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Eatsrad m ••cand elam matter September 1,1922 at th* poetoffice at Holton, Kanma, under the Act of March 3,1879.


STAMPS New Hebrides Stamps

“Just Dirty Bits of Paper”—
But, Maybe Worth a Fortune. English and French
Agree and the Values Are to be Shown
By STEPHEN GOLDER in Two Currencies.
(Late Editor of “The Canadian Philatelist.”)
In “The Sunday Province” of Vancouver, B. C. HE COMING ISSUE for New

Review of Canadian Postal Emissions. T Hebrides introduces something

new in the story of postage
stamps, as the different denomina­
UST a bundle of dirty old letters— didn’t know it—well, you should read tions are to be shown in both English
J oh, put them in the furnace, do!”
It was the day of the annual
“clean-up” of musty papers indulged
the papers!”
And so the letters were kept to be
“gone over” on some later rainy day.
and French currency.
The series for use in the British
post office in this condominium will
in by Pa and Ma. A rainy Sunday * * • * * have the value in pence and shillings
had turned their thoughts toward the The fact is that the science of on the right of the design and in cen­
dusty trunks stored in the attic. “philately” known to the uninitiated times and francs on the left, while
“What is the use of keeping all as “stamp-collecting,” is very much the stamps in the French bureau will
this old truck around the house?” in vogue just now, and as a result show the denominations vice versa.
Ma objected. But Pa was obstinate. most amazing prices are sometimes The only other difference between
paid for these “dirty old bits of the two series will be the watermark
“How do you know there isn’t a paper.”
small fortune in the ‘dirty old let­ —“R. F.” for the French and multiple
But apart from their intrinsic value, script CA. for the English—the de­
ters’? Do you know there’s a man stamps can teach more history and
named Lichtenstein in New York sign being the same as the current
geography in a smaller space than issue which was first introduced in
whose collection of early Canadian any textbook ever written. And here
and British Columbia stamps, with 1911, says the Christian Science Mon­
in Vancouver is an ever-increasing itor.
some of Uruguay and Mauritius, is number of people interested in stamp­
insured for a million dollars? You The postal history of this Anglo-
collecting. (Continued on page 33)
The recent sale of the collection
of stamps owned by the late Count
German Coil Stamps de la Renotiere Ferrari has aroused
interest in the postal issues of Can­
The only proper way to collect these is in ada. Count Ferrari left his collection 45 BROMFIELD ST. BOSTON
As a strip measures 11 inches it is too long
to the Berlin Museum, but dying in
to conveniently mount for display in the Paris during the war, his collection Wholesale offerings by the hundred
ordinary album, so I have evolved a method was seized by the French Government
for showing only 3 stamps although having
the strip of 11 which proves the origin from as enemy property and is being dis­ No. Per IM
158—8c green ________________________ .50
a Coil and not a Sheet. I will include a persed in a series of sales that have 184—8c green ____________ -___________ .25
strip thus prepared with every order for 207—8c green ____________________ .50
$1.00 worth of Coils. Also material for pre- (Continued on next page) 206—1c blue ___________________________ .50
paring each Coil ordered. 212—2c green __________________ -_____ .25
210—2c brown ______________________ - .25
Cat. No. 164, 168, 170, 189, 201, 202, 204,
208, 227. 15c each or lot of 9 for $1.25.
CANADA 220—2c carmine ____________________ .30
264—1c blue ___________________________ .25
No. Cat. Net 267—2c carmine _______________________ .20
Cat. No. 192, 200, 226, 229a, 281. 25c each or 14, 1c rose ______________________ .60 .30 269—4c brown ___ .80
lot of 5 for $1.10. 15, 3c vermilion ________________ .30 .15 270—5c chocolate ______________________ .40
Cat. No. 188, 167, 208, 204a, 205a, 207, 222, 16, 10c red lilac_________________ 2.00 1.00 278—10c green ______ -_______________ .50
227, 230. 80c each or lot of 9 for $2.50. 21, black ___________________ 1.00 .50 882-—2c carmine _______________________ .25
Cat. No. 118, 119, 189, 140, 280. 40c each 22, 1c brown red ______________2.00 1.00 374—1c green __________________________ .25
or lot of 5 for $1.75. 23, 2c pale green _____________ 1.25 .68 230—1c Columbian _____________________.26
Cat. No. 141, 144, 150, 209, 224, 288. 50c 24, 8c red ________________________ .50 .25 281—2c Columbian __ _________________ .25
each or lot of 6 for $2.75. 25, 6c dark brown _____________ 1.25 .63 286—2c Trans Mississippi _______________ .60
Entire Lot of 34 (as above) and 2 others 26, 12 %c blue _________________ 1.25 .63 324—2c Louisiana Purchase -____________ .60
for $19.00. 27. 15c lilac __________________ 1.25 .65 295—2c Pan American _________________ .50
31, 1c yellow __________________ 2.50 1.25 800—1c green _________________________ .25
Price Lists of 150 USED German stamps, 86, 10c rose lilac ______________ 1.25 .63 304 5c blue ___________________________ .50
Entire Stamp Booklets and German stamps 39, 15c gray ---------------------------- 1.25 .63 556—6c red orange ____________________ .25
ENCASED in Celluloid and Metal. Also 46, 47, 20c, 50c _________________ .65 .38 560—10c yellow ________________________ .15
NOTGELD. 66 to 78 comp. _________________ 2.26 1.10 564—15c gray _________________________ .40
Postage extra under 50c. 74 to 85 comp. _______________ 2.27 1.10 565—20c carmine__ -____________________ .25
86 to 95 comp. _________________ 2.18 1.00
And many other Canada stamps not list­ Cash with order for above
A. W. Dunning ed above.
OLD COLONY STAMP CO. Our specialty is Stamps on approval. Send
us one or two references and let us send you
Brookline (47) Massachusetts 333 Washington St.. Boston. Mass. a trial lot .

Digitized by
already realized nearly a million dol­ ter, was reduced to a uniform rate of “SQUARE DEAL APPROVALS”
lars. Count Ferrari’s pair of the 5 cents per half ounce. Within a In addition to SQUARE DEAL AP­
twelve-penny black Canada realized year the number of letters transmitt­ PROVALS—Fifield offers an unique
the sum of 38,000 francs at the May ed through the mails had increased service — “INDIVIDUAL WRITTEN
sale of 1922, or approximately $4,000 75 per cent. The operation of the OFFERINGS OF UNUSUAL SIN­
at the then current rate of exchange. department was greatly extended, and GLE ITEMS, OFFERED PERIODI­
During the last few weeks another last, but most decidely not least, the CALLY.”
pair of these valuable stamps was introduction Of postage stamps took Would you be interested in receiving
disposed of by a member of the Brit­ place. this service, at no expense— or obli­
ish Columbia Philatelic Society for OnApril 21, 1851, an order was is­ gation on your part?
the same price. sued from the postoffice department
Mr. Ronald M. Angus of Victoria, EDSON J. FIFIELD
referring to the issue of stamps, stat­ Pelham, New York
the member in question, states that ing “that postage stamps are about
the stamps were brought into his of­ to be issued, one representing the
fice by a Mr. Walsh, whose father Beaver, of the denomination of Three
was employed in the postal depart­ Pence; the second, representing the
ment at Ottawa at the time of the head of Prince Albert, of the denom­
issue of the stamp in 1851. Appar­ ination of Six Pence; and the third, WANTED
ently he had an idea that they would representing the head of Her Majesty,
be worth something some day, and of the denomination of One Shilling; FIRST DAY MAILINGS,
with this idea in mind he cut two which will shortly be transmitted to
singles and one pair from three the postmasters at important points
sheets, selecting with great discrimin­ for sale.” The Beaver stamp was 1 ft CENT STAMP.
ation the left-hand bottom corner cop­ designed by Sir Sanford Fleming, a
ies in each case with full sheet mar­ civil engineer and draughtsman. Put one of these stamps on a cover
gins attached. The twelve-penny requires a few and please mail to me on first day
The disposition of these four stamps words in explanation of the manner same is placed on sale at your post
makes an interesting story. One of in which value was expressed, for office.
them he sent to a man of whom he “One Shilling” would appear to be a I will thank you, naturally and will
knew nothing, except that he resided more natural form for this amount, say it with a block of four of these
in the United States, and he never rather than “Twelve-Pence.” Author- stamps. Please place your name and
saw the stamp again or his money. address on cover.
The second copy his son sold to Items Not Offered Every Day GANG— *179
Dr. B. D. Gillies of the British Col­ DANISH W. INDIES No. 44___ .04 .62
DANISH W. NDIES No. 47____ .15 .05
umbia Philatelic Society, and the KEDAH 6 vara. "Wild Rice" ___ .51 .10 HARRY M. KONWISER
stamp has been exhibited to the mem­ KEDAH bi-color "Sacred Oxen" - .12 .06
KIAUCHAU Noe. 16-18. 26-26— .52 .15
bers of the society. Dr. Gillies pur­ BELGIAN CONGO No. 76. scarce. .50 .12 1133 Broadway New York City
chased it for a fair price, later dis­ 14 vara, aa above, all nice copies, catalog *1.26
for 40c, postpaid.
posing of it to the Royal Philatelic
Society, London. After reading the ERNEST PUTNAM
account of the sale of the unused 45 Centre St., Boston (20) Mass.
pair at the Ferrari auction, Mr. Walsh
placed his remaining pair of stamps
with Mr. Angus for disposal on a
commission basis, and ultimately they
Dealers Who
found a home in the collection of Mr.
Alfred Lichtenstein, a New York
ranging from 25 to 2,500 Standard Varieties,
should send for prices to— *182
millionarie. Mr. Lichtenstein’s col­ CLIFFORD D. GREAVES
lection of early Canadian and British
Columbia stamps, together with the
Wholesale Stamp Dealer
(Established 1894)
3 East Crescent, Doncaster Road
stamps of Uruguay, Mauritius and ROTHERHAM, ENGLAND “For General Collectors Only”
old Swiss states are insured for one
million dollars. $2 Bi-Color—U. S. 547— —ARE BLAZING A NEW TRAIL
The earliest record of the admin­ ASYOU LIKE ’EM. IN THE HISTORY OF STAMP COL­
Initialed copies ________________________ .10
istration of the postoffice in Canada Minuet tear, otherwise good _____________ .10 LECTING WITH THE SLOGAN:
are dated 1750, at which period the Heavily canceled _______________________ .15
celebrated Benjamin Franklin was Good condition ________________________ .25
deputy postmaster-general of North
Perfection copies ____________________ .40
Postage extra on orders under 50c.
America. In 1774 Franklin was re­ GOPHER STAMP CO.
3332 Third Ave., South “U-BUYA-STAMP
called, and the War of Independence I-GIVA-STAMP”
broke out; the office was then filled Minneapolis, Minnesota
by Mr. Hugh Findlay, who had form­
erly occupied the position of post­
master of Quebec. At that time there Wholesale Germany Specially prepared approvals, special­
were seven postoffices in Upper and Every mail has brought additional requests izing in Bird, Animal, Triangle and
five in Lower Canada. from stamp firms for our new wholesale Ger­
Picture Stamps. New Issues—British
man Republic price list. The larger cities,
The transfer of the Canadian post­ the smaller towns, the high-ways and the Colonials—Novelties, the very best of
office from the control of the Imper­ by-ways of this good old country, have all
ial authorities to the Colonial Govern­ contributed their share of the requests for everything—the cream of the market
this list and they’re still demanding it. We
ment was effected on April 6, 1851, have already been compelled to have one re­ ----- all offered at rock bottom prices,
and Hon. James Morris was appointed printing and may soon need another one. and every single one bringing with it,
If you’re looking for a stock of these fast­
first postmaster-general. This may selling items, try the “More-for-less-man-from AN EQUALLY DESIRABLE PRE­
be termed the red-letter year of the Baltimore,” List furnished free on request.
Get your copy NOW. MIUM.
Canadian postoffice. In the first Better Write Now!
place the postage, which had hitherto MILTON T. MAUCK
been rated according to distance and 911 Harlem Ave., Baltimore, Md. HUGH C. ARGENBRIGHT
had averaged 15 cents on each let­ More-for-less-from-Baltimore Box 352 Staunton, Va.

Digitized by
ities state “This was undoubtedly in 1868 were so alike in color that it stamps issued for that purpose. When
done intentionally as, though it was was soon found that confusion was a uniform registration fee of five
intended for a one-shilling stamp, easily possible between the two val­ cents was adopted, permission was
yet it could not be called that, as ues. Early in 1869 therefore the given to use the ordinary postage
there were a number of shillings of color of the one cent was changed stamps in making up the difference
different values in circulation in the to orange. between the old rate of two cents
Colony, If the stamp had been let­ In 1875 the single letter rate be­ and the new one. In 1893 the special
tered ‘One Shilling,’ the postoffice tween Great Britain and Canada was registration stamps were discarded
was liable to have tendered for it reduced to five cents, and the five cent and a stamp of -the denomination of
sixpence half-penny, sevenpence half­ large size olive green stamp was put
penny, tenpence or twelvepence, ac­
cording to locality.”
into circulation, one million copies
being printed.
For Boys Only
The following offers are for the young col­
The twelvepenny, as every collec­ Taking lessons in economy from lector and beginner. We want to keep this
tor knows, is a very rare stamp. other countries, the government
department of our business on the hum.
Even had the full supply of 51,000 changed the size of the stamps as 10 different 10c if you ask for approvals. 35
received in the first and only con­ fast as the stocks of the ealier issues unused Germany; 7 Montenegro; 20 Ukraine;
signment from the manufacturers on 25 Portuguese Col.; 20 French Col.; SO Po­
became exhausted. As these stamps land ; 27 Liechtenstein ; 15 Danzig; 12 Latvia.
May 4, 1851, been issued it would were in use for a fairly lengthy per­ Any six sets 50c and big lists FREE.
have been a rare variety, but as a iod—nearly thirty years in the case Any set 10c—all different.
matter of fact the greater portion of of the three cent—it is obvious that a GEO. G. LINN COMPANY
the consignment was destroyed, and
only 1510 were actually issued. Of large number of plates must have Columbus. Ohio
the threepenny stamp, 3,528,700 were been used.
On February 17, large twenty FIFTY—50—FIFTY
issued, and a total of 402,900 of the Oh | You approval makers, here is your op­
six-penny value. There are many and fifty-cent stamps were issued, portunity. Fifty different stamps, cat. from
varieties of paper and shades of this which were alike in design, except as 5c to 50c for 50c try one and you will want
regards the denotation of value. They another.
stamp. One Vancouver collector, a Mixtures Foreign Bank mail on paper
member of the British Colubia Phil­ were, however, quite dissimilar from about 2000 to the lb. more So. Am­
any previously issued stamps used ericans. per lb. ____ ;---------------- 2.50
atelic Society, claims that he is able U. S. Bank Mail on paper inc. the 1923
to distinguish fourteen varieties. for postage, both as regards size and 12c & 14c about 2000 to the lb. per lb. 1.25
Bi-sected stamps were not used in design. CORTLANDT STAMP CO.
Canada to anything like the same Until 1889 the registration fee had P. O. Box 969
extent that similar varieties were to be prepaid by means of special City Hall Station. New York City
used in the other British North Am­
erica provinces. The six-penny is
catalogued as having been divided
diagonally and the halves used on
three-penny stamps, though there can
have been no real necessity for such
The M-O-P Made Good
To promote the general convenience HICH IS, of course, no more than we expected. Number one
of the public in prepaying letters to
the United Kingdom at the new rate
of postage, stamps to the value of
W pleased most every one who was fortunate enough to receive a
copy. We are receiving congratulations from many sources—
music to our ears, quite naturally.
tenpence currency, equal to eight­ We are going to endeavor to IMPROVE with each succeeding
pence sterling, were issued in Jan­ ssue. We feel that we are on absolutely the “right track” with this
dever little monthly publication—
uary, 1855. The design corresponds
in its general appearance with that
of the six-penny and twelve-penny of THE MAIL ORDER PEPTOMIST
1851—though the portrait in the cen­ Alias the M-O-P
tral oval is of Jacques Cartier, the
discoverer of Canada. Of this issue □RHE M-O-P “Mops Up The Field” in which it is intended to circulate
172,000 were printed. When the deci­ and function, being issued in the interests of the Mail Order Dealer,
mal currency was introduced there Specialty Salesman, Circular Mailer, Opportunity Seeker, etc. When
was a balance on hand of 34,^00, and ne assert that it packs a wallop in every column, we don’t mean maybe.
these were afterwards destroyed. For a short while longer the subscription price is to remain at the
exceedingly low charge of 25c per year (honestly, it’s worth a dollar),
Somewhere about 1857 a sevenpence ?o NOW is the accepted time to “pony” up your “two-bits.” For your
value was issued, the design was convenience, kindly fill out the coupon presented below and mail it to us
adopted from that of the discarded with your remittance TODAY.
twelve-penny of 1851, the same por­
trait of Queen Victoria adorning the
oval. A half-penny stamp for the
prepayment of newspapers and per­ GOSSIP PRINTERY,
iodicals and of drop and town letters Holton, Kansas.
was also issued in August, 1857.
Some time in 1858-59 the half­ My dear Doctors:—
penny, three-penny and six-penny Spring is about to burst upon us in all its resplendent and verdant
stamps were issued perforated, but glory—spring fever will soon become epidemic in our midst. I under­
records do not give the exact date, stand that THE M-O-P is an excellent “pep” tonic for that “tired feel­
ing,” therefore my system craves it. Enclosed find the necessary
or whether they were perforated by wherewithal, 25 cents—prescribe twelve doses of the THE MAIL ORDER
the department or the printers. PEPTOMIST for your undersigned patient (victim) and oblige.
The first Dominion issue of post­
age stamps came into use on April
1, 1868, the values being half, one,
two, three, six, twelve and a half, and
fifteen cents, and all much alike in
The one-cent and three-cent stamps

Digitized by
eight cents issued. On this stamp the ten by Sir Lewis Morris on the oc­ WE LL FILL YOUR WANTS IN
head of the Queen was turned to the casion of Queen Victoria’s diamond
jubilee. Mr. Mulock, the postmaster­ FIRST DAY
general at that time, was responsible
for the idea of this special stamp, as
well as being the sponsor for its de­
On the %c, l%c, Concord and Norse-
At the Im­ American issues.
left instead of as formerly, to the perial confer-
ance of Postal ASK for our list or specify your
right. Rates held in wants.
The Dominion of Canada commem­ London, in ad­
orated the “Diamond Jubilee” by the MILTON T. MAUCK
dition to the
issue of a highly ornate set of inauguration 911 Harlem Ave., Baltimore, Md.
stamps, comprising no less than six­ of Imperial
teen different denominations, which penny postage,
included what were widely termed A NEW SUCCESS
the agitation to reduce the domestic
“unnecessary” high values, and the rates on postage in Canada from
somewhat discreditable manner in three cents to two cents on letters
which they were placed on sale by
the postoffice department cast a slur
weighing one ounce or less was re­
vived. The establishment of Imperial
No. 15
on Canadian postal history which took This SUPER-ASSORTMENT confirms the su­
penny postage, however, brought mat­ periority of my Packets throughout the world.
many years to L^Hfown. The spec­ ters to a head, for it was a ridiculous The unequalled assemblage, the variety of
ial Jubilee set ranged in value from state of affairs under which a charge contents, the moderate price, and other ad­
vantages make it an offer without parallel.
one-half cent up to five dollars, al­ of three cents was levied for carrying Assembled as follows:
though previously, and since the em­ a letter from one town in Canada to SECTION 1.
1000 Postage Stamps, more than 500 differ­
ission of the Jubilee set, and up to another, while two cents would carry ent, principally of BRITISH and PORTU­
1924 the fifty cent value was found a similar letter to any point in the GUESE COLONIES. Very good section con­
high enough for all practical pur­ taining many scarce values.
British Isles. Consequently an order­ SECTION 2.
poses. in-council was passed on December 1000 Postage Stamps, more than 500 differ­
ent, principally of FRENCH COLONIES.
In 1894 the “Mapel Leaf” issue of 29, 1898, declaring that the postage This section is unequalled in its composition.
eight varieties was issued, followed in rate payable on all letters originating SECTION 3.
1000 Postage Stamps, more than 500 differ­
1898 by the “Numeral” issue of the in, and transmitted by post for any ent. principally of SOUTH AMERICA, CEN­
same denominations. The “Maple distance in Canada for delivery in TRAL AMERICA and WEST INDIES. Sec­
tion recommended for its fine specimens.
Leaf” had not been long in existence Canada should be one uniform rate SECTION 4.
before complaints were made that, of two cents per ounce weight from 1000 Postage Stamps, more than 500 differ­
owing to the lack of plain numerals, January 1, 1899. ent, principally of THE NEAR EAST (.Tur­
key, Greece, Bulgaria, Roumania, etc.) Many
it was a difficult matter to distin­ good values.
guish the various denominations. This necessitated the surcharging SECTION 5.
of the three-cent stamps to the value 2500 GOOD STAMPS, cataloged by Yvert &
The French-speaking inhabitants of Tellier, 1924, at 1000 francs.
the rural parts not being able to un­ of two cents. After the supply was SECTION 6.
used up, the two cent was printed 100 Sets of good stamps. Unique assortment.
derstand the values printed in Eng­ SECTION 7.
lish, the maple leaves were accord­ in carmine. On December 29 a twen­ 1500 Postage Stamps, more than 1000 differ­
ingly removed from the lower corner ty-cent olive green stamp was issued ent—Great many countries. Many beautiful
and large numerals of value inserted followed on December 23, 1902, by a
in their place. seven-cent olive yellow stamp. The Super-Assortment No. 15 containing 8000
stamps and 100 sets is sold for 193 francs.
Postage 7 francs extra. Price in French
At Christmas, 1898, the popular The King’s Head issues, the beauti­ francs. List of other Assortments and Col­
map stamp was issued, the design of ful Tercentenary issue, the Confed­ lections gratis on application.
eration stamp and the War Tax is­ Cash with order. All currencies are ac­
which is so well known. The stamp cepted at current rates of exchange.
called for much criticism on account sues of recent years are so well
of the legend “We hold a vaster Em­ known to stamp collectors and the JEAN GERMAK
pire than has been,” which quotation public in general that it is unnecess­ 49 bis. RUE STE-ANNE
was taken from the jubilee ode writ­ ary to deal with them here. PARIS (2c) FRANCE


which has done more to encourage Stamp Collecting than of medium priced British Colonial Stamps at 50% dis­
any thing else on the market. count are noted all over the United States. We shall be
pleased to send you a fine series if you will let us know
The British Colonial Empire just what you are looking for.
References Please.
(No British Stamps Included.)
500 standard varieties, in fine condition, including such ■o
stamps as Cape of Good Hope, triangular, 4d blue; New
Zealand, 1st type; New Brunswick, 1860; India, 1st type; We have one of the finest stocks of OLD BRITISH COL­
and other old Colonial issues. We are also presenting a ONIALS and UNITED STATES Stamps in London.
fine copy of British Id black of 1840 (the first and finest
stamp ever issued) to every purchaser of this collection. Rarities in Early Issues Are Our Specialty.
Price 30 Shillings. Post Free and Registered. Members: Collectors’ Club, N. Y., and A. P. S.

