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Dreams for All

Day in and day out, people’s lives are full of activities

which are either planned or habitual. Sometimes, in their
sleep, they make actions through what we call “dreams.”
Dreaming is a succession of images or thoughts passing
through the mind while sleeping. Things that happen are
kept by our subconscious mind and when we sleep, they
are reactivated by dreams. Dreams are what we know as
visions during sleep.
American researchers, headed by Eugene Aserinsky
and Nathaniel Kleitman in the ‘5s, have proven that
dreams take places during sleep. There are two states of
The first one is known as the NREM-sleep (Nonrapid
eye movement sleep) or the S-sleep (synchronized sleep).
A person under this state has no dreaming episodes. It is
associated with low pulse and blood pressure and normal
regulated activity of the nervous system.
The second one is the D-sleep (dreaming or
desynchronized sleep) or REM-sleep (rapid eye
movement sleep). This is characterized by an activation of
the automatic nervous system, rapid eye movement, and
lots of dreams. It proves that sleep is an active process.
Some are afraid when they dream. There’s nothing to
worry about because it is just an ordinary activity of the
Some scientific studies show that the brain gets the
same amount of oxygen as when one is awake during
D-sleep. There are continuous activities in the central
nervous system similar to the continuous production of the
body chemicals.
Through dreaming, some writers and researchers get
inspiration in writing their masterpieces. Some cartoonists
are influenced by dreams in choosing cartoon characters.
Other people earn money by interpreting dreams.
Their clients tell what their dream is about and presto! The
interpreter will tell his or her client the meaning of the
Dreaming is a vision of something ideal and people
enjoy having their dreams interpreted as something fruitful
and positive.
More people nowdays consider dreaming as an outlet
of pent-up emotions. Everyone needs at least eight hours
of sleep a day to be ready for their daily routine. Why don’t
you sleep and enjoy dreaming? Take a break.

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