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Rowling & Writing

Knowing that J.K Rowling wrote Harry Potter, I am astonished by how well she
writes, as most of my friends are fans of her work. I picture her as a writer who is
completely immersed in her work. I may not be a book worm but I can tell how great
her books because almost every-single person I know owns one of them.

She mentioned, that when she eventually got the confidence to start sending her
first novel to agents and publishers at a time when she felt like a conspicuous failure,
she determined that she was going to attempt this one thing that she always thought
she could accomplish, and if it didn't work out, she had faced worse and survived. She
stated that she achieved success by going off on her own in a route that most others
believed was a dead end, shattering all the shibboleths about children's books in the
process, male protagonists are outdated, boarding institutions are frowned upon, and
no children's book should be more than 45,000 words long. I think that it is courageous
for her to go another way because not everyone would risk doing so. Some people fear
it may go the wrong way, but in this instance, she took the chance, trusted herself and
look where she is now.

In writing the series of Harry Potter, I noticed that she disciplined herself. She
mentioned that “sometimes you have to write even when the muse isn’t cooperating”,
She disciplined herself to continue what she’s doing with the muse or without. But, who
is this muse? She is Mousa, the daughter of Zeus, also known as the goddess who
oversees arts and she is the person who inspires the amazing artists to create
something beautiful.

Another characteristics that I noticed is resiliency, to be able to pick oneself up is

a necessary ability for a writer since, as she stated, "rejection and criticism are part of a
writer's life." As a student, I've faced a lot of criticism, but I've always managed to keep
my head up and see it as an opportunity to grow.
Moving on, I was able to obtain some guidance from the essay after reading it in its
entirety. First, she said “forget the must do’s and concentrate on the “you probably
won’t get far withouts” which are reading, discipline, resilience, humility, courage, and
independence”. It is very essential to be able to have these traits since it may make you
a better writer. Second, “you can’t be a good writer without being a devoted reader”. I
really agree with it since I have been able to write better on the basis of my experience,
as I often read more excellent books. Third, “notice what works and what doesn’t, what
you enjoyed and why”. In the past, as I read, I have come across things that worked
not for me. For example, I found out that nothing truly enters my head when I read in
the morning, but when I read in the afternoon, I can understand everything I read.
Fourth, “being able to pick yourself up and keep going is invaluable if you’re to survive
your work being publicly assessed”. And lastly, to view the website called Writer
Beware, She considers it a wonderful resource for anybody attempting to determine
what could be beneficial, what is worth paying for, and what should be avoided at all

These suggestions will certainly assist me become a better writer, and they have
provided me with a fresh perspective on what reading and writing actually mean.

Criteria Ratings Pts

Comprehension And Content 34 pts 30 pts 26 pts 22 pts 0 pts

Integration Excellent Good Acceptable Poor Non
This criteria evaluates the writer’s Submission
ability to comprehend various
material and integrate them
Organization and Development 33 pts 30 pts 27 pts 24 pts 0 pts
This criterion evaluates the writer’s Excellent Good Acceptable Poor Non
ability to structure and explain the Submission
material in a cohesive, unified, and
rhetorically effective manner.
Language and Presentation 33 pts 30 pts 27 pts 24 pts 0 pts
Excellent Good Acceptable Poor Non
This criterion evaluates the writer’s Submission
ability to express ideas and
information correctly and
appropriately in terms of grammar,
vocabulary, and presentation

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