HermanYeung DSE Physics Notes CHC ForPrint

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ov) se ae Byte on aoe eeoeg Im (Wave Motion jRabS Nature & Properties of Waves chapter C1 chapter C2 chapter C3, chapter C4 chapter C5 chapter C6 chapter C'7 chopter C8, chapter CO cnanter C10 Light chapter C1] chapter C12 chapter C13 chapter C14. chapter C15 chapter C16 Sound chapter C17 Le Mace \Velocity, Wavelength, Frequency ‘Transverse \Wave Longitudinal\Wave Reflection Reflection (one end fixed) Refraction Diffraction ‘Superposition Interference (Stationary Wave Different EM\Waves Plane |Mirror Total|\Internal Reflection (Application) Prism Optics Young's Double Slit|/Experiment Sound &(Ultrasound, Musical (Note, |Decibel tak Kol ah Ta ited RAVAN BS ALIS HE BERS SRR (AH BOR (6tak eat ea (18) art at en Fe Ee RLU SER FoR ZARA (HERB) ae He AB ERAD ARES aR SS BRRBBR: REAR Herman Yeung Physics = = <@ ° PEP o B80 Oy ° 2a a °3 eo 4 °8 2 ‘Velocity, Wavelength, Frequency ERR: WR vA, fi Iw y/em x/om y/em period M8 — T —— amplitude ite Time t Meaning Unit Bit A wavelength i cm, m, etc... A amplitude ie cm, m, etc ... T period a8 s f frequency AE Hz v velocity RE m/s i { La Chapter C1 Herman Yeung Physics a op 0% e y/em t=0s 3 Q P 10 ° ahs Rae othe bg Boy ° @ e oo 3B e000” é ° Ce MCEE) x/om amplitude i808: A=3cm Wy OE w Chapter C1 Le iasiccoat see awe wavelength #2: A=10cm Herman Yeung Phusics = % @ > o © piv hiv PEM Ae We Oy, AE y/om orlinie x oo 4s period FH Period 3833 Frequency #8 : Ls Meee @ oe @ 282 go BBM asp obo EE.@ a *o 23,03” op od “2 e @ 2% 0@ y/em x/om x/om Moving downward fa FIBEV: | P Crest RIE: Q Moving upward MLBH: R Trough RA: S Momentarily at rest BRSAFLE: @Q,S Equilibrium position F@itUH: P,R If 2 points always move at the Same direction (up & down) > in Phase Tf 2 points always move at the Different direction, > in Antiphase: 82a) BEAM BH(LT) > Be 82 mae ABS eH > RA Prevent the wave rebound : Insert spongy plastic around the edge of the tank ay BFL: ERAT 2 ey w Chapter C2 Herman Yeung Physics Y od °p 8 sachs ons e rr) 3° orate a) eB 0.98 (Longitudinal Wave MER we Longitudinal wave: move to and fro wR MEST eo Transverse wave : move ups and downs 4 aH LF BH r A longitudinal wave is a wave in which the vibrations are along the direction of travel of the wave. ORB RHA) A RHA BRAKE - Centre of Rarefaction Centre of Compression BBR Bmp a Y y Y Y ’ D040 DON ig uciaN4 ' | F amplitude #8 = 4 cm Distance SERE Displacements of the particles along the longitudinal waves st LS RNANETS 0,9%0 Feel a et of) se Displacement A. wavelength i 8 }¢—— A= 40cm ———» di amplitude #58 = 4 cm A Distance em -3 -4 : Displacements of the particles along the longitudinal waves RLS RMN Displacement A fe Distance SBR Move to the Right [AB = Move tothe Left Az : DEF Momentarily at rest BRES#BLE * Herman Yeung Physics = = > op 30 838 eres 80 2 WD 2.90 2, 3 ae vente C Reflection eee eae - 60° = — ‘ree <2 =X (0) es aS oS Herman