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Choose the best answer a, b, c, d, or e e.

Orang-utan doesn’t spend most of its time in trees

This text for question no 1 – 4
This text for question no 5- 7
Orang Utan
Orang-utan is a great ape of Southeast Asia. Its Fish are animals that live in water. They have fins
name means “man of the jungle”. Orang-utans only live on that help them to swim. Most of fish have slimy skins
the island of Borneo and in the northern corner of the covered with scales which are very small and hardly be
island of Sumatera. seen.
The orang-utan spends most of its time in trees, Fish breathes through gills. These look like combs
using its long arms and hook-shaped hand and feed for and are found on each side of the head. Fish take in water
grasping branches and vines. It seldom ventures to the all the time. The water flows in through the mouth, over
ground, but when it does, it walks on all fours. the gills and out through the sides of he head. When a fish
Orang-utan are characterized by coarse, long, takes in water, it is not drinking but breathing, and the gills
reddish-brown fur. Male orang-utans average about 95 cm absorb oxygen from the water.
in length and about 77 kg in weight. Females are smaller, The body of fish is made up of the head, trunk and
reaching about 78 cm in height and weighting only about the tail fins.
37 kg. The male has puffy cheeks and a hanging throat- There are many different kinds of fish which have
pouch. This pouch contains air sacks that help produce a different shapes and colors. Some fish are long and thin,
groaning, bubbling call, which can be heard at least 1 km while others are flat and rounded. Most fish have bodies
away. which are broad at trunk region and narrow toward head
Half of the orang-utans diet consist of fruit, but and tail.
these animals also eat young leaves, soft inner bark,
termites, eggs, and occasionally monkeys. Orang-utans 5. What is the function of the fins?`
accumulate fat in winter to prepare for the monsoon season a. for breathing d. for drinking
in April through October, when food is scarce. b. for eating e. for swimming
c. for swallowing
Orang-utans are solitary creatures, except when
mating, adults usually travel and forage for food 6. According to the text, what makes fish different from
independently. When a female is ready to mate, she will each other according to the text?
seek out an adult male. The pair will stay together for a. their lives and food d. their heads and mouths
several days until the female is pregnant, then they will b. their sizes and lengths e. their heads and tails
solitary again. The gestational period for orang-utans is just c. their shapes and colors
under nine months, nearly the same as in human beings.
Females give birth to a single infant about once every four 7.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
to eight years. Infant stay very close to their mothers for a. the body of the fish d. kinds of fish
the first three years until they are weaned. They spend the b. flat and rounded fish e. shapes of the fish
next three to five years becoming increasingly independent c. the upper parts of fish
of their mother, gaining complete independence at about
eight years of age. This text for question no 8 – 10
1.How do male orang-utans produce a groaning and A cabbage belongs to vegetable. The word cabbage
bubbling call? derives from the French word caboche, a colloquial term
a. By help of the hanging throat-pouch they have for “head”. The cabbage family is wide and varied such as
b. By shouting loudly for at least 1 km Brussels sprouts, brocoli, cauliflower and kale. The
c. By practicing among their group cabbage itself comes in many forms. The shapes can be
d. By having the puffy cheeks plat, conical or round. The heads are compact or loose. The
e. By spending most of its time in trees leaves are curly or plain.
In the United States, the most widely used cabbage
2.What happens during the monsoon season? comes in compact heads of waxy, tightly wrapped leaves
a. Orang-utans eat young leaves that range in color from almost white to green to red.
b. It is the mating time for orang-utans Savoy cabbage and Chinese cabbage are
c. Orang-utans accumulate fat in winter considered culinary superior but are less readily available.
d. It is hard for orang-utans to find food The cabbage may be refrigerated and tightly
e. Orang-utan find a lot of food in the woods wrapped for a week. It can be cooked in a variety of ways
or eaten raw, as in salads. The cabbage, a cruciferous
3.How many babies does a female orang-utan give birth to? vegetables, contain a good amount of vitamin C and some
a. one b. two c. three d. four e. five vitamin A.
4.Which statement is true about orang-utans?
