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In this experiment packaging sector for food and a variety of other products,
vertical form fills sealing machines are a type of automated assembly-line product
packaging method. While employed at the Henry Heide Candy Company, the
technology's creator, Walter Zwoyer, patented his concept for the VFFS machine
in 1936. [1] The device creates plastic bags and stand-up pouches from a flat roll
of film while also filling and closing the filled bags. This packaging technology
can be used to package both solids and liquids.

The term "vertical form fill seal machine" (sometimes known as a "VFFS
machine") refers to a type of vertical packing machine that is typically used for
solid or liquid goods. In the packaging sector for food and other products, vertical
form fills sealing machines are a prevalent type of automated assembly-line
product packaging equipment. A standard machine has a continuous, flat roll of
plastic film that can be used to create bags for packaging items. The entire process of
bag formation, weighing, filling, sealing, cutting, and counting can be completed
mechanically by the machine. There are three types of packaging material:
powder, grains, and liquid.

To do this, the VFFS machine feeds the film over a forming tube, which forms
the film into the right bag size and closes the bottom as well as the vertical seam
where the two edges of the film meet. The width of the bag is related to the design
of the forming tube, and the length is finally managed by the bagging machine.
An operator can easily insert a new forming tube to change to a new bag width.
There are numerous kinds of seals, but the two most common kinds are the lap
seal and the fin seal. In a lap seal, the back of the film is used to seal the two film
edges that overlap. In the consumer products sector, several packaging
applications are carried out using the vertical form, fill, and seal (VFFS)
machines. Different things are put into shaped pouches and then sealed, including
salt, biscuits, cake, wrapped chocolates, tea, sugar, spices, snack foods, wafers,
detergent, and pet meals. Plastic that can be heat-sealed often makes up the
flexible pouch material. Glue is sometimes used to seal the paper.


• To operate the automatic vertical packing machine in a correct way

kumar. “Machine Stories, Vertical Form Fill Seal Machine, History, and
Current Market.”, 19 Nov. 2015,
current-Vijay-Kumar. Accessed 13 Nov. 2022.
Flexipack, Shruti. “What Is VFFS ?”, 5 Aug. 2020,
Sawant. Accessed 13 Nov. 2022.

The function of the Control Board (Display)

Fill in the blank space:

a) Total: 001338

b) CntSet: 0005

c) Count: 0000

d) Length: 060

e) Spd: 04

f) Cut: 01

g) Infonfm: normally stop

h) Fill: 300
2.0 Operating Buttons

RESET: clear the number of present Counter, press it again within 5 seconds to clear the total amount

FIGURE CON/MARK CON: Press and choose from: Set length packing, light colour-code packing a dark
colour light colour code packing. Green Light: Light colour code, Red light: Dark colour code

▲:increases the value for wanted parameters

▼:decreases the value of wanted parameters

COUNT CONTROL: for counting the packages. When the indicating light is red. It is under the status of

BATCH OUT: when choosing the status, the indicating light will be on

ADD TEMPERATURE: to turn on or off the heating device; the indicating light will be on if the status is

DEBUG: when under trial, press the button and different parts can be tried separately. The machine
won’t stop without loading the roll of paper. When the status is chosen, the indicating light will be on

FUNCTION: this is for the machine equipped with bag- former device. The bag- former will drop into
the package. When the function is chosen, the indicating light will be on.

START: press this button after finish setting, and the machine starts. According to the colour code
tracing method (light colour- code packing or dark colour code packing) and whether the machine has
just started or not, choose different start model
INCHING: also works when the machine is stopped. Press it; the motor starts otherwise the motor stops

STOP OR CARRY PAPER: under operation status, press it and the machine is stopped when the thermal
sealer is opened (next bag- pulling signal); when the machine is stopped, the button also works as
CARRY PAPER button; press it and the bag- pulling wheel turns slowly to load the film
3.0 Set the bag’s former

a) Place the packing material in its place. Tight up to the

screws that hold the packing material. Move the forward
up the sensor so that the packing material will load

b) Adjust the bag former to the position that the

formed bag is in a vertical line with the sealing

c) The vertical sealing track should be 1 mm wider than

the sealing wheel

➢ If the two sides are sealed one side longer

and one side shorter – the bag former should
be moved horizontally to be longer side till
the two sides are of the same
➢ If the wrinkles with the horizontal sealing
press the bag former down a little to the
4.0 Place the measuring cup and tuning plate

a) Use the hammer, and wanted the measuring cup into turning plate and fill the grade

B) Tight up to the screw

c)Turn on the turning plate until it is lower and place the nut

Set the filling grade next to the desired

E) Tight up with bolt and nut

F) Placed the sample divider and lastly put the bucket

5.0 Setting the sealing temperature

a) On the machine by pulling the emergency button

b) press the add temperature

c) Press SET the display to SP, then press "or" to increase or

d) Use AT to choose the number.

e) SET the number and confirm the escape

f) Refer the temperature number manual

6.0 setting other parameters

To changed a parameter, pressed the function button.

The specified parameter would blinked on the lcd display

For the length parameter, no blinks appeared at lcd

to showed status

Pressed the ▲or ▼ to changed the valued of setting


a) when adding material, pay attention to the amount in the turning plate. If
there was not enough, the measured cupped could not been filled, so adjust
the bin gate's knob to made more materials came out. If there were too
many, moved the bin gate downward to lessen the amount

b) after packing, weighed the packed bag to determine whether it matches the
anticipated weight. If not, adjust the measured cupped's volume, released the
nut holding the rotating plate in placed, and rotate in a clockwise direction. The
spinning plate would rise, while the measured cupped's volume would fall.
When the adjustment was complete, tightened the nut
8.0 Shut down the equipment

a) Press all the buttons which it is

indicating lights are on

b) Wait until the temperature reduces

c) Then pressed the emergency button to

shut down the machine

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