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predominate, creating increased cardiac output and other

Premature atrial contractions (PACs) are contractions of the associated antimuscarinic side effects as described herein
atria that are triggered by the atrial myocardium but have not
originated from the sinoatrial node (SA node). —--------
PACs typically have normal QRS complex and a normal, short,
or longer PR interval than sinus rhythm. Sometimes, non Reentry, due to a circuit within the myocardium, occurs
conducted PACs occur in which there is no QRS complex when a propagating impulse fails to die out after normal
following the PAC. PACs can be unifocal arising from one activation of the heart and persists as a result of
location (similar P waves in all PACs) or multifocal and arising continuous activity around the circuit to re-excite the
from several locations (different P wave morphologies for heart after the refractory period has ended.
PACs). The P wave of the PAC typically occurs earlier than the
sinus P wave and has a different morphology and axis from the —---
sinus P wave. It appears dissimilar from a standard sinus node
generation, with variations in height, length, and shape of the P Adenosine further classifies as a miscellaneous antiarrhythmic
wave; furthermore, the P wave may be inverted or biphasic. drug outside the Vaughan-Williams classification scheme. It
acts on receptors in the cardiac AV node, significantly slowing
Pharmacologic management can be achieved using: conduction time.[3] This effect occurs by activation of specific
potassium channels, driving potassium outside of cells, and
inhibition of calcium influx, disrupting the resting potential of
● Beta-adrenergic blockers at low doses are the the slow nodal cardiac myocyte. Driving potassium outside of
relatively safe and first-line treatment in the cell causes hyperpolarization of the resting membrane
symptomatic patients if conservative measures fail. potential while slowing of calcium influx causes suppression of
The role of calcium channel blockers to treat PACs calcium-dependent action potentials, all requiring a longer
is not well defined. time for depolarization to occur and thus slowing down
● Type IA, type IC, and type III antiarrhythmic conduction within these cells, which is useful in SVT. SVT is
agents can all suppress the PAC origin and are defined as any arrhythmia originating above and including the
infrequently used only after careful consideration of bundle of His and specifically excludes atrial fibrillation by the
their pro-arrhythmogenic nature.[36][37][38] ACC/AHA 2015 guidelines.[4] Usually narrow complex, SVT
consists of several specific arrhythmias, which at a high rate
(greater than 150 beats per minute), is difficult to diagnose.
a compensatory pause results when the ectopic impulse fails to
Adenosine has a role in slowing down the heart rate enough to
enter the SA node. The SA node continues to produce impulses
assist in diagnosis. It can also terminate specific reentrant
without any effect from the ectopic impulse. Each sinus P wave
tachycardia involving the AV node, including AV nodal
is normal and right on time. Occasionally, we can see every P
reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT), orthodromic AV reentrant
wave produced,
tachycardia (AVRT), and antidromic AVRT, although extreme
caution is necessary when administering adenosine for
antidromic AVRT as it should be used only if the diagnosis is
Now let’s move on to the second PAC. The blue line in Figure 2 certain.
indicates that the visible P-P interval surrounding this PAC is
less than two P-P intervals. This represents a non-compensatory ____
pause. This is what happened to cause the non-compensatory
