Barclay's Capital - Salud de Chavez Modifica Escenarios Elector Ales

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28 June 2011

VENEZUELA Chavezs health problems alter the electoral scenarios

The political debate in Venezuela has recently been focused on next years presidential elections. On the governments side, President Chavez is, so far, the official candidate, while the opposition has agreed to hold a primary election next February to choose its candidate. However, President Chavezs recent surgery and the possibility of more serious heath problems, as suggested by the local and international press (El Universal, El Nuevo Herald, Financial Times, New York Times), could imply significant changes ahead of the election, increasing the possibility of a democratic transition.
Alejandro Grisanti +1 212 412 5982 Alejandro Arreaza +1 212 412 3021

Possibility of a democratic transition

As mentioned in President Chavezs absence, June 24, 2011, considering the presidents media exposure, his disappearance for such a long period raises the possibility of alternatives to the officially announced scenario. Recent press reports (El Universal, El Nuevo Herald, Financial Times, New York Times) seem to signal the possibility that the presidents health problems could be more serious than authorities have indicated. If so, it would limit President Chavezs capacity to campaign in the months ahead of next years election. A more serious diagnosis could even leave him out of the race. President Chavezs health problems put additional pressure on the government in an already-complicated electoral scenario. Taking into account the decline in the presidents popularity (Figure 1) and the necessity to reverse this trend, the government started a fiscal expansion program at the beginning of the year, signaling a long and expensive campaign that would also require the president to be in good physical condition. Chavez needs to prove that his leadership remains strong and neutralize the emerging opposition. Consultores 21 already reports that at least two of the opposition leaders, Henrique Capriles Radonski and Leopoldo Lopez, have higher approval ratings than the president (Figure 2), which represents a real challenge ahead of the election. In addition, the opposition has agreed to hold a primary election in February next year, showing more maturity and better coordination than in the past. We think that the combination of Chavezs decreased popularity, government inefficiencies, and a stronger opposition make the president defeatable (An expensive and long campaign, June 15), and health limitations could increase this possibility. The possibility of more serious health problems has prompted discussions of potential successors if Chavez is unable to run. Even if transition within the administration seems relatively clear and could be achieved smoothly following constitutional rules 1 (President Chavezs absence, June 24, 2011), the reorganization of leadership inside the government could pose a greater challenge.

In case of a permanent absence of the president, the vice-president should assume the presidency and complete the term scheduled to conclude in February 2013.


Barclays Capital | Venezuela

Figure 1: Chavezs declining popularity

62% 59% 56% 53% 50% 47% 44% 41% 38% 35% Q3 05

Figure 2: Weak alternative leadership on the government side

Henrique Capriles Radonski Leopoldo Lpez Hugo Chvez Fras Henrique Salas Feo Julio Borges Pablo Prez Maria Corina Machado Antonio Ledezma Tarek El Aissami Nicolas Maduro Manuel Rosales Elias Jaua Diosdado Cabello 33% 33% 33% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 45% 42% 42% 42% 40% 39% 37% 36% 49% 55%

Q2 06

Q1 07

Q4 07

Q3 08

Q2 09

Q1 10

Q4 10


Source: Consultores 21, Barclays Capital

Source: PDVSA, MENPET, Barclays Capital

Weak alternative leaders limit the governments capacity to remain unified and defeat the opposition candidate

