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Department of Construction Science




Dr. Ashrant Aryal

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2. If you have any questions after reading the assignment, please post your questions on the
discussion forum.
COSC 461: Building Information Modeling Systems Assignment4

Assignment 4 – 5D Quantity Takeoff (My Dream House Project)

1. Introduction

The purpose of this assignment is to explore how to use Navisworks to perform quantity takeoff.
During our hands-on sessions, you learned how to use Navisworks Manage for quantity takeoff.
In this assignment, will perform quantity takeoff of your dream house. This assignment is
worth 15 points.

Start with a Uniformat template for quantity takeoff in Navisworks. You can use the structural
and architectural model you exported for assignment 2 for performing quantity takeoff or the
most recent version of your model if you made some changes. Create a quantity takeoff of
your model’s structural and architectural objects by assigning the building objects under the
correct Uniformat Category. You can find the classification of building elements based on
Uniformat here:

Appropriate quantity measurements should be assigned as the primary quantity for each line
item in your quantity takeoff (e.g., area for walls and floors, length for railings, counts for doors
and windows etc.). You may need to modify the item mapping rules if the appropriate
measurement is not correctly mapped to the item properties as shown in class. Make a note of
the item mapping rules that you modify so you can include them in the report.

In addition to the appropriate measurements from the building objects, you should assign at
least one resource and calculate a derived measurement from one type of object. For example:
formwork calculation for slabs, paint calculation for walls, tiles for bathroom walls/floor etc.

Save your Navisworks file as “FirstName_LastName_hw4.nwf or nwd”. If you submit nwd file,
then your model nwc or ifc files are not required. If you submit nwf file, make sure to include
your model nwc or ifc files. Export your quantity takeoff to Excel and save it for submission.
Name the file “FirstName_LastName_QTO.xlsx”.

In addition to the Navisworks file and exported excel file, create a clean version of your quantity
takeoff in another excel file. You can use the Groups Pivot table to show the line items, their
primary quantity, and units in Uniformat template. The clean version should group items of the
same family instead of itemizing every instance. The clean version should look similar to the
cost summary here:
You do not need to add any cost information, but the quantity and units for each line item should
be present in your takeoff. Copy the clean table to a word document for submission. In the
document, you should also describe any item mapping rules you had to modify for different
objects to get the correct quantity measurement. Also describe the resource that you created
and the quantity calculation that you performed for that resource. Submit this document as
“FirstName_LastName_QTO.docx or pdf”.

You should also submit all your Navisworks NWC and NWF files and the construction schedule.
Alternatively, you can save everything as a NWD file and submit the NWD file. You can find
more about different Navisworks file formats here:

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COSC 461: Building Information Modeling Systems Assignment4

Upload your Navisworks files, quantity takeoff excel file, and the document with the clean
version of your quantity takeoff.

Note: No need to do takeoff for furnishings and MEP objects.

2. Deliverables to be submitted through TAMU Canvas

• A clean version of your Quantity Takeoff

(FirsName_LastName_HW4_QTO_Clean.docx or .pdf)
• Navisworks Files (FirstName_LastName_HW4.NWF and appended NWC files, or
single NWD with everything included). Use the same naming convention as
Assignment 2 for your NWC files.
• Your exported takeoff from Navisworks as pdf or excel file.
(FirsName_LastName_HW4_QTO_Raw.PDF or XLSX)

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