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As we know, young children have potential that still needs to be developed. Children
have certain characteristics that are unique and different from adults, they are always active,
dynamic, enthusiastic and want to know what they see, hear and feel. Likewise with the
intelligence that exists in children which should be optimized by developing all their potential,
known as multiple intelligences. “Multiple intelligences” is a term that used by Howard Gardner
(an American developmental psychologist) to show that humans basically have many
intelligences, not just IQ as it is known so far. Gardner states that there are 9 intelligences that
humans possess, which exist in every individual and need to be fully developed.

In his theory, Gardner explains that in every child there are nine types of intelligence that
are ready to develop. Gardner's findings about human intelligence have the effect of changing the
concept of intelligence, where a person's intelligence can be developed through education and in
large numbers. The nine intelligences or multiple intelligences are as follows:

1. Linguistic intelligence
This intelligence is the ability to use language in the correct way. For example, is to use
and process words effectively both orally and in writing.
2. Logical-mathematical intelligence
This intelligence is the ability to understand logic especially in science, math and logic.
The line of reasoning easily develops a pattern of cause and effect.
3. Spatial intelligence
This intelligence requires you to understand what you see and imagine it in your mind.
The ability to accurately perceive the world of visual space and the ability to recognize
shapes and objects accurately.
4. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
This intelligence is the ability or awareness in using the body or gestures to express ideas
and feelings. This can include the sense of touch or potential for physical activity.
5. Musical intelligence
This intelligence is the ability to play an instrument and to enjoy music. Ability to
develop, express, and enjoy musical forms and sounds, sensitivity to rhythm, melody, and
intonation as well as the ability to play musical instruments.
6. Interpersonal intelligence
This intelligence requires you to understand other people’s behaviors. Or it can be said as
the ability to understand and be sensitive to the feelings, intentions, motivations,
character, temperament of others. Prominent ability to relate and communicate with
various people.
7. Intrapersonal intelligence
This intelligence is the ability to understand your own thoughts and feelings. Ability
related to self-knowledge and the ability to act adaptively based on self-experience and
the ability to reflect and balance
8. Naturalist intelligence
This intelligence is the ability to understand the different parts of nature. Ability to
understand flora and fauna well, enjoy nature, know plants and animals well
9. Existentialist intelligence
This intelligence is the ability to be sensitive to the surrounding environment. It is a
person's ability to answer the deepest questions about what he feels and sees in the
environment around him

Education is an important indicator of a child's developmental process, and Howard

Gardner's theory helps explain that no human being is not intelligent and no child is stupid and
smart. For Gardner, there are children who stand out in one or several types of intelligence,
because every human being has their own strengths.

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