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PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 predefined because there is no single hypothesis

to test.
Difference according to Instrument
Characteristics of Quantitative Research
• contains measurable variables
- Utilizes close-ended questions (objective in
-age, economical status, grade, etc.
nature). The instrument undergoes thorough
• utilizes standardized measurement testing of validity and reliability; however this
does not allow participants to explain their
-poll, survey, test, etc.
choices or the meaning of the questions because
• presents numerical data of the objectivity.
-tables, graphs, figures, etc. Qualitative
- Utilizes open-ended questions (subjective in
Quantitative and Qualitative nature) which is why the validity and reliability of
instruments are the major criticism here. This
Difference according to RL and RS requires an interactive process. Without the
Quantitative active participation of the researcher and the
respondents, no data exist.
- is a generation of “blind spot” through
establishing a “research gap". The research gap Difference according to Statistical Treatment
attains from the contradicting findings of Quantitative
literature and studies of other. researchers. Your
goal is whether to accept or reject those existing -employs statistical operations which typically
findings based on the result of your study. yield to surveys and questionnaires using a rating
- engages to non-numerical data (diary accounts,
- showcases a “blank spot” wherein the related in-depth interviews, documents, focus groups,
literature available in your study is “limited” that case study, and ethnography).
enables you to generate new ideas or theories.
Difference according to Presentation of data
Difference according to Hypothesis
- Tables are expressed in numbers. Simply
Quantitative describes what is shown from the statistical
- There is an existence of a conjectural statement result.
known as a hypothesis to draw a relation Qualitative
between two or more variables. The null
hypothesis needs to be rejected. This means that -Tables are presented through texts and words. It
there is discovered results that can improve is lengthy because of thematic analysis and
something. discourse analysis of data.

-There is no need for a hypothesis because of the
unavailability of distinct variables. The result can
only be drawn after immersion and nothing is
Strengths and Weaknesses
STRENGTHS Example: Perceptions and Analysis Page 03

Reliable The Relationship of Axie Infinity Sales on

• Because of the objectivity of the questions Gamers' Screen time Exposure


• Because of the short time frame for Smell Trends

administering the survey Having a sharp nose in the existence of certain
Effortless to interpret data issues socially, politically, economically,
environmentally and morally is an A-plus.
• Because of numerical tables and graphs
Example: Satisfaction, Public/Social Survey
Awareness and Satisfaction Level of Filipinos
WEAKNESSES towards the Government's Action in Combating
No human perception and beliefs Pandemic Crisis

• Because of the objectivity of the questions

No depth of immersion Experience Phenomenon
Yes, experience is the best teacher. This leads you
• Because of the short time frame for
to question and uncover facts to dismantle
administering the survey
Less texts
Example: Assessment and Evaluation
• Because of numerical tables and graphs
Philippines Ranks Lowest in Reading, Math and
Science: Basis for Revisiting the Curriculum
KINDS Social Network Exposure and Students'
Vocabulary Proficiency of Second Language: Basis
for Reading Enrichment Method
• Observational
• Describes "what is"
• Variable not controlled Hear Out Programs
By gaining the perspective on the ground you will
get familiar with the situation. Program refers to
the effectiveness of such intervention.
Problems and Variables Example: Advocacy, Innovation, and Output
Sources of Problem
Scholarium: A Budget Friendly Educational
unleashing the primary sources of stress that
every student has in research writing
Observe People
In research, observing the behavior of a group of
individuals is essential for topic identification. So,
ditch the concept of minding your own business.
Visit Government Agencies ex: age, height, weight, temperature, hours
They release priority themes for Discrete Variables
multidisciplinary/multi- sectoral research in light
-No unit of measurement
of the realities that the country is now
experiencing and will face in the future.

Independent Dependent - no quantitative value
Is presumed as cause Is presumed as - does not imply order
- the order is not important
Variables - with categories and can be ranked
- characteristics that are being studied - can be arranged to highest to lowest or vice
Qualitative Variables ex: eye color, religion, sex, address ex: salary
➢ represent differences in quality, grade, social classes, satisfaction level
character, or kind but not in amount.
ex: non-numeric variables Continous Variables
- With unit of measurement
Quantitative Variables Interval
➢ are numerical and can be ordered or - do not consider the value of zerot
ex: age, height, weight, temperature etc.
-has clear definition of zero and has meaning
ex: temperature, age ex: height, weight, distance
Quantitative Variables

Quantitative Variables in Instrument

Discrete Variables
-has limited number of distinct values
-cannot be divided into fraction or decimal
ex: sex, blood type, number of children in the
Continuous Variables
- takes infinite number on the value
- can be divided into fractions or decimal
TITLE Transitional Policy and Level of
Productivity of Employees in Selected
Banking Industry
May Payaso sa Palasyo: The Effect of
The title must be concise Department Heads' Frequent
➢ It contains only the words enough Contradicting Statements Pertaining to
to hint the content of the research Covid-19 Responses to the Trust Rating of
➢ Provides witty context Adds literary
Pili, Pilipinas: Determining the Presidential
Bet of the Newly-Registered Voters
The Allowance has been Slain: Budget
Allocation of Students in Pre and Post?


