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Language can be defined as "The method of human communication, either spoken or written,

consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way." (Oxford dictionary of English,
1998). Language enables us to communicate, to express emotions and to share ideas. There are
two ways to classify a language, the scene and the medium, the scene is where a language takes
place-the setting. The medium is what type of language is used such as spoken or gestures. There
are many different settings such as conversational language among friends and family, educational
such as lecturers to students, where the lecturer is speaking on an individual basis and readings of
poetry where the individual is provoking feelings in the listener. The medium can be described as
how people communicate, through spoken language, through gestures such as sign language.

There are nine main properties that can be used to describe best how a language can be efficient-
arbitrariness, duality, systematicity, structure-dependence, productivity, displacement, specialization,
universals and cultural transmission. (Williamson, 2009)

 Arbitrariness is quite a useful trait in a language because it allows flexibility; it can be decided
among people what name to give to objects, places, people, feelings and actions. There are of
course onomatopoeic words that can sound like their meaning, such "crash" and "sizzle". These
words sound like the action itself and they can almost create a feeling or image in the person
hearing the word. Onomatopoeic words are rare in the majority of languages.

Another property which is part of a human language is duality. This is the idea that language has two
levels of speech- primary and secondary level. Primary level- consisting of units tated that d in
thcant.n the person hearing the word.they are simply just lettersive to objects/places/people etc.
There areand secondary level consisting of the elements. The elements of the secondary level
combine to form the units of the primary level

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