a. When a male is ready to mate, he will look for a 8.The purpose of the text is.....
female a. to describe cabbage
b. Gestational period for orang-utans is just five months b. to tell the readers how to choose cabbages
c. A female orang-utans can reach about 77 kg in c. to explain how to cook cabbages
weight d. to tell the readers how to grow cabbages
d. Orang-utans does not live in groups e. to persuade the readers that cabbage is good
9.The second paragraph describes the..... of the cabbages c. allow them invisible
a. color b. price c. shape d. head e. leaves d. attract their preys
e. trap their preys
10.Which of following statements is not TRUE
a. the word cabbage in French means head 14. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?
b. Cabbages must be well-cooked before it is eaten a. tigers ears are moveable
c. there are many kinds of cabbage b. cheetahs can be found in large forests
d. Cabbages contain vitamin A and C c. tigers can see better than human beings during the
e. you can keep cabbages in refrigerator daylight
d. white tigers are easily bred
11. Savoy cabbage and Chinese cabbage are considered e. tigers use their claws to threaten their preys
culinary superior but are less readily available. This
means that.. 15. The purpose of the text is........
a. it is easy to get Savoy cabbages and Chinese a. to explain how tigers catch their preys
cabbages in any markets b. to give a report about tigers
b. you have to find Savoy cabbages and Chinese c. to inform what tigers look like
cabbages in certain markets d. to describe to the existence
c. it is rather difficult to find Savoy cabbages and of tigers
Chinese cabbages in supermarket e. to tell the lives of tigers
d. people don’t like Savoy cabbages and Chinese 16. The generic structure of the text is ....
cabbages bacause of their tastes a. issue, arguments, conclution
e. people don’t like Savoy cabbages and Chinese b. thesis, arguments, reiteration
cabbages because of their high prices c. thesis, arguments, recommendation
d. general classification, description
This text for question no 12 – 17 e. general statement, argumentation
Tigers are members of the cat family. Lion, 17. The writing above mostly uses...........
leopards, cheetahs, and house cats are also members of the a. simple past tense d. simple future tense
cat family. Tigers are the largest cat, and the only cats with b. simple present tense e. past continuous tense
strips. They live in large forests in southern and c. simple perfect tense
southeastern Asia.
A tiger’s short fur is usually colored dark orange This text for question no 18 – 22
with black stripes, and you can use them to tell tigers apart.
The stripes make a tiger stand out if you see them in the All living things on the earth belong to the plant or
open. In the forests where tigers live, however, the stripes animal family. The plant family gets their food and water
make them almost invisible. from the soil they also need sunlight to grow. Some of
Like house cats, tigers have soft pads on the them live in water and get their food from the water. There
bottoms of their paws. These pads allow tigers to move are thousands of plants.
silently through the forest. Tigers have long, sharp claws at We can divide plants into two groups. There are
the end of their feet. They pull the claws in until they need the plants without stems, roots, or leaves. These are the
them. When needed, the claws pop out like knives. algae and the mosses. Both kinds of plants need a lot of
Their big, yellow eyes give tigers sharp sight to water and moos is found in wet places.
find their prey. Tigers see as well as people during the day, The non flowering plants have spores growing on
and much better than people at night. They also hear well. the leaves when they dry; they are carried by the wind.
They can turn their ears toward sounds. Tigers have Those spores that fall on wet soil start to grow again. These
explosive speed. are some of ways that plant live and multiply.
They have strong muscles and long legs that help
them move extremely fast over short distance. Their long 18.The text mainly tells us about........
tails give them balance while running fast. Powerful jaws a. the plant family and their growth
and sharp teeth help tigers grab and kill prey once they b. two groups of plants
each it. c. how plants get their food and water
Some tigers in zoos and circuses are white with d. how non-flowering plants multiply
blue eyes. People bred these tigers because white tigers e. the non-flowering plants
fetch more money for tourists. In the wild. White tigers are 19. Where does algae usually grow?
very rare. Zoos no longer breed tigers to be white. a. in water d. on the dry land
b. on the high land e. at the beach
12.What can we say about the first sentence of the first c. on the tree
