Voice Articulation

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Correct Singing Demonstration/ Tutorial

Tutor/ Teacher: Anthony B. Barja


Topic: Voice Articulation

Grade: 6 (Elementary)


a. Identify and explain the use of Voice articulation in Vocal Music,

b. Appreciate the importance of articulation types in vocal music, and

c. Perform the Humming Warm ups.

I. Introduction What is articulation in vocal music?

Voice articulation refers to the mechanics of
producing speech and involves the movement
and adjustment of speech organs (lips, tongue,
velum, cheeks, jaw, larynx) to produce a specific
sound or phoneme. A phoneme is one specific
articulatory movement, such as forming the
vowel [i] or the consonant [b].

What is articulation music?

music articulation
Articulation is a fundamental musical parameter
that determines how a single note or other
discrete event is sounded. Articulations primarily
structure an event's start and end, determining
the length of its sound and the shape of its attack
and decay.
II. Brief Discussion/Demonstration Why is articulation important in music?
Articulation is a fundamental musical parameter
that determines how a single note or other
discrete event is sounded. Articulations primarily
structure an event's start and end, determining
the length of its sound and the shape of its attack
and decay. They can also modify an event's
timbre, dynamics, and pitch.

How do you articulate consonants?

the consonant
In an alveolar consonant, the tongue tip (or less
often the tongue blade) approaches or touches
the alveolar ridge, the ridge immediately behind
the upper teeth. The English stops [t], [d], and [n]
Are formed by completely blocking the airflow at
this place of articulation.

To articulate a vowel sound,

the tongue, jaw, and lips are placed to create a
tube between the larynx and lips (see MRI images
below). The soft palate is normally raised, sealing
off the nasal cavity (except in nasalized vowels).
No constriction occurs that might cause
turbulence (friction).

Types of Articulation in Music

Types of articulations that affect length include

Staccato. Staccatissimo. Tenuto.
What is an example of staccato?
The definition of staccato is where each sound is
short and distinct from the other sounds. An
example of the sound that would be described as
staccato is the sound of a machine gun.

What is a staccatissimo?
Definition of staccatissimo

: in a sharper and more detached staccato

manner —used as a direction in music.

What is a tenuto in music?

Definition of tenuto

: in a manner so as to hold a tone or chord firmly

to its full value —used as a direction in music.

What Should You Do Before Beginning

Articulation Exercises?
Before you begin working on diction exercises,
give yourself a five-minute facial massage to
loosen up the new muscles that you will be using.

1. Focus specifically on massaging the hinge of

your jaw, as that’s generally a very tense place.
2. Massage your lips as well, and do some tongue
circles, both inside your mouth and around the
III. Exercise Breathing Exercises for Better Articulation
Articulation begins with proper breath control.
Keep your posture in mind before starting the
warm-up exercises. Stand up straight: this
positively impacts your ability to sustain longer
vocal expressions.

Humming is one of the best vocal warm-ups
because it doesn’t put a lot of strain on your
vocal cords. Place the tip of your tongue behind
your bottom front teeth and hum up and down
the major scale while keeping your mouth closed.
Each note should sound like “hmmm” —
including the “h” sound is less taxing on your

IV. Performance Evaluation Tone is warm, resonant,

controlled, clear, focused,
consistent, vibrant, rich,
full, beautiful.

Tone has some

warmth, resonance
and clarity, with

Tone has apparent

with some
resonance and

The tone is weak,

breathy, forced
or unclear.




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