Geo. C. Ginn & Co.
Established 1882 LONDON, E. C. 2, ENGLAND

Digitized by
NEW HEBRIDES STAMPS. were lithographed in two colors in
(Continued from front page) sheets of 100, four panes of twenty- SCANDINAVIA
five—on unwatermarked paper and Choice Approval Selections at 50% Discount
French condominium opened in 1908 perforated twelve.
Also many other countries of interest to the
when both powers issued stamps, the general collector.
British post office being supplied The condominium itself consists of Reference or Society Number.
with a consignment of the Edwardian a chain of islands in the western Pa­ E. W. PHILLIPS
issue of Fiji, overprinted “New Hebri­ cific, between the Solomon and Fiji
des — Condominium,” in two lines, 437 Earl Court, G. Elyria, Ohio
groups with New Caledonia to the
while the French bureau received five south, and the native population is Member S. T. P. A. No. 130
values of the pictorial series of New about 50,000. The first mention of
Caledonia, overprinted “Nouvelles He­ the group comes from the Portuguese MR. DEALER
brides,” the additional word “con­ navigator Pedro Fernandez de Quiro, if you are using a Parcel Post policy cover­
dominium” not being added to the who sighted Espiritu Santo in 1606 ing consignments of stamps mailed by you
overprint until nearly two years later. to your customers, which insurance safeguards
and thought it to be Australia. Many th£ stamps while in transit, we will appreci­
The introduction of postage stamps years afterward Louis de Bougain­ ate advice from you as to the name and ad­
for use in this territory under joint ville visited the islands. That was in dress of your agent who placed this for you.
influence came at a time when the 1768, and six years later Cook com­ MILTON T. MAUCK
European population of the islands memorated his visit by bestowing 911 Harlem Ave., Baltimore, Md.
was just ridding itself of a feeling of their present cognomen on the group.
unrest which had been .fully apparent Largely owing to an extensive trade
for a considerable time. with New Caledonia and the home
The French inMMhnts, always country France was the dominant Gamber-Saunders
more than double the number of the power, but in 1878 the islands were
declared neutral territory by Great BATES ALBUM
English settlers and traders, were
thought to have received preferential Britain and France. This agreement Consisting of one permanent binder
treatment, and this was not finally ad­ was never a success, and another
compact was entered into between (price |2.75) and sufficient sheets for
justed until the . agreement of 1904, all G-S varieties of Harding—H-W
followed by the territory becoming “a the two countries in 1904, which in
region of joint influence” two years its turn brought about the position precancels, and all other memorial
later. Australia, however, was a good just prior to the introduction of issues. Price complete $3.50. Sheets
deal dissatisfied, especially as the stamps. The new stamps include an alone $1.25.
Commonwealth had not been repre­ issue of “postage dues” for both coun­
sented at the conference in London or tries—the first of their kind for this
consulted in any way on the matter.
—Above article clipped from the New York 1148 Michigan Ave., Columbus, O.
It may be remembered that prior “Evening Sun” and furnished GOSSIP
through the courtesy of Mr. Mortimer Ul-
to the introduction of regular postal mann, Brooklyn, N. Y. UNITED STATES
issues for New Hebrides in 1908 there AEROPLANE STAMPS WANTED
were two emissions of a private or We are in the market at this time to pur­
chase fine used copies of any issue of U. S.
local nature and, although these are aeroplane stamps, singles, pairs, blocks. Not
interested in covers.
of no real philatelic value, their ex­
istence cannot very well be ignored,
more especially as their presence
WHY NOT?? Send on approval with best price or advise
us what you have.
might possibly prove confusing to the Cedar Rapids, 29 Iowa
collector. The first of these issues ap­ Spend a postal and order my
peared in 1897, and may claim a place monthly stamp auction catalog?
as local stamps, as from all accounts About 400 big lots will be sold 60% TO 80% DISCOUNT
they served to pay postage between to the highest bidders. Give this We have arranged 100 books each con­
the islands. There were two values— taining 250 different stamps. A total
Id. and 2d.—of large oblong format,
a trial, if you want, bargains, of 25,000 stamps at discounts from
60% to 80%. No great rarities, no
the central design showing a view of quality and quantity. Nuf said! junk. You will be surprised at the
number of spaces you can fill in your
Port Vila and printed in two colors. album at little cost, from these books.
These stamps, which were printed on HENRY WENDT We shall be glad to send you one to
look over. Reference please.
thick, unwatermarked paper and rou-
letted, were quite well executed, and International Trading Co.
the inscriptions read, “Interisland Princeton, Illinois 1889 Albany Ave.,
Postage,” and surrounding the central
design, “The Australasian New Heb­
rides Company, Limited.” Specimens BULGARIA
are met with canceled by a circular
postmark, and up till a few years
Is the year (Columbian Year) 1 start
No. Cat.
57-65. 9 var. ___________________ .30
66. 1 Lev. _____________________ .35
ago they figured in some of the stamp ed to hold regular advertised Auc 66a. 1 Lev. _____________________ .60 .18
catalogues. 67. 2 Lev. _______________________ .85 .39
tion Sales of stamps. 69. 3 Lev. _______________________ 1.00 .45
Before that as early as 1886 I conduct 68. 2 Lev. _______________________ .65 .29
Sometime in 1903 a series of four •70-72, 3 var. ____________________ .65 .20
labels of two designs and inscribed ed auction sales for the Chicago Phil
“Syndicat Francais Nouvelles Heb­ atelic Society of which I am still ac G. STANLEY HAINES
rides 1903,” made their appearance, tive member No. 1. P. O. Box 93 Peabody, Mass.
Now I am giving my entire time and
and these must be regarded as purely attention to the auction business and
propaganda labels, inspired by the if you are interested either in buying
proprietors of the newspaper, Journal or selling, just write me about it
des Nouvelles Hebrides, to promote The explicit catalogs of all my auc
an agitation in favor of the an­ tion sales are “FREE.”
nexation of the islands by France. The
five and twenty-five centimes show P. M. WOLSIEFFER
a view of Franceville and the fifteen
centimes and one franc a native and Member Amer. Stamp Dealers’ Ass’n.
a pig’s head. The stamps or labels 2147 No. 21st St. Philadelphia, Pa. Mention W. P. G. when answering ads

Digitized by
about do away with the promiscuous THE BEST WAY TO BUY STAMPS
opular faking of precancels. It does not ap­ Is To Order on Approval.

P RECANCEL pear, however, from the answer re­ SEND FOR OURS.
ATTER ceived, as though the precancelling Submitted one cent each, way below
of the special issue will be discon­ Scott’s.
Attention Precancelites: Yours truly, COLUMBIAN STAMP COMPANY
Under this head we are publishing. from E. M. GEIGER, Suite 6, 1151 No. Capitol St.
week to week, new issue reports, interesting Washington, D. C
notes, letters from precancel “fans,** short Chicago, Ill.
articles, discoveries of "freaks’* and novelties,
and other items of interest to the legion of
followers of the good old precancel game. March 19, 1925 SET BELGIUM 559-578a
We ask that the disciples of this very pop­ Mr, E. H, Geiger, Cat. $3.17 for _____________ $1.00
ular branch of Philately kindly forward to us 2039 Ogden Avenue,
for publication any items that they believe to all applicants for my
may be of interest to the fraternity at large. Chicago, Illinois. Out of the Ordinary Approvals
"Co-operation the keynote of success" is es­ References please
pecially true in the precancel hobby, My dear Sir:
GOSSIP does not hold itself responsible for In answer to your letter of the 12th
any of the private opinions publicly expressed, CHAS. T. LIEF
as sent in by our readers, in this department. instant, which the Postmaster Gen­ 6512 Ross Ave., Chicago, III.
We also reserve the right to use our discre­ eral has referred to me, you are ad­
tion in the matter of refusing admittance to
publication any items that the editors may vised that under the conditio- gov­ 400 var. Brit. Cols. ___________________ 2.85
deem as of an objectionable nature. No let­ erning the use of precancek-tT stamps Straits Set. 55 var ___________________ 1.20
ters or Mss will be returned to the writers Mauritus 23 var. ’____ ,________________ .60
thereof. (•copy inclosed) such stamps may be Cape Good Hope 23 var. ________________ .70
We consider this department as the Voice sold only to persons and concerns Hong Kong 27 var. ____________________ .60
of ALL of the Precancel Fraternity, and is Malta 16 var. _________________________ .50
conducted with the idea of the best interests who have been granted permits to use Ceylon 44 var. ------------------------------------ 1.50
of the game at heart. Come on, big boys, them and who desire to use them for A. P. S. 6777
little boys, keep the ball rolling 1
the payment of postage on matter A. F. JACOBS
mailed at the office where precan­ Birmingham, Box 1747 Alabama
celed. Such stamps may not be sold
to persons and concerns desiring to PRECANCELS ON APPROVAL
RECANCELS are a use them otherwise than for postage I specialize in Precancels on Approval. See
ART and purpose. With respect to your state­ ’em before you buy ’em—but when you see
ARCEL of ment regarding the over-printing of them—you buy them. Tell me your wants
HILATELY. and let me send you a sample selection. No
postage stamps, you are advised that obligation to buy unless you need what I
any person selling as precanceled have to show you. Reference or society No.
only requirement. Send for a selection today.
(Slogan and design originated 1925 stamps over-printed postage stamps V. G. BADGER
by Frank K- Hills, Holton, Kansas.) other than those precanceled under “The Precancel Man”
the supervision of the postal service Brooksville, Florida
would be selling such stamps under Reference Please
The H-W’s—Short and misrepresentation. If the mails were
to the Point.
This week’s H-W list is not much.
Just like what I get for nourishment German States, on or off cover; Ger­ —Sudan-Camel—
“Cap” may live to eat and enjoy the man Colonies used or unused; Ger­ “That large lOpi Purple and Black”
many, Empire and Republic, all the
fast life—I know I’d like to eat to tete beche and se tenant German Oc­
live, instead of drinking (take that Scott’s number 202 unused superb,
cupations, Danzig, Memel, Saar. catalogues $2.50 my price only 52c;
as you wish). And also this—from We have early U. S., also Br. Cols.
my 2-pillow desk—yes, 2 work some­ if you apply for my 5c approvals. The
what better than one but I’m taking 16618 Lot Cabin Ave.. Detroit, Mich. cream of a 25,000 var. collection,
out no patents. stamps catalog from 10c to $1.50 each.
Fresno, Calif, T-3, U-54, 1c down.
Now there are 52, 53, and 54.
HUNGARY Al Ref. Essential
Auburn, Ind. T-2, U-10, 1, 2, 5c Issue of 1919 Complete, Scott’s Nos. 198 to
dbls., 5c (N. I.). We’ll tell what dbls. 202. Here are five unused stamps which cat­ FRANK KUEHNE
alog 43c and are the worst looking stamps
soon. ever issued. If you have not got them buy A. P. S. 5496 Sistersville, W. Va.
Newark, N. J., U-54, 1, 2, 5c nor. them now for only -------------------------------- 10c
A total of 1391—and I think it Approvals for reference.
would be 1450 if you fellows would J. C. MATTHEWS
loosen up and report instead of wait­ P. O. Box 205 Olympia, Wash. Wanted to Buy—
ing for the other fellow. No one is Second hand stock books, coins, idols, old
going to confiscate your items if they How would you like to get a check glass, precancels, books on stamps, coins and
for Fifty Dollars every month, as curious, old books, etc. Advise me as to what
learn you have them and there’s a you have before sending, giving description
many other members are receiving. and price for same. I will also give good ex­
mighty good chance of adding to your For results place your material in change in stamps for any of the above art­
collection if the collectors know the circuits of the icles.
I give 35 var. precancels for any silver coin
your town has ’em. sent me.
L. R. SAUNDERS. Rutherford Stamp Club, Block of 4 Worcester, Mass, Hardings — .50
Bermuda No. 27 mint cat. 20c net----- .10
SETTLEMENTS MONTHLY Byron set, mint ---------------------------------- .11
Geiger Deplores Argentina No. 162, 3c, No. 291 6c, No. 249,
Our books contain some very fine material, 2c, No. 250, 2c, No. 255, 9c.
Indiscriminate Precancelling. Scandinavia, Holland & Colonies, South Am­ Ceylon No. 129, 5c; No. 184, 4c; No. 160,9c.
My dear Mr. Dworak:— ericans, Early Europeans, British Colonials U. S. No. 161, 12c; No. 150, 20c; No. 17.
and covers. These circuits can be mailed to $25.00; No. 5293, $8.00; No. 28, $3.50.
I am enclosing, herewith, a reply any one interested, against good references, New Brunswick No. 1, $6.00; No. 2, $17.50;
recently received from the Third and taking out a membership in the club. No. 8, 50c: No. 12, 15c.
Orders under 50c postage extra, please.
Ass’t Postmaster General, in answer Want lists can be filled from our books, due
to the good material entered by members, Anything not up to the value of money paid,
to a letter of mine, regarding the amongst whom are very prominent dealers may be returned.
“Money back if you are dissatisfied.”
placing of a ban on the precancelling in the U. S. and overseas. Can also break up
collections, so that the owners will get the ANTHONY KIGA& JR.
of special issues of United States best prices obtainable.
stamps. I stated, in my letter, that 258 Millbury Street Worcester, Mass.
the regular issue only need be used W. O. STAEB, Salesmanager,
for that purpose. This would just 89 Feronia Way, Rutherford, N. J. Mention W. P. G. when answering ads

Digitized by
used for such purpose the question of the greatest masters of the coun­ THE SIVADAH STAMP COMPANY’S
would arise as to whether the pro­ try. Altho possessing an extremely immaculate perception of condition guaran­
cedure constituted a fraudulent use cultured ability, she had not appeared tees gilt edge copies 13c. Hardings and com­
of the mails. in public since the death of her soft memorative
Sincerely yours, sixteen years ago. Approvals on receipt of reference.
W. IRVING GLOVER, Besides her husband, she is sur­ SIVADAH STAMP CO.
3rd Ass’t Postmaster Gen. vived by three sons, Dr. Edward C. Dealer in Aristocrats
and William H., both of Denver, and Denver, Colo.
*Improper Sale of Precanceled Stamps.
Thomas A. of Chicago; two daugh­
Third Ass’t Postmaster General,
Washington, April 26, 1924.
It appears that a number of stamp collec­
tors throughout the country are making re­
ters, Miss Frankie Nast, now at the
Wolcott Conservatory of Music, and
quests upon postmasters for precanceled Mrs. Gerald P. Small of Birmingham, at
stamps, especially Harding memorial stamps, Ala., and a brother , Dr. Richard J.
and also that some postmasters comply with ONE CENT EACH
such requests, notwithstanding the conditions Forhan of New York. A Postal Card Will Bring Full
governing the use of precanceled stamps Scores of stamp men, all over the
specifically provided that such stamps may be Information
sold to and used only by persons and con­ country—friends and correspondents H. S. DUNHAUPT
cerns to whom they have been furnished by of “Charley” Nast—will deeply re­
a postmaster after special authority in each River Edge, New Jersey
instance has been obtained from this office. gret to thus hear of the passing of his
These conditions, moreover, contemplate that faithful companion of the past forty- Stamp Collecting From
precanceled stamps will be furnished only to YOUR OWN HOME TOWN
such persons and concerns as desire to use fi ’e years. Precancel collectors will do well to commu­
them for the payment of postage on matter «Ve realize that mere words are al­ nicate with us, we may be able to eupply you
of the second, third, or fourth class mailed at
the office where precanceled. Precanceled ways inadequate to express the kind­ HOME TOWN BARGAINS
stamps may not be furnished to persons and ly and sincere sentiments one would 10 var. Oakland, Calif, precancels ____ * .15
concerns desiring to use them otherwise than 10 var. San Francisco, Calif, precancels .15
for the payment of postage. like to utter on occasions such as this. PRECANCELS & FOREIGN ON APPROVAL
Postmasters are therefore enjoined from sell­ We do know, however, that all of OAKLAND STAMP SHOP
ing or otherwise furnishing precanceled stamps these good friends will join with ye
to persons or concerns not authorized to use 1018 Broadway, Oakland, Calif.
such stamps. GOSSIP editors in feelings of deepest
Postmasters are also requested to invite the sympathy with Mr. Nast in this, his
attention of their patrons authorized to use
precanceled stamps to paragraph 4 of the hour of greatest sorrow. ANNOUNCEMENT
conditions governing their use, which provides My business will henceforth be carried on
that persons and concerns authorized to use by the Regal Stamp Company of Butler. Pa.
precanceled stamps are prohibited from selling Anna (after Mr. White had gone I shall continue to give the management of
away) “Did he propose to you, Me­ the business my personal attention.
ta?” Meta, “No, No, he just asked This change results in a larger stock of
Third Assistant Postmaster General. stamps being brought together, and means
me to try his approval sheets.” that customers may expect better service, im­
mediate attention to all correspondence, and
prompt filling of all orders.
Demise of Letter Six Years on Way. We shall make a specialty of dealing in for­
Prominent Philatelist’s Wife. A letter written November 10, eign stamps for the general collector, sending
' out approvals, soliciting want lists, and of­
1918, addressed to Mrs. Michael fering single stamps in monthly lists.
Mn. Cha.. A. Na«t PaMM Away at Her Gray of Clymer, Pa., has just been
Home in Denver. After Being in REGAL STAMP COMPANY
Coma for Three Weeks. delivered after having been six years R. B. F. REGAL. Mgr.
on the way. The letter was mailed
Hundreds of readers of GOSSIP, at Marion Center, Pa., and the con­ Butler, Pennsylvania
friends of Charles A. Nast, of Den­ tents had to do with the flu epidemic
ver—veteran stamp man and nation­ that was raging at that time.
ally known photographer of note—
All For One Cent
Just drop a postal and receive all the follow­
will be deeply grieved to learn of the ing: An interesting article on price compari­
sad death of Mrs. Nast on Tuesday, sons ; 16 pages of U. S. and foreign bargains,
including early Serbia. Roumania. France and
March 31. Switzerland ; 1 page of Harding precancels; 1
Through clippings taken from The page of other fine precancel offers; "Just In”
listing late arrivals.
Denver Post and The Rocky Mount­ Write for your “Globe Trotter” now I
ain News, courteously forwarded us PETER S. ROTH. Jr.
25 Maple St. Bloomfield. N. J.
by Mr. William H. Stouffer of Idaho
Springs, Colorado, we learn that Mrs.
Nast passed away at her home, 501 FOLKS WE WANT
Williams street, Denver, after lying
in a comatose condition for three When we get through with a want To Buy Stamps
weeks. list it looks just like a hat full of
Sleeping sickness, the result of in­ second hand benzine—there just
simply “Ain’t none.” If you have anything to sell, a little
fluenza incurred four weeks previous, more than you need for retail trade,
was the cause of death. These news Try it, we dare you. just shoot ’em along to us.
clippings inform us that every effort 212 Owl Drug Bldg. San Diego. Calif. If condition good and price O. K. you
known to medical science was used will get your check by return mail.
to revive Mrs. Nast without avail. The Anniversary (April) Number of Want 10 to 100 of a kind (no mix­
tures). Larger lots by correspond­
She had been unable to take nourish­ ence only.
ment since the influenza developed
into sleeping sickness three weeks The Stamp Collector’s EDMOND STAMP CO.
prior to her death.
Mrs. Nast was born at Listowel, Ire­
Magazine McLoud, Oklahoma
land and came to this country with will be the best yet
her parents, who settled in Denver in We are offering some grand pre­
1875. She was married in 1880. miums in our big subscription drive,
For many years Mrs. Nast served starting April 1st.
as organist in the old St. Mary’s Send in your request for a sample
cathedral on Stout street. She was copy TODAY.
an accomplished musician, her musi­
cal education having been gained at PHILATELIC PUBLISHING CO. 616 PJNE ST. ‘ • SEATTLE WN.
Chicago and Kansas City under some 82 Nassau St., New York, N. Y.

Digitized by
one hundred subjects. A collector once
told me that the printer who does the
THE PRECANCEL work for the Saint Paul office runs
the sheets in the press according to
Point of View the sheet margins. If the margin
was at the right the sheet came out
By with a normal overprint; if the mar­ 1925 edition, with a real useful phi­
Observer No. 28 gin was at the left it came out with latelic accessory free, postpaid for
an inverted one as the result. This $2.00 a copy. Indexed $2.50.
may account for the multiplicity of Special, 50 Var. Greece_______ $ .25
Well, I have a new two dollar pre­ 50 Var. Luxemburg, mounted_ .45
cancel. Fishing around in a mission inverts from the above cities, but per­ 20 Var. Iceland_____________ .40
lot, I caught the little beauty. It sonally I think it is just lack of care
about the way in which the stamps The three packets with 1000 fine
was from Techny, Ill., in the current stamp mounts, all for 90c.
handstamped style. I feel that this read. At Gloucester, Mass., and Con­ Postpaid.
one item was worth the price of the cord Junction, Mass, we find plates
five pounds. of fifty subjects. Half the sheet gets ELWOOD D. WEBER
a normal overprint and half an in­
Bureau prints galore are to be verted, the reason for which is quite 1377 Park Ave. Plainfield, N. J.
found in the mission mixtures. Most­ obvious.
ly one centers of course, but I think
many one centers will be good proper­ Providence, R. I., Charlestown, W.
ty in the future for the 1% cent Va., and New Haven, Conn, inverts on
stamps will occupy the place formerly the perf. 10 and 12 issues are practic­
held by the little green boys. DON’T OVERLOOK THESE
ally unknown. The perf. Il’s tell a Cat. Net
Better not delay starting that different story. Who will advance a •CUBA No. 159 _________________ . .20 .05
CYPRUS No. 81. 88 __________ .22 .08
Bureau Print collection any longer— reason ? •ELOBY No. 27 ________________ .60 .15
•FERNANDO PO No. 168 ______ .50 .13
or when you do start, there will be •GERMANY Nos. 114, 182, 220 —1.20 .30
a lot of varieties which will lead The city which in my humble opin­ •HONG KONG No. 62 __________ .20 .10
•PALESTINE No. 2______________3.00 1.00
you a merry chase that are going ion deserves the greatest praise for PALESTINE No. 3 to 8 ________ .53 .18
abegging now. the care in which plates are kept and M. DICRANIAN
15 Shawmut Street Boston. Mass.
the manner in which its stamps are
We can’t boost Bureau Print pre­ precanceled is Utica, N. Y. How
cancels enough, for we feel there many inverts or doubles have you POT PIE
is a big future ahead for them. The ever seen from there? Remarkably Postage Extra under $1.00 Cheques 15c extra.
IM cent brown Hardings should pre­ few. Rochester, N. Y. furnishes an Cat. Net
Australia 7 var. Kangaroos ___ 1.18 .89
sent a nice contrast to the greens, excellent example also, if you con­ Australia 24 and 25 __________ .12 .05
reds, blues and yellows. sider only the U-10 plate. Barbados 116, 120, 251 __________ .50 .20
Bermuda 20, 22. 27, 44, 85, 64, 73 .62 .25
•Br. Guiana 144-145 ____________ .60 .22
The red ink Bangors deserve to be •Br. Honduras 402 ---------------------- .10 .04
very popular, for they light up an FREEMAN’S APPROVALS ♦Cayman Islands 103-105(8 var) .82 .14
•Ceylon 152 _____________________ .18 .09
album page on the darkest night. A postal card with reference brings Cyprus 41 _____________________ 2.00 1.10
them promptly. No obligation to buy Grenada 301-803 _______________ 1.15 .50
Have you any yet? So far all which Jamaica 88-97 ( 9 var.) _________ 1.86 .60
are out are the 1, 5, 7, 11 and 15c of if not pleased. However, others like •Newfoundland 79 ______________ .25 .10
the new series. them—so will you. Rhodesia No. 119-121 (4var.) __ .18 .07
•St. Lucia No. 79 ______________ .50 .20
NED FREEMAN •St. Helena No. 202 ____________ .20 .10
Watsonville, Calif, and Staten Is­ •Seychelles 49 ___________________ 1.20 .50
7720 Emerald Ave., Chicago, Ill. Special 26 var. Cochin large beau­
land, N. Y. in the U-53 are new. The ties cat. $1.83 ____________ .50
one cent from the former, and 3 cent STAMP BOOKLETS Special 20 var. mint Br. Col. War
CAMEROONS—GERMAN DOMINION stamps, cat. $1.36 ------------- .50
from the latter, have been seen. I H. M, MacLEAN
20 stamps 5pf. No. 21 and 10 stamps 10 pf.
have also run on to the one cent No. 22 with SE TENANT 5 and 10 pf.. face Brockville, Ontario, Canada
current issue from Chisago City and value 2 marks (pre-war) ------------------- 47c
White Bear Lake, both of these towns Price 50c each: 10 booklets ___________ 8.00
are lake resorts, lying close to the
Twin Cities. 2222 Seminary Ave., 150th ANNIVERSARY
Chicago, Illinois Send 20c for a set of stamps commemorating
this event.
Cleveland inverts while never rare, SUPERLATIVE! AMinute Man FREE with each set. I will
have always been scarce on every­ mail these from Lexington or Concord which­
ever you prefer.
thing but the one cent denomination. Better Than the So-Called “Best.”
With the use of the U-10 plate this W. S. BARKER. Philatelist
condition has become obsolete. A rather sweeping assertion, perhaps, 46 Bromfield Street Boston, Mass.
but a fitting designation for my
Many collectors dislike inverted really fine
precancellations. While we would 1000 ALL-DIFFERENT PACKET
favor the omission of those which are
handstamped from the catalogue list­
ings, we think the printed ones are
Cataloged Varieties Only
Cash With Order
Contains British, French and Port­ Have made several big finds lately and
varieites well worth consideration by offer the following assortment for $1:
the precancel fraternity. ugese Colonials; South and Central 3—“Before Stamps”; 2—3c, 1851;
American stamps; no United States 4—3c, 1857; 5—3c, 1861; 2—3c, 1867;
(unless requested). Stamp Wallet 2—3c 1869; two old 3c envelopes.
Some offices care little whether and Perforation Gauge FREE with
the cancellations are right side up or each packet. *181 Total 20 Covers for $1.00
upside down. In this class are Chi­ MISS E. B. LEE
cago, Peoria, South Bend, Atlanta, 2102 N. Highland Ave.,
Boston, Saint Paul, Long Island City, Hollywood, California W. W. MacLAREN
Milwoukee and many others. The Care Cleveland Press
plates in use at these cities are all of Mention W. P. G. when answering ads CLEVELAND, OHIO

