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Shorting pins

With original dimensions of antenna like freq 435mhz need like Width: 209.7 mm
Length: 123.3 mm

So we are getting this freq with 100 cross 100mm

to reduce the resonating length of antenna ( reduce size with same results ) need to add some
technique to get the results

like adding slot in antenna at particular position with optimization or measing in ads software

shorting pins .

shorting pins are added which connect patch and ground plane through substrate to create the direct
flow of current between patch and ground. Actually this can be observed with surface current in cst.

Shorting pins increase the flow of current so that force antenna to resonate that that optimize position
in this way can decrease the size of antenna.

There are other ways as will

By adding shorting pin near to feeding position mostly enhance already generated resonance frequency

In other words increase db of resonance frequency less than -10db.

As shorting pin move away from feeding pin it helps to shift the frequency. But upto certain level after
that frequency start disappearing due to impedance mismatching. So we need to add another shorting
pin or need to move feeding point location accordingly to get proper frequency.

If we are using two shorting pins then need to optimize them so that, one is used to improve db and
other is used to shift the band.

Similary can use three sorting pins but optimizing them singly takes time but with symmetric manner
can optimize easily like move all with same value in any direction.

As we say shorting pin force antenna to resonate at particular frequency without original size of
antenna for that frequency the gain of antenna is compromised , which is more changes from directional
to bidirectional or omni directional so due to side lobes increases in results the forward gain reduced.

Feeding position of antenna should be quarter size of match where antenna gives 50ohm input
impedance match with load.

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