Yeung Physics = 2 &e oe oe a @ oe 3 age 82qoh8 '@ 2° é othe - onots a) ove a” (Reflection (one end fixed) Ra (—inBe) a Bo 0B gM aso op oBOC BP. 0 9,0 WB 2 % BS 2 a Refraction oe (O73 as a (Tos v=fA — Same source, Same f refraction #33 eaeeeear low density (air) <> va: Ax eee (28) high density (water) > v/\\> Ady Sze (Gk) @ = angle of incidence Asif 0 = angle of refraction #784 f% Refractive index if n, sind, = n, sind, nm sing, vy Ay nm sin®, Vv. Az Ve Air + other medium 29% + Bithy} sind, =n, sind, L-sind =nnsina (+2 Mec 0 of = 1) > n==— Refractive index #78% : we eee (or) foal OL tad Herman Yeung Phusics a a @ 3 ay sae se eo @ BB 3% °8 cB @ es e e °8 Air + other medium 223% + Sith Refractive index #7333 : special case 1: @ = 90° low density (air) — ' Refractive index #8332 ae ' sin9o° 1 me sine sinc 1 ne high density — sinc nem special case 2: a>c Oe i Tf angle of incidence > ¢ mais i ARM >c high density — => Total internal reflection Bee 2nkat 1 = angle of incidence AM# 0 = angle of refraction iif ¢ = critical angle are Ve Manesenes Water wave 7K ii Deep water region (low density) > VALAK RAE (GBR) > VR AK Shallow water region high density) > vie Ad Refraction #4 ke (BEB) > vihs Ay @ oo OP or ir ay 2 6 qm 20 e % “ob % 3 8s ° 0503 oe Diffraction ole g yf [wee Daan CoM ER |) Tele} Case: A *%a wavelength * length of obstacle Res SRMES << Case 2: Azb wavelength * width of slits RE « RENE at TL ] WW Ta a nee wt w Chapter C7 a aed Herman Yeung Physics a oe @ e a ‘Superposition IOS —2- Case 1: inPhase [al*8 sint + sint =2sint ae ad A QW + + Case 2: in Anti-phose R48 sint—sint =O 28g PEM we RBG my op ob “0 Cose3: Neither in Phase nor in Anti-phase BR BM RE Rt ate 2) 4 least = in(ts sint+sil +2) 2sin] —4 | cost 1848 sin{+ 2) . ate 7 . sint+sin( t+) = 2sin| 3 |eos% - 1732 sin(t+Z) end ae ates) oe Heue sint vsin(t1 4) = 2sin] 2 |eost = 1414 sin(t 2) Case 2: in Anti-phase +8 sint+sin(t+2) = asin( 22") cos : Osin( t= Herman Yeung Physics = = 2, Oe % @ eo 5 age Bel h8 ty 25° 0%? &e os Ns *05 ove 2 We Interference ots eae Crest iu Trough Ws Le oseneixe) @ @ 3 ee Bye nae é ote ge 3° onots a) o® COTA a oat Mm ee A = uM ace t Si At - S2A1 = 4A-4A = OA Si A2- S2Az2 = 2-20 = OA uM aie S:Bi - S2B1 = 4A-3A = 10 S: Bz - S2Bz = 2.5A-1.5A = 1A 73; | ai aa w Chapter C9 Herman Yeung Physics x a @& °3 se Bay hs aoe? é ote ge o a MK acne SiC1-S2C, = 4A-2A == (20 SiC2 - S2Cz2 = 2.5A-0.5A = 20 uM eo ed S:D1-S2Di = 3A-4A = -1A SiDz2- S2D2 = 1.54 -2.5A = -1A @ <@ °p og bey hs os oe ote 0 3" arabs a) o® constructive interference RFS MK acne SiEi-S2E: = 2A-4A =a SiE2 - S2E2 = 0.5A-2.50 = -20 Puce ee * nz integer 281 => constructive interference fT Locus 888: (x —a)*+(y—b,)°- le -a,) +b) = OA a A a] Chapter C9 Herman Yeung Physics Dy Bows Pee othe ° = of) se Si trough + Sz crest tM hea SiY¥ -S2¥ = 3A-3.5A =—Giow SiZ -S2Z = 15-2 = -O.5A SiP -S2P = 4A-2.50 i UU aie 2g * nz integer HB = destructive interference HATE i ll a] Chapter