pause: before the SA node could complete its depolarization A junctional rhythm is an abnormal heart rhythm that
process (which is relatively slow since it is based on slow originates from the AV node or His bundle.
calcium channels), the PAC entered the SA node and
discharged it. The SA node then began its depolarization A junctional rhythm is where the heartbeat originates from the
process once again. We call this process a reset. Because the AV node or His bundle, which lies within the tissue at the
time from the last normal P wave (before the reset occurred) to junction of the atria and the ventricle. Generally, in sinus
the reset itself is less than a full P-P interval, the P-P interval rhythm, a heartbeat is originated at the SA node. This
surrounding the ectopic beat is equal to one full P-P interval electrical activity then travels through the atria to the AV node
plus that partial P-P interval (ie, less than two complete, from where it reaches the Bundle of His from where the
normal P-P intervals). electrical signals travel to the ventricles through the Purkinje
So, if the P-P interval surrounding an ectopic beat is equal to
two normal P-P intervals, we call that a compensatory pause. The terminology used to identify the type junctional rhythm
And if the P-P interval surrounding an ectopic beat is less than depends on its rate and is as follows:
two normal P-P intervals, we call that a non-compensatory
pause. —-
● Junctional bradycardia: rate below 40 beats per
-wandering atrial pacemaker minute
● Junction escape rhythm: rate 40 to 60 beats per
atropine minute
● Accelerated junctional rhythm: rate of 60 to 100
anti-vagal effect, organophosphate/muscarinic poisoning, and beats per minute
bradycardia. an anticholinergic drug ● Junctional tachycardia: rate above 100 beats per
-competitive inhibition of postganglionic acetylcholine
receptors and direct vagolytic action, which leads to
parasympathetic inhibition of the acetylcholine receptors in Go to:
smooth muscle. The end effect of increased parasympathetic
inhibition allows for preexisting sympathetic stimulation to
Etiology further classified into Mobitz type 1 (Wenckebach) or Mobitz type
2, which can be distinguished by examining the PR interval.
When the electrical activity of the SA node is blocked or is less
than the automaticity of the AV node/His bundle, a junctional Second degree, Mobitz type 1 (Wenckebach). In second-degree
rhythm originates. Numerous conditions and medications can Mobitz type 1 AV block, there is a progressive prolongation of the
lead to a diseased SA node and lead to the AV node/His bundle PR interval, which eventually culminates in a non-conducted P
taking over due to the higher automaticity of the ectopic wave. It is often evident by clustering of QRS complexes in groups
pacemaker.[7][8][9] that are separated by non-conducted P waves. The greatest increase
in PR interval prolongation is often between the first two beats of
the cycle. While the PR interval continues to prolong with each
beat of the cycle, the subsequent PR lengthening is progressively
Accelerated junctional rhythm shorter. Even though the PR interval is progressively increasing in
duration, the PP interval remains relatively unchanged. One way to
An accelerated junctional rhythm (rate >60) is a narrow confirm the presence of this is by noticing that the PR interval after
complex rhythm that often supersedes a clinically the dropped beat is shorter than the PR interval that came before
bradycardic sinus node rate (see images below). The the dropped beat. In other words, the PR interval before the
QRS complexes are uniform in shape, and evidence of dropped beat is the longest of the cycle, and the PR interval after
retrograde P wave activation may or may not be present. the dropped beat is the shortest as the cycle starts over.

