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Notice of Removal of Implied

Right of Access
Notice to agent is notice to principal; and notice to principal is notice to agent
All Rights, Powers, And Immunities Reserved.
No Assumed/Presumed Power of Attorney
No Consent to Entry of Unwanted Authorities
“The rules of equity shall prevail.” Supreme Court Act Sc 49 (1)
Patrons may follow government guidelines if they so wish
Case Law:
A person having been told to leave is now under a duty to withdraw from the
property with all due reasonable speed and failure to do so he is not
thereafter acting in the execution of his duty and becomes a trespasser with
any subsequent levy made being invalid and attracts a liability under a claim
for damages
Morris v Beardmore [1980] 71 Cr App 256.
We hereby give notice that any implied right of access to this property and its
surrounding areas, have been removed, along with all associated property
including but not limited to any private conveyance in respect of the following:
1. ANY employee or officer principal-agent third party or representative or any
other acting on behalf of or instruction of any other CORPORATE -BODY (ie
company, council) however named and,
2. ANY-POLICE-OFFICER who is acting for the CORPORATE-
POLICE and NOT acting as a constable who has expressed in the
oath of office to serve “With fairness, integrity, diligence and
impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according
equal respect to all people; and that I will to the best of my power,
cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences
against people and property.”
Any and all access to the above-mentioned property shall be by strict
invitation only and shall be subject to terms and conditions which are
available by written request.
Any trespass may be prosecuted and penalized with the Common Law, in the private capacity.
Any violation may incur a One- Thousand Pound £1000 penalty (in FIAT or sterling silver
equivalent). Including, but not limited to, garnishing of the personal assets.

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