Fall 2022 Writing Assignment 4 - Responding To Objections

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Writing Assignment 4 (10%): Responding to Objections

Due on Monday 11/7 before 11:59 PM.

Each student must expand upon their previous work in Writing Assignment #3 by doing the

• Each student must offer an analysis of how certain prominent moral theories are (or can
be) used to respond to the objections the student presented to their own arguments in
Writing Assignment #3.
o Prominent moral theories that can be used at this stage include Cultural
Relativism, Utilitarianism, Kantianism, Virtue Ethics, and Ethical Egoism; though
students may substitute appropriate alternative theories of their choosing instead
of one or more of these options [talk with the instructor about doing so before
submitting the assignment however].
o This requirement of the assignment may require students to do some external
research to find arguments that differ from their own on the chosen topic.
Students are reminded to be mindful of the policies on academic integrity and to
cite all sources used in their writing.

The purpose of this assignment is to extend the work done previously on developing the ability
to critically analyze arguments in a polemical manner; developing responses to previous
objections in order to complete the defense of one’s chosen thesis.

Use the attached rubric (see next page) to help you in understanding the requirements for this
assignment. The instructor also expects you to view the posted instructional video [available via
Blackboard] discussing this assignment in detail.

This assignment must be submitted via TurnItIn on the SHSU Blackboard course site by the time
specified above on the date due. Students are responsible for ensuring that their submission is
compatible with the software utilized by Blackboard and that it is properly submitted. Be sure to
“confirm” your submission to TurnItIn by clicking the corresponding “submit/confirm” button
when required. Failure to do so will result in a failure to submit the assignment (and the
corresponding penalty for failing to submit your assignment on time). Students using apple
products or other “non-PC” software/products are advised to submit their material as .pdf
universally readable files to ensure that their submission is not penalized for lateness (an
unreadable file means the assignment has not been submitted).

• Papers MUST be typed and double spaced in 10 – 12-point Calibri or Arial font with 1-inch
justified margins. [If you do not know what this last element is, ask!]

• Students should seek to use any relevant material from the course, be it readings, lecture
material, discussions in class, etc.
• When utilizing such material or other reference materials in his/her term paper, each
student should reference the material via footnote (NOT in text citation or endnote) in a
way that makes clear where the material originated.
o Instructions on how to properly cite material and use footnotes is available via the
course Blackboard page.
o If you are not familiar with the proper way to utilize footnotes, come to office
hours for individual instruction. Note that a “footer” is NOT the same as footnotes.
These are different features and have different names for a reason. If you do not
understand, come to office hours and ask!

The following rubric will be used to evaluate each student’s submission for this assignment:

Presentation of the Responses to the Objection 24

Minimum Acceptable Number of Theories (3) Presented [1/argument] 3

[Bonus Points can be earned throughout this assignment by engaging
with more than the minimum required number of theories.]

Clear identification of the response to the objection, and the theory/principle

to be used in the response [1/argument] 3

Accurate representation of the theory/principle being used as the basis for

the response to the objection [2/argument] 6

Clear, careful reflection of how the response is an appropriate response to the

problem created by the objection [4/argument] 12

Writing (Spelling, Grammar, Usage, Punctuation, Flow) 8

Paper is clear, well written, easy to read 2

Paper is coherently structured; arguments are connected clearly/effectively 2

Paper properly formatted [font size/type, margins, etc.] 1

Paper properly cited [quotes/sources referenced via footnote, etc.] 2

Irrelevant material [“fluff”] omitted from paper 1

Total Possible Points 32

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