C9 5 sa8 og ao @a.! oqo Bago hs 38850 e othe - Ma: *05 ag a” y(x-a, +(y—b,)? lx -a,)° +(y~b,)? (a,, b,) (a, be) Locus 818% : (x —a,)* +(y—b,)° - y(x -a,)? +(y-b,)* = O5A Locus of Destructive Interference meee a] Kol ntefosc Ker) Herman Yeung Physics Dy @. en @ oe P oa 2 .e 2 °e ae By hs owe a pone . onots “° oe. = ae sah S1,S2 > in Anti-phase RH as anees eee t MEA WE) +0 +0 +o XR LY, ae Sk “as oN eT] wy ZD A 5S i MN th 2, 8g 0 ag oF “e se bay eB 2e* So ee) 28S os. x a oe % ° & 0%? 8e ous 5 Pop ove 2 Locus of Interference FH>BNSiBiF S1,S2 > inPhase [alti _— ore TST es Oe. ql 7 na eet On aI \ sooo SMES Geer eM (x —,)°+(y—b,)° —\(x—a,)*+(y—b,) = nA @ og 30 Baas eee NG Tg C1 0 _ Oa y/m 4 incident wave ASti8& jE — af y/m 4 reflected wave B2ti8 KE oN, voy Jim ae superposition 2/0 2 R amplitude #18 wavelength &: A= 20m period (HR: T= 45 an 4n P,Q,R,S oe => momentarily at rest Q BRRS BLE oe ws OF Fy ri saQoe ogo Pod Oe & é é yim a incident wave A Sti t=1s 1 ie ; # > x/m yan 1 y/m 1 Jim a superposition 2/0 P ,R_ © downward with different amplitude WARIREE Q,S © upward with different amplitude Ale} RORE_L Bohs Pee oboeg of) se y/m ry incident wave A Sti — — y/m on a superposition 2/0 2 P ,R_ © downward with different amplitude WARIREE Q,S © upward with different amplitude Ale} RORE_L oe ws Bows 20a5e ? oboeg of) se y/m 4 incident wave ASI rey 1 on a / / $ + Me x/m : an f al Naot Nae? y/im 4 reflected wave Bzsti8t KEN oN é \ / s. ani ‘ ae \ 1 ae y/m a superposition 2/0 amplitude #tB wavelength 324 : period SHB: P,Q,R,S => momentarily at rest Herman Yeung Physics x oo sO 3 og Bye hs aoe? e rr) y/m incident wave Ati litude RNB Amax = 2m = Node 24 nd me Wy wavelength i: A= 2mm AN = Anti-Node ji& period BR: T=4s oo oe, 3 sf bg PEM wee Be Pee ogee lent AS} Io: y=sinx Rot y=-sin(@r~-x)=sinx SP: y=sinx+sinx =2sinx Ter y -sin(x 4) = si 32+ x) = —cosx Re y=-sin(2a-x-2) = sin( x) = cosx SP: y=~cosx +cosx=0 reflected wave Bia Le Moseea oo Ay 3 sf bg PEM wee Be Pee ogee lent AS} . 20s sin %=22) 4 2 =v2sin(x— 7) =-V2sinx incident wave Afi Ii y=sin(x—z)=sin(x +x)=—sinx reflected wave BiAt3 y =~sin(x - x- 2) =~sin(x - x) = -sinx SP: y=~sinx—sinx = -2sinx reflected wave KA Le Moseea oe @ 2 op 08 Foe ehee 8o ete Om op ove a” T= incident AS} Re reflected 43 —-SP= superposition #11 a 4at T | (2x20 sin 452 - 2eos{ 2) six 2) 7 2eos( x 2) sins +x) : -2e0d x 22) sine I oe Chapter C10) i Herman Yeung Physics x oa a ° 5 ay sah 8 20950 ? othe vg 85 *05 2a 2° Different EM Waves RAN SER nw ae EMwave = -_- Transverse wave. sae Ee Sound wave - Longitudinal wave BR aOR Velocity of EM wave tHiR A028: v-3x10° m/s v=fa famed Neue) ad 10” ~10% < 10pm Radioactive source par 10” ~ 10° nm ~ 1pm Detect weapons Ultra-violet 10° ~107 400nm~ Inm Sterilization of drinking water R v R v MOORE 4.10" ~7.5x10% 750mm ~ 400nm Peal 10" ~10% 25pm ~ 2.5ym Detect living body Wireless telecommunication, Menara 3x10" ~10" Imm~25um Satellite communication, RADAR, TV