paragraph? 20. ”These are the alga and the mosses”. The word “these”
a. an orientation d. a general statement refers to......
b. a thesis e. an identification a. the plants
c. a general classification b. the family
13. The different stripe-colors are used to.... c. group of plant
a. make tigers stand out in the open field d. plants with stems, roots, or leaves
b. chose those which do not belong to the group e. plants without stems, roots, or leaves
21. ”When they are dry, they are.....”(par. 3) e. The life of whales in the oceans
The word “ they” refers to
a. the plants d. growing 25.The differents between whales and fish is that whales...
b. leaves e. spores a. do not have to come to surface to get fresh air
c. non-flowering plants b. deliver their young like elephanths do
c. will die if they cannot get any oxygen in the water
22. Where can we find moss? d. are mammals that are cold blooded
a. on mountain d. in water e. can easily breathe when they are underwater
b. on high land e. in wet place
c. on dry land 26.Whales occasionaly live in cold waters..........
a. to get more food d. to avoid winter
This text for question no 22 – 26 b. for reproduction e. for fresh air
c. to feed their babies
Whales are the largest animal on the earth. Bigger The text for question no 27 – 30
than elephants, they may grow 95 feet long, and weight
150 tons. A baby blue whale, just born, can be 23 feet long A KANGAROO
and weight 3 tons. A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia,
Although whales live in the oceans and can swim although it has a smaller relative, called wallaby, which
like fish, they are not fish. They are mammals, like cows lives on the Australian island of Tasmania and also in New
and elephants. Unlike fish, they bear young alive net as Guinea.
eggs. Their babies live on their mothers milk. They breathe Kangaroos eat grasses and plants. They have short
through their lungs and hold their breathe when they go front legs, but very long and very strong back legs and a
under water. If they cannot come to surface to breathe fresh tail. These they use for sitting up and for jumping.
air, they will drown. They are warm blooded. Fish, Kangaroos have been known to make forward jumps of
however, lay eggs, breathe oxygen in the water, are cold over eight meter, and leap across fences more than three
blooded animal. meters high. They can also run at speeds of over 45
Whales live in all the oceans. I in the winter some kilometers per hour.
of them go to warm waters to breed and in the summer The largest kangaroos are the Great Grey
most of them go to cold water to feed. There are teo kinds Kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo. Adults grow to a length
of whales, whales with teeth (toothed whales) and whales of 1.60 meters and weigh over 90 kilos.
without teeth (baleen whales). The toothed whales eat fish Kangaroos are marsupials. This means that the
and squid, which they can catch with their teeth, although female kangaroo has an external pouch on the front of her
they swallow their food without chewing it. The baleen body. A baby kangaroo is very tiny when it is born, and it
whales eat plankton (small sea animals and plants). When crawls at once in this pouch where it spends its first five
they find plankton, they open their mouths and swim into months of live.
the plankton. When they close their mouths, they squeeze
out the water and swallow the plankton. 27.The text is about....
Whales have few enemies. Only human beings and a. the description of kangaroos
the killer whales attack whales. And whales do not seem to b. the relation between kangaroos and wallabies
fight among themselves. They usually live from 20 to 30 c. kangaroos’ habitat in New Guinea
years. d. kangaroos’ strong back legs
e. jumping kangaroos
22.Which of the following is TRUE about whales?
a.Whales are generally 95 feet long and weigh 150 tons 28.The following are the characters of male kangaroo,
b. Big animals living in the ocean tend to be their except..
enemies. a. he has short front legs
c. like fish, whales can live in all kinds of waters b. he has a strong tail
d. Their life span is usually longer thaan human beings. c. he can run fast
e. A new baby whale may weigh one-fife-teeth d. he eats grasses and plants
e. he has external pouch on the front of his body
23.The organization of the text is....
a. identification – description 29.the writer wrote the text for the purposes of.....
b. general classification – description a. reviewing
c. general classification to position the reader- b. explaning the physical appearances of kangaroos
explanation c. retailing the readers about kangaroos
d. orientation events – reorientation d. amusing the readers with a story about kangaroos
e. goal – material – steps e. describing kangaroo in general

