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June 22, 2015

12:00 - 12:50 pm III- Heron
12:50 - 1:40 pm III - Kingfisher
1:40 - 2:30 pm III - Falcon

A. Identify semantic webbing
B. Organize ideas through semantic webbing


A. Topic : Belling the Cat (Graphic Organizers)
B. Reference : Let’s Get Better in Reading 3 (Teacher’s Guide), pg. 52 -
53 ; Let’s Get Better in Reading 3 (Learner’s Materials), pg. 31
C. Materials : Teaching Charts, pictures, visual aids
D. Value Integration : cooperation


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill
Show a list of words the mice actions, traits, and feelings. Let them read it.

2. Word List Review

Have hid ran shouted pupils make the
planned afraid sad following
sentences smart small not brave correct by
changing the letter at
the beginning into a
capital letter.

A.) the mice lived in a small hole.

B.) a cat watched the mice all the time.
C.) the three mice had a meeting.
D.) one mouse had an idea.
E.) no one among the mice wanted to bell the cat.

B. Developmental Activities

1. Motivation
Ask pupils to add more words to the Word List.
2. Presentation
Post a circle with the picture of the three mice on it. Arrange the words that tell
about the mice around this picture. Let them look at the words again. Ask pupils which
words go together? (e.g., hid, ran, planned, shouted) What do these words tell about the
mice? (what they did) Yes, these words are actions the mice did. Draw a circle and write
the word “Actions” on it. Place the circle next to the middle circle and draw a line
connecting the two circles. Do the same for words that show how the mice felt
(Feelings) and words that show what kind of mice they are (Traits). Explain further
what Traits are. Give examples. Draw lines to connect the circles to the center circle, so
it looks like this:

Actions Feelings

Pix of 3

Say: This is a web of words. It is about the three mice. They are shown in the center circle.
What are the three other circles about?
Let them write the words that show the actions/ feelings/ traits of the mice. The
finished semantic map will look like this.

ran afraid
shouted Actions sad Feelings
planned Pix of 3

small smart Traits

not brave

3. Discussion
Semantic Webbing is a way of organizing or arranging ideas. What steps do we
follow in making a semantic web?
1. Look at the middle circle to see what the web is about.
2. Look at the other circles around the center circle. They are parts of the
3. Read the words. Decide where to put them in the web.

4. Application
Present another semantic web with a picture of a cat in the middle circle. Say: What
is this web about? What words come to your mind when you see the word “Cat”? List
the answers of the pupils on the board. When enough words have been listed, have the
class read them and try to put them into groups. Now let us make names for the words
that belong together. Sample categories that may be formed are:
What cats eat How a cat looks
Where cats live Kinds of cats
Divide the class into small groups and give each group a sheet of Manila paper on
which they will make their semantic web. Guide them in making the center circle first.
Then have them make the circles for strands/categories next. Then leave them to write
the words in their places in the web.
Groups will share their semantic webs to the whole class.

5. Generalization
What is Semantic Webbing? How to make a Semantic web?

Now, we are going to make a web of words that go together according to their middle
sound. Complete the web. Write the words near the picture where they belong. Say the name
of the picture to know which words belong to it. Do this in your notebook.

e Short i

Word List
box cop pin fan
hat pan leg lid
man hips rot hot

Make a semantic webbing of fruits that go together according to their colors (yellow, red,
violet and orange)
Word List
mango ponkan papaya
apple banana pineapple
plum cherry grapes

June 24, 2015
12:00 - 12:50 pm III- Heron
12:50 - 1:40 pm III - Kingfisher
1:40 - 2:30 pm III - Falcon

A. Realize that a smart person can usually think about the different ways of solving


A.Topic : Stone Soup (adapted from a Hungarian Folktale by Esperanza
B. Reference : Let’s Get Better in Reading 3 (Teacher’s Guide), pg. 57- 60;
Let’s Get Better in Reading 3 (Learner’s Materials), pg. 33
C. Materials : pictures of traveler, village, pan and pot, visual aids
D. Value Integration : cooperation
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill
What is your favorite soup? Why do you like it?

2. Review
Review the class about Semantic Webbing

B. Developmental Activities

1. Motivation
Divide the class into groups with group names based on the word STONE, thus:
Group S, Group T, Group O, Group N, and Group E.
Tell the pupils they will play the game Think-Ask-Up to guess the meaning of six
terms. The game will require fast thinking as a group.
In the game, the teacher will show pictures or say something about one of those
words. Then the teacher say Think to give you time to think about the clues in the
picture or in what the teacher said which will help you pick from the six pictures the
one he is talking about. When the pupils hear the word Think, talk with their group
mates about the given clues for the picture. Next, he will say Ask. When they hear the
word Ask, pupils will confirm their answer with their group mates and try to arrive at
only one answer for the group. Finally, he will say the word Up. When they hear the
teacher say the word Up, they will the show word their group has chosen from the six
word strips. Their group will get a star for every correct guess they gave.
Words and Clues