remote TV, radio Beil <3x10" > 1mm Remarks + Induction cooker: magnetic field > eddy current Ceramic cooker : electricity > infrared a 1, aa w Chapter C11 fea] OL ed Herman Yeung Physics oy oe oa ° eBe™ oe 0 ° ° 08 8y 83% Bo 85 © BP op o8 Pog é é Velocity of EM wave RLBEUIEEE : vy =3:10" m/s v=fA 10” ~ 10% <10pm BR 10” ~ 10° 1nm ~ 1pm RRS 10" ~10” 400nm ~ Inm CAKES R v R v 4x10" ~7.5x10" 750nm ~ 400nm 10% ~10% 25 ym ~ 2.5 ym 3x10" ~ 10% Imm ~ 25pm, <3x10" > 1mm 63 > BSR BA > AME w Chapter C11 @ og 38 Beh Ewe eg oetg 0% °3 °3 A )) a) 1. Virtual (vs. Real) ee (vs. H@) 2. Erect (vs. Taverted) aw (vs. ft) 3. Same size (vs. enlarged « diminished) FARA (vs. BA: uh) 4. Laterally inverted ‘EAR Bye 8 eae g otee ae of) se Diffuse reflection: reflection on rough surface Ba: PARNRBLRH re ogo Be eh ee 80 2 WD otk 4g oee o crovter CY ‘Total Internal Reflection (Application) Ky Sree (ee) lence. 1. Periscope 2 lens 8% plone mirror 578 using lens rather than plane mirror - (1) Prevent multiple reflection (2) Image formed is brighter / clearer ABRNTST oR . (1) BRSERH (2) PRABALRI EHS SSB / StS a w Chapter C13 ~ p.38 ~ Herman Yeung Phusics = @ @ ef bey 0% g°3?, 8° 0 WG Se S 2a a” “e° o%e “e @ 2. Glass Fibre-Telecommunication i838shét - BFiBin, 3. Sparkling of aDiamond SMOZWAVH HE I Herman Yeung Phusics = oa a ° 5 ay sah 8 2885 oe othe vg 85 *05 2%. °° ° Prism re C14 ge Mg oR a eC oe eee aaa int ee cin ors fold 625 - 750 590 - 620 570 - 590 495 - 570 450 - 495 380 - 450 Red «1 seocn White light 3% } Hey ie Violet 3 o oo <5 2 sah 2885 oe othe id 2; °c ovo o Optics eos C1 (3 5k lw Convex Lens—Converginglens iéig - Siem k— f — focal length iE Concave Lens — Diverging lens USS - BRUSH focal length #882 k#— f — Herman Yeung Physics a @ @ e ahs 20950 ° othe bg es "oe 3% °° op 0% e Convex Lens—Converging lens iii - 233i Reda OK) Image © Virtual - Erect ~ Enlarge ee o £& - BW - MK = NO image is formed / Blurry image > RARGLA / HMR Le Banenear a 3 28 sah 8 s eo Be o> ° & Convex (3): f Enlarge Be > Be. Bw nA eyeX > RALFEM P Bat b eyeY > EFEAGIM Pp Em d & Convex (4): o.d. Image “> Real « Inverted - Same size ee > RE Au AMAR P| evex & RAL AERP nt b eyeY > LREALM PEt d Herman Yeung Phusics = @ @ ot g Pee othe vg omy *o 2% é °3 2% “ob & Convex (5. CX Rearag Image => Real » Inverted - Diminished eta ee > B®. Bly mI) eeX > PRETO PBA b eeY > ERE PBA d & Convex (6): 0.d. > 0 eyex Image > Real < Inverted: Diminished | | "~ea —¥ 2S > BE gy. my eyeX > RALPH. P nt b eyeY > LREALM PEt d Herman Yeung Physics x oa a ° 3 2f ‘BROS ~ (BM ~ Marly 0.d, > ‘Ba ~ BM - MBA coo o aaaas ©) Herman Yeung Phusics a a @& °3 Sy sas 4 8° 2 we 9° aay Concave Lens - Diverging lens U38%% - RGR Image => Virtual : Erect ~ Diminished Re > me. By; A) Re) ook, 6) A P| Concave (3): o.d.>f © Concave (2): od.