Examen Ingles Selectividad Junio 2022 A Lunes Solucion

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A.1) a) False. “It almost always means there was something about you personally they
don not like”.
b) True, “Then I got an email saying I wasn’t a good fit so they went with somebody

A.2) a) They could feel guilty for not fitting in and could be an abstacle to achieve some
b) The can benefit from diversity. Different perspectives.
a) Looking for
b) Earlier
c) Assessment
d) Make up

a) which/ if
b) application/ including
c) at/ as
d) are thought/ worst

A.5) Writing
Culture brings people together. It can enrich our environment more than we could think.
Cultural diversiy is a system which respects the presence of different groups of people
within a society.
Cultural diversity also inspires everyone to make significant contribution to empower
their cultural identity as well as others. Through a rich diversity of cultures,
discrimination and barriers can be eliminated only by teaching society that different
doesn’t mean bad or dangerous.
Culture is the filter that we use to study our environment. It can be tough to see a culture
that is either different or contradictory to ours. Due to this, we must make an effort and
try to firstly, understand and secondly accept and appreciate different cultures around
the world.
It is hard, sometimes, to understand why some cultures do some things they do, but we
should be able to acknowledge it as their custom and not discriminate.


a) False. “This impact is often felt in third countries, as most production takes place out
of the EU”.
b) False. “The European Parliament has for years promoted the use of ecological and
sustainable raw materials and the re-use and recycling of clothing”

B.2) a) The reasons which have caused the increase in clothes sales in recent years are
because of low prices and the fast fashion.
b) Clothes can be re-used or recycled changing consumer’s mind making them buy
better quality clothes and regenerate clothes industry system.

a) bought
b) due to
c) address
d) promoted

B.4) a) an efficient/ to rent

b) have become/ of
c) which/ have been drawn
d) if there had been only 2% of used clothes recycled in the country the previous year.

B.5) Writing
Outfits are another way to express yourself. According to the occasion or the mood and
style clothes reflect who you are as individual and how you feel at the moment. The
dressing sense reflects more than we think.
People wearing gaudy clothes with loud make up are generally extroverts and love
partying. You really can make out what sort of person an individual is by his/her
dressing. Dull colours indicate that an individual is sad or upset whereas bright colours
not only reflect your happy state of mind but also make the other person happy.

Team a simple white shirt with black trousers to get that extremely professional and
elegant look at the workplace. On the other hand your little black dress if worn in
evenings would make you the centre of attention at a party. It all depends when you are
wearing a particular outfit.

Right dressing has nothing to do with price. An expensive dress might not look good on
you. Before stepping out, ask yourself “Is the dress looking good on me?”.

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