24.A suitable title for the text is........ 30.....kangaroo is very tiny when it is born...(par 4)
a. Alarge animals on earth The italic word means.....
b. Differences between whales and elephanths a. small d. smaller
c. Whales, the biggest animal on the earth b. smallest e. more small
d. Similarity between fish and whales c. most small
The text for question no 31 – 33 that none of the radiation escapes either from the reactor
(where fission takes place) or from the waste.
SHARK 34.Solar energy has been popular yet bacause...
Shark are carnivores. They eat all kinds all flesh. a. it requires high cost
Sharks prefer tuna, mackerel, and even smaller sharks for b. the energy produced is weak
their daily meal. Theyalso will eat swimmers if the c. it cannot be trapped on a large scale
condition are right. d. it can be used only for heating water
Sharks have very sharp senses of vision, hearing, e.. the scientists do not use it for cmmercial targets
and smell to help them find the food. They can see seven
times better than human and can hear sounds over two 35.Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?
miles away. About two-thirds of sharks’ brain is used for a. using energy has advantages and disadvantages
smelling, so if there is even a tiny amount of blood in the b. electric generators are needed to heat up water into
water, they will smell it, even it’s almost a mile away. steam
Instead of bones, sharks have something called c. the splitting of the nucleus of uranium atoms is called
cartilage. Bones are hard and don’t bend. Cartilage is fission
flexible, allowing sharks to bend so their heads can reach d. radiation may be emitted from reactor or from the
their tails. The cartilage also allows sharks to turn very waste produced
quickly. All this makes them better hunters. Humans have e. uranium is a kind of metal that makes nuclear power
cartilage too, but only in places like our ears and noses. station produce fuel

