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Abitria, Eunice Asia T.

Chua, Rosabelle

Degracia, Coleen

Fallarcuna, Elhieza Joycel

Globe’s Successful Innovations: Globe Telecom has had a lot of
success with new product launches. 0917 Lifestyle is the name of
Globe Lifestyle's tech and fashion brand. This enabled them to
diversify into new industries and broaden their customer base, which
aids in internal promotions. Globe Telecom’s strengths and benefits in
dealing with competitors in many industries. Strengths mention could
help the Telecom company compete in a variety of industries. When
one thinks of entrepreneurship, words like entrepreneurship, joint
ventures, and regulation come to mind. Next is its weakness, because
Globe's primary focus has always been the domestic market, there is a
lack of diversity. They have always limited themselves, which has led
to problems, particularly in human resources. Because the Philippines
has never been a tech-oriented country, there is a labor shortage in
the field of technology and digital transformation. Although there is no
shortage of customers in terms of telecommunications and other
verticals of demand for Globe, there is a sense of dissatisfaction
among customers from issues that is not well addressed. These flaws
are the most important areas where Globe should concentrate its
efforts. On the other hand, Globe has the following opportunities. For
instance, provision to International Markets: This is one of the areas in
which Globe Telecom is lacking. They can overcome this challenge by
increasing their budget for hiring workers from technologically
advanced countries. By granting access to this, they will be able to
expand and enter new international markets. Hiring can be difficult in
other countries. Globe, on the other hand, should focus on making
arrangements for these skilled forces as well as offering good
packages with numerous benefits. Then, the unavoidable threats of
Globe is another thing to consider, especially now where business
sectors are still recovering from the wounds of the pandemic. One
threat mentioned is Government Regulations: Under increasing
pressure from protest groups and non-governmental organizations, the
Telecom business should keep a close eye on rapidly changing
government rules, particularly in the areas of environmental and labor
safety. (Shastri, n.d.)

Overall, SWOT analysis will help Globe identify areas of business that
are performing well, needs attention and further improvement.
Maintaining those factors, maintain a competitive advantage.

Political Factors:

Since the advent of technology, people have become more vocal in their
complaints about low-quality devices, poor service, scant or nonexistent
coverage, etc. In a variety of industries, including technology, business, and
education, Wi-Fi and the internet have become indispensable. You can
already do a lot while sitting on your couch and holding a phone in your
hand, like apply for a job, shop online, pay your bills, book a ticket, sign up
for a class, and even engage in online trading. The National
Telecommunications required all service providers to consistently provide the
greatest service due to its significant positive effects and advantages on
people's lives. complaints regarding poor coverage and weak signals are

Economic Factors:

The telecommunications sector is impacted by taxes, inflation, and interest

rates. Costs also influence the pricing per plan made available to clients. In
rural places, it is expensive to construct towers and resources. Customers
living outside of major cities are impacted. The demand for
telecommunications resources rises as more homes are constructed.
Depending on the geography, the number of users in a particular area, and
the demand for telecommunication services, this may result in higher pricing
(plus revenue). Globe Telecom's expansion is reliant on both the market (its
clients) and technological developments. Both the internet and mobile
devices are used by businesses for marketing. To reach customers
worldwide, they build social media accounts, online adverts, and digital
marketing initiatives. Because of this, employment opportunities in the
telecommunications sector are growing.

Social Factors:

The expansion of the company and the benefits that people are receiving are
slowed down by the opposition. Unbeknownst to them, some people may
have started complaining about their poor coverage and vehemently
opposing the improvement and expansion of area coverage. Cell sites are
opposed by many people while also being feared by others. The growth that
is required for the many may have the support of one, two, or even more
houses, but it can be made or broken by the opposition of the entire

Technological Factors:

The innovation being used for case solution services presently concentrates
on innovative measures for minimizing the waste of water during car Pestel
Analysis of Globe Telecom case study services. Furthermore, the use of
automated sprays of water has been an included benefit used by expert case
solution services in contrast to manual case solutions.

Legal Factors:

The telecommunication industry is often impacted by legislation issues.

Particularly issues with the government, monopolies, and customers. But the
industry has allowed importing and exporting of telecom products
(international smartphones, for example). Allowing more development in
telecom tech devices.

Environmental Factors:

Over the years researchers and environmental activists have revealed issues
over the hazardous chemicals used in vehicle soaps which can be a danger
to aquatic life. Additionally, the wastage of water involved in expert
automobile washes and manual washes at home has been criticized by these
pressure groups also.


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