for 100 x 100 𝒎𝒎𝟐

Above designs showing the phenomenon of shorting pin in which shorting pin is used at the
corner. While coaxial feeding is used for that purpose in which outer conductor is directly
connected with the ground while inner conductor is connected to the patch. The load matching
is really important in this case and 50 ohm characteristic impendence is considered in this
design. The both dips are not coming on desired frequencies and the S1,1 parameter is showing
the results above the -10db which can be seen in the figure. Shorting pins are used at corner in
this case and frequency band has been shifted.

At 100 x 150 𝒎𝒎𝟐

It is necessary to increase the size of patch so that the frequency will shift towards the desire
one. But with moving shorting pins towards corner the frequency bands will also shift
accordingly In this case the increase of size of antenna and moving pin can achieve the
desired frequency band.

Figure 3-7 Design for 100 x 150 𝒎𝒎𝟐 Figure 3-8 Simulations for 100 x 150 𝒎𝒎𝟐

These results are obtained when the pins is placed diagonally from center of patch here can see
we are getting three bands periodically Also the patch dimensions are no longer square shape
so diagonally placement of shorting pins technique no longer much effective. Also our interest
is to get two bands with high dip of band so shorting pins are placed at corner of patch which
gives maximum shift in frequency in given dimensions. So as the shorting pins are reached at
corner the further length is increase to further shift the frequency band.

Figure 3-9 Simulation after changing the shorting pin position

Above graph is showing the optimized results of 100 x 150 𝒎𝒎𝟐 . We are getting the dips below
the -10db but not at desired frequencies bands.

3.7 T-Shape Slot Technique

Another technique is using L or T shape slot in patch and ground plane with same dimensions.
Moving it along patch dimensions and with optimizing the length of slot with trial and error method
can get the require band with little high bandwidth but the technique requires a lot of simulations
and experiment to get require band with even further reduced size of patch as compare to using
shorting pins. Results with slots are shown below

Figure 3-10 Design for T Slot Patch Antenna Figure 3-11 Simulation for T-Slot Patch Antenna

3.8 At 100 x 177 𝒎𝒎𝟐
Here is final optimize parameters for 145 and 435MHz frequency band. The feeding pin is placed
at 1/4th of patch are slightly moved. And shorting pins are placed symmetric space between them
because we are controlling one band 145MHz frequency band with shorting pin. If we work on
three band then these pins will not place symmetric manner. And 435MHz band is controlled with
length dimensions 17.7 cm of patch.

Top View

Figure 3-12 Top View for finalized design

Top view is showing the three shorting pins present near the feeding point in order for matching the
impedance and placed in a symmetric order. As discussed earlier coaxial feeding is used

Bottom View

Figure 3-13 Bottom View for finalized design

Side View

Figure 3-14 Side View for finalized design

Following are the results for the S Parameters.

4.1 S1,1 Parameter:

Figure 4-1 S1,1 Parameter for finalized design

Above simulatiom has been showing excellent results and presentating the dips at desired
frequencies of 145MHz and 435MHz. Both the dips are present below the -10db which is
considered good.

4.2 Voltage Standing Wave Ratio(VSWR):

Figure 4-2 Voltage Standing Wave Ratio for finalized design

The voltage standing wave ratio for the dips is in between 1 to 2 which is acceptable. Here for
145MHz is 1.21 and 435MHz is 1.13 which is consider good. It is suggested that the ratio of
VSWR should be 1:1 and its range is in between one to infinity whereas one is considered as ideal
VSWR while infinity is considered to be useless. VSWR is a function of reflection coefficient and
can be determined mathematically in terms of reflection coefficient. VSWR is directly proportional
to the dip. Lower the dip, lower would be the VSWR.

4.3 Impedance Matching

Figure 4-3 Impedance Matching

It can be seen that the impedance has been matched at 50 ohm

4.4 Surface Current

At 435 MHz

Figure 4-4 Surface Current for 435 MHz

Here in surface current can be observed by seeing the red color. Current movement shows
maximum strength of current. So 435 MHz band resonance is dip obtained with length of patch
so which are distributed all along.

At 145 MHz

Figure 4-5 Surface Current for 145 MHz

Unlike 435 MHz band here is 145 MHz band whose resonance is obtained with shorting pins
position and strength of current flow into ground plane so can see the maximum strength.

4.5 Bandwidth

Figure 4-6 Bandwidth Graph

Above figure is indicating the bandwidth for both frequencies. The bandwidth for 145 MHz(VHF)
is about 2 MHz while bandwidth for 435 MHz (UHF)is 5 MHz.

4.6 Radiation Pattern

For 435 MHz

Figure 4-7 Radiation Pattern for 435 MHz

Figure 4-8 Far-Field for 435 MHz

For 145 MHz

Figure 4-9 Radiation Pattern for 145 MHz

Figure 4-10 Far Field for 145 MHz

Both the radiation patterns have two lobes which indicates that it is the omni directional
antenna which is directive.


In order to proceed from software simulations to hardware analysis, the process of fabrication
is considered to be really important. The fabrication of patch antenna is easy and can easily
be fabricated on printed circuit board (PCB). The PCB is designed in Lab. FR-4 lossy as a di-
electric material is used which is available commercially.

5.1 Patch

Figure 5-1 Top View for the Antenna

5.2 Ground

Figure 5-2 Bottom View for Antenna

The soldiering is done to ground the shorting pins while connector is used in feeding point.

5.3 Results
The patch antenna is tested in the lab using network analyzer and results are shown below.

Figure 5-3 Simulation on Network Analyzer

Above simulation is showing the best approximate results to our software simulations. It can
be seen clearly that the dip for both the frequencies is coming below the -10db which is quite

Figure 5-4 VSWR observed on Network Analyzer

Above picture is showing the VSWR which is coming between the range of 1 to 2 which is

5.4 Comparison:

Figure 5-5 Compared Results for Software and Hardware analysis

Above picture is showing the comparison between software simulated results and hardware simulation.
In both simulation acceptable standard results are coming.


 There may be the error due to the substrate as the FR-4 lossy is the lossy material.
 There may also be chances of error to occur during the process of fabrication like making
of PCB and soldiering


Following is the flow diagram for the project.

Figure 7-1 Flow Diagram


 Bandwidth and Directivity can be increased using thick substrate with low dielectric
constant and parasitic patches .

 Gain can be increased by using good substrate because FR-4 substrate is lossy. Air can be
more effective as it has zero dielectric constant


The purpose of this project was to design one antenna which would be able to work on two
frequencies rather than working on just one frequency. It would be the low cost product and
instead of using two different antennas it would be better to use only one antenna which would
be able to work on both frequencies.

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