Digitized by
STORY OF NATHAN HALE ly written without any intention of
Scott’s 1925 Cat.
STAMP. publication, but on that account is,
perhaps, more interesting than other­ $2.00 Post Free
In the following personal letter We send out fine selections of stamps on ap­
George Dudley Seymour tells in his wise. proval, with many bargains. Both Wholesale
sprightly fashion of the new stamp In a later letter, the postmaster gen­ and Retail.
Auction Sales held monthly—many bargains.
of great Connecticut and Yale Inter­ eral said that he had not determined Send for Catalog and get on our mailing list.
est: upon the color of the stamp, which he HUDSON COUNTY STAMP CO.
In response to your request for the could not do until he had seen the 68 Hudson Str., Hoboken, N. J.
story of the Nathan Hale stamp, I design printed in a range of colors.
In replying, I urged him very strongly
am pleased to furnish an outline of it,
I conceived the idea of a Nathan to adopt a rich dark blue, as the most TWO BITS
Hale stamp as a tribute to Hale and appropriate color for the stamp, that AND WORTH IT.
as an instrument for forwarding the being the Yale color and a color not 50 Diff. AUSTRALIA ________ .25
cause of Americanization some time at present in use in any issue of low A Snappy Bargain
in May, 1923, in the “long and weary denomination. S. STEEN
watches of the night” on my way Hoping that this will serve your
home from Washington. The year purpose, I am, Box One Fordham, N. Y. C.
1923 was the one hundred and fiftieth GEO. DUDLEY SEYMOUR.
anniversary of Hale’s graduation PRECANCELS
Have again remounted from my stock and
from Yale, and I was particularly Office of the Postmaster General, can supply many of the wants of the average
desirous of having some celebration Washington, D. C. precancel collector, and will take pleasure
in filling your want list. Have a stock of
of it. March 10, 1925. 50,000 from the earliest dated and 1902 is­
On my return home, I wrote a Mr. George Dudley Seymour, sues to the latest in bureau types. To those
with less than a 5,000 variety collection can
letter to President Harding, and re­ 129 Church Street, offer good bargains from my books mounted
ceived a gracious reply from him New Haven, Conn. by cities and states. Offer a 25 variety pack­
et free to applicants who supply the nec­
within a few days. The matter was My Dear Mr. Seymour: essary reference. *181
widely and favorably commented upon I hope I am about to make you
at the time. During Commencement happy. You may not be aware of the
2010 Kentucky Ave., Flint, Michigan
Week, the Hon. Schuyler Merritt, our fact that the recently enacted postal
congressman for the fourth district, pay and rate bill created a condition
expressed his interest in my project which seems to make it necessary for
and said that on the return of Mr. the department to issue a new stamp Wisconsin Precancels
Harding to Washington in the fall, he of one-half cent denomination. Re­ ASHLAND No. 19, 50c; 16a, 15c, 19,
would endeavor to get the Connecticut quests for such an issue have been 20c; 21, 40c; 23a, 40c; 25, $1.00;
delegation in Congress together and coming in for the last few days, and 28, 75c.
take them to the white house to in­ I am satisfied the demand for such a BEAVER DAM No. 10, 25c; 13, 40c;
tercede in the matter with the Presi­ stamp will be widespread and perma­ 13a, 90c; 86, 25c.
dent. The death of the President in­ nent. Anticipating this I had the BELOIT No. 9, 6c; 10a, 15c; 12a, 20c;
terfered with that plan. Bureau of Engraving and Printing 15, 20c; 16a, 75c; 20a, 50c.
make two designs for me which I am DELAVAN No. 6, 15c; 12a, 40c; 14,
In July of last year, at the sug­ 40c; 24, 20c; 27, 30c; 35, $1.00;
gestion of Chief Justice Taft, I wrote sending for your information and in­ 44, $3.00; 75, 10c; 80, 15c.
to President Coolidge, who received spection.
my suggestions hospitably and re­ My choice goes instantly to the one N. HASKINS
ferred the matter to the postmaster 583 Courtland Ave., Bronx, N. Y. C.
general, who said that it was not then 1000 VARIETIES $1.00 Care of BAUER.
All Clean Postage Stamps.
possible to put the head of Hale upon Send for price list of Liberty Sets and Pack­ Mexico, United States and Central and
one of the national issues but thought ets at Uniform Prices, 5c to $1.00. We pay South America.
that I might be able to get the Sesqui- postage. You must be satisfied as to the Postage only, no revenues, no rubbish, no cut,
quality and price or we promptly refund your all off paper, no, Seebecks.
Centennial committee (Philadelphia) money. *182 50 diff. Mexico mounted, nice copies
to select Hale as a subject for one of HAARER & COMPANY (5 coll. $4.00) ___________________ .90
the series of stamps authorized by 113 West Liberty Street, 118 diff. Mexico mounted, nice copies,
Ann Arbor, Michigan (cat. $13.35) __________________ 4.50
Congress for that celebration. The 100 mixed Mexico, 29 kinds (.5 pack­
postmaster general gave me a letter APPROVALS ets $1.50) _____________________ .40
300 mixed Mexico. 51 kinds, cat. $8.88
of introduction to the chairman of the 50% to 66%% Discount of Scott’s (3 packets $3.75) ______________ 1.50
Sesqui-Centennial committee, and I Cat., containing many hard-to-get 1000 mixed Mexico, 51 kinds, cat. $28.14,
(3 packets $11.40) ____________ 4.00
wrote him, but made no headway in stamps. New applicants requesting 510 Mexioc, C. & S. A., 51 var., all
that direction at the time. I later our approvals will receive a premium. used, cat. $11.89 _______________ 2.00
Reference Required. 200 mixed. Mexico, C. &. S. A., 43 var.,
took the matter up with Mr. Collier, cat. $4.94 (8 packets $1.50) __ .60
the present chairman of the commit­ TOWER STAMP CO. 300 diff. Mexico, C. & S. A., 18 Rep­
tee, and it was finally agreed between 42 Westville St., Dorchester, Mass. ublics are represented, cat. $14.11
3 collections $5.40) ___________ 2.00
him and the postmaster general that 50 diff. Mexico, C. A S. A., (10 pack­
Hale should form the subject of one ICELAND ets $1.80) _____________________ .20
80 diff. U. S., cat. 3.11 (8 packets
of that special series of stamps. ALL POSTALLY USED $1.05) __________ .40
In the meantime, however, a change Nos. 90 diff. Mexico, C. & S. A., (5 pack­
ets $1.90) ______________________ .45
in the postal regulations called for a 34 to 43 ___________________ .65 500 mixed. Mexico, C. & S. A., cat.
half-cent stamp, and the postmaster 71 to 83 ___________________ 1.10 $11.20 (5 packets $9.00) _______ 2.00
86 to 96 ______ 1.00 MEXICO 1923-25, 1, 2, 5, 10, 10, 20.
general decided to give me that 99 to 107 ___________________.22 30c, (10 sets 60c) ___________ .08
stamp, if I may say so, for Hale. It MEXICO 1923-25, 3. 4. 4, 40, 50c & 1
108 to 121 ___________________ .95 peso (10 sets $2.10) _________ .25
is anticipated that this half-cent 130 to 138 ___________________ .70 MEXICO 1923, 1 peso, brown & blue, No.
stamp will be very extensively used, 613 (10 pieces $1.20) _________ .14
180 to 187 ___________________.55 Orders under $1 declined with thanks. Post-
and I am pleased to have the Hale 189 to 195 ___________________ .28 free $2 up. $3 up registered postage Mexico
stamp a stamp in the national series, 30 on 50a-50 on 5kr on 1902-04. to U. S. 5c. Registration, 10c. Remit only
Just out __________________ .40 U. S. bank notes and 1 A 2c mint. Cash
rather than in any special series. exchange wanted. My whole list gratis.
Ask for my new check list of Holland
The postmaster general’s letter, an­ and Colonies. LEON GIRON
nouncing the outcome of my some­ Reference: S. T. Protc. Ass'n. 198, and same
what strenuous campaign was certain­ 47 West 42nd St. New York Sto. Domingo 19, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico

Digitized by
showing merely the face. To me it is and I attended public schools in Phila­ WANTED!!!
a perfectly marvelous countenance. If delphia, where we lived in the winter Every general collector to see my SETS and
that face doesn’t , carry on it the time. Later I went to Preparatory SINGLES on approval. Priced low. One set
Nicaragua No. 349-51, 419-21 FREE for a
stamp of nobility, I am no judge of School for College at Downingtown, reference.
physiognomy. I feel almost as much Pa., and next year at Woodstown, N. ROY PRESTON •180
personal interest in this matter as you J. My father died about that time, “One Stamp or a Collection’’
do, and I see a way to get what we and it was found necessary for me to 4315 Newton Ave., No. Minneapolis, Minn.
want without any reference to Sesqui- go to work, and I got a job in a music
Centennials or anyone else for I have store in Philadelphia. Longing for a SEVEN YEARS
authority to place this order myself. change, an opportunity came to me in since
The full length figure I do not like. 1882 to go to Chicago and for a num­ Became independent Governments.
I expect to affix my signature to the ber of years I was with the firm of ESTHONIA has issued 95 stamps to date and
LATVIA has issued 132.
first one and put it immediately in Lyon & Healy. I then conceived the Majority cat. but a few cents, and there are
work, so that it ought to be ready for idea of going in the music business on only 3 stamps of the two countries combined
that cat. $1.00 and over.
issue within the next 45 days. I trust my own account, and published sever­ You’ll never get ’em any cheaper. Approval
this has your approval. Kindly re­ al musical compositions, some of books now ready.
turn both designs at once as I want which were successful and some of HANSEN & TAITE, Delaware, Ohio
to place the order immediately upon which fell very flat.-
getting them back. In 1892, just before the World’s
Very truly yours, Fair, I started selling music at retail DEALERS
(Signed) HARRY S. NEW, in a stationery store on State Street, STAMPS AT WHOLESALE
Postmaster General. and at the same time, having a num­ By the 10—100 or 1000
—Above article reprinted from the New Haven ber of duplicate postage stamps on
Courier-Journal; furnished GOSSIP through SPECIAL OFFER
the courtesy of Mr. Theodore Taetsch, New hand, I placed some stamps on sheets
Haven, Conn. and put them in the show window A lot of stamps not less than 10 or
more than 50 of a kind—good salable
with the music. From the very first stamps, mostly British Colonials,
Interviewing Stampdom’s Gen­ day I did more stamp business than South and Central America, and West
I did music, so I threw out the music Indies. Very few European. Will
ial “P. M.” stock, and gave my entire attention catalog over $300—Price $50. One-
to the stamp business and am still at half the lot for_______________ $30
Our Good Old A. P. S. President is it, although now only specializing in We have everything in the way of
Finally Inveigled into Disclosing auction sales. supplies, Albums, Hinges, etc.
His Life’s Story. The invention of the Approval Card A trial, 10,000 good hinges_____ 60c
is the only achievement of any note TOLEDO STAMP CO.
A reporter for “The Stamp Hinge,” in my philatelic life, and I am now Toledo, Ohio
of Cleveland, official sheet of the Gar­
field-Perry Stamp Club waited upon
our good friend—P. M. Wolsieffer of
Philadelphia—when that genial gentle­ ROBERT KENNETH MILNE
man was in attendance upon the 35th “FAMOUS for SPEED”
Anniversary Banquet of the Club,
held recently in Cleveland, and asked Desires postally used SEEBECKS,DANISH WEST INDIES & COREA,
him to answer why he was born, when for a client What Have You?
he was born, and what he has done
since then. “P. M.” replied—“Let’s Box 499, Station “C” LOS ANGELES, CALIF.
take the ‘why’ first— I sure can’t tell
why, if I could I might solve many a
mystery. I had nothing to do with it,
was not a party to it, however, I must
We Want
have been ‘just born’ like Topsy, so I TO SHOW YOU
will have to leave that question un­ OUR HARDING PRECANCEL CATALOG
answered, positively. ' and will Send Numbered Volume
As to when I was born is easier On Approval
answered—according to records they Prepaid with desirable Precancels
tell me it was on May 28th, 1857, and
according to the same records it was The Price is 40c Per Copy
at Egg Harbor City, State of New May We Send You One?
Jersey, which is about 18 miles from G. W. HAWLEY, Publisher
Atlantic City. From a reminiscent
standpoint I might say that as a boy Harrisville, Michigan
I visited Atlantic City frequently,
when there was no Board Walk and
but very few hotels. The few resident WHETHER YOU WANT 1 OR 1,000,000
citizens of Atlantic City at that time
would come to Egg Harbor City to
make their purchases at the general
store. Few people of Atlantic City TO YOURSELF AND TO YOUR POCKETBOOK by writing for my new
today would credit that, bu* it is a complete price list of GERMAN STAMPS before ordering elsewhere.
fact nevertheless, to which the oldest WHOLESALE LIST TO DEALERS. RETAIL LIST TO COLLECTORS.
resident of Egg Harbor City will
After being born I presume I must Member of American Stamp Dealers Assn.
have been the subject of the nursery
for some time, then no doubt I learned THE SPECIALTY HOUSE FOR GERMAN STAMPS
the act of .walking, kicking, etc., and
later on the gift of gab. VICTOR WEISKOPF
My father was an old time teacher, P. O. Box 298, G. C. Station New York City, N. Y.

Digitized by


Are They Not Worthy of Your Encouragement and Support?
HE SALE OF STOCK in THE GOSSIP PRINTERY has progressed quite nicely
T and the time is not far distant when this stock will be taken off the market and
shares will be available only (through re-sale by shareholders) at a premium. There­
fore, friend, why delay? Why not get in on the “ground floor,” while the “getting
is good ?”
We assume that every GOSSIP subscriber is FOR Philately, otherwise you would
not be putting up your one “buck,” per annum, to look the old sheet over every week.
If then, you are for Philately—desirous of seeing Mr. Average Collector (the rank-
and-file of stampdom) secure a “fair and square deal”—why not became a partner in
this meritorious enterprise which, while of considerable benefit to the furtherance
of the hobby, is also a safe, sound and profitable investment?
IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH—that is the reason why we want you with
us. Over three hundred stampically interested people are already enrolled upon our
list of satisfied shareholders. Who are upon this list? To whom have we sold GOS­
SIP PRINTERY stock? Well, our present list of stockholders include people in all
ranks and classes of life—school boys, school teachers, college students and professors,
working men and women, factory employes, office clerks, lawyers, physicians, den­
tal surgeons, newspaper editors, stamp dealers galore, members of the S. T. P. A., and
officers of the A. P. S. In geographical extent they are scattered from New York to
San Diego, from Winnipeg to the Gulf Coast of Texas.
It is our fondest ambition to bring this coterie of shareholders up to a total of
around the thousand mark; we would be quite proud, indeed, to be able to boast of
possessing a thousand boosting co-partners. We want it fully understood that we are
not soliciting any individually large subscriptions (in fact, have actually turned down
a few of these from local business men and outside financial interests). What we
mainly desire to accomplish is to secure the largest possible list of stockholders be­
fore closing the sale on this allotment. We particularly want to secure individual sub­
scriptions of from $10 to $100 each.
Perhaps you are “hard up”—that’s no disgrace—most all of us, in these days
of the high cost of living and the complexities of the modern struggle for existence,
are in that very same boat.
BUT—You can certainly spare (if you’ll only make a determined effort) the
sum of from $2.50 to $25.00 per month for the next four months. “Honest Injun,”
now, can’t you do it?

|| THE GOSSIP PRINTERY is rapidly increasing in magnitude and volume of B

B business being turned out. A. V. Dworak personally guarantees this stock as a B
s SAFE and SOUND investment, being sold under his own “buy back” guarantee. §
h If you are for Philately—say it with a G-P Stock Subscription.

If You Are For Philately

You’ll Do This Little Thing!
Holton, Kansas.
Reserve for me----------------------- shares of the GOSSIP PRINTERY stock at $1.00 each.
I enclose remittance for $----------------------------------------------- in full payment of same.
Or, I enclose remittance for $______________________ as one-fourth payment and will
pay the remainder in three equal consecutive monthly installments of $_________ _______
each, beginning one month from date hereof until fully paid.
NAME______________________________ _______________________ _____________________
STREET ADDRESS___________ ___________________________________________________
TOWN AND STATE______ *_______ _ ________ •_

Digitized by
the holder of a patent of an ‘Improved Aerial Mail Route I HAVE THEM—YOU WANT THEM
Approval Card,’ which some day I •GERMANY No. 97 ____________________ .60
Planned by Argentina. MOROCCO No. 152 ____________________ .12
am going to put on the market, when Buenos Aires.—A saving of one •ST. MORROCCO No. 155 _________________ .06
the cost of manufacturing will per­ SETTLEMENTS No. 93 ___________ .05
mit.” week in postal service between New •ST. SETTLEMENTS No. 94 ___________ .07
•ST. SETTLEMENTS No. 97 ___________ .20
York and Buenos Aires, now occupy­ •NEW CALEDONIA
The writer (in “The Stamp Hinge”) No. 105____________ .07
in conclusion, adds this little query: ing 18 to 20 days, is one of the fea­ Send for large lists.
Editor’s Note—We believe this is the first tures of plans for the establishment WM. Q. CONANT
published interview with our President and we of mail plane routes radiating from^ CA. P. S., I. P. A.)
dog-gone much like to see some of his original this city, which have been submitted 246 Court St., Auburn, Maine
musical compositions. Who’s got one?
to President Alvear by the Argentine
Aero Club. The president has prom­ ALL ABOARD FOR CANADA!
“No matter how many stamps a ised to send a message to congress at Via the “Canadiana.” Ottawa, the federal
collector owns,” said Plato scornful­ its forthcoming session commending capital, Montreal, “Canada’s New York,” To­
ly, “he keeps right on collecting.” an appropriation for carrying out the ronto, “Canada’s Philadelphia,” Winnipeg,
“Canada’s Chicago,” Halifax on the Atlantic
Plato, thou hast reasoned well. plans. These include mail plane ser­ coast, Vancouver on the Pacific, historic old
vice to Antofagasta, Chile; Asuncion, Quebec, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Regina,
“Queen of the Prairies,” Calgary, in the heart
Paraguay, and remote points of the of the ranching country, Edmonton, Canada’s
Read it and, Argentine Republic. most northerly city, “Gateway of the last
Great West,” Canadian towns and cities,
Er, Laugh! The week’s saving on New York large and small are all here.
mails would be gained by the pro­ You’ve guessed it—a packet of Canadian Pre­
Here is a letter received by one of our posed route to Antofagasta, where cancels—almost a collection in itself in fact.
“Little Building” neighbors, who says he isn’t
sure whether it’s a threat or a promise. At the airplanes would take on mails This packet was prepared by the Philatelic
Publishing Company, Winnipeg, Canada, pub­
any rate it’s a most amusing example of from steamships touching that port, lishers of the Canadian Precancel Stamp Cat­
“English as she is writ” by a foreign firm.
and arrive in Buenos Aires two days alog, especially for the U. S. precancel col­
lector who would like to add to his album
“Dear Sirs, later. a few interesting pages of Canadians, and
for a short time we will include it, absolutely
“In your case with Mr._ ____ UNITED STATES free, with the
------------ , we refer us to our many-
1917-19 set, 1c to $5.00 CANADIAN PRECANCELED POSTAGE
fold requests you have not react upon (19) good condition $1.30 STAMP CATALOG
any manner, however you have not 75c and $1 Parcel Post Handy Pocket Edition.
settled this affair. Your conduct (2) for 40c, good condi­
1925------ SECOND EDITION------ 1925
proves us, that in the case before us tion.
have showed you as an illintentioned Listing and Pricing All Varieties
MAX CASPER At the Regular Price
debtor and a procedure without con­ P. O. Box 149 New Orleans, La.
sideration is out of place. FIFTY CENTS POSTFREE
“Having given you sufficient time STATE EXCISE STAMPS Don’t let this opportunity slip by! Just say
to a settling of this affair in ami- Just available, Arkansas Cigarette "Send me the Canadian offer,” inclose your
set of 7 unused perfect----- .50 remittance of fifty cents, and the Collection
bility, we must inform you to-day, Same straight side set —----------------------.25 and Catalog will come to you by return mail.
that we shall adopt these coercive South Dakota fine used set of 5----------- .10
Iowa current unused set of 4, fine-------- .13 Ye Gossip Printery
measures notified to you, if you shall Georgia fine used set of 7, */jC to 50c----- .25
not prefer in your own interest to FRANK L. APPLEGATE
break off our arrangements we have 615 So. Oakdale Ave. Medford, Ore. Mention W. P. G. when answering ads
taken previously, in settling of this
summons and expenses within 24
hours to us. We do not accept any Society of Philatelic Americans
proposals. STATION S. P, A. BROADCASTING Over 150 books of fine precancels in circula­
tion in this department. Want IScers, Hard­
The Society of Philatelic Americans are the
“The consequences and detriments hustling bunch of stampdom. The Sales De­ ings. Walloons? You’ll find them here.
being caused by your declined con­ partment has 600 books of stamps in circula­
tion, good sales, prompt payment. Join now. CARL. O. SELANDER, Exc. Mgr.
duct result up from the measures as For full particulars write the Sales Mgr. 4711 N. Sawyer Ave.
A. E. HUSSEY, M. D. Chicago, Illinois
follows: 232 Hearne Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio
1st) The claim shall be exhibited Wm. LYCETT, Sec’y. 1221 Washington St. Cape May, New Jersey
for sale in your towns most reading
papers, moreever in all principals
philateliste periodicals at home and AUSTRALIANS—ISLANDS—NEW ZEALANDS
abroad with a corresponded warning. Finest Sets of All Postals.
2nd) Your name shall be pub­ Scott Net
lished in the international list of the NEW ZEALANDS 1882, Queen, %d to Uh, 10 var. ---------------------------------------------- *1.50 $ .60
1898 Pictorials, %d to Ish. 12 var. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 4 00 1.75
illententioned debtors coming out by 1899-1900 Pictorials. %d to Ish, 12 var.------- -------------------------------------------------8.00 1.25
us, continuously as long as you have 1902-07 Pictorials. %d to Ish. 12 var. ------------------------------------------------------------3.00 1.25
not meet your liabilities. 1907-08, Pictorials, Small Size. 3 var. _______________________________________ 1-00 .50
1906 Exhibitions. 8 var. ____________________________________ ._______________ 3.00 1.25
3rd) Wevshall demand sentence by 1909 Edwards, 9 var. _______________________________________________________ 00 .25
the public prosecutor of your town 1915 Georges. 18 var. ______ ;_______________________________________________ 100 .85
1919 Victory. 6 var. ____________________________ ___________________________ L00 .50
with regard to imposition of credit. Officials, 20 var. _______________________________________ ___________________ 4.00 1.50
4th) Acting of our party we shall Life Insurance, 12 var. _____________________________________________________ 1.00 .50
Postage Dues, 10 var. _____________________________________________ ________ 1-00 .85
publish a communication to you in Above Set of 127 Varieties New Zealands for 39.00—A BARGAIN.
informing the international philate­ ISLANDS. AITUTAKI, Various Issues, 18 var. ________________________________________ 4.00
COOKS A RAROTONGA. Various Issues. 15 var. __________________________________ 1.75
liste circles to your malice in repre­ FIJI. Various Issues. 18 var. ______________________________________________________ 1.00
senting the true-fact. NIUE, Various Issues, 20 var.___________ _________________________________________ 4.00
PENRHYN, Various Issues. 18 var. _______________________________________________ 4.00
“This is our last letter adressed to SAMOA, Various Issues. 25 var. __________________________________________________ - 2.00
you in this affair. The resulting con­ TONGA. 1924, 2d on 5d, 7«4d, lOd. Fine Set. 3 var. ______________________________ 2.00
Above Set of 127 Varieties Islands for $18.00—A BARGAIN.
sequences you have to write bach Various VICTORIA. 24 var.___ _____ .50 Various COMMONWEALTH, 45 var. .35
your own fault.” S. W. Australia 4 Tasmania. 40 var. 1.50 NEW ZEALAND. 100 var. _________ 2.50
—Say. boys, isn't that a darbl The article, QUEENSLAND. 22 var._____________ .75 PACIFIC ISLANDS. 50 var.________ 1.50
as above reprinted, appeared in a pamphlet NEW SOUTH WALES. 2? var. .50
published by the "Little Building.” Boston. Above Set of 287 Varieties for $7.00—A BARGAIN.
Mass., and was dipt and very kindly sent to FINE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LISTS FREE
GOSSIP by Mr. Clarence B. Durland. West WILCOX, SMITH & CO., Liverpool St., Dunedin, New Zealand.
Medford. Mass. Established 40 years.