Word 1: traveler Show picture of a person who goes

from one place to another (with a cap,
backpack, etc)
Word 2: village Say: It is a small town like the place you
live in.
Word 3: pan Show picture of a pan
Word 4: pot Show picture of a pot
Word 5: ingredients Say: These are the different food items you
need to cook a dish.
Word 5: soup Show picture of a steaming bowl of soup

2. Presentation
Read the story Stone Soup, an adaptation of a Hungarian folktale, stopping at
certain points to have pupils predict what might happen next in the story.
Stone Soup
Adapted from a Hungarian folktale
By Esperanza Diaz Cruz
There once was a traveler who came to a small village, tired from his long trip. He had nothing to eat
and hoped that a friendly villager would be able to give him some food. He came to the first house and
knocked on the door. He asked the woman who answered if she could give him just a small bit of food.
The woman replied, “I‟m sorry I have nothing to give you.”
The traveler thanked the woman and went from door to door. Each time the answer was: “I have nothing
to give you.”

Stop here and ask: How do you think the traveler felt?
What do you think will he do?
Let‟s find out.
Then the traveler had an idea. He went to the center of the village. He took a small tin cooking pan from
his bag. He filled it with water, started a fire and dropped a stone in the pan.
Stop here and ask: What do you think will happen next?
Let‟s find out.
A passing villager stopped and asked him, “What are you doing?”
The traveler replied, “I am making stone soup. Would you like to join me?” “Oh! I’d love to,” answered
the villager. “This soup will be a lot tastier if we only have some carrots,” the traveler suggested aloud.
“Oh I have some at home,” said the villager. “I’ll go and get some.”
The villager came back with the carrots and handed it to the traveler. The traveler then cut the carrots into
small pieces and dropped it into the stone soup.
Soon, another curious villager came by and was invited to join them. She went home and returned
with some potatoes.
A young boy passed by and soon joined the group, bringing his mother and a pot from their home to
replace the small tin cooking pan.
Stop here and ask: What is happening to the soup now?
What do you think will happen next?
In time, a crowd gathered with everyone offering their own favorite ingredient: onions, salt, black
pepper, cabbage, squash. Finally, the traveler removed the stone and declared: “The stone soup is ready!”
And the whole village enjoyed the hot stone soup.

3. Discussion
Let the pupils answer the following questions:
A. Who went to the village?
B. Why did he ask help from the villagers?
C. Did some villagers help him at once? Why did they not help him?
D. How did the traveler feel when he could not get anything from the
villagers? What did he do then?
E. What happened when he started cooking the stone soup?
F. Who came first? Who came next? Who came last?
G. What ingredients did the villagers give for the stone soup?
H. What kind of soup was cooked in the end? Do you think it was a
very delicious soup? Why?

4. Generalization
A. Was the traveler smart? Why?
B. Was he resourceful? Why?
C. How can you be resourceful like the traveler?

C. Application
Draw What You Like
Which part of Stone Soup did you like best? Draw it on the sheet. Then, write one
or two sentences about your drawing.

Answer the following questions. Choose your answer inside the box.

small bit of food a young boy the villager

the traveler stone soup in a pot __________
1. Who went to the
village ?
__________ 2. The traveler asked to give him just for?
__________ 3. What kind of soup was the traveler cooked?
__________ 4. Who came last to joined the group?
__________ 5. Where did the traveler replaced his soup from a tin can?

Soup Recipe
On a clean sheet of paper, draw the traveler‟s stone soup recipe. Write the
ingredients inside the pot. Write one or two sentences about the soup.
June 25, 2015
12:00 - 12:50 pm III- Heron
12:50 - 1:40 pm III - Kingfisher
1:40 - 2:30 pm III - Falcon

A. Distinguish between asking and telling sentences
B. Read words with short u sound


A.Topic : Asking and Telling Sentences
B. Reference : Let’s Get Better in Reading 3
C. Materials : Visual Aids, teaching chart of /u/ words
D. Value Integration : cooperation

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill
Read the following short “u” words.

-ug -um -un -ub -up -ud

bug bum bun cub cup bud
dug gum fun rub pup cud
hug hum gun tub sup Jud
jug mum nun mud
mug rum run sud
pug sum sun

2. Review
Answer the following questions.
A. Who went to the village ?
B. The traveler asked to give him just for?
C. What kind of soup was the traveler cooked?
D. Who came last to joined the group?
E. Where did the traveler replaced his soup from a tin can?

B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
Let the pupils read the sample phrases correctly.
a bug on a rug
a cup, a mug, and a jug
under the sun
my sons Jud and Hud
run and play
a cub in the tub

2. Presentation
Present examples of sentences taken from the stories “ The Stone Soup” and “
Belling the Cat”
Here are two sentences about “Stone Soup”.
Who went from village to village?
The traveler went from village to village.
Here are two sentences from “Belling the Cat.”
Who were afraid of Pat the Cat?
The mice were afraid of Pat the Cat.

