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Position Paper

COUNTRY: Dominion of Canada

COMMITTEE: United Nations General Assembly
TOPIC: North-South conference
DELEGATE: Isabella Barreto Orellana
SCHOOL: (Cristo Salvador)

“We live as a family of nations, each member of this family must receive equal opportunities for economic, social, and
especially educational growth” Malala Yousafzai, this is the global objective so that all nations can advance and develop.
Canada is a country of parliamentary monarchy, right-wing politics and a parliamentary federal system. It has been a long
time since we provided aid to several countries. During World War II there was abnormal inflation, an international
imbalance in the world economy, and as a consequence, we had to deal with a depression in the world economy. That is
why Canada donated materials to the countries most affected by the Second World War during that time. On the other
hand, Canadian aid has been mainly for international development to have a better strategy for all countries to achieve
Sustainable Development Goals, through different ways, such as donating 7.5 thousand dollars for the investigation of
COVID-19 as it is clear that it had global impact in the economy and we were as well consistent in our search for aiding
the international community. To this, we followed some of the many steps that our country has taken to keep the economy
in balance in the face of COVID-19. It is worth mentioning that thanks to the CCEDNET ``Canadian community
economic development network” we can continue to have a social and solidarity economy. We improve our economy by
making our people aware of it, and that is why we have multiple means of economic transparency with our population.
Another notable action taken by the Canadian government is that it contributed 5.7 million dollars to the Pan American
Health Organization (PAHO) to help 23 countries in the region of the Americas, since they are developing countries, thus
supporting his livelihood.

This is why the UN took matters into its own hands and set up the "Conference on International Economic Cooperation"
(CIEC) (better known as the North-South Conference). This materialized in a document that argues that the conclusions
of this conference cannot be understood in isolation. Many of the issues addressed parallel and duplicated the work of
UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development), GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade),
and other international bodies, although due to its demise the “WTO” World Trade Organization” was given as a
substitute. . Where we are helping all countries to ensure that they both guarantee and comply with their obligations.
Because this is the only international organization that deals with the rules governing trade between countries, which
proposes that the transaction provides security and stability, All this is accomplished through representative “Technical
Barriers to Trade” (TBT) agreements (PTAs) as they aim to identify commonalities and differences between their basic
approaches to rules. To ensure that agreements are supported by countries like us. This has helped us to decipher our
development in the pandemic and to keep our population aware of changes in policy and procedures. Finally, in order for
each country to remain in a good condition, "the group of 19 developing countries" due to the conclusions of the ICCS
fell far short of the objectives envisaged for a global and equitable programme.

We understand that these solutions were unsatisfactory for some nations in terms of reach, that being the reason why
Canada is proposing new ideas and programmes to address these issues and feels that development should be its primary
concern. For this reason, Canada proposes the "Steps for Development Plan”, which is based on 5 steps for all nations to
reach an improvement in their development. The procedures are as follows: 1.- The basis of everything is education, for
this reason public schools would be built in strategic places, so we can ensure that all citizens have a good education;
2.-the regulation of taxes, since this could generate more places and public services that are necessary for the growth of a
country; 3.- implement human development laws and actions; 4.- use clean energy, installing solar panels in shopping
centers, schools, hospitals, etc; 5.- To have political stability, through political education, which will be given as a
program in schools. This will be financed by the countries agreeing on it. Canada also proposes to implement the plan
"Development among the Population " which is based on commission number 3 of the conference, specifically the
development one, with 3 pillars that are specifically the following; 1.- the construction of hospitals, so all citizens will
have access to health and well-being; 2.- The implementation of an open government, this improves citizen participation
and collaboration in the environment of the nation's public policies, helps prevent and combat corruption, generate new
jobs and achieve a flexible, reactive, inclusive and competitive, to ensure the continued adaptability of nations; 3.- Human
rights, because respect for rights is developed in this way.. This will be financed by the countries.

Contributions to the Harmonious Development of the World Economy. (2a. C.). Contributions to the Harmonious
Development of the World Economy. Recuperado 8 de octubre de 2022, de

Organización Mundial de la Salud & Organización Panamericana de la Salud. (2020, junio). El gobierno de Canadá
aporta $ 5.3 millones a la OPS para responder a COVID-19. El gobierno de Canadá aporta $ 5.3 millones a la OPS
para responder a COVID-19. Recuperado 8 de octubre de 2022, de

La OMC. (s. f.). La OMC. Recuperado 8 de octubre de 2022, de

red canadiense en desarrollo económico comunitario. (s. f.). red canadiense en desarrollo económico comunitario.

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