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Work Sheet

Research Method Exercise

Name : Muhammad ramdhan Al-Ghozali
Std. No : 21107010126
Write the sentences (2-3 sententes) indicating each elements of research method provided in Lensa
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A. Quantitative
1. Research Design

This survey was conducted on female university students. This study focused on female
students with a variety of majors, including health and non-health majors. The survey
participants were chosen based on how much knowledge students had gone through
various levels of education about premenstrual syndrome. Data for this study came from a
questionnaire created by the researcher. This study focused on female university students
between the ages of 18 and 24, who had gone through menstrual cycles and had at least
one symptom of PMS.
2. Participant

A validated questionnaire was adapted from a similar study conducted by Tokyo Women's
Medical University, Japan. The adapted questionnaire consisted of cognition about 18
factors in student life, a screening tool for premenstrual symptoms, menstrual-related
symptoms (modified Menstrual Distress Questionnaire), menstrual cycle, psychological
stress, age, grade level, height, weight, exercise habits, eating habits, smoking, and
drinking habits. On this questionnaire's study
3. Instrument

the subjects characteristics, participants' experiences with PMS, and participants

knowledge of PMS were all covered in three sections of the questionnaire. The knowledge
and subjects" characteristics section answered research questions 1 and 2, while the
experience and knowledge section answered research question 3.

4. Research Procedure

The questionnaire contained open-ended questions, which means that even if the
researcher had offered options, participants were free to add their own but still in line
with the topic. All analyzes of questionnaire responses were performed using Microsoft

5. Data Analysis
Before filling out the questionnaire, participants were given permission. Participants
accepted that the information collected in the questionnaire will be used purely for
research purposes and will remain anonymous. Participants were given a questionnaire in
the form of an online link to fill out within three days after receiving approval. It was
expected that participants fill out the questionnaire according to the conditions at the time
of filling out and their knowledge at the time of filling out without being made up.
Microsoft Excel was used to analyze the data from the questionnaire responses.

B. Qualitative
1. Research Design

This research used a qualitative method used as research method in the data collection
process to assess the student's perspective of Korean Wave in Indonesia.

2. Participant

The focus group method of data collection was selected as a qualitative approach. Semi-
structured with open-ended questions were mainly used, allowing for a relatively free
response, and yet ensuring a degree of comparability between the groups.

3. Instrument

The questions were made by me with considering the purpose of this research itself. The
questions in this interview consist of 7 questions that are in accordance with the objectives
of this research.

4. Research Procedure

This research was conducted through online interview through WhatsApp Free Call.
5. Data Analysis

This research will be conducted by conducting interviews with several students who like
Korean culture and are 19. 21 years old. The student that I will be interviewing must
understand and like Korean Culture and understand the development of the Korean Wave
in Indonesia. to ask their perspective about this study. The students will be given 5-6
questions related to the topic of this study. The students can answer questions honestly
based on their own experiences and perspectives for this research. To collect data from
the interview, the author will record the interview via Whats App and the results from the
interview will be concluded as the results of this study.

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