31.What is the topic of the text? 36.In what condition does the radiation of a nuclear power
a. the life habitat of shark station become dangerous?
b. how sharks live a. when it cannot be released
c. the general description of shark b. when it reaches the reactor
d. the sharks’ senses c. when there is a leak in the container
e. the adaptation of sharks with its environment d. when the container is closed firmly
e. when none of it escapes from the reactor
32.What part of the shark’s body is used for smelling?
a. about one – thirds of its nose 37. Under certain conditions, the nucleus of uranium atoms
b. about one – thirds its brain can be made split. The word”split” means...
c. about two – thirds of nose a. jump to the air
d. about two- thirds of brain b. explode loudly
e. all parts its nose and brain c. breaqk into parts
d. release suddenly
33.What is the purpose of the text? e. launch into the air
a. to entertain the readers
b. to describe a particular animal The text for question no 38 – 41
c. to describe the way things are
d. to persuade the readers that something is case GORILLAS
e. to inform readers about events of the day Although gorillas look ferocious, they are really
rather quiet apes. They live in family groups in the thickset
The text for question no 34 -37 parts of the jungle.
A gorilla’s feet, hands and wrinkled face are bare
The sun pours plenty of energy down on the earth, and black. His fur may be short or long, depending on
and many homes now use this enrgy to heat their water. It where he lives.
is difficult and expensive to trap solar energy on a large The short-haired gorillas lives in the hot, damp,
scale but in some sunny part of the world scientists use tropical forest of western Africa, and the long-haired
mirrors to reflect sunlight into a boiler on top of a tower. gorilla lives in the cooler air in high mountain of central
This heats up water in the boiler into steam, which Africa.
can then be used to turn electric generators. A gorilla’s arms are long; they almost touch the
Many countries now have nuclear power stations. ground, even when he is standing up.
These use a rare metal called uranium as a kind of fuel. Some wild mountain gorillas weight as much as
Under certain conditions, the nucleus (centre) of uranium you, your father and your moyher all weight together.
atoms can be made af split. This is called fission. When At night the father gorilla sleeps on the ground.
this happen fantastic amount of energy is given out. The But the mother and the baby gorillas sleep in a big nest of
heat produced in a nuclear reactor is taken away by cooling made sticks and leaves on the ground, or in the lower
liquid or gas. It goes to a boiler where it boils water to branches of trees, where they are safer from prowling
produce steam. The hot steam powers electric generators to animals.
make electricity.
One of the main drawbacks with a nuclear power 38.The text mainly tells about....
station is that it produces dangerous waste. It is dangerous a. father gorilla d. gorillas in brief
because it gives out radiation (rays) that can harm most b. a gorilla’s life e. origin of gorilla
living things. Nuclear engineers have to make very sure c. kinds of gorilla
39. The .... of the gorillas affects the length of the gorilla’s of feathers only. The teeth are absent except in some fossil
fur forms. As in mammals-the only other group of warm-
a. size d. weight blooded animal the circulation is highly perfected so that
b. food e. habitat there is no mixing of material of arterial and venous blood,
c. habit but the arrangement of veins and arteries by which this
accomplished, is different in two groups. Birds have keen
40. The following parts of a gorilla are not covered by fur, hearing, although they have no external ears. The sense of
except.... sight also is very keen, but the sense of smell is weak or
a. chin d. feet lacking, except few vultures and other birds.
b. nose e. hands
c. back 44.The passage is about the...of birds
a. species d. definitions
41.Although gorillas lock ferocious, they are really rather b. description e. classification
quiet c. characteristics
Apes (par 1). The italic word means...
a. rude d. strong 45.From the text we can conclude that both birds and
b. cruel e. clumsy mammals have..
c. rough a. backbones d. keen sights
b. keen hearing e. downy feathers
The text for question no 42 – 43 c. weak sense of smell