The junctional rhythm initiates within the AV nodal

● Mechanism. This is usually a result of a reversible
tissue. Accelerated junctional rhythm is a result of
conduction block at the level of the AV node. In fact,
enhanced automaticity of the AVN that supersedes the
studies have shown that the site of block is likely at the
sinus node rate. During this rhythm, the AVN is firing
crest of the AV node, where the atrium and AV node
faster than the sinus node, resulting in a regular narrow
meet. There is typically a functional suppression of AV
complex rhythm. These rhythms may demonstrate
conduction. The AV nodal cells seem to progressively
retrograde P waves on ECG findings, and the rates can
fatigue until they fail to conduct an impulse to the
vary from 40-60 beats per minute.
ventricles and a dropped beat occurs.
Changes in autonomic tone or the presence of sinus
● Causes. There are multiple causes of second-degree
node disease that is causing an inappropriate slowing of
Mobitz type 1 (Wenckebach) AV block, including
the sinus node may exacerbate this rhythm. Young
reversible ischemia, myocarditis, increased vagal tone,
healthy individuals, especially those with increased
status post-cardiac surgery, or even medications that
vagal tone during sleep, are often noted to have periods
slow AV nodal conduction (e.g., beta-blockers,
of junctional rhythm that is completely benign, not
non-dihydropyridine calcium channel blocks,
requiring any intervention.
adenosine, digitalis, and amiodarone).
● Clinical significance. Differentiating between
second-degree Mobitz type 1 (Wenckebach) and Mobitz
type 2 AV blocks is important as the management and
treatment is different. Mobitz type 1 is often a benign
rhythm. Most patients are asymptomatic, and there is
First degree. In first-degree AV block, the P waves always precede
tends to be minimal hemodynamic disturbance. The risk
the QRS complexes, but there is a prolongation of the PR interval.
of Mobitz type 1 (Wenckebach) progressing to
That is, the PR interval will be greater than 200 milliseconds in
third-degree (complete) heart block is much lower than
duration without any dropped beats. There is a delay, without
Mobitz type 2. Patients that are asymptomatic do not
interruption, in conduction from the atrium to the ventricle. In
require treatment and can be monitored on an outpatient
other words, while the impulse is slowed, it is still able to get
basis. Patients that are symptomatic typically respond to
through to the ventricles. All atrial activation is eventually
atropine and rarely require permanent cardiac pacing.
transmitted to the ventricles. The delay is typically due to a minor
Medication-induced impairment of AV conduction is
AV conduction defect occurring at or below the AV node. If the PR
often reversible after stopping the offending agent.
interval is more than 300 milliseconds, it is considered “marked”
first-degree AV block and the P waves may be buried in the
preceding T wave. Second degree, Mobitz type 2. In second-degree Mobitz type 2
AV block, there are intermittent non-conducted P waves without
warning. Unlike Mobitz type 1 (Wenckebach), there is no
● Causes. There are multiple causes of first-degree AV
progressive prolongation of the PR interval; instead, the PR
block, including simply being a normal variant. Other
interval remains constant, and the P waves occur at a constant rate
causes include inferior myocardial infarction (MI),
with unchanged P-P intervals. Because the P waves continue to
increased vagal tone (e.g., athletes), status post-cardiac
occur at normal intervals, the R-R interval surrounding the dropped
surgery, myocarditis, hyperkalemia, or even
beat is simply a multiple of the preceding R-R interval and remains
medication-induced (e.g., beta-blockers,
non-dihydropyridine calcium channel blocks,
adenosine, digitalis, and amiodarone).
● Clinical significance. This is a benign entity that does ● Mechanism. Whereas in Mobitz type 1 there was a
not result in any hemodynamic instability. No specific reversible block at the level of the AV node, in Mobitz
treatment is required. type 2 the block occurs further along the electrical
conduction system below the AV node. It can occur at
the level of the His Bundle, both bundles branches, or
Second degree (incomplete). Second-degree or incomplete AV
the three fascicles (i.e., the left anterior fascicle, left
block occurs when there is intermittent atrial to ventricle
posterior fascicle, and right bundle branch).
conduction. That is, the P waves are sometimes related to the QRS
● In this case, the cells don’t progressively fatigue, but
complexes. It often occurs in a regular P:QRS pattern with ratios of
rather abruptly and unpredictably fail to conduct a
2:1. 3:2, 4:3, 5:4, and so forth. Second-degree AV blocks can be
supraventricular impulse. This is often the result of
structural damage to the conduction system, such as ● Mechanism. Third-degree heart block is the end result
from MI, fibrosis, or necrosis. Many patients have a of progressively worsening second-degree AV block. It
pre-existing left bundle branch or bifascicular block, can be from Mobitz type 1 if the AV nodal cells fatigue
and the remaining fascicle intermittently fails to to a point in which they no longer conduct impulses