Digitized by
Burglars at Gibbons’. ever there are Poles. They refuse to UNITED STATES
accept mail to or from Danzig unless
« Safes Rifled. the address is in Polish. 13 Cent
But most Danzigers are Germans. No. 339 Blue Green___________ .30
Stamps valued at £3500 were stolen They resist the Polish advance with
from the firm of Stanley Gibbons might and main. Judges do not call FINE COPIES
Ltd., 391 Strand, W.C., by thieves Approvals. Reference necessary.
witnesses for Polish cases. The mail
who broke into the building through boxes with the Polish white double DUDLEY FARNHAM
a window in the rear of the premises, eagle are not used, even though the 1418 3 Ave. So., Faryo, N. D.
on Sunday, March 7. Polish tariff was made lower than
Missing property includes a book of the local rate. Goods are smuggled 500 different choice selected foreign
stamps worth £2000, and a sheet of through the Polish customs control. stamps. Dozens of unused and hard
Tasmanian stamps, first issue 4d. yel­ to get. Catalogs very highly. Keep
Polish seasonal labor is boycotted, and the ones you want at only one cent
low, for which the firm paid £875, in fact everything is done to resist each. Reference please.
and a book of stamps valued at £250. Polish influence.
Mr. G. Hamilton-Smith, managing EARL H. HUGHES
On the other hand, the Poles do all 518 Homestead Ave. Peoria, Ill.
director of the firm, believes that the they can to break down the resistance
thieves knew the value of stamps, for of the Danzigers. They boycott Dan­
they went carefully through all they zig goods, and as much as possible DENMARK
could find, taking only the best and bring pressure to bear to force the No. 2, 12c; 4, 8c; 7, 6c; 9, 15c; 11,
throwing the cheaper ones on the Danzigers to accept Polish manage­ 50c; 12, $1.00; 13, '5c; 14, $1.35; 15,
floor. ment of the port, customs, postoffice $1.25; 16, 18c; 18, 5c; 19, 40c; 25,
Some 6 or 8 safes were opened by 3c; 26, 2c; 27, 40c; 28, 2c; 29, 4c;
and police. The Poles this year have 30, 4c; 31, 8c; 32, 6c; 33, 5c; 34, 8c;
the thieves, who discovered the keys organized a boycott against the Zop-
in a drawer, and evidently spent Sun­ 38-41, 2c ea.; 42-5, ic ea.; 46-8, 2c
pat sea bathing resort, because it is ea.; 49-50, 3c ea.; 51, 5c; 52, 8c; 53-
day in the shop. A motor-car mascot run mostly by Germans. 4, 2c ea.; 55, 4c; 56, 7c; 57-64, 1c ea.;
on the shop floor suggested that they 65, 3c; 66, 13c; 67, 20c; 68-74, 1c ea.;
threw the mascot through the window 75, 6c.
to see if it attracted attention. A Toast. Terms:—Cash Scott’s No. *Unused.
They were unable to open one safe Here’s to one or anyone, INDEPENDENT STAMP COMPANY
containing £60,000 worth of stamps And may that one be he,
or to enter the strong room, which 1716 South 27th St. Omaha, Nebr.
holds £200,000 worth of property. Who has a stamp that I “ain’t got,”
Before leaving the thieves re-locked And gives that stamp to me! BERMUDA
several safes, and took away the keys. -San Francisco Stamp Society’s Bulletin The Stamps That Are So
They also took a packet of American No. 6. HARD TO GET
gold coins from Mr. Hamilton-Smith’s Five varieties _________________ 8c
drawer. SPECIAL BARGAIN SETS OF STAMPS Get my list of packets & singles.
Alfred James Coats (23), who said CMitlM StMBM AJI Dllervat, la Flnt-Claaa CawAltlon.
he was a waiter employed at the k
Na Twa Alika. ThFie Price* Caaaat ba EqaalM EIm>
where. Sallafactlaa GaaraateeA.
Box 219 Nashua, N. H.
Hotel Cecil, living at Argyle Square, 1 A byeamie * Gdld Coaet
Gilbert A Ellice
.* > Philippine la. 00
1 Altutakl U
King’s Cross, has been arrested on a 1 Albania .W 30 Greet Britain .tt 0 Pelane JO

« Alexandria Al X 1 Penta Doigala .10
charge of breaking and entering the 1 Ailonetein
5 “ GuaOeioupo
O Porte Rico
0 Port ugeeo Cel.
1 Portugese Conge

premises of Stanley Gibbons Ltd., and X Argentina Rep
so Aala'l Afrlco
AJ Guinea
tl J Hawaiian la.
S Portujeoe ineio
t Portugeoe Guinea
1 Prueeia IM)
stealing foreign and other stamps to Isflued every month, 24 or more pages full
Mejao (Arabia) 07
3 Auetrallo At
Holigo'a nd (R) AB
1 QueUmeno
I Reunion
O’ of interesting offers in New Issues, Special
value of £2750. Accused was remand­ tt Auatrlo
0 Aaoreo
t Boden ’tOt
.1* Mel Mae
-20 ’ Menduroe
t Rhodceie
1 Rouae
Offers, Interesting Notes, etc. It is free
and every live collector should have it.
ed. i iarbaoaaa
X Bavaria
Ho-) KO")
Nn la
07 « Munpary
2 Roumania
10 Ruaaia
1 It. Kitta-Nevto
—From The Philatelic Magazine (London, 10 Belgium •« Hyderabad
JO M Iceland
1 it. Lucia .11
I BL Pierre-Miquelon .10

t Banatlr
Eng.), issue of March 21, 1925. t Bermudo ■ X 1 BL Thomae.Prince AS
1 Bhopal At t indie (Native Ota.) .11 1 St. Vincent .11
10 Ball via -*• IndoChino .W 3 Baar 04
10 Bosnia i-do.o At S Salvador .tS
Inhambane At I Samoa .18
M BrIUeh Col. .M » * **" ,**,,"• ’J!
.00 21 Italfen Cel. This list offers more first class material
Poles and Germans t Brltlah Guiana
« Brltlah Mondwrae
’ Brunel
U Ivory Coaet
M > Jamaice
.11 4 Senegal AS every issue than any other house organ we
Striving For Danzig Authority. tO Bulgaria ’• > Japen
S Serbia
1 Soychoiiee
t Shanghai
have seen.
| Canton At 1 Jugo-Slavia .11
Much interest is being manifested 4 Slam M

t Canal Zone Labaun .11 1 SlerreLeone AB
IO Capa Good Mapa • ’* Latvl)a .tt 4 Somali Coaet M
by stamp collectors in the “doin’s in ■
I Cape Verde
Looward Ie.
Libia _ _
t South AuetreNa
1 South Nigeria
IS Spain
t Cayman la. .10
Danzig” at the present time, especial­ z&r Leureneo Marquee '0
1 Spanloh Morocco
S Itreito
ly in view of the material price ad­ M CMaa
M Colombian hap.
t Ped. Maloy Stated
1 Johore
1 Kedoh
vances in many of the stamps of this 1 Cook la. M Melte
Marianna Ie.
1 Keionten
1 Perak
1 toiangor
.Cb 750 Main St., Hartford-Conn. Trust Bldg.
1 Corea .H
German port. S Crate
10 Coot a Rica
MarehaU la
ITrenggonu A2
■ Cuba Mauritania .tt iSMrinamb AS
We are told that one French ship Maurltitae
At IS twHaertand
recently brought thirty airplanes to « Cuche lievakla
t Dahomey
.10 1 ’ Mee ICO X

Danzig for Poland. This shows the

t Danalg
K Donmar*
t Dominica
M idd'o Cenpe
3 Timor'

1 Tonga

Wanted to Buy
importance of Danzig as a port for a Montaerret
4 Tranovaal
1 Trinidad
Poland. Poland has very few, and 11 Ecuador
10 Egypt
.10 M Turkey
ISKR1 “ 0 NelheilanO
only small, munition plants, and in 0 Katltanla
1 Falkland la.
New CaleOonla
1 Turke A Caleee
3 Ubengl
• Ukrolnld
case of hostilities must depend upon I Xi. :3 New lowth We loo
New Zee lent
4 Upper Sonogol
’0 Uruguay
.11 In lots of 5 to 10 each. None that cat­
»Flume .02
Danzig to import munitions from to Franco
at French Co ion loo
Niger Coaet
<1 vonooueia
10 Victoria
.11 alogue under 5 cents each. Also all
t Virgin Ie. .10
France and other countries. 1 French Congo
1 French Guiana
1 French Guinea
Al INlue
North Borneo
.10 3 Wellie Ie. .»
Idaho precancels in any quantity. Will
Therefore, one can understand Po­ 2 French InOla M
1 Nyeaee 1101
2 Weet Ukralnla
S( tiWurtemburg

land’s nervousness as regards the

t Futuna la.
t Gabon
,A2 0 Nyaoea UZI
.10 Orange River Coi.
.11 2 Zamboolo
.14 1 Zanilbor
.11 pay spot cash for good material.
1 Gambia .10 1 PelotUno .11 1 Zululand AB
1 Georgia At t Penama .11 SO United sutee .11
status of Danzig. Slowly the Poles t German 1. Africa -1* t Papua
2 German New Guinea .0t 0 Paraguay
.11 100 Foreign
.11 100 Foreign
.01 too Bnveioooo Txl .TT
are increasing their hold on the out­ t Gorman a.W. Africa .10 | S Patiala
M Germany
t Gibraltar
At 2 Penhryn It
A?' o Pereia
.11 30 Approval thoeta
.tt IOOO M inpoe
let to the sea. By treaty Poland con­
trols the rail lines. The Poles also Box 1144, Twin Falls, Idaho
wish to dominate the Danzig senate
and the finances. They insist that
the Polish language be spoken wher­ LIBERTY STAMP. CO Mention W. P. G. when answering ads

Digitized by
WEEKLY design as the current 2-cent envelope PUBLIC STAMP AUCTIONS
stamp and bears the bust of Washing­ Sales Held Monthly
PHILATELIC GOSSIP ton, with the numerals “1%” within
the circles at the bottom of the stamp. Something for the
Published Every Saturday by The color is brown. Specialist the ad­
The new one-half cent stamp was
THE GOSSIP PRINTERY placed on sale at three places—New vanced collector, be­
A. V. DWORAK, Haven, Conn, and Washington, D. C. ginner, dealer and
General Manager postoffices and the philatelic bureau all.
HOLTON, KANSAS —on the morning of April 4. In de­
scribing this “minor fractional,” will Catalogs FREE
Business Manager__ A. V. Dworak say that it is the same shape and size
as the one-cent ordinary stamp of the
Editor Frank K. Hills current series and bears a portrait of
Nathan Hale, with the name “Nathan M. OHLMAN
SUBSCRIPTIONS 116 Nassau St. New York City
United States, $1.00 per year. Hale” on a ribbon below the portrait.
All other countries, |1.26 per year. The surrounding design is the same
All subscriptions must begin with the cur­
rent number. All subscriptions are discon­ as the 1-cent stamp except that the DUPLICATES WANTED
tinued on expiration and no back numbers numeral “W appears in the ovals in We offer our customers a chance to
can be supplied. dispose of their duplicates through our
both lower corners. The stamp is in­ exchange department. No waiting—
Advertising Rates—Transient closed within a cross-line border and immediate service—and you receive just
what you need to fill in your blank
Per inch, single col., per issue_______ $ 1.25 is printed in sepia, similar to the 30- spaces for your duplicates. The time
Per col., 10 inches, per issue_________ 12.50 cent Buffalo stamp. to write is today. We buy collections.
Per page, 30 inches, per issue_________ 37.50 LAFAYETTE STAMP CO.
Also on April 4, the Post Office A. P. S. Members A. S. D. A.
Advertising Rates—Contract Department placed the “Lexicons” Box 1167 San Francisco
Per inch, single col., per issue_______ $ 1.00 (Lexington-Concord issue) on sale at
Per col., 10 inches, per issue_________ 10.00 the philatelic bureau, Washington, and
Per page, 30 inches, per issue_____ __ 30.00
This rate is for space used regularly for the six following postoffices: F/2C IMPERF.
Washington, D. C. First Day Cover (pair) ----------------------- .25
six months. First Day Cover (block of 4)----------------- .30
Concord, Mass. Block of four _________________________ .15
All advertising copy must be received 10 Concord Junction, Mass. Center line block of four _____________ .75
days in advance of the issue in which it is Boston, Mass. Plate no. block of six --------------------------- .30
to appear. Copy for ads must be in our Cambridge, Mass. Arrow line block of four -------------------- .40
hands on Thursday of the week preceding Lexington, Mass. Ten blocks of four --------------------------------- .80
publication. Copy must reach us on time or GOSSIP was first in the field,
it will be held over for following issue. heralding these stamps some weeks C. E. NICKLES
We cannot be responsible for errors caused
through poorly prepared copy. ago; a more detailed description of the 3007 Rodman, Washington, D. C.
reason of their issuance and descrip­
tion of their appearance is, however, USED GERMANY
EDITORIAL not amiss at this time. These new Noe. 115 & 116 (2), 10c; 177-182 (6), 20c:
181-182 (2). 15c: 111-114 (4), 6c: 278-278 (6),
commemoratives are in three denomi­ 15c; 280-298 (17), 80c; 387, 888, 840, 848,
344, 10, 20. 60, 80pf Stephan. 2m Cologne,
nations—one, two and five cents. They (5). 30c; 572-580 (7), 14c; 581-584, 586-593
The New Stamps. have been especially issued to com­ (12), 40c. Ask for my approval books of
memorate the one hundred and fift­ used and unused Germany.
HE Post Office Department creat­
T ed considerable surprise by their
speed in placing the new l%c ad­
hesive stamp and l%c stamped en­
ieth anniversary of the Battle of Lex­
ington and Concord. Size, color and
design of these “Lexicons” is as fol­

Side Lines Only—

North Glenside, Pa.

velope on sale to the public—both lows:

over the counters of the Washington, They are rectangular in shape, No Postage Stamps.
D. C., postoffice and the philatelic about 1 7-16 by 13-16 inches in size. Books ready made up to submit. What coun­
try do you want? Superb stock of fiscals,
agency, division of stamps, Washing­ The subject of the 1-cent stamp is telegraphs, locals, proofs, essays, railways,
ton—on March 19, last. The great “Washington at Cambridge,” and re­ tax paids, states, rurals, etc., etc., of the
entire world. References please.
majority of rank-and-file stamp col­ presents Washington taking command GET ACQUAINTED BARGAINS
lectors, scattered over the land, did of the American Army. The title ap­ Idar and Marwar (Native India) two of
the prettiest stamps ever printed,
not expect these new emissions to be pears in small white letters under the the two------------------------------------ .10
placed on sale until a day or two be­ central design. Beneath this, on a $15 North Carolina Oil Stamp (cat. $1) - .20
ribbon scroll, appear the words “Lex­ Russian Rural (Poltowa) —----------------- .25
fore the new postal rates go into ef­ Tell me what you want if it is not postage
fect, April 15. ington-Concord,” and at the bottom of stamps.
For the benefit of many score of the stamp are the words “One cent.” E. R. VANDERHOOF
QOSSIP readers who have not as yet In a straight line, at the top of the 2245 West 34th Ave.
glimpsed specimens of these new stamp, appear the words “United Denver, Colorado, U. S. A.
“fractionals”, will say that the lu­ States postage” in white Roman let­
cent ordinary postage stamp is the ters, and in both lower corners, within
same shape and size as the current 2- circles, is the white numeral “1.” ESTHONIA
cent stamp and bears the portrait of Above the circles are the years “1775” 42 DIFFERENT
th* late President Warren G. Harding at the left and “1925” at the right,
and in panels arranged at the right Cat. over $4.50 for 80c net.
with the name “Harding” on a ribbon
below the portrait. The surrounding and left of the central design are two CHAS. MURLEY
design is the same as the current 2- muskets with powder horns. The en­ Box 48, Sta. R New York City
cent stamp, except that the numerals tire design is inclosed within a
“1%” appear in the ovals in both straight-line border and is printed in ♦Jugo Slavia Nos. 454-457High values — .60
lower corners and the triangular orna­ green ink. •Italy • Manzoni” Nos. 152-155 _________ .30
Switzerland Nos. 157-159.169 ----------------- .40
ments in both upper corners have The subject of the 2-cent stamp is •Esthonia Airmail Nos. 212-216. cpl. cat.
been changed. The stamp is inclosed “Birth of Liberty” and represents the $2.50 ________________________ .90
•Perak No. 45 __________________________ .07
within a plain dark border and is Battle of Lexington and Concord. The •France Ronsard 75c --------------------------- .07
printed in brown ink. title appears in small white letters FRANK KNALLER
The IH-cent embossed envelope under the central design. The sur­ S. P. A. 4079
stamp is the same shape, size and rounding design is the same as the 365 E. 78th St., New York City

Digitized by
1-cent stamp except that the numeral Thank you, one and all, kind MORE DESIRABLE COLONIALS
“2” appears in the circles and the friends. IN MINT CONDITION
words “Two cents” appear at the bot­ The writer would be an ingrate, in­ Cat. Net
No. Nigeria No. 17 ___________ 6.00 3.25
tom of the stamp. This stamp is deed, if he closed this little narrative No. Nigeria No. 18 ___________ 10.00 5.25
printed in red ink. without making mention of the kindly No. Nigeria No. 38 _____________ 9.00 4.75
courtesy extended us by an officer in Transvaal No. 261 _____________ 7.50 4.25
The subject of the 5-cent stamp is Transvaal No. 266 _____________ 15.00 8.00
“The Minute Man,” and this title ap­ our Uncle Sammy’s service, resident Transvaal No. 279 _____________ 10.00 6.25
pears in small dark letters under the in Washington. The first in the field Trinidad No. 99 _______________ 15.00 8.50
Zanzibar No. Ill _______________ 6.50 3.75
central design, which stands between to send us a “first-day cover” was Zanzibar No. 112 _____________ 8.00 4.25
two columns. To the right and left Major T. D. Barber, United States Zanzibar No. 113 _______________ 15.00 7.75
of the columns are two tablets bear­ Marine Corps. We hereby desire to All Full Mint O. G.
ing the following inscription: broadcast our thanks to the good
“By the rude bridge that arched the flood,
their flag to April’s breeze unfurled, here
Major for a cover sent us bearing a RALPH A. LYNCH
once the embattled farmers stood and fired pair of the l%c Hardings; also, upon
the shot heard round the world.” opening the envelope, out fluttered a P. 0. Box 56 Peoria, 111
The surrounding design is the same nice little block of four of the same,
as the other denominations except o. g., bearing the plate number 16841. STAHL’S LOOSE-LEAF ALBUM
that the numeral “5” appears in the Other acknowledgments of “first- Designed for the collector who desires
circles and the words “Five cents” day” half-cent and commemorative quality and at the same time a low
appear at the bottom of the stamp. stamped covers will be made in a price.
This stamp is printed in blue ink. Album complete with 100 fine quali­
near future issue of the “w.g.s.p.” ty leaves 8% x 11. Price $2.00 Il­
GOSSIP has no correct figures at
hand, as yet, regarding the number lustrated circular and sample sheets
Not Sporadic. on request.
of these commemoratives issued, but Every issue of GOSSIP is a special H. A. STAHL
we understand that the supply is issue. 7 Central Sq. Lynn, Mass.
somewhat restricted and postmasters
may draw requisitions for limited Cautioning Dealers.
quantities only. These stamps are It will not be so very long until the
South Americans
issued in sheets of fifty only. 25 Varieties ___________________________ .10
summer resort season is again in our Peru, 120 and 193 ______________________ .07
Reverting back to the subject of midst. Once more, we warn our Peru. 134 and 189 ______________________ .15
the new l%c Harding adhesive, will 6 Argentine No®. 289, 306, 309,, 325
stamp dealers to use good judgment 328. 330 ____________________________ .05
say that same is being issued in three and due discretion in sending out ap­ 4 Canal Zone Nos. 41, 42, 43, 46 ________ .07
varieties—flat press, rotary press, Terms: Cash __ Postage extra
proval selections to any resort address
coil. Oh you precan collectors! —that is unless the applicant is fair­ ABELL STAMP CO.
Associated Press despatches re­ ly well known to them. Many resort­ 532 South 30th St. Omaha, Neb.
garding the “first day” of this new ers take advantage of their temporary
“cent-and-a-halfer” stated that:
“Sales of the new Harding one-half
sojourns to resort to methods not Binmore’s Mixtures
generally approved in the best stamp- Bank Loot, current foreign per 1000 _ 1.50
cent postage stamp and the new 1% ic circles. They are here today, gone South A Central America per 1000 ___ 1.50
cent stamped envelope on March 19, tomorrow—“spurlos versenkt.” Cheap Irish, per 1000 _________________ 1.50
the first day of their offering at the Syria & Lebanon, per 1000 ___________ 1.50
postoffice department’s philatelic TOM V. BINMORE
agency, amounted to $2,446, repre­ Featuring the 575 Fifth Avenue
senting about 150,000 pieces. The Popular Newfoundlands. Long Island City, New York
sales were to stamp collectors who GOSSIP is in receipt of a quite in­
bought in blocks of six, twelve and teresting eight page price list (1925) —CLEARANCE SALE—
even 100.” of Newfoundland stamps, as issued by German Provisionals, mint, 88 varieties, com­
Rev. E. A. Butler, St. George’s, New­ plete. 1 set 25c; 10 sets $1.00; 100 sets $8.00;
The “colymists” are already making 200 sets $15.00
some “wise-cracks” anent the new foundland. Rev. Butler possesses a Transparent envelopes, all sizes, in lots of
remarkably nice stock of these stampe 100 and 1000. Ask for prices and sample®.
“fractionals” and the new postal
rates, the three following items hav­ and his prices are “right.” Newfound­ ATLANTIC SPECIALTY CO.
land stamps have ever been quite 1209 Beach Ave„
ing been winnowed from Seattle, Bronx. New York. New York
Washington, newspapers: popular with philatelists and are
The postoffice department is soon to issue always in general demand; the good
a half-cent stamp. But we’d rather pay more
and get one with better-tasting glue.
Reverend’s stock of these is more
complete than most dealers and any
For Sale
In Lots of 10, 100 or 1000
The postoffice is putting a half cent stamp one desirous of filling up some of the different denominations, mainly cur­
on the market. Lady shoppers will hold off gaps in Newfoundland on his album rent, China, Philippine Islands, Soviet
until they can get special rates of two stamps
for a penny. pages will do well to write Rev. But­ Russia, Hong Kong, Newfoundland,
ler, requesting a copy of this list Palestine.
They’ll raise the price of postcard stamps which will be promptly forwarded LOUIS WEISSMAN
in April, so we hear; vacation thus will cost post-free.
some folks just twice as much this year. We 147 W. 42d St. New York City
know how we will beat the game. We’ll send
this postcard back: “We’re having just a
splendid time—tell Jim, and Ed and Jack.” Fraudulent Ues of U. S. POSTAGE, ENVELOPES AND
Col. Peck’s Name. REVENUES
Further reporters (bringing the We published an item, in last week’s
issue, relating to the alleged defraud­ 10 War Department and Soldiers Mail Covers,
total up to forty) so kindly sending American Expeditionary Forces, assorted, 80c.
in clippings relative to the new %, ing of certain Atlanta, Georgia, stamp Early U. S. covers at catalog price of cut
dealers by an individual (or concern) squares. Early unused cut squares at one­
l%c and the Lexington-Concord issue sixth catalog; used at catalog. Later U.
are listed as follows: using the name of Col. R. H. Peck. S. unused at H over face. 1000 19th Cen­
We glean further information on this tury cut squares 27c. 10 U. S. entire used
Herman W. Boers, Detroit, Mich. wrappers, 25c. U. S. Departments % cat.
G. E. Crawford, Swissvale, Pa. matter, upon perusing the bulletin of Wholesale U. S. from % to 1-5 cat. Com­
C. C. Dargue, Kittanning, Pa. mon stamps by the 1000. All foreign stamps
L. P. Entwistle, Newark, N. J. a trade protective association, in the on approval, % catalog. Write:
Jayne F. Huff, Jamestown, N. Y. following little item:
Roy Larsen, Chicago, Ill. W. W. RICH 1240 Bdwy, Somerville 44, Mass.
J. Lincoln Myers, Cucamonga, Calif. “The Gates. Novelty Company, At­
Frank K. Smith. Reading, Mass. lanta, Ga. (using the name of Col. R.
Mortimer Ulmann, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Roland A. White, Marengo, Iowa. Peck, a respected and honorable citi- Mention W. P. G. when answering ads