PLANET 46. Which of the following is NOT TRUE possessed by

A planet is a body in space that revolves around a birds?
star. There are nine planets in our solar system, and these a. feathers d. wings
nine planets travel around the sun. The names of planets b. teeth e. tails
are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, c. ears
Neptune and Pluto. Planets travel in orbit, around the star.
All of the planets of the solar system revolve ill elliptical The text for question no 47 – 50
orbits. In other words, their orbits are like large, flat circles.
The time that it takes a planet to make one revolution WHALES IS A MAMMAL
around the sun is called a year. Whales are the largest animals the world has ever
The Greeks were the first people to recognize and known. They are found in every major ocean, and although
give names to some of the planets. The word planet comes they resemble huge fish, they are really mammals.
from a Greek word meaning wanderer if a person wanders, One important way whales differ from fish is in
tills means that he goes from one place to another and does their body temperature. They are warm blooded, so their
not have a home. The Greeks thought that planets “ temperature remains constant despite the surrounding
wandered “ in the sky. However, modern scientists can climate. Extra protection is provided by blubber, a tick of
predict the movement of the planets very accurately. fat that keeps them warm even in the coldest water. Whales
also differ from fish in their manner of breathing. Equipped
42. The planets in our solar system travel... with lungs instead of gills, they are forced to hold their
a. around the star breath; otherwise it would drown. Another difference that
b. around the circles sets whales apart from fish is in the way they treat their
c. in one movement young. Babies are born alive and are nursed on their
d. from one position to another mother’s milk until they are old enough to feed themselves.
e. in elliptical orbits For centuries whales have been hunted for a
variety of reasons. Brought almost to extinction, they are
43. The movement of planet around the sun is called... protected in most countries today. Unfortunately, their
a. year d. revolution products are still used in some parts of the world. Whale oil
b. rotation e. wandered goes into making margarine in some countries, and it is
c. solar systems found in various kinds of explosives. Some laundry soaps
still contain whale oil. The meat of whale is not as widely
The text for question no 44 – 46 used as the eaten by human being in some countries.

BIRDS 47.According to the passage, which sentence is TRUTH?

