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Appuoacdu to Jinatw
Mowo dmo th damp
MH nam
-How do M.H Aboamu Ladagatuyp dler
- h a t ase thu Vasus ullcalL thiauuduslaped
tlhuoug he aq Y

dns-MH am am dhmsucan loayul od

N hes T todlay thu chu timdesnk al
moonn Aulicum u Lonsuduuthu aa utheti2
lQualu m ms o
Llaluen o aut t thh
t i t A hll eDeaL uduutand.truiin
heaus accOLLong Ku ApAL 0smdbau
thnoue a uod cliamgco hu y t |
heous Huasn exploudlaukn elhmi wkueh
|an usll diunguuhhol ame madu a imporlant o

|Conliululion nU almert all he theois. hlORK,

Lem. Plato mtL hdate 18 + Ciur, th
d t vsa thuughi to lay a Lsarkuat_4ual
h the uaremo aut alaod higandid me
mon Than a miusnon Huecin malwuha
09dut- 0muA Lanceptim" marad demma
up to tha Romamlic tual, hshisn thi alul lacgan

Aonapa lamp thal actiseye pasuicipat
thelyut t umimatis. (
uical uou
n the uiay "" Dueandatae 4
a m Kau u n a detald imalyis ea
NauouLiledl theoues duulepo tlnouat
ng Mmle, (uagmalc, typuuunealas
CAyectiee heoi
Mlaaasdichaoi t eldut authtie
hheoy o huut 0ppeLAHLob in llata L Repullic
dcaldaa to him mutathen sugies wo
lLtims Loonulalle amol mtatie Litabde
h e d L a Qmd Lwnila ten he Aladur a

L alan amo miLaH lalo diucardu the

Outnily mpLaud poelA seR av a mwbnlalian,
t l actiual worla tala hat
11 u mmille ÖuLlalken Lha

amou alui anLopuLA

idua nuall, thuyau tu thind hano
utnlievs th tlth e othun
A t t e v h foeus aguuo that poiyLrualtal
uemlb utat uumunlal w umaso elpesuizmel
lM mye eing aluna ldy matuue aud thu
ALAH ,tAfiutotliu lida o pechy Av
amloluelh u_ddouil Junon lalo_MMmnelue Loncepl
petinaa inuuletiln uical yaten H
a e l (thal h bdyec ha la tatey hpruenls
a c i e n amd. moi (the uolas
Ccum D au ut alhe dpoly as polry
Conidew a uwor oat h cahiou Lashtexls
exlnal uulatton amd can lu ullyd
takingimta occount opu elet lern
aldiemeL,thetaqic planuuri, u hi hat
lu amd ean Btatio i alusay a aa
Eng ad. d m mdalen ol acti u

aTnaaidy amo
loerl mg puuea ut o actenl Ame
balt mell. w Plat L palt wLuolurud
haud ed deelanadd hadt,ARD_pal,ta
Lpeak uTh dautatla amd lyuek Lulics.

nmal aauna ulw u r kect iniomdatie

auBaieu uliemd hat immlalhan a aat
at Cudi Lalua ul N: annodul haing
lallpauh h Lascp hat 0d u am
toiona sloupolaa bmpodlat Dant Neo-
claue ekcs uimg 0nts"laisi Adumb
e lo mo palDu aLApLati laantingitatos
haunliw md MAgponau heonus dea wth
dnud Ouditus
ch laliay luwtu hau
ud lel ddovnimanw
Matase tanly 19 ukoy
thsmus imt a
Mpecicaly dhdalihan posl4
facly y daualusn Losapuboa

9pleaui Dond plasil, y ov a

MLam Ihuulma eabl pteachenY
Ihetaughu the cuinab LLay o Dudlaid
tLam th ultmate end D hie
Maid,"Daudn Omay ds pape ceosudues
"than Eaalil uiss Telhnsa
aluo uladdiukpol khakeapmanis 1aank a s a a
pos wose lange uuisa as apaet u h L
eidncu Uin us tHegauol
So, Imagmau thuotus mmeam le
oud Aohm Puls o mulalehN Lmcusaye
Bttam h sno caue that hulet,oelzL
Ccam s Mo ant. Aeme Meo cloLLLcal Culics H
also o u vae hat Naluu u mothing At
he ull, olur aund hasmeny no ublua Ae
Apea poey An anl, meam Aucba
oy thdtd. o itationy a Lulject ay u d
mest pkeLoion) anaol odulighthdl.

tha sulakoa lulurt tuf and udituce. thav

cei.tuteo doumaml mmeol onalyas
Honac The anhy19 cuts

aaTsupandoli AliletleL thaeu inh a

pecilpca didati thaoy opoefky

pleain Andl plzasia, ey a a

eam Thu ltmati eadl rlteachen?
htoLgthu tuieal may o Deuptla
LaioDuyaltsasonay u uapLly ceuuiduredL
thn agliillnuLuom Jehamsea
aluo etadiiukpol hakeLpuanes 1amk amsnag.
lpolk uhose lan uiuuta a4 apolt u

houa Ao Aula omuloten ar macumatye
c omo
a n tdene Neo claucal dics u

Hu nle, olen and hotmeny andunn us

mmert pleainy amnl dligbthl.

inci Basn d hodusi1L L

Jn thu
Asor di Jrdush,

wd t expau hu ynelTaiL dcera ey

uolinsei bohn NApnweusry-
ho uen deninalt mmodu pu Lshasone
atlenst halt
obuy uwmdid olaly thalpamh Jaku
Thutoiuams Toum Jeut_Hev k ake
"hihin sd ane Cooidetuny potuy-
tmuLoidun ipaumanl
Mis uhsnlp t h Macduis 0phol A
ona la bwuc l l a e u t hoapdy t u t
Ransem palludpu thI aera
hle lpn aLithlues p ta 4u a t ,
DAols Ahuaks
Plal amd duIO pola wu miomdelpa

Hapnoalue Anad hiyAauabt At th

lDou, Ouds y tu Vuls o dicen uao

h La Say Hhat Honacnns has amayptolau

lanauh wiawoa hemalicoll,cheseleteal
toucalle pand tuulically ute

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