Digitized by
zen), are defrauding dealers. The putting in some mighty strenuous PORTUGUESE COLONIES
name of the head of this firm is an “licks” for the good of the old cause Cat.Net
ANGOLA N« 72-74 _______ 1.95 .65
old offender by the name of Stallings. —Philately—and GOSSIP hereby de­ CAPE VERDE Noe. 70-71 _______ 2.00 .70
One of our members is out ?75. Yes, sires to extend hearty congratulations GUINEA Nos. 78-80 _______ 1.80 .60
MOZAMBIQUE Nos. 82-84 _______ 1.95 .65
the officers are after ’em.” upon their recent achievement as re­ PORTUGUESECONGO Nos.87-39 2.25 .75
corded by the following telegram, re­ ZAMBESIA Nos. 87-89 --- ------------- 2.40 .80
No More Hugoknots ceived from “live-wire Greeley,” a Total 12.35 4.15
at the Monroe P. O. few days ago: Entire Lot for 33.75
A few weeks back (no, not a weak “New York, N. Y., LOUIS DAVIS
back) we published a little squib March 26, 1925. 619 Oakland Ave., Iowa City, Iowa
which went on to relate that the post­ “Gossip Printery, .
office at Monroe, Washington, had a “Publishers of Weekly Phila­
goodly supply of five-cent Hugenot- telic Gossip, Holton, Kans., ? The Mysterious 18 ?
Wallon stamps on hand. “Branch number one New York
Since that time, the postmaster at Society of P hilatelic Americans There were eighteen of real stamp collectors
that I did not hear from in answer to my
that place has been fairly deluged went over the top tonight with ad of March 21, so I will run just eighteen
with “orders” for these stamps—some one hundred members. Over articles, one each for those Mysterious eigh­
of our readers requesting them by the fifty collectors present. Fine
Don’t miss this one Boys, Men or Ladies
hundred, or more, lot. auction staged, realizing good either, as I guarantee everything sent out;
We are asked to inform our readers prices. The branch is accepting if not satisfied return and get your money
to halt, cease, desist, or just plain all challenges.
“FRANCIS F. GREELEY, If you want approvals please send reference.
stop, ordering any more of the H-W’s
from the kindly P. M., at Monroe— Secretary.” I still have those famous blank approval
the supply is tee-totally exhausted. 1500 var. British Col. mounted and priced
Yes, friends, telling the world in Free Advice. with Scotts. Ready to send out on app. 27.00
GOSSIP-print surely produces RE­ One of the easiest things in this U. S. No. 46 Little close at R. otherwise f_ 10.00
U. S. No. 47 nice copy_______________ 3.50
SULTS! world, and a quite widely indulged in U. S. No. 76 * nice copy but no gum___ 2.50
sport, is telling the other fellow how U. S. No. 294-99 _________ __________ .35
Ukrainia No. 143-48 cat. $2.15 ______ u .50
Give These California to do his stuff. It is remarkably easy Salvador No. 1180-41 _________________ .20
School Boys a “Lift.” •34 var. British Col. war tax., cat 3.21- 1.00
Austrian Musicians ____________________ .60
Mr. Clyde E. Bundy, instructor in Gettysburg, Pa. Armenia No. 258-78 ------------------------------- .35
the printing department of the Hunt­ Bosnia No. 281-2 ______________________ .05
PRECANCELS Spain No. 3, cat. $15.00 ____________ 6.00
ington Park Union High School, Bremen No. 8, cat.$25.00 _______________ 6.00
Huntington Park, California, informs J ugo Slavia No. 125-27 ________________ .45
HARDINGS ___________ .35 Danzig No. 108-11 ____________________ .50
us that he has organized a stamp club WALLOON 1c ________________________ .25 Danzig 100 var. ______________________ .75
for the boys with an initial member­ WALLOON 5c _________________________ .40 1000 var. packets, display front________ 1.25
1922-23 perf. 1c ________________________ .12 Harding precanceled, Detroit,each ‘_____ .10
ship of fifteen. Some of these lads 1922-23 perf. 2c ------------------------------------- .15 I have MEMEL complete, what do you need?
are just making a beginning at the Blocks of four same rate.
200 all diff, unused Germany ----------------- .50
good old stampic game and are 115 all diff, unused Danzig ------------------ .75
worthy of being rendered a “helping 2227 Monterey,
hand.” Have you a few “odds and THE CAPITOL STAMP COMPANY Detroit, Michigan
ends"—cheap duplicates—that are not Fifty North Thirteenth Street
doing you one iota of good? Well,
these boys will appreciate them, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Mention W. P. G. when answering ads
shoot ’em on to Mr. Bundy, 227 N.
Stafford Ave., Huntington Park,
Calif., and some one of these “made
happy kids” will drop you a line of
sincere thanks.

We “Phils” Get a “Kick”

The Bi-Monthly Journal
Out of Life. A house organ with an inimitable style and charm, published
Taken as a whole, ye average stamp every two months. Each issue consists of from 32 to 48 pages, every
one containing a formidable array of unusual offerings in medium
collector is a contented person. Most and scarce sets, packets and special collections, dealers’ stocks, sin­
of us do get considerable of a “kick” gle stamps, philatelic supplies, etc., etc.
in the adding of a new gem to our
humble philatelic possessions, which Albert C. Munson, 412 Broadway, Houston, Texas, writes:
leads me to the observation that of “I enjoy the Bi-Monthly as much as MEKEEL’S; there is no other paper, house
all the to be pitied creatures of this organ, journal or circular of any kind wherein one can find such extraordinary
good stock—and at such reasonable prices.”
earth, the most pathetic is the person
who gets a thrill out of nothing. A C. A. Ralston, 164 Vaughn St., Waterloo, Iowa, says:
school boy with a hobby for collecting “I am paying subscription charges for two large house organs, but would rather
stamps is a million times happier than get along without both of them than to lose yours. If necessary, I know that I
could pay a substantial subscription to the Bi-Monthly and save all of it on stamps
the industrial success who flits around offered in a single issue.”
from place to place, in his super-twin-
six limousine, trying to intoxicate The Bi-Monthly Journal is a distinctive publication and absolute­
himself in a spending orgy. Most of ly free to patrons. You can’t afford to be without it!
the world’s greatest men—it can be
truthfully asserted—have been ones Send For Free Sample Copy, Today!
who could get mentally drunk on
ideas that most persons considered
boring and commonplace. H. E. HARRIS & CO.,
Branch No. 1, S. P. A., 161 Massachusetts Ave. BOSTON, MASS.
Putting the “Pep” in Pepper.
Branch No. 1, New York City, is

Digitized by


Good Printing BLANK


Y is noted for, from coast to coast.
In quality of material used, arrangement and de­
BOOKS sign, press work and high-class workmanship, we SHEETS
are “there with the goods.” And—BEST OF ALL
—our prices are right. We present, herewith,
UR Approval Book quotations on some of our work—the finished DANDY 20-stamp
O has stood the test
of time. Sold for
over ten years without
product delivered to your door, transportation
charges prepaid.
App’l Sel’n Return blanks, 5% x8%, your copy 500- 2.50
A size approval sheet
on good light weight
bond paper. Your name
changing the stock in App’l Sel’n Return blanks, 5% x 8%, your copy, 1000- 4.00 and address on
cover or filler.
(Above with your name and address printed.)
250 for_________ $1.50
100 stamp size, 100_$3.00 Good XXX white 6% envelopes, 500------------------- 2.50
Good XXX white 6% envelopes,, 1000------------------- 4.00 500 for__________ 2.50
60 stamp size, 100- 2.50 Hammermill Bond 6% envelopes, 500------------------- 2.75
Hammermill Bond 6% envelopes, 1000---------------- 4.75 1000 for__________ 4.00
All postpaid Manilla return envelopes size 6, 500---------------------- 2.50
Manilla return envelopes size 6, 1000------------------- 3.50 All Postpaid
Hammermill Bond letterheads, 8% x 11, 500---------- 2.50
Hammermill Bond letterheads 8% x 11, 1000---------- 4.00
Same, half size, 5% x8%, 500 $2.25, 1000------------- 3.50
Envelope slips, 314 x5%, 500, $2.00; 1000----------— 2.75
Folders and booklets, according to copy—let us give you
figures. Submit your copy.
25 Approved Air Mail Envelopes---------------------- .50
100 Approved Air Mail Envelopes---------------------- 1.50
With any name and address (not to exceed three
lines) printed in “return card” space, in upper
left-hand corner, per 100__ -__________ _______ 2.00
Back Numbers of
Our EMBOSSING is bringing forth considerable com­ Back Numbers of
mendation from many of the larger stamp dealers and
others desirous of using “classy” stationery. We charge
less for the finished product, in this line, than you would GOSSIP
GOSSIP have to pay others for a plate. If interested we will be
pleased to submit samples and prices, upon request. VOL. VIII. Complete.
If interested in possessing a “better class” letterhead, ask
VOL. VII. Complete us about our own GOSSIP PRINTERY BOND. 1923-24
Part Semi-Monthly, part
1922-23 GOSSIP PRINTERY Handbook, No. 5. “How to be Weekly.
a Stamp Dealer,” By Thorn Smith----------- .25
Semi-Monthly GOSSIP PRINTERY Handbook, No. 6. “Early Bri­ 41 Numbers
tish Colonials, a guide to their Collection,” By
24 Numbers C. C. Crasper ________________________ .25
“Mid-West Epicurean Delights,” a real, honest-to-
goodness home Cook Book______________ .30 $2.00 Postpaid
$1.50 Postpaid

OTHER PUBLICATIONS Only ten of these com­

Very few voluhies left
1925 Standard Precancel Catalog_______________ 2.10 plete volumes were “held
and worth considerably 1925 Standard (Scott’s) Postage Stamp Catalog___ 2.10
All of above items mailed postpaid. out” and they, too, will
more, to a collector of We also carry a full line of the GLOBE Blank Books,
Blank Albums and Stock Books. Illustrated circular, soon command consider
philatelic literature, than quoting prices, sent on request.
the small price asked. able of a premium.

The Gossip Printery A. V. DWORAK, General Manager.


Digitized by
for a non-dealer to tell our stamp why not tack it on all styles of cards
dealers how their business ought to
be conducted. Also we are quite
alike ? ARGONAUT
frequently told how to run a stamp Central High, of Minneapolis,
paper. These adhortations are in the Boosting the Game. QUALITY FOR THE MONEY
main, no doubt, well meant. How­ The students of Central High
ever, it is our candid belief that only School, Minneapolis, Minn., are also LISSEN, TOMMY!
long years of experience—of ups and stepping out philatelically these days. Tom Binmore alleges that we are all wet
when it comes to advertising. Well, some­
down—furnish a man with the “know On Friday, March 20, these enter­ body told Enrico Caruso once that Bonci said
how” in any line of endeavor. prising youths (members of the Cen­ he screamed. "Bonci, he say I scream, hey!
Never-a-mind. I GITTA DA MON’!” That’s
We do not believe that our butcher tral High Philatelic Club) put on an us, Tommy We scream I
would think a great deal of our ad­ “open house” to sell the public—as
vice, were we to tell him how to cut our informant, Courtland G. Smith, All fine used copies
up a beef—we’re not going to do it says—on the fact that it (stamp col­ 19____ 1.00 25_____ .12 85____ .40
lecting) is a going concern. 22____ .12 32 ____ .03 86____ .15
either. Yet, strange to relate, most 24___ .07 33 ____ .03 87____ .17
of the free advice in this complex The “Philatelic Club,” of this insti­
game of life is being advanced by the tution of learning, consists of about GERMAN SOUTHWEST AFRICA
All fine used copies.
inexperienced. Conducting a stamp twenty active members and they put 16____ .08 19____ .10 28____ .02
paper is an entirely different matter on a display, consisting of several 18____ .08 27_____ .04 29_____ .25
from that of any other line of journal­ general collections, catalogs, various GIBRALTAR—Superb used copies
istic endeavor—this is the reason why stampic publications (featuring GOS­ 71____ .40 72_____ .75 Obsolete and
so many fall by the wayside in the SIP) and various items of philatelic 71a___ .40 78_____ 1.50 Rare now!!|
attempt. Talk and advice is cheap accessories — perforation gauges, GAMBIA—Perfection Mint copies
but running a stamp paper—well, watermark detectors, etc. 40____ .05 58____ .50 61_____ .75
that’s something else again. Non 43____ .35 60_____ .45 84_____ .50
To quote in young Mr. Smith’s own
omnia possumus omnes! words: GERMANY—Perfection Mint copies
“The display was very well ar- (Better look up the NEW prices on these—
you’ll be surprised and SHOCKED!)
A Government Postal Card Famine. 92___ .40 809___ .04 821___ .06
'Mr. I. F. Verry, Malden, Mass., one ODDS AND ENDS 93___ .25
477___ .02
810___ .08
818___ .02
822___ .10
828___ .40
824___ .75
of our esteemed and “ever-ready” cor­ Freak Envelopes, (2c only) 478___ .04 819___ .03
820___ .05 866___ .10
Albinos, etc., each ---------------------------- .15 808___ .04
respondents, informs us that for the Confederate Money, bills.
first time in history, there was such $5 or $10, each ______________________ .10 JAPAN—Perfection Mint except those mark­
a big shortage of ordinary one-cent Other bills, up from ---------------------------- .25 ed o, which are superb used copies.
Mexican Money, bills. 85___ .10 141___ .02 150___ .15
Government postal cards at the Bos­ 10 or 20 pesos, each __________________ .10 86___ .12 142___ .08 160___ .03
ton postoffice that none could be Russian bills, 1921 series. 87o __ .05 148___ .18 161___ .04
100.000, each _______________________ .10 88o __ .06 144___ .05 162___ .15
bought at wholesale, and in many of Indian Arrow heads,each _____________ .20 89o __ .05 145___ .08 163 ___ 1.00
the eighty-one stations throughout Tiny bird points, each-------------------------.40 90o __ .06 146o — 2.00 140o __ .02
Old newspapers, fiftys & sixtys, ea._ .50 110___ .10 147___ .08 1410 .02
the Boston postal district not one was Photographs, 6x8 size:— 111___ .12 148___ .06 148o — .12
upon sale on a recent date. Florida Palms, each __________________ .25 140___ .02 149___ .07 148o __ .02
Spanish (Cuban) Garrote_____________ .50
The usual number of these cards, U. S. S. ‘Maine’, Havana harbor _ .50 GABON—Perfection Mint copies
sold each day in the Boston district Photographic copy of the Havana (Cuba) 17____ .02 36_____ .05 55------- .12
Press extra of Sept., 1901, announcing Shoot­ 33____ .02 54_____ .03 56_____ .12
is in excess of one hundred thousand ing of President William McKinley, ea._ .50 34___ _ .05 35____ .05 SEE M. J.!!
and the extraordinary situation, it Films developed, per roll ----------------- .10
Enlargements, 6x8 or 8 x 10, ea. ___ .85
was learned, is the result of the ex­ Postage Free. UNITED STATES REVENUES
pectation on the part of the Washing­ HOBBY SHOP Fine used copies
8800—. .04 8868— .03 4108 __ .10
ton authorities that that the recent P. O. Box 1913, Jacksonville, Fla. 8802— .02 3869 — .07 4104 — .60
postal bill would increase rates on 8808 — .03 3875— .85 •4111__ .03
3809— .04 8876— .60 •4111 __ .04
Government postals to two cents. As 8877 __ .09 •4117 — .12
there was no desire to have any sur­ U. S. Stamps—Fine 8810 __
8812 —
8815 —
3880 __ .12
8881 .12
4166— .12
4167 — .50
plus on hand, none bearing the one No. 8817 — .10 3884 __ .12 4168— .50
cent stamp have been printed recent­ 248 ea 3c, per 10____________ .10 8818 — .14 8888 — .25 4169 — .35
249 ea. 2c, per 100__________ 1.00 8824 — .04 8887 — .30 •4176—_ .85
ly- 250 ea. 5c, per 100__________ .25 3827 — .40 3890 — .85 4179 — .06
The recent “postage hike” bill, as 3829 — .09 8891 — .60 4188 — .08
251 ea. 15c, per 10___________ 1.25 3881__ .04 3909 — .02 4184 — .14
passed by Congress, made no change 252 ea. 5c, per 10____________ .40 3836 — .04 8912 __ .04 4186 — .12
in the price on Government postal 8889 — .04 3915 __ .02 4195... .02
265 ea. 10c, per10____________ .75 8841__ .03 8918 — .07 4197 — .07
cards—or “Number Eights” as they 266 ea. 10c, per10____________ .75 3842 — .05 3947 __ .04 4200 — .12
are known in postoffice parlance—and 267 ea. 1c, per 100 ___________ .25 8844 — .05 3954 — .05 4201 — .20
3845 __ .02 3971__ .06 4204 — .15
now every effort is being made to 425 4 shades ea.2c, per 100 _ ___ .25 3846 — .10 ♦3992 — .06 4206 — .18
speed up supplies for a great many 426 ea. lc, per 100 ____________ .50 3851 — .07 •4006 — .04 4208__ .12
427 ea. lc, per 100____________ .50 3852 „ .07 •4007 — - .09 4209 — .60
of the larger postoffices in the United 8854 — .04 •4008__ .04 4210 — 1.25
States. 428 ea. lc, per 100 ____________ .50 3855 __ .40 •4009 __ .05 4211 — .80
433 ea. lc, per 100____________ .25 3856 — .25 •4010 — .80 4212 — .90
It is a somewhat peculiar situation 434 ea. 8c, per 10_________ ■___ .60 8857 — .04 •4011 — .12 4218 — .90
which necessitates our private mail­ 3860 — .10 •4012 — .85 4214 — .90
435 ea. 3c, per 10____________ .25 3862 — .07 4082 — .15 4215 — 2.50
ing cards and so-called souvenir cards 436 ea. 2c, per 10____________ .15 3863 — .08 4084 — .20 4216 — .65
to bear a two-cent stamp, but allows 437 ea. 2c, per 10 ___________ .15 8864 — .09 4085 __ .80 4217 — .85
3865 — .06 4097 — .04 4218 — 1.00
the regular Government card to still Have a few U. S. No. 2348 used en­ 3866 — .05 4101__ .03 4271 to
bear one’s “message to Garcia,” or tire left at 35c each. 8867 — .03 4102 — .10 4276 — .20
4281 — .50 •4851 — .25 •4852 — .25
any one else, for the same old price My packets of 150 var. U. S. fine
of one little copper penny. Some peo­ copies cat. over $8.00 going good get SOME NIFTY MINT SETS
ple might be inclined to consider this yours before all are sold. Price $1.50 Bavaria 77 to 88 scarce, list $4.40 ----- 2.50
situation as a case of discrimination Postfree. Belgium parcels 508, rare list $1.25----- .75
Montenegro 86 to 97, 198 to 201, and
in restraint of trade. Why place this Have 75 copies uncanceled fine (cig- 255. The whole works list $6.65 — 2.65
added cent—apparently a tax—on aretts tubes) No. 4411, Blocks of 4 Netherlands 185 to 141 list 76c ---------- .40
$1.00, singles 25c.
private enterprise? If this raise is
an absolutely necessary step for the MRS. E. WITTMER
4112 Budlong Avenue
raising of sufficient postal revenue, 921 So. Market Canton, Ohio LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA

Digitized by
ranged, on two tables, with plenty of the world (though I must confess BRITISH COLONIES!
good looking placards. The club also there is considerable ground for even
had signs posted in the halls, stating this remarkable contention, and, per­ All unused at 40 per cent Discount
the location of the display and invi­ sonally, and I have never noticed the
tations to inspect it. whiskers of any animal turned the
“Hundreds of people that (stampic- wrong way on any stamp), I think Bahamas, Nos. 41, 44, 45, 47 48, 49,
ally speaking) are so dumb that they it is self-evident that historical oc­ 50, 51, 202, 308, 311, 313.
imagine a watermark detector to currences have been fairly well por­ Barbados, Nos. 60 to 86; 88, 91, 92,
be some sort of a radio accessory trayed by stamp issues. 94, 102, 115.
took in the display and greatly mar­ During and just after the Great Bermuda, Nos. 7, 21 to 28; 31 to 48.
veled. It is this kind of advertising War, no one, whether a collector or British Solomon Islands, Nos. 1 to 7.
that sells stamp collecting to the ‘un­ not could help being impressed by Brunei, Nos. 2, 4, 5, 7, 14, 16 to 20; 22.
suspecting’ public and I am sure that the fidelity with which current his­ Canada, Nos. 50 to 61; 71, 79, 82, 96
to 99.
at least several new collectors re­ tory was being portrayed by the new Cayman Islands, Nos. 1 to 6; 8 to 22;
sulted therefrom. European issues. Warships, Infan­ 24, 26, 27, 28, 102 to 105.
“It may be of interest to state that try, Cavalry and Artillery in action; Dominica, Nos. 32, 33, 35, 37, 38, 39,
the most attention was given to the prisoners behind barbed wire fences, 49 to 52; 152 to 155.
large and more colorful stamps— military leaders, aeroplanes of dif­ Fiji Islands, Nos. 59 to 76.
several revenues being loosened from ferent kinds and other military and Gambia, Nos. 5 to 18, 18a, 18b, 19,
a sheet contained in one of the collec­ political events found expression in 19a, 20 to 36; 39 to 43; 48, 49, 57
tions. This points to the fact that these stamps. Since the War we to 66.
commemoratives have their advant­ Gibraltar, Nos. 37 to 53; 58 to 62.
have had commemorative stamps of Gilbert and Ellice, Nos. 8 to 11.
ages, if for nothing else than to sow different kinds, such as those com­ Gold Coast, Nos. 12 to 14; 16 to 18;
the germ of philately in the minds of memorating the Treaty of Versailles, 20, 27 to 30; 35, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45,
the uninitiated.” Peace stamps, Red Cross and other 46, 50, 53, 54, 57 to 63.
Good work, boys, GOSSIP is FOR charity stamps. Grenada, Nos. 40 to 46; 48 to 55; 61
you. —R. S. CARTER to 65; 68 to 77; 82 and 94.
Hong Kong, Nos. 60 to 69; 90 to 96.
Jamaica, Nos. 11 to 14; 18 to 21; 22
New Denomination of One-Half
Cent Postage Due Stamp.
OLD U. S. STAMPS to 24; 33 to 36; 42, 43, 47, 50 to
53; 55, 57 to 68; 71, 72, 251 to 254;
Third Assistant Postmaster Gen’l, ON APPROVAL 301 to 306; 311.
Washington, March 26, 1925. Leeward Islands, Nos. 1 to 8; 17 to
The department will issue to post­ Just tell me what you want. I also 26; 29, 30, 33, 37 to 43; 60.
masters before April 15, a one-half have some nice covers and some Lagos, Nos. 17 to 20; 26 to 32; 36
cent postage due stamp. to 44; 50, 52 to 57.
pairs and blocks. Send me your refer­ Malta, Nos. 9, 10, 12, 22 to 25; 27, 29,
Postmasters will submit immediate ence and your want list, as I am 31, 32, 35, 40, 41, 44, 45, 46, 58, 202.
requisition on a separate form, 3201, sure I can help you out some. Montserrat, Nos. 15, 17, 24, 26, 27,
for an estimated three months’ sup­ 33 to 37; 42, 101.
ply. M. G. HANNA Natal, Nos. 82 to 90; 101 to 105; 110.
Detailed instructions concerning Newfoundland, Nos. 3, 18, 20, 39, 40,
method of collection, as well as design S. P. A. 3964 46, 52a, 52c, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 127
of this due stamp will be published in to 130.
the Bulletin at a later date. Box 936 New Kensington, Pa. New Hebrides, Nos. 2 to 5; 7 to 10;
W. IRVING GLOVER, 12 to 16.
Third Assistant Postmaster Gen’l. Northern Nigeria, Nos. 4, 12 to 20;
If YOU have any 23 to 34; 36, 37.
Papua, Nos. 1 to 7, 16, 20, 22, 29, 31,
Postage Stamp Machines.
The first machine for the manu­
of the stamps I want 32, 33, 36, 37, 40 to 45.
Rhodesia, Nos. 9, 30a, 31a, 34, 38, 39.
I will pay you the highest market price, as St. Christopher, Nos. 2, 2a, 7, 8, 9,
facture of postage stamps was the I wish to build up a fine stock in the lines
13, 14, 16, 19.
invention of James Bogardus, who I specialize.
I only want stamps in perfect condition in St. Kitts-Nevis, Nos. 3 to 10; 13.
was born in Catskill, N. Y., 125 years every respect and do not wish to receive any St. Lucia, Nos. 33, 34, 36, 42, 50 to
ago. His invention was selected from stamps issued after 1880.
These Are My Chief Wants for the Moment. 55; 57 to 62.
the inventions and models of 2,500 St. Vincent, Nos. 54 to 69; 71 to 75;
competitors by the British Govern­ UNITED STATES
Local Stamps, all used copies only, those on 77, 78, 81, 86, 88, 92, 93, 102, 103,
ment. He had previously invented a letters preferred. 201.
clock, a ‘ringflier’ for cotton-spinning, Department Stamps. Only want used with
uncommon cancellations and all Depart­ Seychelles, Nos. 17, 21, 22, 36, 42 to
an eccentric mill, a scheme for en­ ments on covers for which special good 46; 48, 50.
graving figures on watch dials, and a prices will be paid.
Carriers and Postmasters stamps. All varie­ Sierra Leone, Nos. 77 to 99; 101.
machine for printing bank-notes. In ties. So. Nigeria, Nos. 34 to 40; 45 to 54.
1847 he built for his own use in New General Issues 1847-1869 only, especially on
covers. Trinidad, Nos. 67 to 72; 74 to 77; 79
York, a building entirely of cast iron, CONFEDERATE STATES to 88; 100 to 103.
the first of its kind in America. He Wanted especially, high prices paid for fine
Turks Islands, Nos. 42, 42a, 52, 54, 55.
items. Collections and correspondence used
completed many other successful in­ in the Southern States, 1861-1866 especially
ventions and was still at work on wanted.
Turks & Caicos, Nos. 1 to 5; 10, 15
to 20.
several new ones when he died in BRITISH NORTH AMERICA
1874. All issues 1860 to 1870 wanted, especially Virgin Islands, Nos. 8a, 15, 16, 23 to
fine used, rare cancellations, stamps on 27; 102.
—New York Evening World. covers, and anythin/; in superb condition.
Wanted all early issues, especially on covers, Send for list of British Colonies.
Learn Contemporary History fine specialized collections bought at highest
By Studying Stamps. Store open 9 A. M. to 5:30 P. M.
While not numbered among those
philatelic enthusiasts who believe
Charles J. Phillips
Specialist in Stamps Issued Before 1880
that on the various postage stamps
may be found a complete and reli­
151 Central Park West NEW YORK
able guide to the fauna and flora of Mention W. P. G. when answering ad’ 934 Filbert St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Digitized by
Cat. Net
PRECANCEL Trinidad & Tobago No. 22. 28, 24 .19
•Sierra Leone No. 79, 83, 84 ___ 2.00
Philippine No. 243, 244 ________ .20

STAMP Rhodesia No. 127 ______________ .32

•St. Helena No. 202 ____________ .20
Salvador No. 482 ______________ .20
•New BebridesNo. 10, 11, 13 __2.65

SOCIETY Honduras No. 202 ---------------------- .25

•British Honduras No. 43 ---------- .20
•Cape of Good Hope No. 66 scarce .80
Algeria No. 18 new issue______ .20
OFFICERS •Gambia No. 90 ________________ .50 .25
President___________________________________ B. Gordon Bushnell U. S* No. 547 __________________ .60 .30
France art exposition set----------- .12
648 Udell, Indianapolis, Indiana Nyassa Triangle set comp. ----- .65
Vice-President________________________________________ Al. Burns FREE a special set of stamps given to those
Box 535, Terre Haute, Indiana requesting my net approval selection. Ref­
erence Required.
Secretary-Treasurer _______________ _ _____________ John Spaulding
New Berlin, New York J. DeJONG
Sales Manager________________________ C. W. Haynes, Marion, Ky. 539 West 162 St. New York City
Exchange Manager__________ J. S. Burns, Box 535, Terre Haute, Ind.
Librarian_________________________________________ E. M. Oleson
803 Washington Ave., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. AUTOMATIC
Publicity Manager _______________________________ L. R. Saunders and
Globe-Gazette Bldg., Apt. F., Mason City, Iowa. SEMI-AUTOMATIC
W. I. Mitchell, Paonia, Delta County, Colorado. and AFFIXER
Gen. C. A. Coolidge, Pasadena Apt’s., Detroit, Michigan. (.Patented Pocket Edition)
H. S. Dickey, Newton, Kansas. Will Soon Be Ready
Official Organ—WEEKLY PHILATELIC GOSSIP Excellent opportunity
for a dealer or collec­
Secretary’s Report. Total amount of Insurance re­ tor or two in each city. Send for
439—Charles R. Voight, Box 55, ceived March 20, 1925 ___ 48.06 particulars at once.
Concord, Mass. Age 32. Occupation, Of this amount $43.33 has been sent FOLDED HINGE, AFFIXER,
Druggist. Reference, First National in to the Insurance Fund leaving a STAMP AND SUPPLY COMPANY
Bank, Easthampton, Mass. Proposed balance of $4.73 to be sent in. (Operating under Declaration of Trust)
by L. R. Saunders. Dr. H. A. Peters, Sec. A. P. S. 7681
Fellow Members:
440—Rev. C. L. Young, 613 East Business in this Department is very P. O. Box 604 Seattle, Wash.
8th St., York, Nebr. Age 45. Occu­ good at the present time. But it is
pation, Minister. Reference, A. H. never so good that I can’t stand some STATION Q. A. S. C.
Westphal, Nebr. Proposed by C. W. more. Any member not using the
Haynes. Department can easily get informa­ Broadcasting
441—E. W. Osier, 5706 29th Ave., tion about it by writing me a letter “A CHARMED PACKET”
N. E., Seattle, Wash. Age 35. Oc­ or card. Will also send the first From
cupation, Clerk. Reference, E. J. blank book “free gratis” to those re­ “THE CHARMED LAND”
Newcomer, P. O. Box 243, Yakima, questing same. Special for November
Wash. Proposed by Secretary. Would like to have all members 1000 VARIETIES _______ $1.55
JOHN SPAULDING, Sec’y, give me a trial. You may think this Member S. T. P. A.
New Berlin, N. Y. is asking a whole lot, but if I am to QUEEN ANNE STAMP CO.
make a success of this Department, 2 W. Smith St. Seattle, Wash.
Exchange Manager's Report. I need the help of all members. Have
March 21, 1925. quite a few members that are enter­
Books entered to ing books as fast as they can. Don’t CHINA
March 20, 1925 270 Value $3013.11 let these few members do it all. Come lc EACH: *75, 75, 76, 77, 89, 90, 119,
Books retired to One, Come All. Let’s Boost for a 120, 134, 135, 136, 176, 177, 178,
March 20, 1925 ,110 Value 1302.62 Bigger and Better Exchange Depart­ 179, 181, 185, *533.
ment. 2c EACH: 81, 92, 94, 121, 122, 137,
Books remaining in Fraternally yours, 180, 184, 189, *534.
Dept. March 20, J. S. BURNS, 3c EACH: 78, 82, 123, 124, 126, 129,
1925 _________ 160 Value 1710.59 Exch. Mgr. 138, 139, 141, 509, *523, 703.
Exchanges from books retired (SECY’S NOTE: Mr. Burns has donated 50 4c EACH: 91, 182, 190.
which is approximately 43% 1c Pilgrim precancels (Saint Meinrad, Ind.)
to be sent to each new member. Come and 5c EACH: *50, 183, 186, 187, 191, 704.
of the value of same---- 554.61 get them.) 6c EACH: 128, *525.
7c EACH: 125, 130, 144, 601, 706.
ANSWER TO STEIGER’S CROSS WORD PUZZLE. 10c EACH: 80, 93, 225, 501, 502, 503,
504, 506, 707, 708, 710.
We are pleased to herewith present the answer to the cross word puzzle, as
devised by Mr. Wm. C. Steiger of Hackensack, N. J., published in our issue of 15c EACH: 67, 79, 145, 603, 711.
March 28. 20c EACH: 712, 713.
We are certain that this puzzle proved a real baffler and sharpened the wits DON H. BERGER
of many stampists—both young and old.
Next week we shall present another of these philatelic cross word puzzles, 913 East Maple St. Glendale, Calif.
as created by Mr. Wm. H. Stouffer—our invalid friend—of Idaho Springs,
The correct words in the Steiger puzzle are as follows: Dont buy Stamps—
Until you have seen my approvals.
Horizontal 13. Nosce Low priced singles and sets. Refer­
1. Paita 14. Ga. ence please. Nice premium on each
* 5. Chios 15. Hinge dollar purchase.
9. Sol 17. Album
10. O’er 19. Aces E. STRASSER
11. S S 21. Simp 2518 Jay Ave. Cleveland, Ohio.

Digitized by
22. Hut
Nos. 371 to 373 ________ .37 .15
29. Aisle Nos. 359 to 361________ .59 .25
31. Natal Nos. 431 to 457 (except 433) 50% cat.
32. De Also others very reasonable.
33. Union Philatelic Publicists are Want lists of Russia also solicited.
34. R A Not to be called Sore-heads. KARL KOSLOWSK1
35. Odd ' 3215 Columbus Ave. Detroit, Mich.
36. Van There are unscrupulous people in
38. Names stampdom, as in other places. That is
39. Alpha neither here nor there. Time takes
its toll of the thieves, one might say
without exhibiting any bias for the There’s A Reason
Vertical Bible, as writ. Over 300 active collectors in all
1. Pasha There are, right now, a very goodly stages of the game are finding what
2. Is group of stamp folks who are able to
3. Tongs they want in price lists
write on stamp affairs. This is a
4. Aloe good thing for philately and it might
5. Coca be said that at no time in the history PACKETS, SETS AND SINGLE
6. Heels of philately has there been so many
collectors who are so outspoken in
8. Stamp their belief that stamp collecting is
12. Sic Profit sharing coupons with each pur­
14. Gum chase. Your name and address on a
HARDINGS post card brings you a nice premium
plus my lists as they appear.
24. Lie Perforated four sides.
25. Elude Some nice selections of both U. S. and For­
eign. for your approval.
26. Canal Wanted to buy your duplicate U. S. stamps AVERY V. PROBST
27. Oar or complete collections. Send on with your
price. 4910 Schubert Ave., Chicago, 111.
28. Llama
30. Ends W. E. SLATER
31. Nova
35. O M 8 Bank Place, Utica, N. Y. Mention W. P. G. when answering ads
37. N P

Crossword Solvers Attention!

Just as the forms were being made
up, for tjiis issue of GOSSIP, we re­
$250.00 for $8.75
ceived a letter from Mr. Steiger in­
forming us that he had inadvertent-
ently erred in one descriptive line fur­
nished us among the “leads” ‘for his
The Biggest Buy Yet!
recent crossword puzzle.
No. 36 horizontal read, as printed: Collectors Dealers Speculators
“Same as 17 horizontal in Dutch.”
This line should have read: I offer 102 different mint sheets of 100 stamps each
“Same as 32 horizontal in Dutch.” of Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, Russia, etc., etc.
Mr. Steiger closes his brief note of A parcel of 10,200 unused stamps that will catalog at least
correction with this little statement: $250 for $8.75.
“Some of the crossword fans will
raise Cain about that!” I have about 300 varieties to offer at this price so that
Both Mr. Steiger and ourselves re­ you can order two or three parcels and have them different.
gret this little “slip-up” very much.
No doubt but what it was the cause YOU WILL NEVER BUY THEM CHEAPER. BUY
of much added wear and tear on the WHILE YOU HAVE THE CHANCE. THIS IS EXCEL­
grey matter, also creating much in LENT MATERIAL FOR EXCHANGE PURPOSES,
the way of weeping, wailing and
gnashing of teeth. We “checked up” Cash must accompany order. I insure delivery and
on Mr. S’s listing (before running the* guarantee satisfaction.
puzzle), but we are not familiar with
the Dutch language and had no Dutch-
English dictionary accessible to en­ VICTOR G. LOLY
able us to “check” this item. Mr.
Steiger, you’ll realize, didn’t do this Box No. 127 Anaheim, California
on purpose and I’m confident that
you’ll forgive him—this once, at least I buy STAMPS. Have you anything for sale???
—for it made the goin’ all the tougher
and gave our puzzlers a greater
measure of mental exercise than was
$250.00 for $8.75
originally intended.

Digitized by
not merely a thing to benefit a few “All right, sneer at honest philate­ 1917 ISSUES PERF H’s
people who buy and sell stamps. lists who are not afraid to let their SUPERB PICKED COPIES
Selfish schemes have been exposed opinions be known! Public sentiment
as never before, and the fear of pub­ is growing in their favor, and will Dickey’s 5th Precancel
licity has kept some would-be plunder­ continue—and all honor to the brave
ers out of the stamp business. boys who have made their stand
Mail Bids to H. S. DICKEY,
This is due, in the main, to the against a big firm of men—and all Newton, Kansas
philatelic publicist now writing for honor to the sore-head writers, who Each lot sold to higest bidder and bids
the stamp papers and to the outspoken do not fear personally or otherwise close fifteen days from date this
words uttered wherever honest stamp the united power of the Caimans—and ad appears.
men foregather. And yet, what do we that of the intellectual giant at St. Lot No.
hear—but the terms, in rebuttal, that Louis—and honor the swarm of sore­ 1—Fort Smith A R K 13c, rarity.
these public-spirited philatelists are heads, of which I want to be con­ 2—Jacksonville FLA, 13c.
sore-heads. sidered a part.” 3—Petaluma, Calif. 13c.
It is a fact that one of the much- WILL E. WEDGE. 4—Stockton, Calif. 13c small type.
5—Oakland, Calif. 13c.
discussed men in philately uses that 6—Pasadena Calif, 13c rare.
term in referring to some of the PRECANCEL COLLECTORS 7—Frenso, Calif, inv. 13c.
writers who have, as he puts it, 8—Portland, Oregon, 13c.
“dared” to decry his motives. Think duplicates for your collection or Sell your
to others for cash thru 9—Pueblo, Colo. 13c rare.
of the lofty frame of mind this gentle­ the A. P. S. Sales Dept. Ask about 10—Duluth, Minnesota, 13c.
man possesses, to hear him tell it. my plan. 11—Vincennes, Ind. 13c rarity.
The honest philatelic writers, hav­ J. E. GUEST 12—Michigan City,Ind. 13c.
ing no particular axe to grind, having Box 1042, 13—Kankakee, I1L, 13c rare.
Dallas, Texas 14—Jacksonville, Ill., 13c.
no especial mission in philately, will 15—Elgin, Ill., 13c.
not allow the innuendos and bluster 16—Ypsilanti, Mich. 13c.
of the would-be managers of public
opinion to scare them. Honest men
are not easily intimidated.
Those contemplating getting into the dealer
17—Saginaw, Mich., 13c.
18—Sheboygan, Wise., 13c rare.
19—Wichita, Kansas, 13c inv.
If any stamp man ever tells you game as well as established dealers to get on
my approval list for 10 or more of a kind.
20—Delavan, Wise., 13c.
that a Certain Party is a sore-head, NO LISTS but you can ask for certain coun­ 21—Beaver Dam, Wise., 13c.
ask him to prove it. After that you abletries or stamps. I send nothing but good sal­ 22—Beaver Dam, Wise., 13c inv.
stock and have very little junk. No 23—Atlantic City, N. J., 13c.
can call him a liar, if you like. (Yes, dealer sells for less. I am not looking 24—Elizabeth N. J., 13c.
I have done that little thing, folks.) for buyers with a fat pocketbook so
much as for consistent buyers, those 25—Ridgewood, N. J., 13c.
According to some folks if you do with 15.00 a week or so. I please many and 26—Parsons, Kansas, 13c rarity.
I can please you. At the prices I sell I
not think along the lines laid down by cannot afford to take risks so tell me who 27—Wichita, Kansas, 13c.
certain people you are a sore-head. you are. 28—Mansfield, Ohio, 13c rare.
If you offer a new idea for the benefit Wholesale only. 29—Toledo, Ohio, 13c, plain type.
of philately at large you are a sore­ THORN SMITH 30—Toledo, Ohio, 13c inv. plain type.
head. If you complain about some 848 Lawrence Ave., 31—Fitchburg Mass., 13c.
unfair thing you learn about you are Detroit, Michigan 32—Milford, Mass., 13c.
a sore-head. 33—Palmer, Mass., 13c rare.
REMEMBER— 34—Worcester, Mass., 13c.
It is rather difficult to visualize 35—Austin, Texas, 13c.
the mental caliber of certain people, The pen may be pushed. 36—Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 13c.
for they seem to believe that PHI­ But the pencil must be lead. 37—Ottumwa, Iowa, 13c.
LATELY is their meat because the 38—Des Moines, Iowa, 13c inv.
stamp collectors are continuously 39—Grinnell, Iowa 13c scarce.
Not waste-basketed, like a mere 40—Omaha, Nebr., 13c, No. 113.
dumb. little circular or business card; 41—Saint Albans, Vermont, 13c.
This is a laughable view, of course. considerably more widely used 42—St. Johnsbury, Vt., 13c inv.
Stamp collectors are not plain fools, than a blotter; WHAT— 43—Saint Johnsbury, Vt., 13c inv.
they have merely—in the past—suf­ Why, an Advertising Lead Pencil. 44—Saint Louis, Missouri, 13c.
fered because the self-made stamp Your name, address and nature 45—Kansas City, Mo., 13c.
leaders proved unfaithful to their of your business, imprinted in 46—Tucson, Ariz. 30c, rarity, No. 76.
trusts. gold on a richly colored, high­ 47—Providence, Rhode Island, $1.00.
grade lead pencil is the very best 48—Portland, Oregon, $1.00.
Stampdom, organized and other­ kind of an advertising message 49—Oakland, Cal. $1.00.
wise, is not the plaything of a Mighty for the retailer, jobber, manufac­ 50—San Francisco, Calif., $1.00.
Few against the Many. The would- turer, mail order dealer, formula 51—Martinsburg, W. Va., $1.00.
be-shutters-off of public discussion man, circular mailer or outfitter 52—Sherrill, N. Y. $1.00 (short N. Y.)
anent stamp matters can not cry of specialty salesmen. 53—Rochester, New York, $1.00.
“sore-heads” at the honest folks who These excellent pencils are now 54—Kansas City, Mo., $1.00 rarity.
arise and want to know why certain being furnished so cheaply that 55—Saint Louis, Missouri $1.00.
things are being done in a certain you should not be without a sup­ 56—St. Joseph, Michigan, $1.00.
ply—both for your own use and 57—Rutherford, N. J., $1.00.
manner. as “favors” for distribution to 58—New Washington, Ohio, Old Air­
Philately, as at present organized, your friends, customers and plane 16c.
is not aimed to develop especial glory “prospects.” 59—Paw Paw, Mich., 16c Old Air­
for a few and the gate for the rest You don’t have to purchase plane, cat. $3.00.
of us. And so, some of the folks can these pencils in large quantities 60—Corry, Pa., 24c Old Airplane,
in order to secure the benefit of cat. $4.00.
sneer, if they like, at the philatelic a low price. We sell them (im­ 61—Fairfield, Iowa, 30c Buffalo, up
publicist but the sneers will not deter printed) in lots of as small as New.
these high-minded folks from saying one gross. If really interested, 62—Aurora Ill., 30c Buffalo, up, new.
their bit at all times. write at once and I’ll be pleased 63—Canton, Ohio, 30 Buffalo, dn. new.
Public opinion can not be suppress­ to quote you prices. 64—Galva, Ill., 30c Buffalo, dn. new.
ed. Public sentiment favors the many 65—Chicago, Ill., 30c Buffalo, dbl.
FRANK K. HILLS . dn. old type.
against the few. As “Uncle Dan’l” Box 197 Holton, Kansas
said, in the “Collector’s Review,” Mail Bids to H. S. DICKEY,
Denver, June, 1888: Mention W. P. G. when answering ads The Stamp Man, Newton, Kansas

