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Dell which operates under the brand name Dell, is an American multinational computer
technology company that develops, sells, repairs, and supports computers and related products
and services. Named after its founder, Michael Dell, the company is one of the largest
technological corporations in the world, employing more than 145,000 people in the U.S. and
around the world.

This case study is divided into two perspectives, the authors’ perspective and the reporter’s
perspective. The authors’ perspective comes from Human Resource Department of SEGI
University, one of the largest private higher education providers in Malaysia. Their
perspective includes the time context, short historical background, current situation that
leads to the problem. On the other hand, the reporter’s point of view includes the
statement of the problem, area of consideration, alternative course of actions, conclusion
and lastly the recommendation.

Dell is a huge company that running around business globally it filled with all sorts of the
positive and negative issue surrounding the company brands in all aspect. Dell as a
strong company that doing very well in providing solutions for a customer around the
world yet it faced several issues when it comes down to employees’ matters.

Dell humble beginning started in 1984 by a student named Michael Dell at the
University of Texas. With the aim of selling a compatible computer to the then
computer giant, IBM PC, he created his own personal Dell in his off- campus
dormitory room. From that point, Michael started selling personal computer
systems directly to customers to better understand customers’ need and to
provide the most effective solutions. Later on with 1000 dollar in expansion
capital, he dropped out of school to focus full-time on his business.
Dell goes public and raised a capital of 30 million and its market capitalization skyrocketed
from 1000 dollar to 85 million dollars. Until today, Dell earned the rank of 41 among all 500
companies around the world on the famous fortune 500 billboards.

Dell employees have been shown to several cases for their misconduct as being dishonest
in their own company position.
Apart from that, Dell also reportedly having an accounting scandal that their employees hid
an amount of 150 million dollars using accounting means.
How Dell can address the serious issues about wrongful actions and behavior of their
employees in order to discipline them.Below are the Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and
Threats Analysis of DELL Inc.

One of the biggest PC maker in the world. They offer their customers the ability to track their
They ship around one hundred and forty thousand computers in a day.
They have very good branding and are one of the most known computers in the world.

Dealing with a large amount of supplies from many different countries can cause a large issue
when products are recalled. They build computers, not develop them.

Their supply orders are so large that they become limited to dealing with small few supplies that
can handle the volume.
They have weak business relationships with many computer retailers. They do not have unique
technologies to offer the market.High operating expenses

The introduction of new and enticing products to the customers.

Branding their lower cost, lower priced computers that are sold anonymously throughout the world
to open other avenues of branding opportunities.
Maintaining and expanding the one stop shopping abilities that are offered to their customers.
Continuing to market on the internet to gain larger market bases.
Broadening their scopes in Europe, and in Asia Pacific Markets like India and China.
Invest in AI and emerging technologies.
Expand into government and education markets.

Increasingly popular brand names in the competition like HP, Lenovo, Asus, Apple etc.
Strong relationships that are held between competition and the retailers.
Competition can basically create the same computers since Dell builds computers, not designs
Fluctuations in the currency markets can make global business operations more open to losses
in certain areas of the supply chain.
Tariff trade barriers affecting their positions in multiple countries.
Increasingly lower prices for products amount their competitors.

Due to several cases of misconduct of employees, Dell HR should strategically redesign

discipline policy comprehensively so that their employees know what is expected and what will
happen if they do not meet expectations.

This will make easy to HR manager on disciplining the employees

Employees are willing to abide by company rules and executive orders and behave in the
desired fashion
It will help to assist employees in changing their performance, attendance, or behaviour.

Employees may be unwilling to abide the policy.

Additional time, efforts, and money needed.
Employees may feel deprived and pressured since the policy may limit their actions in their

Since employee attitude may affect the productivity quality, and morale; collegiality,
cooperation, and cohesion; employee development; and retention, as well as turnover of the
company. Good employee attitudes drive positive results. Bad employee attitudes put a
negative result. So, Dell should undergo their employees into attitude/character training and
development program.

According to Human Resource MBA, employee relation is the relationship that is

shared between an organization and its base employee. It even highlighted that even though
employee relations sound broad yet it is crucial for an organization. So giving importance on
building the employee relations in order to maintain the success in long-run. This will not
only benefit the company but also the employee itself as they able to practice self-discipline.
A strong employee relation and proper employee discipline will result of absence of chaos,
irregularity and confusion in the behaviour of a worker.
In order to address the serious issues regarding the employees in making wrongful action, I
recommend for Dell Inc. HRM the alternative courses of action 1 and 2which are strategically
redesign discipline policy comprehensively and undergo their employees into
attitude/character training and development program. Dell has 157,000 employees as of Feb
2019, if they fail to monitor and give importance on building a right behaviour of their
employees, this may greatly hurt the company’s reputation and productivity.

The company should not tolerate any misconduct of their employees and they should
properly investigate the issue before giving a disciplinary action to those employees failed to
meet the expectation. So, Dell Inc. should make a discipline policy that easily understand by
the employee in order for them easily adopt it. This will make easy to HR manager on
disciplining the employees and employees will orderly behave and more importantly will help
to assist employees in changing their performance, attendance, or behaviour. Since
employee is very important asset of the company, they should focus on improving their
employee behaviour by let them undergo attitude/character training and development
training program in order to increase the working efficiency or morale of the employees so
that their productivity is stepped up and the cost of production brought down and the quality
of production improved. In this way company create a safe and sound workspace for their
employee and attract qualified applicants.

1. How the company motivate employees to work better and give

more outcome?

2. How is the company was successful in makeing a high


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