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Simple Turnover Rites

A video presentation of the Club's activities and projects, from the past several years was shown. It was indeed a blast rom the past and elicited numerous oohs and aahs from the audience. The guest speaker for the evening was GP Joe Cruz. He expounded on What is Rotary and captured the attention of everyone and enlightened the members and guests the meaning and purpose of Rotary..


Club Directors
President Bong Jungco Vice President Vic Castro Secretary Badet Pineda Treasurer Miles Chua Club Admin. Connie Ojeda Sergeant at Arms Raquel Santos Roy Lopez IPP Adel Corpus PE Beth Directo

une 29, 2011 marked another milestone for the Rotary Club of Camp Aguinaldo. An informal Turn Over Ceremony was held at 6:30 in the evening at the Conference Hall of the J7 Offices at Camp Aguinaldo. The turnover rite was a simple ceremony which began with Rtn Roy Lopez leading the invocation. Outgoing President Adel Corpus and incoming President sat on the head table with the clubs symbolic gong and gavel in between them.. PP Gerry Zamudio and PE Beth Directo were the evenings night chairpersons.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK The evening ended early, leaving ample time for the members and guests to enjoy a delicious buffet hosted by Vice President Robert Camba. A fellowship night was enjoyed by all after dinner.
Each week, we highlight a piece of Rotary history and share an inspirational quote from past Rotary leaders. This weeks quote: "It has been the way of Rotary to focus thought upon matters in which members are in agreement, rather than upon matters in which they are in disagreement. . Paul Harris

Rotary Club of Camp Aguinaldo

Monthly Newsletter Page 1

1st week of July

Rotary Trivia
Ever wonder why the Rotary year begins 1 July? The international convention initially played a key role in determining the start date of our fiscal and administrative year. Rotarys first fiscal year began the day after the first convention ended, on 18 August 1910. The 191112 fiscal year also related to the convention, beginning with the first day of the 1911 convention on 21 August. At its August 1912 meeting, the Board of Directors ordered an audit of the International Association of Rotary Clubs finances. The auditors recommended that the organization end its fiscal year on 30 June to give the secretary and treasurer time to prepare a financial statement for the convention and board, and determine the proper number of club delegates to the convention. The executive committee concurred, and at its April 1913 meeting, designated 30 June as the end of the fiscal year. This also allowed for changes to the schedule for reporting club membership and payments. Even The Rotarian changed its volume numbering system to correspond to the

fiscal year (beginning with vol. 5, July 1914). Rotary continued to hold its annual conventions in July or August until 1917. Delegates to the 1916 event in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, approved a resolution to hold future conventions in June, mainly because of the heat in cities where most of them occurred. The next one was held 17-21 June in Atlanta, Georgia. The term "Rotary year" has been used to signify Rotarys annual administrative period since at least 1913. An article in The Rotarian that July noted, The Rotary year that is rapidly drawing to a close has been signalized by several highly successful joint meetings of Clubs that are so situated as to assemble together easily and conveniently. Since the executive committee's decision in 1913, the end of the Rotary year has remained

Another Momentous Occasion for District 3780

he Joint District Induction and Oathtaking Ceremonies was held on Sunday, July 3, 2011, at the grand ballroom of the Hotel Sofitel Philippine Plaza, CCP Complex, Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City. Needless to say, the event was an astounding success which prompted all present to look to this Rotary Year 2011-2012 as a very promising and productive year for District 3780.

The afternoon was highlighted by the installation of District 3780 Governor Jess Cifra by none other than PRIP Bhichai Rattakul. This momentous event was followed by the new governors inaugural address. Thereafter, the others tasked to serve for RY 2011-2012 district officials and club presidents, including RCCA's very own, Bong Jungco, were inducted as well. The event was capped by a strictly formal evening affair, where members and guests wined and dined in the true spirit of Rotary fellowship.

Rotary Club of Camp Aguinaldo

Monthly Newsletter Page 2

1st week of July

Rotary Club of Camp Aguinaldo

Monthly Newsletter Page 3

1st week of July

July 2011








The Rotary Club of Camp Aguinaldo is a strong, active and social group with a commitment to the principals of Rotary, and a focused dedication to give back to the local community, as well as support Iocal and international projects. Now with 30 members, the club continues to attract high-energy professionals dedicated to community service. We invite you to visit our club. We meet on Wednesday evenings, 6:00 to 7:00pm, at the J7 Mess Hall in Camp Aguinaldo.























But primitive man had enemies real as well as imaginary, and they were not subject to priestly sorceries. How strange it is that murder has the sanction of law in one and only one of the human relationships, and that is the most important of all, that of nation to nation. Ideas have unhinged the gates of empires. In the clashes between ignorance and intelligence, ignorance is generally the aggressor. Motherhood is at its best when the tender chords of sympathy have been touched. Much responsibility rests upon the shoulders of the song leader; it is not infrequently within his power to make or break a meeting. The less one knows, the more he thinks he knows, and the more willing he is to employ any and all measures to enforce his views upon others.

Rotary Club of Camp Aguinaldo

Monthly Newsletter Page 4

1st week of July

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