Digitized by
Spreading funds raised from the timely sale of
a stamp collection made in childhood,
Latest Issues
Philatelic Publicity. India Officials A-43, 1R on 15R olive
or in leisure time. gray and ult. 1R on 25R. ult. and
A very sad, yet interesting, case orange brown, A-56, 1R on 15R olive
Extracts From a Radio Talk Over green and ult. 1R on 25R. ult. and
WWJ (Detroit) By came to my attention recently, of the brown orange, 4 var._____________ 2.50
passing away of a stamp collector India Official, A-43, 2R on 10R car­
W. WESLEY HIBBARD. living on the east side of Detroit. He mine and green _________ ________ 1.25
Latvia A-12, 5s light green ----------------- .08
was a man of moderate means and Lebanon, new design, permanent issue
Greetings, radio fans and friends: I views of cities, streets, etc, lOpa, 25-
did not even carry life insurance. His 50-75pa, Ipi, Ipi. 25, Ipi. 50-2pi, 2 pi.
speak to you as the publicity manager widowed wife had always scolded 50, 3pi 5pi, lOpi, postage dues 50
of the Wolverine Collectors’ Club of and nagged him in life for being a pa, Ipi, 2pi , 3pi, 5pi, 18 var-------- 1.00
Luxemburg A-12 sur. Official, 10c olive
Detroit, Michigan, and through the stamp collector, which was his worst brown, 15c pale green, 50c red, 75c
courtesy of WWJ, the Detroit News. fault. After her husband’s death she deep blue, 4 var. -------------------------- .12
Mozambiquqe A-6, Porteado 50c sur. on
This is “father and son week.” My realized $7,200.00 cash, for his stamp 60c dk. blue. ---------------------------------.07
remarks are therefore directed espec­ collection. And she would have been Russia Perforated Lenin Comm. A-65, 7k
14, 20, 40k, 4 var. ___________ .*_____ .65
ially to the fathers of sons. These
remarks are, however, not of such a
nature as not to be of great interest HAWAIIAN POSTAL CARDS Economist Stamp Co.
87 Nassau St., New York City
to the mothers of all sons. are very handsomely engraved and a
I realize that at this time of day welcome addition to a collection of
most of the fathers and older sons are Only for Dealers
adhesives. Full set of 15 varieties,
or should be at their daily tasks and unused, only________________ $1.50 PACKETS AND COLLECTIONS
that the younger sons, to whom my DR. W. I. MITCHELL Containing All Different Stamps of the Whole
talk applies, are or should be at World indicated in Yvert or Scott’s Catalogs.
school. Any mothers, listening in, Paonia, Colorado 1,000 20 packets ___________________ $10.00
2,000 10 packets _____________________ 22.50
that are blessed with a son of ten 3,000 5 packets ______________________ 80.00
years or older, can do much to bring ’WAY DOWN SOUTH IN DIXIE 4,000 5 packets ______________________ 52.50
5,000 mounted, percollection --------------- 19.50
their boy and his father into closer WANTED: 100 new customers for my 6,000 mounted, percollection--------------- 27.50
and possibly everlasting companion­ books of High Grade precancels, each 8,000 mounted, percollection --------------- 45.00
stamp marked with catalog number 10,000 mounted, percollection _________ 78.00
ship by following my remarks closely: and price. Your selections from same
12,000 mounted, percollection-------------- 115.00
15,000 mounted, percollection ------------- 240.00
This week is the only week in the at % catalog. Specimens from every 20,000 mounted, percollection------------ 525.00
year set aside nationally for every section; but my specialty is southerns. Cash with order by check (no private checks)
or U. S. A. bank-bills. Postage extra.
daddy to hob-nob with his son and be If unknown kindly send society num­
a real pal to him. To know and share ber or reference with first order. S. KELEN
his sorrows as well as his pleasures, An interesting bill of foreign paper Arany Janos Ucca 1,
in other words, daddy is to be a boy currency to each reply to this ad. Budapest V Hungary
again for one week out of the entire JOEL H. Du BOSE
year. 457 Piedmont Ave. Atlanta, Ga.
Don’t forget daddy, to ask your son 500 MIXED STAMPS FREE!
to show you his stamp collection some with order for 110 varieties foreign.
night this week. Let him tell you all
about those three cornered stamps,
Advance Specials Good Value for 12c
the wonderful animal and picture AUSTRIA Nos. 160, 161, 162, used .20 .08
AUSTRIA No. 125, used________ .20 .08 D. L. CURRAN
stamps from the jungles of darkest AZORES No. 373, used _________ .25 .05
Box 749 Binghamton, N. Y.
Africa, to the beautiful lakes of New­ AZORES No. 374 ______________ .50 .10
AZORES No. 375, used _________ .75 .15
foundland, or the mountains of New BELGIUM No. 138, used _______ .08 .04
Zealand. BELGIUM No. 159, used _______ .15 .07 Unique System Low Prices
BERMUDA No. 85, used _______ .10 .05 Austria, Belgium. Bosnia, British Colonies,
No matter what your ideas in the BOLIVIA No. 122. used ________ .12 .04 Czecho-Slovakia, Danzig, Denmark, Dutch In­
past have been about stamp collect­ BOLIVIA No. 124, used________ .20 .06 dies, Esthonia, Finland, Fiume, Germany,
BOLIVIA No. 125, used ________ .40 .18 Guatemala, Hungary, Iceland, Jugo-Slavia,
ing, spend just one hour with “sonny” LICHTENSTEIN Nos. 51 & 52.
Latvia, Memel, Persia, Poland, Russia, Saar,
—and his collection—and you will be unused _____________________ .35 .20
Sweden and Upper Silesia.
fascinated beyond all description after ADVANCE STAMP COMPANY If you want to build up your collection with
worth-while stamps in the quickest time and
taking a trip around the world, such 26 East 23rd Street New York City at a minimum cost, ask for a trial selection
as your boys stamp collection will of any of the above.
SPECIAL: French Colonies, 1922, prov., 20
disclose. var., cat $1.31 net ___________________ .50
You will find that, that one hour
will be the most enjoyable one you “UPSTAMPS’ YONKERS EXCHANGE
will spend with your son during the Yonkers, New York
entire “father and son week.” You
will then know why your boy cherish­ APRIL Danzig
es those little squares of paper and 17, 18 and 20th 1925
perhaps they may fascinate you to at the
German Republic
the extent of wanting to share with Memel
him for the other fifty-one weeks, the COLLECTORS CLUB, N. Y. C.
same thrills that just the one hour One Session: U. S. and Confed. Memel-Lithuania
Many are too young to enjoy the Two Sessions: Foreign Stamps. Soviet Russia
pleasures of stamp collecting, but Plenty of fine material for the Complete.
none are ever too old. general collector and for the
Stamp collecting is truly the king Specialist. Mint copies, blocks, covers, tete beche
and se tenant pairs, errors, rarities.
of indoor sports and the sport of Ask for the Illustrated Want Lists Solicited.
Kings. Aside from being a pleasure, Wholesale prices on application.
a stamp collection is also a good in­
vestment. There are many instances
on record of where men and women UPTOWN STAMP CO. 132 W. 75th St. New York City
owe not only their success in business, 17 West 42nd St., New York
but also their very existence to the Mention W. P. G. when answering ads

Digitized by
absolutely destitute had her husband right way and I trust that this will MR. GENERAL COLLECTOR!
Try My
not been a collector of postage straighten out a few others.
stamps. The greatest annoyance one has, ap­ APPROVALS
Stamp collecting, besides being edu­ parently, in their philatelic corres­ NO PREMIUM—BUT GOOD
cational, teaches habits of neatness pondence and stamp exchanging (es­ STUFF
pecially one whose time for such is as HERBERT V. HAUSSLER
and thrift. 201 DeKalb Ave.
So to each and every daddy, I say, limited as my own) is the provoking, Brooklyn, New York
if you want to bring your son closer vextatious, unreasonable, thoughtless
to you—join with him this week and and selfish delays in returning sheets
collect postage stamps and as the or books. And finding this condition SPECIAL
years roll by, you will appreciate so with the select list of correspond­ FOREIGN PACKETS
“sonny” all the more and love that ents I possess (I drop all others as 100 varieties _______________ $ .10
collection of little squares of paper quickly as discovered), what must this 200 varieties __________ ______ .20
that keeps your boy off of the streets situation be with our regular dealers 1 300 varieties _______________ .30
at night,, at the same time bringing to Sure, these exchangers are O. K., of All Clean Copies
you many happy hours with your son course, and along about the time my Approvals at 60% Discount
that you would not have spent other­ patience gives out, and I send out a
wise. “gentle reminder,” comes my stamps X-CEL STAMP CO.
In conclusion, the Wolverine Collec­ back with the apology—“I was very Box 205 Utica, N. Y.
tors’ Club of Detroit, Michigan, offers busy.” I was early taught, as a
to send without charge to any one preacher, that apologies are odious,”
interested in stamp collecting, an hence I never make them. If I fall
eight page booklet entitled “How to down the congregation will know it NO SELLING ADS
Collect Stamps Economically.” This
booklet will aid the beginner as well for two or three weeks—The Doctor
ON APPROVAL says "The Boss’’ must take a rest.
as the advanced collector. Send a 2c Strong in France, Italy, Spain, Rou-
stamp for return postage, your name And thats just what he is going to do.
mania, Luxemburg, Siam, Iceland, Too many orders and too much night
and address to the Wolverine Collec­ Bosnia, Austria, Germany, Russia, work has put him on the shelf for re­
tors’ Club, Lemay and Canfield Aves., Scandinavia, Japan and many others. pairs.
Detroit, Michigan, and you will re­ Fine Stamps—Fair Prices Many thanks to you generous buyers
ceive this valuable booklet with the References always required. who swamped us with business for the
past 10 weeks.
compliments of the Club.—I thank Gf. V.PUEINCDANF
__ 6031 Berenice Ave.
Chicago, ill.

GUARANTEED 912 Mich. Ave., Detroit, Mich.

A Page From the Note-Book of Unpicked U. S. Mission Stamps!

Stampic Experience. The stamps are collected by the friends and
supporters of Missions, stored in large Mis­
sion houses and are sold .JUST AS THEY
By AMOS ZOOK MYERS, D. D. ARE RECEIVED and are GUARANTEED to ‘BAVARIA Nos. 256-275, 20 var.
be absolutely unpicked. A good sprinkle of ieties _________________ .30
PRECANCELS is in each lot. These stamps JAMAICA Nos. 88-96, 9 var
Some years ago a correspondent contain mostly of the more recent issues—
the lowest to the highest values. Pleasant ieties __________-_______ .30
“called me down” for not properly surprises are in store for buyers, especially
hinging my stamps. I have been those interested in cancellations, perforations, MRS. I. HORINE
watermarks, shades, die transfers, and No. 6 Hill Top Court, Louisville, Ky.
grateful to him ever since, for his PRECANCELS
5 lbs. $1.90; 10 lbs. 8.75; 20 lbs. $7.00; 50
worthy suggestion, though often pro­ lbs. $15.00. Parcel post prepaid all parts of
voked at his own mountings; many the United States. SPECIALS
stamps in my collection bear his pri­ R. STOLLENWERK POSTAGE EXTRA
vate “trade mark”, because he used Cat. Net
a home-made hinge bearing a mucil­ Liebenthal, Kansas AUSTRIA No. 1252 mint _________.40 .12
CUBA No. 170 mint ___________.80 .10
age that stained. CUBA No. 171 mint ____________ .50 .15
What a great amount of damage is CUBA No. 178 mint ___________ 1.25 ,85
done to stamps by poor hinges—a FREE ELOBEY, Annobon & Corisco No.
47 mint________________________ .30 .10
false economy—an economy that is FERNANDO PO No. 160 mint ___ .60 .18
To the first 15 collectors answering this add FERNANDO PO No. 161 mint______ .80 .25
just the reverse of the intention. I will give a stamp cataloging $2.00 if ap­ FRANCE No. 12 used______________ 1.00 .40
The great majority of us, of course, provals are requested, and also the GOSSIP. ITALIAN Somaliland No. 456 mint .20 .06
PERSIA No. 150 mint______________ .40 .12
have learned to use good hinges, but J. F. HUFF PERSIA No. 151 mint ___________.35 .10
many collectors could better facilitate QUEENSLAND No. 19 used ___ 4.00 1.40
the handling of their album “pets” by 226 Sampson St. Jamestown, N. Y. RUSSIA No. 130 mint __________ .30 .10
SIAM No. 1M5 used _____________ .20 .06
the proper hinging of their stamps, SPANISH GUINEA No. 78 mint .40 .12
SPANISH GUINEA No. 96 mint — .50 .15
instead of sticking the hinge on in the BADGER’S PRECANCEL PARTNER SPANISH GUINEA No. 97 mint — .75 .25
middle of the stamp or “any old —Your Partner Too- An extra 20 per cent discount from the above
Published because you and I are interested in prices with a request for my popular ap­
place.” THE PRECANCEL HOBBY provals. None better.
All stamps should be mounted so Write for free copy today. *171tf If you appreciate service and quality—let
me hear from you.
that the back of the stamp may be V. G. BADGER
inspected as easily as the front—this The Precancel Man CHAS. T. EGNER
for approval sheets and books, as well Brooksville, Florida P. O. Box 1549
as album pages. This is as easily —Mention this issue of Gossip— 520 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
done as the “stick-em-on-any-way”
procedure. The hinge bend should be
just below the upper margin, but WANT LIST SERVICE
should not cover the perforations and Argentine Dominican Rep. Hayti Salvador
show; then one can readily “flop” the Bolivia Ecuador Honduras Uruguay
Brazil France Nicaragua Irish Free State
stamp and examine the back. It is Chile Greece 19th Palestine Swedish Coils
only a little thing, but I repeat that Colombia Guatemala Peru Syria-Iraq
I am exceedingly grateful for the 575 Avenue,
“call-down” that started me going the TOM. V. BINMORE LONG ISLAND CITY, NEW YORK

Digitized by
and no explanation will gloss over the daily routine function smoothly or •MONTSERRAT, 1916. ftd ____________ .02
•MONTSERRAT, 1916, Id _____________ .04
fact that I “fell down” because I otherwise. •MONTSERRAT, 1916, 2d _____________ .07
failed—the cause is right under my •MONTSERRAT,
1916, 2%d ___________ .09
1916, 3d ____________ .10
own hat. I may endeavor to shift the •MONTSERRAT. 1916. 6d _____________ .14
responsibility, like Pilate when he Mail From Paris to •MONTSERRAT. 1916, Ish ____________ .30
washed his hands, but the fact re­ Buenos Ayres in Four Days. •ST. HELENA. 1908 , 4d _____________ .25
•ST. HELENA. 1908. 6d _______________ .30
mains. If I hold up some one’s •G. BRITIAN, 1887-92. 9d ___________ .24
Une Will Range Across Ocean and Over Three •NORTHERN NIGERIA. 1910-11, 3d___ .12
stamps, I am for selfish reasons Continents—Vast Fleet Is Needed.
(none other, except sickness, I can BERT DeGRUSH
think of), holding up my friend’s cor­ 25 Eustis St. Wollaston, Mass.
respondence and his collection. If I (In the New York Evening World)
cannot really make the selection, then HAVE YOU INVESTIGATED THE
I should have the courtesy to return An international air mail service J. A. P. S.?
the stamps that they may be used more than two and one-half times The fastest growing stamp society in the
elsewhere. Stamp folks are—as a United States. Organized in 1916 so it is not
longer than the American transconti­ an “untried" organization. Look for our re­
rule—pretty good folks, but I can nental line, ranging over three conti­ ports in the GOSSIP or better still, send for
name a number who might greatly information NOW.
nents and crossing an ocean to link
improve their philatelic status quo by the two hemispheres, is to be estab­ F. A. NORTON. Secretary
a little thoughtful meditation upon lished between France and Argentina 1705 East 21st Street Loa Angeles, Calif.
the Golden Rule. in 1928. It is planned to reduce the
Now, I do not understand just how time between Paris and Buenos Ayres ATTRACTIVE APPROVALS
some folks handle their stamps, inas­ from twenty-one to four days. Collectors will undoubtedly find many
much as I cannot see the value of space fillers among my one and two
This line, 7,680 miles long, will cross cent approvals. My prices average
mixture. I like to get it, of course, Southwestern Europe to Western 30 to 40 per cent of catalog and I pay
but it is no longer mixture after I postage both ways. Send for a trial
have received it, or as quickly as I selection.
can find the time necessary to sort, WHERE TO GET STAMPS
classify and place. 2005 Washington St.
Many of the approval sheets I re­ Passmore’s big 1925 list. More items Wilmington, Delaware
ceive for exchange, or otherwise, are than ever and for less. New mailing
list, so send in your name. It is free,
simply mixture with a price stuck to
them. This includes sheets from ex­
but if you want $2.50 or $5.00 cat. I BUY STAMPS
send 25 or 50 cents. No regrets.
changers; sheets from which I am ex­ L. M. PASSMORE WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO SELL
pected to sort or to buy; sheets offer­ 126 So. Beachwood Drive ?????????
ed at wholesale. Los Angeles, California
Why not arrange by countries, by VICTOR G. LOLY
some sort of system? I cannot un­
derstand why they are handled in so iooo u. s.
unused, a bargain ____________________ .58
Box 127 Anaheim, Calif.
“hodge-podge” a manner. My sorted 100 diff. U. S. Postage, including 9, 12, 100 foreign covers $1.00, 100 diff, precancels
stock goes into stock books, by coun­ 20. 80, 50c, $1.00 _________ _______ .28 $1.00, 100 diff. Harding precancels $15.00.
60 diff. U. S. Rev. 18c; 75 diff. _______ .28 Every foreign stamp in our entire stock will
tries, in order—numbered and priced. 100 diff. For. Rev. 20c; 200 diff.______ .67 be sold at 60 per cent off Scotts 1925 catalog.
Thus, I find the “Myers’ Way” con­ 100 diff. Mex. Rev. 85c; 200 diff.______ .90 Collection of over 500 different Hardings for
400 diff. For. Revenues, mounted by $125. Every stamp sold by us must be en­
venient for the handling of my stock countries _____________________ 1.50 tirely satisfactory or we will gladly return
as well as convenient for the folks 800 diff. For. Rev., mounted _______ 4.00 your money. A few Westerly, R. I. Hardings
receiving my sheets. In a few mo­ M. TAUSIG for $3 each, only 100 were issued.
1297 Sterling Place. Brooklyn, N. Y.
ments one can check up the stamps JORDAN STAMP CO.
one wants on approval sheets, or FINE UNPICKED 113 Fair St., Kingston, N. Y.
books, when arranged in sequence by
countries. I do not insist that all
should place number, as well as price,
Mission Postage Stamps S. T. P. A. 85
of a great many countries, 5 kilos (11
on their sheets, but I do say that I pounds) only $8.00, and 10 kilos for
like to receive approvals that bear $15.60. All postfree. Cash with order.
the catalog numbers as well as the Remit by U. S. A. bank notes or check. No. 4379
price; especially do I like them group­ Add always 20c for the charges of
ed by country. the check, if it is not payable in New 10 cents
I really wish that some kind friend York. New price list free. Refer­
would explain the mixture process of ence: Weekly Philatelic Gossip. MT. CARMEL STAMP CO.
mounting specimens on approval ERNEST WILLEMS Mt. Carmel, Connecticut
sheets—same holds good for general Imports and Exports
or precanceled stamps. Honestly, I “Villa Mia,” Gentbrugge-Nord, near
would like to understand the processes Ghent, Belgium, Europe Precancels on Approval
through which they are handled as
mixture. Am I too “thick” to see Hardings, 13c greens, Walloons and
other Commerative issues.
through it, even apart from the fea­ Auction Sales
ture of inconvenience ? I recently
went through a batch of precancels— Our 2nd sale will take place some
J. Lee Sanford
all mixed up—and such a time as I TILTON, NEW HAMPSHIRE
time in May. If you are an auction
had in my leafing back and forth, buyer, let us place your name on our
hither and yon, through albums and mailing list. Good material gladly TRY OUR
catalog. I could have selected what Paramount Packet, Picked and put up by
I needed in half of the time—yea, in accepted for inclusion in our sales. Particular People. Perhaps we should call it
Ask for terms. the Pickle Packet, as it is made up of
one-third of the time—and I was a 57 VARIETIES
pretty good “taker,” too, had they mostly U. S. and British Colonies. A peach of
only been properly arranged. HERBERT-RICE a Packet and the stamps are the cream of
our stock for condition. Try one at only 50c.
Little things — yes, but the little Auctions THE STAMP SHOP *179
things are mainly what makes our 87 Nassau St., New York 318 Main St., Springfield, Mass.