Birds belong to a class of warm blooded vertebrate a. whales do not have lungs
animals with feather covered bodies. Neext to mammals, b. blubber keeps whales warm
birds are the most important groupsof land-living c. whales’ new born babies feed themselves
vertebrates. All birds have feathers, although in some d. today, people are allowed to hunt whales
types, particularly those that cannot fly, the normal e. whale meat is not eaten by human beings
structure of the feathers may be much modified and be
downy, woolly, or straw like. The forelimbs of birds are 48.The main topic of the firsh paragraph is...
modified into wings. a. how whales differ from fish
The bony part of the tail, except in the very earliest b. how big these animals are
fossil birds, is very short, and the visible tail is composed c. where whales live
d. where they surpace to breath 54. the cities to seek a better life (par 3). The
e. how they keep their bodies warm underlined word means...
a. to look for
49.”... it is found in various kinds of explosives.” (par 3). b. to look at
The word “it” refers to... c. to look into
a. whale d. whale oil d. to look on
b. animal e. meat e. to look after
c. explosive
This text for question no 55 –59
50.When a whale’s supply of fresh air runs out, (par 1). Complete the paragraph with the answers that have
“run out” means that the supply of fresh air is... been given.
a. changed d. abandoned MANGOES
b. used up e. reduced Mangoes are one of the most ......(55) fruits in the
c. consumed world. Mangoes are tropical fruits. They are grown in
tropical regions throughout the world.
The text for question no 51 – 54 Mango tree is an evergreen that.....(56) about more
than 5 meters. Mango tree have many branches and the
POOR PEOPLE’S LIFE color is brown. The leaves are long and slender, the flowers
Every country has people who too poor to live in a are pink. The taste of mango is sweet and sometime it is
decent and comfortable life. They do not have enough food little sour. Mangoes are......(57) food which is rich of
to eat. vitamin C and A.
They live in shacks that they have built for Mangoes have many shapes sometime it is oval,
themselves out of cardboard packing cases. Often they round or like kidney. It is base from the variety. Mangoes
have no proper water supply or drains. When they are ill, skins are smooth. Usually mangoes colors are green or
they can not afford to go to the doctor. When they are cold, yellow. Mangoes have a big hard inner pit. Mangoes pulps
they have to look for fuel to light a fire. are juicy and.....(58) yellow color.
On the hill sides in Brazil, the shacks of poor are Mangoes are eaten fresh or we can make it as
pilled on top of one another like old cars in a scrap yard are many variety of food such as preserve, juice or you may
often what shanty towns like-places for people who have add in a cake.
now here else to go. Mangoes are cultivate about 4000 years ago in Indonesian
Thousands of Bazilians leave the country side each archipelago. But, now we can.......(59) mangoes in the
year and travel to the cities to seek a better life. When they many tropical country in this world it is because in the end
arrive, they find that things are not better than in the of 1700’s and 1800’s European explorers brought mangoes
country. There are few jobs to be had. The only way to find from Europe to the other tropical country
a place to sleep-other than on the streets, as many have to .
do so –is to move in with friends or build a shack of their 55. a. popular d. popularity
own. b. populate e. popularization
For these people , sleeping is often the best way to c. popularize
forget how hard life is. If you sleep, at least you might 56. a. grew d. grower
dream a better thing. b. grows e. growing
c. grown
51. When they arrive, they find that things are not better 57. a. deliciously d. delightful
than in the country. (par 3). This means that.... b. delighted e. delict
a. it is harder to live in the city c. delicious
b. life in the city is as hard as in the country 58. a.has d. has been
c. living in the city has many advantages b. have e. have been
d. it is easier to live in the country c. had
e. people live comfortable in the city 59. a.find d. found
b.fine e. finding
52. The text tells us about... in Brazil c. finds
a. poverty in the cities
b. the storage of doctors These text for question no 60 - 67
c. building homes
d. the shacks in the country side GAWAI DAYAK
e. a decent life of thr poor Gawai Day or Gawai Dayak is a festival celebrated
in Sarawak. It is both a religious and social occasion.
53. What is “svrap-yard” ? It is the place where... Gawai Dayak literally means “ Dayak Festival “. Dayak
a. old cars are thrown on the top of one another visit their friends and relatives on this day. Those far away
b. people forget their life receive greeting cards. The mode of celebrations varies
c. people build their houses from place to place.
d. scraps of woods are sold by poor The festival is celebrated on the 1st of June every
e. Brazillians live well year. However, it actually starts on the evening of 31st of
May. Gawai Dayak celebration may last for several days.
On the evening of 31st of May, the ceremony to The text for question no 68 – 72
cast the greediness spirit away ( Muai Antu Rua ) is held.
Then, offering ceremony ( miring ) is conducted. Thanking HYDROPONIC
Gods for the good harvest, guidance, blessings and long Hydroponics are an unconventional growing
life is done through sacrificing a cockerel. At midnight technique. It is the cultivation of plants in water. The idea
spirit welcoming procession (Ngaluh Petara) is held. Then, of hydroponics comes from the assumption that plants do
the celebration gets merrier as people start singing and not need soil as such. They need only the nutrient and
reading poems. moisture in the soil and these can be supplied through
On the 1st of June, the homes of the Dayaks are gravel beds the contain water.
opened to visitors. Cock-fighting, blowpipe skill Hydroponics are not new process. As long ago as
demonstration, and ngajat competitions are held. It is also 1690, an English physician tried growing plants in water in
during this time of the year that many Dayak weddings laboratory experiment. In 1800 some German researchers
take place. Today, it is an integral part of Dayak social life. used the method to develop many of the formulas for plant
It is a thanksgiving day marking good harvest and a time to nutrient solutions which are still in use today. About a
plan for the new farming season or activities ahead. generation ago, hydroponics moved out of the research
laoratory into commercial use. In 1936 a Californian
60. What is the meaning of “Gawai Dayak?” physiolohist, W.£ Gerick published guidelines for
a. Gawai Day d. Dayak Festival hydroponics agriculture.
b. Gawai Festival e. Dayak Celebration One of the leading companies in the field of
c. Gawai Celebration hydroponics is Hydroponics incorporated of Glendale,
Arizona. It operates about 200 greenhouses on a 48 hectare
61. What do Dayak people do during Gawai Dayak? site. It produces more than 2.7 million kilograms of fruits
a. They hold merry celebration and vegetables each year mostly tomatoes, but also
b. They hold a ceremony cucumbers, lettuces and melons. Crop yields are excelent,
c. They hold wedding ceremony for example each mature tomato plant produces an average
d. They do various things of 12.1 kilos of fruits in year of two growing cycles. This
e. They visit their friends and relatives compares with about 9 kilos for two crops of the everage
soil growing plant.
62. When does the ceremony start? Everything is carefully controlled in the
a. 27th of May d. 30th of May greenhouse, the temperature, the humidity and the air
b. 28th of May e. 31st of May circulation. Wind, hail, frost, dought, weeds and seeds are
c. 29th of May all excluded.
In recent years, hydroponics farming has been
63. What is the purpose of the ceremony held in the expanding in many parts of the world. A hydroponics farm
evening of operated by the government of Kuwait produces fresh
31st of May? tomatoes at a desert, site near the capital city. At Puerto
a. to thank to Gods Penasco, Mexico, and on Sadiyat Island in Abu Dhabi,
b. to welcome the spirit experimental hydroponics farmsuse seawater that is
c. to entertain the guest desalinated by special installations located on the coast.
d. to celebrate Gawai Dayak
e. to cast greediness spirit away 68. Why is the experiment of hydroponics method held?
64. What is the procession to welcome spirit is called?
a. Miring d. Gawai Dayak
b. Ngajat e. Ngaluh Petara
c. Muai Antu Rua

65.The antonym for the word ” vary” is ........

a. differ d. contrast
b.diverge e. different
c. conform

66.The word “merrier” in the third paragraph means.......

a. sepi d. semarak
b larut e. khusyuk
c. berakhir
67. The synonym for the word “integral” in the last
paragraph is..
a. separated d. different
b. connected e. diverse
c. divided

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