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PLOT the events that happen in order in a story

2. EXPOSITION part of the plot that gives readers background information about the story and
3. RISING ACTION the events that lead up to the climax
4. CLIMAX The highest point of drama, also described as the turning point, in the story
5. FALLING ACTION The events that happen after the climax of the story that lead up to the end
6. RESOLUTION the end of the story called when the author explains how everything turns out for
the characters
7. PROTAGONIST the main character of a story
8. ANTAGONIST the character or characters working against the main character
9. DIRECT CHARACTERIZATION the author tells the reader what a specific character is like
10. INDIRECT CHARACTERIZATION the author shows what a character is like either through their
own actions or the reactions of other characters
11. SETTING time and location
12. CONFLICT the struggle that happens between the opposing sides in a story
13. INTERNAL CONFLICT the struggle in the story is happening between the protagonist and him or
14. EXTERNAL CONFLICT the struggle in the story is happening between the protagonist and some
other force
15. MAN VS. MAN type of external conflict where the protagonist struggles against the antagonist
(either as a single person or a small group of people)
16. MAN VS. NATURE A type of external conflict where the setting or the environment works against
the protagonist
17. MAN VS. SOCIETY An external conflict where the protagonist is against a larger group trying to
"right the wrongs" happening in the world
18. THEME the life lesson of the story
19. POINT OF VIEW how the author shows the story to the reader
20. FIRST PERSON POINT OF VIEW the narrator is one of the characters who is experiencing the
21. SECOND PERSON POINT OF VIEW the narrator uses the word "you" to tell another character or
the reader about the story
22. THIRD PERSON POINT OF VIEW the narrator reports the events that happen to the protagonist
and uses words like "he" or "she,"
23. RISING ACTION A series of events that build up to the climax
24. PLOT Describes the events happening within a story

25haracters: A sly fox and a foolish crow.

26etting: Bright Morning in the woods.
Plot: A hungry fox is looking for food. The fox notices the crow with cheese in its beak. Using his
charming words, the fox tricks the crow into dropping the cheese into the fox’s mouth. The story ends
with the fox feeling satisfied, and the crow left with nothing to eat.
27. Conflict: The Fox wants the cheese that the Crow has.
28. Resolution: Using his charming words, the fox is able to trick the crow into singing. When she starts
to sing, the cheese drops into the fox’s mouth.

29. Characters: Cinderella, the stepsisters, the stepmother, the fairy godmother, and the prince.
Setting: Long time ago in a kingdom. Physical locations include Cinderella’s palace and the ballroom at
the Prince’s Palace.
30. Plot: Cinderella’s father passes away leaving her with her horrible stepmother and two stepsisters.
They abuse her and make her clean the house all day. One day, an invite comes from the Prince’s palace
inviting everyone to the ball. Cinderella is forced to stay at home, while her stepmother and sisters
attend. Suddenly Cinderella’s fairy godmother appears and helps her get to the ball. But she must return
home by midnight. At the ball Cinderella and the Prince fall in love. The clock nearly strikes twelve and
Cinderella runs away leaving a glass slipper behind. The prince then searches the kingdom to find
Cinderella. Eventually, he finds her. The two get married and live happily ever after.
Conflict: Cinderella must find a way to get away from her stepmother and stepsisters.
Resolution: Cinderella and the prince get married.

Identify the type of conflict in the following passage: "One morning I woke up earlier than usual. Johnny
and I slept huddled together for warmth - Dally had been right when he said it would get cold where we
were going." MAN VS. NATURE

Determine which type of conflict is represented in the following passage: "One of those people'? You
think Romiette is related to those kids from a million years ago?" MAN VS. MAN

Determine which type of conflict is represented in the following passage: "Hey, Romi, did you ever
wonder who 'they' is? You know, how 'they' say something will happen, or 'they' think the world is
changing?" Destiney asked. MAN VS. SOCIETY

Determine which type of conflict is represented in the following passage: "No, I'm not stupid, but then
again, maybe I am. I can't believe I've fallen stupid head over heels in love with Julio (MAN VS. SELF)

Determine which type of conflict is represented in the following passage: "Julio tried to twist toward
her, but the barrel of the gun pushed deeper into his neck. He was frantic and kicked his strong legs at
his attackers." MAN VS. MAN

Determine which type of conflict is represented in the following passage: " Romi is a human being, a
beautiful, smart, fiery woman. And I don't care what my father says!" MAN VS. MAN

Determine which type of conflict is represented in the following passage: "She struggled, searching for
air, for land, for something to hold on to. But there was only the water, pulling her into its depths."

Angela is having the time of her life on a cruise ship with food and fun all around her. Just as she is
preparing for the limbo competition, the ship crashes into an iceberg, which punctures the hull and
causes the ship to sink. Now she and a group of strangers must fight for survival on a life raft deep in the
ice-cold ocean waters with limited supplies. Can she stay alive until a rescue team arrives? MAN VS.

John Black is a computer hacker with the latest and most powerful encryption software installed on his
system. Unfortunately, he has managed to lose the only copy of his 46-character password. Now John
must summon all of his expertise and perhaps get a bit lucky to break into his own system. Will John
ever regain access? MAN VS. Technology

Erowyn is a mystic dragon-rider from the land of Gnarr. He has everything that a dragon-rider could
want: a strong lance, a sturdy saddle, and a powerful dragon. One day while he is riding over Carowall,
an evil wizard casts a spell that turns Erowyn's dragon against him. Now Erowyn will understand what it
means to face off against a dragon, and he will have to summon all of his abilities to survive. MAN VS.

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