Digitized by
Africa and leap across the South At­ fifty pilots and a ground personnel DESIRABLE SETS
lantic to the east coast of South of more than 500. ECUADOR 1908 Triangles 7 var. comp._ .80
America. There will be several land­ Most of the planes now being flown TRANSVAAL 1896, 9 var. comp. _____ .28
ing fields on islands in the South At­ by the Latecoere concern are convert­ Both Sets—$1.00 Postpaid
lantic between Dakar, French Sene­ ed Breguet observation planes with
gal, to Pernambuco, Brazil. 300 horse power Renault motors. GEO. GROSS
American pilots used them in France. 306 Grindon Ave., Baltimore, Md.
The plan is far beyond the blueprint
stage; 1,150 miles of the international According to Ladislas d’Orcy, editor
service are already in operation be­ of Aviation: ATTENTION
tween Toulouse, France, and Casa­ “This equipment, which is pur­ — SMALL DEALERS —
blanca, Morocco. Three planes have chased from French war surplus
made test flights over the 1,770-mile stocks, is minutely gone over in the Verbum sat Sapienti.
stretch between Casablanca and Da­ Latecoere factory before it is issued
kar. The ground organization for the to the air line. The power plant, too, WING to lack of time to take
latter division has been completed,
and before the end of the present year
it is planned to have a regular service
is subjected to close scrutiny and, as
a result of extended experience, rein­
forced parts are substituted on each
O care of same, I am compelled to
give up my own little pleasurable
side-line (stamp business). I have
in operation between Paris and Dakar. engine for certain parts issued by the several hundred dollars worth of sin­
engine manufacturer before they are gles, blocks, sheets, sets, packets, ac­
The route then will be slightly more cessories, etc., on hand and will dis­
than 3,000 miles. The American block-tested. The engines are then
dissembled again to note wear, and pose of these at exceedingly low, less-
transcontinental route between New than-wholesale, prices. If you are
York and San Francisco is 2,690 miles are definitely issued to the air line prepared to buy a few dollars worth
long. Continuous relays for day and of stampic “odds and ends," for
SPOT CASH, drop me a line and I
night flying, as in the United States,
are planned.
SCARCE will send you description and prices
THRACE Noe. 201, 202, 222, 223, on a few items.
Until 1928 a fast mail steamer ser­ cat. $1.00, mint ___________________ .55
TURKEY Nos. 554-560, 562, cat. FRANK K. HILLS
vice is to be used across the South $3.60, mint _________________________ 1.85 Box 197 Holton, Kansas
Atlantic from Africa to South Amer­ Greece, Turkey, Thrace, and U. S. list.
ica. Meanwhile a multi-motored sea­ Wm. H. BIGGERS
plane is being developed to take the 637-W. 46 Place. Chicago Ill. GRATIS
place of the steamers. Two fast oil­ SET OF 10 TOGO
burning steamers have already been including picturesque “War Provisionals” and
bought by the Latecoere Company, BOSNIA very handsome 1925 issues—just received.
Also “GEM” Stamp Wallet
the French concern which began the 1916-17 9 var. mint, cat. $2.35 for___ .53 An Invaluable Pocket Book for
service between Toulouse and Casa­ 1917 9 var. mint, cat. 97c for _________ .30 Stamp Collectors
Or if you want something real classy and at FOR 50 DAYS (Colonies, 90 days) this very
blanca and which is handling the pro­ the same time below wholesale cost, get the attractive set of genuine stamps (all unused)
ject. above 18 var. in blocks of four. They will and useful Pocket Book (six pockets for dup­
beautify any album. Total cat. $18.28 for licate stamps, interleaved transparent paper),
The plane-and-steamer service will only $2.50; less than one-fifth cat. absolutely free to every stamp collector send­
reduce the time from Paris to Buenos 1912-14 9 good var. cat. 47c for----------- .18 ing 6d for cost of our Illustrated Catalogue
Ayres from twenty-one to thirteen R. H. MOWER • & Guide to Stamp Collecting, 42nd Edition,
12 Geary St., San Francisco, Calif. 1925, Now Ready. A valuable book of over
days. It is planned to make the all­ 100 pages crammed with interesting matter,
plane four-day trip between these two handsomely illustrated, and inc. Catalogue of
Cat. Net over 18,000 varieties in Single Stamps and
cities a daily service. •MAURITIUS No. 74 ____________ .20 .05 Sets, giving latest catalogue values and offer­
ing many at less than half the usual market
Pierre Latecoere got co-operation oNEWFOUNDLOND No. 118 ... .15 .05 rates.
oESTHONIA No. 74 ____________ .25 .07
and a subsidy from the French Gov­ oTURKS A CAICOS No. 48 ____ .10 .05 Everything for Stamp Collectors at Lowest
Possible Prices
ernment in 1918 and began operations ©JAMAICA No. 88 to 97 ________ 1.86 .60 Largest Stock in Great Britain.
oGREECE No. 254 to 257 ______ .85 .25
between France and Morocco in 1919, oDUTCH INDIES No. 129 to 185 1.19 .85 Only one gratis set and pocket stamp case
allowed, and 6d must be sent in every instance
shortly after the end of the World oNETHERLANDS No. 142 to 150 —1.01 .85 for cost of our Full Catalogue & Guide to
•DANZIG 100 var. _____________ 6.00 .85
War. His planes carried 9,124 letters Album, space for 1200 stamps— .85 Stamp Collecting, 42nd Edition, 1925, now
the first year. Last year more than 50 diff, foreign coins ----------------- .75 Collectors resident of the United States or
25 diff, foreign coins -------------- .80
3,500,000 letters were flown between Canada may remit for above offer (15c) in
unused postage stamps of their country.
France and its colonial possessions in Postage extra on all above items. *179
a daily service flying in the day time. ERRINGTON & MARTIN, Ltd.
This constituted most of the mail BRONX STAMP & COIN EXCHANGE London, E. 9 England
traffic between the two countries. 268 Willis Ave., Bronx. N. Y.
Passengers have been carried over WANT ADS
the first leg of the international ser-. In this column, we will insert ads of wants,
OUR for sale, exchanges, etc., for our subscribers
vice (2,380 in 1923, the latest figures), and others. You will find this a good me­
but the larger plan contemplates con­ ONE CENT dium for such ads.
centration on mail and light express­ APPROVALS RATE:—2 cents per word per insertion, no
age. Are the best on the market. ad accepted under 25 cents. Three insertions
Send for yours today. of same ad for 5 cents per word. 500 words
When the Paris-Buenos Ayres line We pay postage both ways. sold for $7.50, to be used when wanted. All
Reference Please want ads are cash in advance—ALWAYS.
has been completely organized a We make no exceptions to this rule.
transcontinental extension across the GENUINE STAMP SHOP
Freeport, Texas
Andes Mountains to Santiago, the EXCHANGE! BUILD YOUR COLLECTION
capital of Chili, will be considered. the International Way. Collectors in every
The Chillian Government is reported Foreign Revenues country will help you. Information FREE.
Geo. L. Dutton. 2019 N. 15th St. Philadel­
to be giving its co-operation toward My Line— phia, Penna *180
the establishment of a Santiago- 200 Diff. ENGLAND, cat. $10 ________ $1.60 REAL BARGAINS IN FRENCH COLONIES,
250 Diff. GERMANY, cat. T _________ 1.00
Buenos Ayres line. Fine 1c approval against OK reference. British Colonies, Latin America and others.
Stamps %c each and up. Non-duplicating
The Latecoere Company’s plans call Bulletin “15** is out. series. Josiah Babcock, 76 Sacramento St.,
for a fleet of 200 single-motored land­ Somerville, Mass. *181
planes and forty multi-motored sea­ 3118 Vallejo Street MY PENNY APPROVALS ARE GREAT
planes. It has already in operation values for the money. A trial will convince
Denver Colorado you. 5000 varieties, nothing over one cent.
130 land and seaplanes, manned by Note change of address. Klemann, West Ave., Lockpbrt, N. Y. *181

Digitized by


lovely. Plenty in stock. Other countries
coo. List free. Side Line Vanderhoof, 2241
baeoo—or will buy for cash. H. M. Koa-
Utt Broadway. N. Y. City. *172tf
In thia column, we will insert ads of wants,
for sale, exchanges, etc., for our subscribers West 84th Ave., Denver, Colo., U. S. A.
and others. You will find this a good me­ XCEL STAMP PACKET. INC. COSTA RICA.
dium for sueh ads. TRADERS—HAVE PUT MY PRECANCEL Siam. Newfoundland. Cat. over $4.0$,
duplicates into 800 variety packets, $1.6® price 80 cents. H. C. Buchholz. Norwood.
RATE:—2 cents per word per Insertion ; no each. A few K. C. Hardings, electro, nor­ Ohio. •Kttf
ad accepted under 25 cents. Three insertions mal or invert, $1 each, cash only. H. F
of same ad for 5 cents per word. 500 words Kohr. The Star, Kansas City, Mo. *144tf OUR 1 CENT APPROVALS ARE A REVE-
told for |7.50, to be used when wanted. All lation. Better ones if required. H. M.
want ads are cash in advance—ALWAYS. I CAN USE WESTERN AND NORTHERN MacLeann, Brockville, Canada. *164tf
We make no exceptions to this rule. books of fiction in exchange for want ad
have. Books by Bower, Fox, White, and —Hardings 75c; block four $2.50; H-W. 1c,
CASH PAID FOR 14 CENT PRECANCELS. others. D. E. D., care of Philatelic Gos­ 30c; inv. 50c; 2c, 40c, inv. 60c; double
Any quantity. Rotnem Stamp Co., 808 sip, Holton. Kansas. 144tf (few) $1.00; 5c, 50c. 1917-1922 including
Washington Ave., S. E., Minneapolis, 18c and victory and new issue on approval
Minn. *144tf BEGINNERS! 1000 VARIETIES, NO UN- against references. No exchange; de net
cataloged items, good value for $1.25. Miss collect. Rev. H. J. Koester, Pardeeville,
1000 MIXED PRECANCELS, >1.00. ROTNEM E. B. Lee. 2102 N. Highland Ave., Holly-
Stamp Co., 808 Washington Ave., S. E., _ yyj* ________________________ ******
CANADA MAPS UNUSED FREE TO Ap­ “given away!” Thirty variety packet, 80c.
WILL EXCHANGE UNITED STATES. plicants for approvals. References please. Rev. Butler, St. Georges, Newfoundland.
British Colonials and 19th Century for­ MacLean. Brock ville, Canada. *166tf
eign—many rarities—for precancels, all is­ APPROVALS FOR BEGINNERS AND MED-
sues. What have you? Henry Perlish, 500 HINGES; 26 U. S.; 100 FOREIGN; 1$ ium collectors, 75 per cent and 65 per cent
Sunnyside Ave., Far Rockaway, New York. Cuba; Album and Premium Coupon. All discount sent against ref. 20 th Century
•169 25c. W. Burtis Novelty Co., Saratoga want lists filled. L. H. Platt. 48 Franklin
Springs, New York. *181 Ave., Saranac Lake, N. Y. *182
to be a Stamp Dealer” and “British Colo­ EARLY U. S. IN FINE CONDITION 110 DIFF. PRECANCELS. INCLUDING
nials, a Guide to Their Collection.” Have bought, sold, or exchanged. Interesting California Harding and Walloon 88o; Pro-
you got ’em ? No. Well, read on; for the items against reference. 8c 51’s wanted. cancel approvals. Fellowship Stamp Agency,
small sum of fifty cents, silver or stamps, Clarence Durland, Brooks St., West Med­ Rowell Bldg., Fresno, Calif. 176tf
these two books will be mailed you with a ford, Mass. *185
4c old issue precancel (No. 54 in the new WE OFFER $10.00 FROM OUR APPROV-
“precancat,” listing at 80c) onr cover. 200 DIFFERENT BRITISH COLONIALS A als for 100 Harding precancels. Who has a
GOSSIP PRINTERY. Holton. Kansas. Foreign, exceptional value for $1.00. Re­ Harding collection to exchange for foreign
ceiving many repeats. F. Turner, 16 Myd- stamps? Lawrence Brothers, Anamosa,
COVERS WANTED—UNITED STATES BE- delton Square. London, England. *182
fore 1870; Confederates; pre-stamp and en­ Iowa. **?*^
tire envelopes with odd cancellations ; Patri- CANADIAN PRE-STAMP COVERS. 10 50 DIFFERENT GERMANY 10c. APPRO-
otics; express and fort cancellations; com­ with different cancellations, $1.00 U. vals, at 60 per cent. References. F. Brand­
bination covers; 1869 issues especially. Dr. S. stamps, covers and cancellations on enstein, 618 Davis St., Milwaukee. Wis. *180
J. Harper Blaisdell, 45 Bay State Road, approval. Reference. Harry Davis, Beacon
Boston, Mass. *164 Chambers, Boston, Mass. *179 BEGINNERS. AN EXCELLENT OPPOR-
HIAWATHA LOOSE LEAF APPROVAL tunity to obtain a free premium by re­
books are different, great time savers. SETS OF 10 EACH 1c, 2c. 5c HUDSON— questing for my 50 per cent approvals. Re­
Walloon first day covers from 10 author­ ferences required. C. C. Livingston, 210
Sample of each size and prices, 10c. Hia­ ized post offices for $5.00. Herman W. Rusholme Road, Toronto, Canada. *180
watha Stamp Shop, Herald Bldg., Syracuse, Boers,. 2673 Maple St., Detroit, Mich.
New York. *159tf
tros, Mendota, Illinois 85c; Marion, Indi­ 130 var. $18.50 registered or exchange for what you have with price. Howard E. Day.
ana 40c; Kenosha, Wisconsin 45c. Hansen, 150 var. 200 var. straight edge copies $15.00. Newport, Vt. *180
1804 Court, Des Moines, Iowa. *179 Precancel collection cheap. Peter Hansen.
1304 East Court, Ds Moins, Iowa. *180 WINES: %e NO. 4175 CATALOG 12c. NET
MEKEEL’S WEEKLIES FOR 1920, 1921, 1922, 4c, %c No. 4176 cat. 75c, net 25c. Good
1923, 1924. Prices reasonable. R. G. Young, CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS BROKEN approvals. Low prices. Henry B. Hunt, 1021
68 Euclid Ave., Springfield, Mass. *179 bank bills. Will exchange Confederate Bellevernon, Compton, Calif. *180
stamps for same. R. L. Deitrick, Lorraine,
a few left out of 200. Price 1 dollar each. cheap and easily salable stamps are will­
Straight edge 50c. R. W. Becker, Easton, WANTED 14c, 25c, AND 80c BUFFALO ingly made. Great discount! Please write
Pa. *180 precancels in exchange for other good Iowa, today and give references or deposit, Ed­
catalog for catalog. Send them on. Harry’s mund Blank. Rothernburg, o. Tauber (Bav­
BREAKING UP THREE LARGE COLLEC- Stamp Shop, Anamosa, Iowa. *180 aria) *197
tions at 66% per cent discount. Lincoln ICELAND. 45 VARIETIES CATALOG, $2.70
Stamp Co., Lincoln, Mich. *180 WILL TRADE HARDING PRECANCELS
at 90c, Br. Colonials at % of catalogue. for any U. S. or Canada precaneels. I can
COLLECTORS, WILL BUY OR EXCHANGE Jamacia, 91, 92, 98. 94, Gold Coast, 79, 88, use catalogue for catalogue value. Will
your duplicates. Roeder, 121 Chestnut, Rose­ 84, 85, 86, 88. Nigeria, 18, 19, 20, 22, give double catalog for any 18. 14, 25c or
bank, New York. Sierra Leone No. 82. 104, 122, 128. Geo. L. dollar precancels I can use. W. W. Bouti-
Dutton, 2019 N. 15th St.. Philadelphia. lier. Forest City, Iowa. *178tf
exchanged. L. A. Laue, 171 Boiling Springs FREE A BOISE PRECANCEL TO ALL RE-
Ave., Rutherford, N. J. *180 PRECANCELS. ONE HUNDRED FINE As­ questing precancel approvals at % cat. 608
sorted Canadian and American for thirty blocks at % cat. Reference required. A.
WHO HAS THIS NARCOTIC, STOTT’S NO. cents. Canadian Philatelic Year Book (66 T. Nelson, Box 906, Boise, Idaho. *188
4899, $1.00 green. Have about 15 to sell pages) fifty cents. Valuable premium to all
for 62c each, only one to a person. Wm. J. ordering both. William Butler, 187 Gillard TRY OUR ONE CENT BRITISH COLONIAL
Struth, 207 N. Schroeder St., Baltimore, Ave, Toronto, Canada. approvals, and be surprised. Reference
Md. *180 please. Cicero Stamp Co. 5987 Dakin Stw
1000 AUSTRALIA ASSORTED. $2.00. J. H. Ukrainia, Peru, Russia. Ceylon, Scarce
Lowe. Box 887, Spokane, Wash. Charity and Airpost set, perforation gauge MVENUE STAMPS. WANTED EXCHANGE
and millimeter scale, only 12 cents to ap­ base catalogue Forbin 1915. 800 diff. Eu­
FITCHBURG. MASS. 18 CENTERS TO Ex­ proval applicants. Paige Stamp Co., 2045 N. ropean revenues to 1914 only, value 100 fr.
change for like. Fitchburg Hardings. Whole­ Lavergne, Chicago. for $8.00. Approvals with grand discount.
sale exchangs. T. F. Keith, 520 Main St., R. Hoffmann, Cassel A 16, Germany. *189
and receive free set of desirable stamps. EXCHANGE WANTED ONLY GOOD
HARDINGS—BRISTOL, R. I. UP 4 DOWN. Mrs. J. Horine, 6 Hill Top Court, Louis­ stamps, no common, give France and Eu­
Reeseville, Wis„ up and down, 40c each. ville. Ky. *182 rope. Andre Perrain, Gonesse (S A O)
Rotarys 50c each, fine copies. Max Hirsh- France.
man, 857 Vermont St.. Brooklyn N. Y. *181 OLYMPIA HARDINGS: NEW TYPE WITH
Washington spelled in full. nor. or invert, 500 MIXED U. S. 25c, 100 FOREIGN 19e.
GOOD PRECANCEL STAMPS. MOSTLY OF 50c. Other Pacific ^.Northwest precancels Approvals $1.00 cat for 25c Alma Newcomb,
high values, no straight edges, at 2 cents for sale. M. S. Wooding 202-19th Ave., W. South Brewer, Maine.
a stamp. Elmhurst Stamp House, 33 Alstyne Olympia, Wash.
Ave., Elmhurst, New York. *181 EXCHANGE DESIRED, GIVE REGULAR
EARLY U. S. COVERS. BEFORE STAMPS precancels for Hardings I need. George Al­
CHINESE HIGH VALUES UNUSED TWO but with good postmarks. Will beautify any brecht, Long Island City, N. Y. P. S. S.
dollars No. 192 net $2.00, five dollars No. collection, showing franks before use of 882. *181
198 net $4.50, ten dollars No. 194 net $8.50. stamps. 20 different, $2.Q0 postfree. Rodney
Returnable if unsatisfactory. Henry Lacks, Wheeler, 148 Park Ave., Bridgewater. Mass. U. S. COVERS BEFORE ST’S 10c, 100
1915 So. Jefferson, St. Louis, Mo. •181 vars. precancels perf. 4 sides 20c, 1894-95.
2e triangles 8 vars. fine 27c, 4 vars. post­
$8.00 CATALOGUE VALUE, 100 STAMPS WANTUSELL PRECANCELS. MONTANA al savings cat. 48c, 20c, precancels on ap­
25c. Wayne Specialty Co., Box 14, White my specialty, approvals on request. LeRoy proval at % cat. A. P. S. No. 2186. C. S.
Mills, Penn. *182 Mapes, Box 694, Forsyth. Montana. Hibbard, Arcade Bldg., Utica, N. Y.

Digitized by
only after this examination. Places Valuation of 16c COLLECTIONS BY COUNTRY
“All motors receive a top overhaul On the Mark. Job Lots, Etc.
From 50c to $500.00
after fifty hours’ running, and after WASHINGTON—A basis for com­ On approval upon receipt of cash deposit or
80 to 100 hours they are completely puting t" ue of the mark in satisfactory references. I guarantee that the
values are unbeatable.
overhauled or rebuilt, as the case may the war, has been agreed upon by Local Dealers and Collectors Call.
be. While admitting that this pro­ als involving pre-war bank balances LOUIS BOHN. JR.
cedure is very expensive, the company in Germany, and debts owed in Wholesaler and Importer.
states that only in this manner has it marks by German nationals before Crafton Branch, Pittsburgh, Pa.
been found possible to reduce the per­ the war, has been aggreed upon by
centage of forced landings, due to
engine failure, to a negligible mini­
representatives of the two Govern­
mum. The debts will be settled on the 200 var. U. S. Precancels 50c; 300
“The mail planes are assigned to var. $1.50. One pound Mission mix
basis of 16 cents as the value of the ture mostly U. S. 40c. 40 var. Cana­
different sections of the airway ac­ mark, and awards on this basis will da, 25c; 110 var. U. S. Postage, 25c.
cording to their ages, following a sys­ bear 5 per cent, interest from Jan.l, U. S. precancels and foreign
tem of rotation whereby the brand 1920, until paid. The total to be on approval.
new ships are sent to the section paid is estimated at more than $20,- J. D. HUBEL
farthest removed from the chief re­ 000,000. 900 Hazelwood Ave. Detroit, Mich.
pair depot at Toulouse. As the ship The agreement will cover about
gets older it is transferred to nearer 2,000 claims for mark bank balances ONE WEEK ONLY
and nearer sections, until it finishes or debts coming before the commis­ NYASSA 1924 Triangle Issue, 9 values com­
plete. Our net price, per set, is_______ .45
its temporary career between over­ sion. In a few cases where the mon­ Yes, this is cost price. We want new cus­
hauls on the home stretch between ey involved was paid by the German tomers for our approvals. We do not brag
about them but we DO keep a customer once
Barcelona and Toulouse.” debtor directly to the German alien we get him. It is not accidental. Send for
The France-to-Argentina air mail property custodian, the commission price list of triangulars.
will eventually be connected with the said, the awards will be on a basis • MURRAY J. RICE
American air mail service, perhaps of 17.4 cents mark value, with inter­ Box 92 Iowa City, Iowa
soon after the complete organization est at 5 per cent, from date of pay­
of the international route. Several ment to the German official to the NETHERLANDS-COLONIES
projects for linking North and South date of settlement. Too many varieties to list. Why not apply
America by air have been under con­ —New York Times. for approvals or send your want list? Nearly
sideration in South American coun­ everything in stock. Reference of course.
tries. It is part of a stamp dealer’s C. W. HENNAN
Latecoere expects to make his ser­ calling to find dishonest people out.
vice independent of subsidies. He be­ 7602 Paxton Ave., Chicago, Ill.
lieves that his line, cutting seventeen No Argument Here.
days from the present time of trans­
port between France and Argentina,
A Los Angeles dealer informed us South America
that he once received a peculiar let­ My specialty is South and Central
will not only pay for itself but yield ter from a young man who had re­ American stamps on approval. Con­
a satisfactory profit. tained his sheets and did not seem dition is the outstanding feature of
—Clipping kindly »«nt GOSSIP by Mr. Henry over anxious to return them. After these approvals. No unused Seebecks
J. Freiberger, Bronx, New York City. in stock. Let me know your wants.
having sent this party a number of
Stamp Collecting as Relaxation letters requesting the return of his W. J. PRESSLER
stamps the dealer received the fol­ Box 573 Ypsilanti,-Mich.
For the Tired Business Man.
To most of us who regard such lowing reply:
things as stamp collecting as child­ "Dear Sir:—I never sent for your WHOLESALE
ish fancies this is interesting: stamps. If I did you never sent $10.00 CAT. FOR $1.00
or any multiple thereof.
A hundred men met the other them to me. If you sent them I nev­ British & French Colonials, South America,
er received them. If I received them • Asia, Africa, etc.
night, all stamp collectors. More Specify maximum quantities desired, viz.,
than half were millionaires. Among I returned them, and if I didn’t, I 1-8-10-25-50-100.
won’t!” This Offer is Open for a Limited Time Only.
them were Steinway, the piano mak­ MISSOURI STAMP CO.
er; Philip Benkard, Wall Street bro­ 5933 Kingsbury Blvd., St. Louis, Mo.
ker; Alfred Lichtenstein, dye mag­
nate; John T. Colt, banker; former
Concord & Lexington
Senator Freylinghusen.
Postmaster General Glover.
Assistant First day covers commemorating the birth
of freedom, 150 years ago, April 4, 1725.
The Exchange Stamp Co.
1c, 2c, and 5c Concord and Lexington, set Auburn, California
Each day these men deal in big mailed from any of the following points,
affairs, but they find time to chuck­ each ___________________________________ -50 What every serious collector ought to own:
le and haggle over watermarks
Boston, Concord, Concord Junction, Cam­ WINE $20.00
bridge, Lexington or Washington. usual pin pricks otherwise elegant.
perforations on queer and useless ALSO SAME DAY SPECIAL $6.00
bits of paper. Some have paid as %c block 4, l%c imperforate, block of 4, 4c,
'high as $30,000 for a single stamp 5c or 6c rotary press, singles.
and have circled the world for a half ANY OF THE ABOVE COVERS -------- .25 ZR-3 ON COVER
dozen additions to their collections. DON’T GO GUNNING from Friedrichshafen to New York, with cor­
for these after they have vanished. rect postal arrival cancellation—do you real­
Undivided attention to serious and All four complete sets of “Equatorial Africa” ize the historical significance of the First
sole in things takes the zest out of on Tchad, Gabon, Middle Congo and Ub- ocean crossing—with no more than 3000
angi Chari ------------------------------------------- 5.00 pieces—of mail matter brought in, when you
life. These fellows know the men­ Single sets --------------------------------------------- .30 realize this fact then hurry your order today.
tal relish that’s added by a harm­ The 4 short sets to 1 fr.________________2.00
less and interesting hobby. Single sets to 1 fr. ----------------------------- .60 SPECIAL $5.00
—Editorial presented in a recent issue of 2 to 1 for a short time and just one to a customer.
the Kalamazoo Gazette; furnished GOSSIP I add two names to my British and French We predict these covers to be worth $10 to
through the courtesy of Wm. H. Shakespeare, Colonial New Issue Service to every one sub­ $25 in a short time.
Kalamazoo, Mich. tracted. Don’t delay this, opportunity never comes

A married woman says that “dead H. F. Colman THE EXCHANGE STAMP CO.
letters” are those a wife gives her Foreign Department When you want medium priced stamps
at 70% discount write for our popular
husband to mail. 509-7th St., N. W. Washington, D. C. approvals. Reference Please.

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