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Faculty of Science

School of Basic Sciences

Department of Mathematics and Statistics
MA2101 Engineering Mathematics III

Topic: Semigroup, Monoid, Group, Abelian group, Cyclic group

1. Define Monoid and verify that (ℤ7, 7) is a monoid.

2. Let (ℤ, *) be an algebraic structure, where ℤ is the set of integers and the operation * is
defined by n * m = maximum (n, m). Determine whether (ℤ, *) is a monoid or a group
or an abelian group.
3. Prove that the set I of integers forms an abelian group with respect to the operation * on
it as a* b=a+b+1.
4. Prove that the set Q of rational numbers other than 1, forms an abelian group with respect
to the operation * on it as a* b=a+b-ab.
5. Prove that the set G={0,1,2,3,4,5} is a finite abelian group under ordinary addition
modulo 6 as the operation.
6. Prove that the set G= {1,2,3,4} is a finite abelian group under the operation
multiplication modulo 5.
7. Assume G = {(a, b)/ a, b  ℝ, a ≠ 0}. Consider a binary operation * defined on (G, *)
by (a, b) * (c, d) = (ac, bc + d) for all (a, b), (c, d)  G. Show that (G, *) is a group.
8. Let G be the set of all non-zero real numbers and let a * b = ab/2. Show that (G, *) is an
abelian group.
9. Show that cube roots of unity names {1,, 2} form an abelian group under
multiplication of complex numbers.
10. Find the generators and the number of generators of a cyclic group of order 8.
11. Let G = {1, 5, 7, 11} under multiplication modulo 12. (i) Find the multiplication table
of G (ii) Find the order of each element; (iii) Is G cyclic? justify your answer.
12. The set of integers (ℤ, +) is cyclic group of which the generator is 1.
13. Find the number of generators of a cyclic group of order 5.
14. Consider the group G = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} under multiplication modulo 7. (i) Find the
multiplication table of G (ii) Find the inverses of 2, 3, 6. (iii) Find the orders and
subgroups generated by 2 and 3 (iv) Is G cyclic? Justify your answer.
15. Show that the multiplication group 1, , 2 is a cyclic group.

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