conduct causing the second degree AV block. through to the ventricles; or from Mobitz type 2, where
● Because the defect occurs below the AV node and often there can be an abrupt and complete conduction failure
times distal to the His Bundle, it produces wide, throughout the His-Purkinje system. Because
bizarre-appearing QRS complexes. In the remaining third-degree heart block can occur above or below the
cases, the defect is located within the Bundle of His, AV node, two different rhythms can take over. If it
resulting in the normal, narrow QRS complexes. There occurs above or at the crest of the AV node, a junctional
can be a fixed P:QRS relationship (e.g., 2:1, 3:1) or no rhythm will take over and drive the ventricles. The
pattern at all. resulting QRS complexes will be narrow and occur at
● Causes. Common causes of second-degree Mobitz type the intrinsic rate of the AV node (40 to 55
2 AV block include anterior MI, causing septal beats/minute). Whereas if the block occurs below the
infarction with necrosis of the bundle branches. Other AV node, a ventricular pacemaker must take over. In
causes include idiopathic fibrosis of the conducting such cases, the QRS complexes will be wide and at the
system, autoimmune (e.g., systemic sclerosis or intrinsic rate of the ventricular pacemaker (20 to 40
systemic lupus erythematosus) or inflammatory (e.g., beats/minute).
myocarditis, Lyme disease, or rheumatic fever) ● Causes. Complete heart block is often the result of the
conditions, infiltrative myocardial disease same causes as Mobitz type 1 and Mobitz type 2. Other
(hemochromatosis, sarcoidosis, or amyloidosis), causes include inferior MI, degeneration of the
electrolyte imbalance (e.g., hyperkalemia), conduction system, and AV-nodal blocking agents such
medication-induced (e.g., beta-blockers, as beta-blockers, non-dihydropyridine calcium channel
non-dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers, blockers, adenosine, digitalis, and amiodarone.
digitalis, adenosine, or amiodarone), or status ● Clinical significance. Patients with complete heart
post-cardiac surgery (e.g., mitral valve repair). block are at great risk of developing asystole,
● Clinical significance. Mobitz type 2 AV block can be ventricular tachycardia, and sudden cardiac death.
associated with severe bradycardia and hemodynamic Insertion of a permanent pacemaker is required.
instability. It has a greater risk of progressing to
third-degree (complete) heart block or asystole.
Because the onset of dropped beats can occur abruptly AV dissociation. AV dissociation occurs when there is no
and unexpectedly, hemodynamic instability and the relationship between the P waves and QRS complexes; however,
consequential syncope and potential sudden cardiac the QRS complexes occur at a faster rate than the P rate. Unlike
death can occur at any moment. Thus, patients require a AV block, in which failure of an intrinsically more rapid atrial
permanent pacemaker. While Mobitz type 1 can rhythm to conduct antegrade and supersede a slower ventricular
improve with atropine, giving atropine in the setting of rhythm is abnormal, failure of a rapid ventricular rhythm to
Mobitz type 2 can worsen the block and increase the conduct retrograde and supersede a slower atrial rhythm does not
risk of complete heart block or asystole. necessarily imply damage to the conducting system. In fact, AV
dissociation with more rapid ventricular rates is typically due to
unusual ventricular irritability.
Note in cases in which every other QRS complex is dropped, there
are never two consecutive PR intervals. Therefore, there is not
enough information to evaluate the PR interval to further classify it
as either second-degree Mobitz type 1 (Wenckebach) or Mobitz
type 2 AV block. The site of block is also indeterminate.

Second degree, high-grade. High-grade AV block is a form of

second-degree (incomplete) heart block that can commonly be
confused with third-degree (complete) heart block. It occurs when
there are two or more consecutively blocked P waves. This
conduction disturbance can be particularly dangerous as it can
progress to complete heart block. The anatomic region involved is
almost always below the AV node as in Mobitz type 2. The P:QRS
is 3:1 or higher and the ventricular rate is typically very slow. What
differentiates high-grade AV block from the third-degree
(complete) heart block is that there remains some relationship
between the P waves and QRS complexes. In other words, there is
still some AV conduction taking place.

Third-degree (complete). In third-degree, or complete, heart

block there is an absence of AV nodal conduction, and the P waves
are never related to the QRS complexes. In other words, the
supraventricular impulses generated do not conduct to the
ventricles. Instead, if ventricular conduction occurs, it is
maintained by a junctional or ventricular escape rhythm. There is a
complete dissociation between the atria and ventricles. The atria
and ventricles conduct independent of each other. The P waves
(atrial activity) are said to “march through” the QRS complexes at
their regular, faster rate. The QRS complexes (ventricular activity)
also occur at a regular, but slower rate. There are two independent
rhythms occurring simultaneously.

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