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6 Storage, transportation, display, sale, and servings of halal food

3.6.1 All halal food that is stored, transported, displayed, sold, and/or served shall be
categorized and labeled halal and segregated at every stage so as to prevent them from being
mixed or contaminated with things that are non-halal

• More companies and restaurants are trying to gain their halal certification as the halal
industry expands. foods that are created, cooked, or stored on tools that have been
purified in line with Islamic law. foods free of "haram" ingredients, which is Arabic for
"unpermitted" or "illegal." All meals are often thought of as halal unless they are
clearly stated to be haram. Alcoholic beverages, fish-free gelatin, lard, non-halal
animal fats, pork products (bacon, ham, etc.), and enzymes are a few examples of
haram foods and items.
3.6.2 Products based on naj al-Mughal/azah shall be stored in dedicated place.

• If a production process containing Najasah al-mughallazah has been converted or

processed into a halal production line, the line must be cleaned, ritually purified, and
confirmed by the appropriate Islamic authority. The line must only serve halal meals
after conversion. It is forbidden to repeatedly change the line from halal to Najash-
mughallazah and back.
• Devices, utensils, machinery, and processing aids must only be used to process halal
food and must not be made of or include any materials classified as najis by Sharia
law. As mandated by Sharia law, tools, utensils, and machinery that have been used
or have come into touch with Najasah al-mughallazah (impure substances) must be
cleaned and ritually cleansed (dibagh).

3.6.3 Transportation vehicles such as bonded truck shall be dedicated and appropriate to the
type of the halal food and satisfy hygiene and sanitation condition.

• Transporting Halal goods in a way that prevents contamination with non-Halal goods
or spoiling while in transit requires the use of clean, preferably refrigerated trucks.
Transporting Halal and non-Halal goods separately is not essential if the goods are
sealed. It is necessary to separate Halal from non-Halal products since leakage is
possible if products are not sealed, especially with fresh meats.

• Processed food that is "Halal" has to fit the criteria listed below: The Halal food does
not contain anything in large or small quantities that are considered najis according to
Shariah Law; The Halal product is prepared, processed, or manufactured using
equipment and facilities free of contamination with najis. The Halal product or its Halal
ingredients do not contain any components or products of animals that are Haram by
Shariah Law or animals that are not Islamic slaughtered according to Shariah Law.

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