3. Discussion
An asking sentence asks a question. It ends with a question mark. A telling
sentence tells about something. It ends with a period.

4. Generalization
Differentiate asking and telling sentences.

C. Application
Draw a line under each telling sentence. Draw a box around each asking sentence.
1. Do you like soup?
2. The soup is hot.
3. Can you cook stone?
4. I can cook an egg.
5. A pan is not as deep as pot.


Write T if the sentence is a telling statement or A if it is an asking sentence.

____ 1. Is there water in the jug?

____ 2. The nun is under the sun.
____ 3. Judson, the cop, has a gun.
____ 4. A cub dug a hole in the mud.
____ 5. Who played under the sun?


Circle the capital letter at the beginning of each sentence. Circle the period at the end of
each telling sentence. Circle the question mark at the end of each asking sentence.

1. Joshua has a rod.

2. What does Joshua do with the rod?
3. Joshua catches cod fish with the rod.
4. Joshua likes cod fish soup.
5. Do you like cod fish soup, too?
June 26, 2015
12:00 - 12:50 pm III- Heron
12:50 - 1:40 pm III - Kingfisher
1:40 - 2:30 pm III - Falcon

A. Identify signal words
B. Sequence events using signal words


A.Topic : Sequencing Events Using Signal Words

B. Reference : Let’s Get Better in Reading 3
C. Materials : visual aids
D. Value Integration : cooperation


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill
Let the pupils read the following story events. Guide the children in reading the
After that, the villagers became curious about the stone soup. They added
ingredients to the soup. Someone brought a pot.
In the beginning, the traveler went from house to house to ask for food. No one
helped him.
Finally, the soup was ready. Everyone in the village enjoyed the delicious stone
Next, he went to the center of the village. He began to cook stone soup in a small tin

2. Review
Asking and Telling Sentence

B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
Let the pupils arrange the story events in the drill’s part in the correct order
2. Presentation
Which sentence strip shows the first event in the story?
Which sentence strip presents the second event in the story?
Which sentence strip shows what happened just AFTER the villagers saw
the traveler cooking the soup?
Which sentence strip shows the last event in the story?

There are clue words that help us understand the sequence of events in a story. Here are
some of them:
in the beginning/first
after that
4. Generalization
What do we call to the words that can help us to understand the sequence of events
in the story? What are these?

C. Application
Group the class into groups (it depend in their number). Give them a piece of coupon
bond. Let them arrange the story events in the story Belling the Cat using signal words.
_________, the mice were afraid of Pat ,the Cat. They could not go out of
their small hole.
__________, the mice had a meeting.
__________, Third Mouse said they can put a bell on Pat‟s collar.
__________, no one wanted to put a bell on the cat. The mice could not
carry out their plan.

Arrange the following story events in correct sequence/order. Write 1-5 to show the order.
_____ Finally, a crowd gathered with every one offering their own favorite ingredients.
_____ Then, he took a small tin cooking pan from his bag. He filled it with water,
started a fire and dropped a stone in the pan.
_____ In the beginning, there once was a traveler who came to a small village, tired
from his long trip. He was hungry but no one gave him food to eat.
_____ After that, there was a passing villager, curious villager and a young boy passed
and joined the traveler to make a stone soup.
_____ Next, the traveler had an idea. He went to the center of the village.

Arrange the following events using signal words below.

First Next Then After that Finally

__________ 1. He filled it with water.

__________ 2. He put some ingredients in the pan.
__________ 3. He dropped the big stone into the tin cooking pan.
__________ 4. He had some stone soup.
__________ 5. The traveler got a tin cooking pan inside his bag.

June 29, 2015

English, Science, MTB-MLE, Filipino

I. Objective

To answer the test questions correctly.

II. Learning Content

Diagnostic Test
Materials: test paper and pencil
Value: Show honesty in answering the test questions

III. Procedure

A. Preparation

1. Distribution of test papers

2. Setting the standards in answering the test papers

B. Test Proper

1. Giving and explaining of direction

2. Answering the test question
3. Teacher’s supervision

C. Evaluation

1. Checking of the test papers

2. Recording of scores

June 30, 2015


Mathematics, Araling Panlipunan, MAPEH

I. Objective
To answer the test questions correctly.

II. Learning Content

Diagnostic Test
Materials: test paper and pencil
Value: Show honesty in answering the test questions

III. Procedure

B. Preparation

1. Distribution of test papers

2. Setting the standards in answering the test papers

B. Test Proper

1. Giving and explaining of direction

2. Answering the test question
3. Teacher’s supervision

C. Evaluation

1. Checking of the test papers

2. Recording of scores

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