President Chavezs strong personal leadership style has blocked the emergence of a clear alternative in his party. The other leaders, including Tarek El Aissami (minister of homeland), Nicolas Maduro (minister of foreign relations), Elias Jaua (vice-president), and Diosdado Cabello (representative to the National Assembly), are considerably less popular than the main opposition leaders. El Aissami and Maduro, who are the best positioned, are nearly 20 percentage points below the oppositions leading candidate, Henrique Capriles Radonski. Meanwhile, Adam Chavez, the presidents older brother, governor of Barinas, and another potential successor, does not seem to be among the main leaders. Therefore, it would seem difficult for them to defeat the opposition candidates. Moreover, a recent IVAD poll indicated that if a primary were held inside the government party, Chavez would obtain 32.6% of the vote, followed by Elias Jaua and Diosdado Cabello, with just 2.6% and 2.5%; 57.6% of the government supporters polled did not express a preference. This low support for alternative leaders highlights how dispersed the government support could become in Chavezs absence and the difficulty that any of the alternative leaders would face in preserving the unity of Chavism. The government already faces internal disputes between the more ideological and more pragmatic sides, whose conflicts of interest are basically contained and conciliated by President Chavezs leadership. A diminishment of this leadership could deepen the existing fractures, making it even more difficult for the government to win next years elections. The unity of the opposition in such a scenario is key. As discussed in President Chavezs absence, June 24, 2011, even if a weaker adversary reduces the oppositions incentive to remain unified, it seems unlikely that it would become divided, assuming that it follows the already-established agenda for the primary elections. We think the political cost for any candidate who tried to avoid or boycott the primary would be high, considering that most opposition supporters are in favor of these elections. According to Consultores 21, 81.2% of opposition supporters think there should be only one opposition candidate, and 65.3% think the candidate should be chosen through a primary. Moreover, they seem motivated to participate in the election, with 62% expressing a high willingness to vote.

The opposition is likely to remain unified considering the political cost for any candidate who tries to avoid or boycott the primary

Little support for violent alternatives

In this more complicated political scenario, some government leaders appear to be showing signs of concern and uncertainty, hinting at the possibility of violence. The presidents brother, Adam Chavez, commented over the weekend that the it would be unforgivable to just limit to
28 June 2011 2

Barclays Capital | Venezuela

Figure 3: Strong support for democracy

Venezuela Uruguay Costa Rica Bolivia Argentina Ecuador Chile Dom. Rep. Latam Panama Peru Colombia El Salvador Nicaragua Brazil Honduras Mexico Paraguay Guatemala 40 84 75 72 68 66 64 63 63 61 61 61 60 59 58 54 53 49 49 46 50 60 70 80 90

Figure 4: Rejection of a military government

Costa Rica Bolivia Uruguay Ecuador Panama Nicaragua Dom. Rep. Venezuela Chile Argentina Brazil Latam Colombia El Salvador Mexico Peru Honduras Paraguay Guatemala 30 90 74 72 71 70 70 70 70 69 69 66 63 60 57 56 48 47 40 33 40 50 60 70 80 90

Source: Latinobarometro, Barclays Capital

Source: Latinobarometro, Barclays Capital

the electoral (fight); other forms of fighting should not be ruled out, including armed struggle. However, we think that violence is unlikely. Venezuelans have a strong commitment to democracy, with the highest support among Latin American countries according to Latinobarometro (Figure 3), and their opposition to violence and the possibility of a military government is higher than the regional average (Figure 4). Despite the challenges that Chavezs health problems could create for the government ahead of the election, we do not expect an announcement of succession in the short term, unless the presidents illness becomes an imminent threat. We would expect any succession decision to be delayed as long as possible in order to give the president a chance to recover, remain in the electoral race, and contain any possible fragmentation of the government. Meanwhile, we would expect a campaign to attempt to capitalize on Chavezs health problems to evoke sympathy from voters. Overall, President Chavezs health issues represent a challenge for the government ahead of the presidential election. A non-life-threatening illness would likely at least limit the presidents ability to recover his declining popularity. And any possible successors would be at a disadvantage with respect to the main opposition leaders, which have shown more solid leadership. Although there is still is a long road before the election and the government has yet to decide when it will be held, it cannot avoid it, and we expect the state institutions, especially the armed forces, to enforce the result if the opposition wins. So we think the possibility of a democratic transition may continue to increase, providing additional support to Venezuelan assets.

28 June 2011

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