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The solution of sodium aluminate, containing aluminium

period of years. If we date its rise from the 4th century

Colonna faction seized Ostia in the name of France. Charles

established in the year 1662. Some vice- admiralty courts

many of the older men, and a considerable proportion of the

reformed, and be to the public a compensation for the death

put in the place of the lost Z. It is clear that C must

and to begin half-a-dozen different articles on the first

to electrolysis, both oxides are dissociated, and as silicon

run. In each event 1000 points are allowed for equalling the

ends, one end being provided with handles. For small guns

and not less serious objection is the practical difficulty

The region south of Abyssinia proper and north of Lake Rudolf,

Chief Passes of the Lombard Alps.

be regarded as the single chromatophore of the Cyanophyceous

his son Lorenzo, who acted as his lieutenant. Lorenzo was

and first practically carried out by Charles Dunlop at St

between the plates. The ``chloride'' traction cell uses

hydrolysis (Jour. Chem. Soc., 1905, 87, pp. 1620, 1650).

to be insufficient for growth at a depth of 34 metres,

The definite article is usually prefixed to the name in

emerges as the great Mackenzie river, which falls into the

to St Louis was begun in 1862, were the first to be fully

10. The Peninsula.--Many schemes were discussed between

For full bibliography see De Backer and C. Sommervogel,

delivery often becomes important. It is only on the arrival of

room. Ultimately it was returned to its former owners, but

rendered to the duke of Vendome, commander of the French

like odos where the acute accent accompanies an o

success. On the 21st of May, with extraordinary pertinacity,

control of it for a specified term. The person who hires a

rests on an implied postulate of stability and continuity of

accepted. The wholly unjust and baseless charge of ``bargain and

of the Ismailians made indispensable, but a sound European

long life of Edward Everett Hale (1822- 1909), minister at

calcium salts distilled with calcium formate yield aldehydes

1:100,000), the history of which was published in 1896. For

Majesty's government ``that the west coast of Africa from

disturber of public peace and comfort. Yet if the owner of

the revolutionary agitation. The struggle between the

bottoms and wherever the tundra moss is destroyed to give them

cleaning of the land, the benefits of growing the root-crop

by Richard Milward, his amanuensis, who affirms that for

a solar deity. The process of assimilation did not proceed

distinctions of form and expression are not absolute. Just

committed perjury to save his friend. A vision informed him

however, before the question how to dispose of it began to occupy

m. The marshy soil is covered by rice-fields, and on

in combination the gods of oracles and of divination in

Palace. The model for the Judith was his mistress, the beautiful

legitimate to warn a neighbour of the prey that is afoot, or

(South and South-East Africa)

(P. C. Y.)

to be the abode of the spirits who formed the earth and its

of 350 sq. m.; the main trunk, which is 30 to 40 m. broad,

subjects. Aldhelm wrote in elaborate and grandiloquent

of November 1170, and was buried at Ballenstadt. His

frame, second only to Achilles in strength and bravery, and

temenos (enclosure) wall surrounded the ground. This outer

massive remains of cyclopean walls (i.e. in rough blocks),

a name which, indeed, is earlier than anatase, and given

sought to abolish. This policy culminated in the invasion of

trade from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean---the railway

of the narrower senses in which it has been proposed to

ADAGIO (Ital. ad agio, at ease), a term in music to indicate

the Gospels, e.g. Acts xx. 35; 1 Tim. v. 18; 1 Cor. vii.

certain terms and conditions and subject to certain reservations

parts, grapes, figs, citrons, pomegranates and other fruits are

youngest daughter of Professor Gregory of Edinburgh. The next

named after Apollo Granus, who was worshipped in connexion

had attained a high degree of excellence, while the spirit

peccary. In many other mammals one, two or three protrusions

removing the isolation of country life, and to some extent are

Portable altars and tables of offerings were used in

fat, necessarily incorporated therewith in the process of

genera. The lemon and wild vine are also here met with,

the foot of the Cevenues, on the left bank of the Gardon,

and ``the Righteous One'' both in and beyond the Petrine

possessions. By a partition, the motive of which is not

valuable. The first edition of the former was published

act was not so generally childlessness, or the gratification

ii. (1876-1893); . E. Herzog, Galliae Narbonensis Historia

of Douai and of the region of the second army corps, its

machines resembling steam-engines in the general features of

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