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Good Morning everyone especially doc Mateo

Without any further do lets jump to the topic
First let me give you the summary of our topic which will help you to further understand the
essence of our discussion. Teachers are the people who are willing to change themselves just to
be professional and flexible to anything. and I highlight some important information of the
 Educators are modernized heroes
- In now period teachers are very essential. All the countless efforts that they made
are enough to be considered as a hero in these modern times. Especially their
sacrifices amidst of pandemic is one of the heroic tasks that they did to their
 These people are highly- empowered Individuals
- We all know that empowerment is important to the teachers as it signifies
confidence inside the classroom where students also can be able to exude their
competence to do their task. As well as, the teacher’s path to reach their aim to
transmit their knowledge by attending trainings so they get new skills, learn and
discover and develop their competence and be a good public servant is extreme
example of an empowered individual.
 Educators are flexible and can adjust to different situation
- This only refers to the teacher’s ability to adapt to different circumstances especially
to the working lives of the teachers where they always encounter various learners
that they must more give attention, also face different situation inside the
classroom, interact with new student, co-workers, and parents, and last teachers
integrate professional learning’s fresh and evolving knowledge into their teaching
 Teachers are the source of knowledge of all professions
- Teacher is one profession that teaching another profession. Yes, it’s true, all the
profession like engineer, lawyers, accountant, chef, seaman, even teacher, and etc
come from the knowledge of one profession. Teachers are the way to easily reach
the dream of one person as they open the mind of students to ideas, knowledge,
and dream as well as they fill many roles as they motivators, mentors, role models,
explorers, and advocates.

This information that I discuss will help us to be able to get some ideas as a future
educator for being a good and flexible to different task in the future. And now lets
jump to the next topic which is global education and global teacher.
This part will let us to understand what is the difference between GLOBAL EDUCATION and


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