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Xavier’s World School

Periodic Assessment – III (2022-23)
Grade: II
Subject: EVS
Name: Maximum Marks: 20
Date: 07/12/2022 Time allowed: 60 min

Q1. Case Based question: (1*3=3)

Read the paragraph and answer the following questions:

We go to school every morning with our friends. There we see a man who cleans the school and
classroom daily and a person who keeps our garden clean and grows plants and flowers in the garden.
In school our teacher teaches us good habits. We learn many things in the school as well as we play
games with our friends in the school playground.
a. Who grows flowers in the school garden?
i. Teacher ii. Gardener iii. Sweeper
b. Who cleans our school and classroom daily?
i. Gardener ii. Friends iii. Sweeper
c. What do we call the people who help us?
i. Neighbours ii. Community helpers iii. none of these

Q2. Write the name of the festivals given. (1*3=3)

a) b) c)

______________ _________________ ________________

Q3. Match the following:. (0.5*4=2)

a. Christmas sings song

b. Singer santa brings gift
c. Chemist buy bouquet
d. florist purchase medicine

Q4. Give one word answers: (1*4=4)

a. Person selling things in a shop _____________

b. Person who grows crops _____________

c. The festival to mark the birth of Sikh guru _____________

d. We purchase paper, pens, envelopes, etc. _____________

Q5. Complete the flow chart. (1*3=3)

Religious Festivals

Q6. Answer the following questions : (1*3=3)

a. We should not burn crackers. Why?


b. What is an occupation?


c. If your wallet is stolen, where will you go?


Q7. Value based questions: (1*2=2)

Imagine you did not have a police station in your neighbourhood. How would it affect the





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