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Do Conflicts Affect a Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility Policy?

Discuss this question with respect to all companies mentioned in the article
CSR is one of the tools to make a positive image and build a good impact on consumer.
Companies often do the CSR activities and initiative for the sustainable growth. Yes, Conflict
can affect the company CSR policy. CSR Conflict can slow down the growth of the company and
make a bad image. Once the relation between the company and the customer are weak then it is
very hard to re-establish the relation. Here in this research paper we can observe that Coca-Cola
drink containing high level of pesticides and they are also depleting the water resource and soil
in 2003-2007. Coca-Cola get the sale drop out during these years. After that, they started the
proper channel of waste management and water reserving programs at local area of India. Then
they will resume their sales. Walmart was accused by child labor. Walmart make supplier code of
conduct which mainly focuses on quality standards for suppliers only. Third conflict a well-
known conflict involving Apple’s suppliers is the suicides at Foxconn. From 2009 to 2010 a total
of 13 workers had committed suicide. Because the weekly 70 hours working. After this event the
apple company makes sure that suppliers comply with the Supplier Code by conducting audits.
The audits cover working and living conditions, health and safety but also environmental
practices at the facilities. In canon company the employees get the stress related illness. The
pressure of the performance result illness in employees after this problem the Canon has
promoted ‘Health First’ as one of its Guiding Principles. The CSR conflict occur then company
changes the policies and change according to the situation and make the new CSR policies to
maintain the image of the company and make things balances which can be done by the
campaign and CSR strategies.

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