=f © Concave (4): od. > 0 object distance focal length ny @ °3 8 su Ps a 7 é ote ge o a Remarks : Images that can be projected onto Screen / Film must be Real. By Eye, Camera can also see Real or Virtual image. Image: Virtual => Erect Real => Inverted LRA RR/ EA LIPS RE - Mi HRT SAAS - ee: £& > BW He o Bl Lens Equation & Magnification Aft & MAB Lens Equation safest : iyi. : +E | convex & |) +2 | Rel 8 +E coe +E | convex & |) + | Virtul - | cone +E concave] J - Virtual se — Bi | cous i F Object Distance #IE = u Image Distance #28 - v Focal Length #85B - f Magnification KAZ = Herman Yeung Phusics ome @ 3 28 sae hs 235° ° othe vg a Proof of Lens Equation %sa7s#2xt AzS08 Convex lens + Realimage S838 + +E | convex & |) +2 | Rel @ +E cues +E | convex & () | + | Virtual @ | -f& | coz +E concave J - Virtual ae = | cous y ee Magnification HAH = |+| Tne Ditrce IE - u Focal Length #B - f Se ye_.\ OT Al mn My mu var Chapter C15 ~p.49 ~ Herman) Yeung Physics a @ @ ge hs 20950 ? othe vg 85 ; Case 2: Convex lens + Virtual image Spas + Re op 0% e Mee y convex i () +2 Rel @ +E +E | convex & (|) +2 | Virtul -& | caee concave M i - 8 | Virtual -B | cues . Object Distance #328 - u Magnification BAX = I¢| Tmoge Distance #55 - v u Focal Length RIE of rnin Chapter C15 Herman Yeung Phusics ay @ 3 28 sae hs 235° ° othe - Case 3: Concave lens + Virtual image (M3A3R + KEIR Lens Equation Asay f2xt : 44 2 ai a convex & |) +E +E | cowex & |) +E concave] i - & Virtual 5 -& r Object Distance #86 - u Magnification BAZ = I¢| Image Distance #838 - v u Focal Length SE - f A TL Chapter C15 Herman Yeung Phusics ay Examples of Lens Equation s##A#xt GIF & Convex (1): o.d. 2F & Convex (6): 0.4. > 282 q9B Ege ep WRB Psy. 4ve, u=2f f= ee uv f iF feive, uo, 450 u 111 11 Tt! > opted ci A nvef ‘Magnification -H 0 ve @ 5 ay sah se 2885 oe oboeg 0% °3 °3 Herman Yeung Phusics eee) a°8 Pj ass oberg =—_7 Peery <@ PP oae 9 ae f=-ve, u=0.5f tia. uv f Magnification -f BAR Magnification ~ 4 = poet -05 BAR f=-ve, u=15f ‘Magnification - - Lee BAR Magnification = 4 30 BAS °8 08 a @& pivbvt tate SMe tg 8 Aen Find the focal length of lens? 32SR 00 $836 ? Method 1 Fik— : The convex lens is used to view a distant object and the image is caught by a screen. The distance from the lens to the screen is equal to the focal length (f) of the lens. AACR R REHM RAK RR LAE RAR BEAR MARMN EI (A) AR - Screen FRA Method 2 Aix — Rees plane mirror 88 4 reflected ray Base a ] Ty TD a nee Du La Chapter C15 ~ p.56 ~ Herman Yeung Phusics J go ep 3 o 2 og st Rd ee a Pog cB 8.99 é Microscope AGS objective lens i eyepiece lens Et Herman Yeung Phusics ome ao #@ <5 ay sah 8 oe othe % onots a) ove 2 Me D Youns’s Double Siit Experiment LS rege DO a a Fringe Separation in double-slit interference BET ERED RAE (Condition te: 9 ~0) dsin@=nA __ Diffraction Grating equation <-EEED 2” order bright fringe a UsRTEH I> <-GEED 3% order bright fringe B= MAH |< GED 2% order bright fringe BGR he 1° order bright fringe 38 — 85K SS GED © order bright fringe <- GERD 2% order bright fringe aap, SKEK] INT <- ERED 3% order bright fringe <-GEZD 4” order bright