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How do I ... Update the Base Firmware?

When you are adding programs, you may need to update the base firmware
of the CSI 2130. To update, you will need to have the correct directories
selected under the “2130 Directories” tab. See details on page 3-1. This could
be a CD or a folder on a directory in the C:\ (or other) hard drive.

Emerson recommends that you copy the contents of the 2130 Firmware
CD to a location on your hard drive.

Update Base Firmware

2130 Directories in Data Transfer

1 . . Hook up either the USB cable or the serial cable to the analyzer and
2 . . Start AMS Machinery Manager and launch CSI 2130 Data Transfer
(Data Transfer). Data Transfer must be running.

Basic Setup 2-29

3. . .With the CSI 2130 off, press the lower left ALT and the Power buttons.
Hold down until the analyzer turns on. The CSI Special Functions
Menu appears.

CSI 2130 Analyzer Special Functions screen

From here you can press the F1 function key to learn about Bootload, F2 to
update the firmware using the USB connection or F3 to update firmware
using the serial connection.

2-30 Shell Program Overview

AMS Machinery Manager v.5.0 and above does not support
serial communications for the CSI 2130. Firmware must be
loaded using USB.

3 . . Press F2 or F3. The analyzer will attempt to make connection to the

computer. Once the connection is made the firmware begins updating.
4 . . When done the analyzer shuts itself off. You can now turn it back on
and begin using it.

Updating the firmware does not update the applications. Pro-
grams must be updated separately. See “How do I ... Add a Pro-
gram?” on page 2-24 for more information.

If the analyzer gets stuck trying to make connection, press the
Power button to turn the analyzer off. You can then try again.

Basic Setup 2-31

How do I .. Delete a Program?

Do not delete a program unless you are sure you want to elimi-
nate that program. Once deleted, that program will have to be

This message warns you that deleting a program erases it permanently.

1. . .Use Program Up or Down Program to highlight the program you want

to delete.
2. . .Press Select/Unselect Program to select the program you want to
delete. Press Select/Unselect again to deselect a program.
3. . .Press Delete Program. You will be asked to confirm that you want to
delete the program.
4. . .Press Enter to delete the selected program(s). Press Back to escape this

2-32 Shell Program Overview

How do I... Load a New Splash Screen?

Change the default graphic on the 2130 home screen to reflect your company’s logo.

You can change the graphic on your home screen to your company’s logo.
First, find the graphic you want to use.

The graphic must be 430w x 380h pixels to display properly on
your 2130. If your splash.bmp image is larger than the required
format, only a portion of the picture will show on the screen. If
the image is smaller than the required format, it will be centered
on the screen. It is best to limit the color palette for the image to
the 256 color (8-bit) palette.

You need to save the graphic as a bitmap, and rename the graphic
“splash.bmp” when you save it. Otherwise, the 2130 will not recognize the
file for transfer. Save this graphic to the firmware folder on your computer.
Open CSI 2130 Data Transfer from the AMS Machinery Manager setup/com-
munications tab. Right click on the CSI 2130 device and select configure.

Basic Setup 2-33

From the Folders view, verify the custom splash.bmp file is located in the
specified directory for the firmware and select apply.

Turn on your CSI 2130 and press Program Manager from the home screen.

Press Delete Splash Screen to clear the custom graphic currently displayed on
your home screen. The Delete Splash Screen key is only visible if a custom
splash screen has been installed. The default splash screen, pictured on page
2-33, cannot be deleted.

No warning is given before the custom splash screen is deleted.

Then press Connect for Transfer. Once the 2130 connects to the computer
and the proper location, it will tell you which files are available to download.

Press Load New Splash Screen to download a new graphic.

2-34 Shell Program Overview

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