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Why the topic

What questions your thesis will answer?:

What is the status of the treatment of indigent’s right in court?

Yes, those who are truly indigent litigants are provided free judicial access, but what about their

Is there a difference with how non-paying litigants and paying litigants are being treated?

How are non-paying litigants treated in PAO?

How are non-paying litigants and their cases treated by Court employees?

What are the objectives?

The objective of this study is to determine how indigents are treated in this country.

This will also try to dissect how, in relation to other third world country and some first world country,
indigents are being treated.

This will answer how we fare, but also but what we can do in relation to the development in other

What are the related literature?

What theories to apply?

Research methodology

What type of study will be conducted?

This study will be conducted through the quantitative style study. Books, Peer-reviewed journals,
magazines, both local and foreign, ranging 2011 until 2021 or within the last 10 years will be used.


Certificate of Approval


Certificate of Genuinity

Certificate of English Editing



Table of Contents

Chapter 1


Statement of the Problem

What are the

Objective consistent with the problem

Scope and Limitation

Hypothesis – answers the questions

Conceptual Framework

Definition of Term

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

At least 10 domestic and 10 foreign literature

Examples/ Forms of literature must be arranged

Chapter 3 Research Methodology

Materials must be indicated

Proper documentation is required

Always future tense

Chapter 4 Conclusion

Thorough interpretation of the results

Results may be presented in tables

Unsupported hypothesis must be avoided

If table or graph is presented, it must be introduced in the text

Discussion, interpret, examination of the results

Apply the related literatures with the findings of the results.

Chapter 5 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation for future studies

Include suggested topic for future researches


Curiculum vitae


State the relation

Guide questions in proposal


Are the variables presented in the title?

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