fringe *BIR=H XY 2 ee oe ° 2g Bago hs 20a5e e o® 80.0 gino = Path diff d \e ZN?! path dif. =dsing path difference #28 =dsing Screen BRE path difference 2% =dsino & if dsin@=nA => constructive interference ETH > bright fringe 38 dsin@=1A : 1*order bright fringe #—ARFSAL dsin@=2A : 2" order bright fringe dsin@=3A : 3% order bright fringe dsin@=4 : 4" order bright fringe Diffraction Grating equation Fi8ittRAE : dsind=nA ° sing Tea (nis non-negative integer 23FRZEB) << IT ~ w Chapter C16 Se Herman Yeung Physics = od oe 3 28 sah 8 20950 ? othe vg 85 *05 °® A << dora << D => @20 => sin@ = tand + EEE 2% order bright fringe f BR EEE © order bright fringe | f 5A @=0 AD © Fringe Separation in double-slit interference: Ay =—— SET AP HORE 7 Pn Tock w Chapter C16 Herman Yeung Physics x op 0% e ° gh Rae othe 0.90 A < dora << D i + EB) 3° order bright fringe #= ATE f — ERB 2% order bright fringe BATE fe at ERED © order bright fringe 8 — A564 Za T + -—COi = 100 cm ——-> f, ; 1% order B—AB: 2” order &. 3" order B=: sind, = 3x0.1 > 6, =17.458° f, tang, = tan5.739° = = f,=10.05 cm f+f, tan 6, =tan11.537° = 4 => f,=10.36 cm tané, ~tant7 45g: = ft > f,=11.04 om ; a a sind=n- eg. 70.1 and D=100 em sind, =1x0.1 > 0, =5.739° sind, =2x0.1 > @, =11.537° 4 onder bright fringe TRH 3 order bright feinge MEMH 2 onder bright fringe =IR7EH2 1 order bright fringe EH central 232 1 order bright fringe 8 —H27EH2 2 order bright fringe HMRI ‘3 order bright fringe: =I 4 onder bright fringe TRH Herman Yeung Physics a op 0% e CT C1 7 a @ ee 8 2885 oe othe @@ o°a" oft 8 ‘Sound & Ultrasound, De \Musical Note, Decibel BRRBER: RE°RR Sound wave @ (2) (3) (4) travelling wave longitudinal wave v=340m/s (Sound & Ultrasound) mechanical wave => needs medium for propagation => cannot travel in vacuum high density => low Vey => high vs low density > high Ve => low vs loudness o amplitude? (=kA® pitch x frequency f>20000Hz (Ultrasound) v=340m/s (BERBER) ‘eR > BESEeT > AGRAE SE ZEB Vey > Vek See > Vey > veil SE « ie? = kA BB BE 2 20000Hz (#28%) Herman Yeung Phusics = e° fey 2% gS 8° 2 we o> 99, Sound wave (8) waveform (Musical note) (8) 8 (@H) AN. i \_. A (\_.. Tuning fork HX (9) sound intensity: Decibel (9) Bam: 2A 54) RMN Levels of Decibel BAW : a db =10:log @ = levels of decibel BEOR MR I = intensity of sound energy BALES HHH Type of sound DE decibel BSDKA Rocket Launching 180 db ae Thunderstorm 130 db FRIES Aeroplane landing 120 db eam Rock and roll 110 db 28 Fire alarm 80 db =a Air-conditioner 60 db a8 Bedroom 40 db Library 30 db Countryside 20 db Broadcasting panel 10 db a @& °3 8 su Ps aoe? é ote ge o a Use of Ultrasonic BERR Camera autofocusing (1) AMBER Ultrasonic spectacles cleaner (2) Bem Detection of flows (3) sR (ane) Find the depth of the sea WSERE Clean dirt of plaque of teeth (6) WIRE Detection of cracks in railway tracks SRSA Breaking up kidney stones (7) SBEE Examining foetuses (8) ane

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