Purpose Statement of the Problem

TagLish Please?!: The Effect of Code ➢ is the heart of any research Problem
Switching on Students' Understanding of
Second Language Based Subjects
A problem statement must have the
following characteristics:
➢ It should ask about a relationship
between two or more variables.
➢ It should be stated clearly,
unambiguously, and usually in
Variables question form.
Relationship of Plagiarized Output and ➢ It should be possible to collect data
Level of Academic Achievement of the SHS to answer the question asked.
Students ➢ It should not represent a moral or
ethical position.
Statement of the Problem Null
➢ The Statement of the Problem • known as the hypothesis of no
should be aligned with the correlation
conceptual framework and the
• its purpose is to be rejected
Research title.
H0- Online learning does not :exert a
Alignment of Research Title, SOP, and CF
significant effect on the mental health of

• the exact opposite of null hypothesis
H1- Online learning does exert a
significant effect on the mental health of

The title encapsulates the entire

paper, found in the SOP are the questions
to be answered, and the CF is the
backbone by illustrating the variables of FRAMEWORK
➢ The theoretical framework
Hypothesis underpins the present study with a
cognitive structure that the study
• is a conjectural statement of the relation intends to verify or support.
between two or more variables.
➢ Theoretical frameworks can be
explained using the SEC approach:
• The hypothesis is the main argument or
state the theory, explain the theory,
idea that study has endeavored to test.
and contextualize the theory to the
problem of the present study.
➢ The theoretical framework is only DIFFERENT TYPES OF CONCEPTUAL
available for qualitative research FRAMEWORK
and mixed methods, since these
methods of inquiry serve to verify a
present theoretical construct. IPO MODEL

➢ a conceptual framework is the
visualized construct of the present
study. It describes the relationships
that the present study seeks to
➢ The conceptual framework remains
with quantitative research.
However, conceptual frameworks
for qualitative studies also provide
theoretical arguments that inform
the study. It is not selecting a theory
per se, but explaining the main
arguments that serve to inform the
whole paper.
➢ The input consists the profile of the
respondents and the factors
connected with the dependent and
independent variables of the
➢ The process involves the
questionnaires used, observations
conducted, the data gathering
procedures, and the statistical
treatment of data.
➢ The output refers to the action
taken after interpreting the results
of the study.
IV-DV MODEL Introducing & Writing the
➢ If we want to test the interaction Introduction
between variables, we need to
identify the independent variable/s Technique
and the dependent variable/s. ➢ General statement or Direct quote
➢ If terms such as impact, effect, ➢ Etymology
influence, etc. are used, we are ➢ Comparison and Contrast
therefore, looking for causality. ➢ Historical Narrative
This requires the use of ➢ Data Result
Regression Analysis. The IV-DV ➢ Definition
framework in this case uses the ➢ Authority
single-headed arrow pointing to ➢ Dropping of Variables
the dependent variable/s.

Flow in writing the Introduction
#1 Trends
Geographic- trends within a group that is
defined by their geographic location
Temporal- trends over a specific period of
Intuitive- trends based on demographic
and behavioral patterns
➢ When the term relationship is used, #2 Issues
we are simply looking for
deals on difficulty, contradiction, or gap in
association. This requires the use of
knowledge that you will aim to address in
Correlation. The IV-DV framework in
your research through RL and RS.
this case uses the double-headed
arrow that points toward both the
IV/s and the DV/s.

Bridging the gap of the existing problem to
the research topic
Essence or importance of conducting the Delimitation of the study
- boundaries of the study
- aims to narrow the scope of the study
1. 1-9 in words, 10 onwards in figures
2. Always in 3rd person
Scope and Delimitation
3. Use American English
✓ General purpose of the study
4. 1 idea: 1 paragraph ✓ Target respondents/participants
✓ Sample size
5. Double spaced, justified
✓ Geographic location/setting
Don’t ✓ Duration/timeline
1.Abbreviate in first mention
2.Word contraction

Scope and delimitation

Draft and Revise
- narrows down the scope of the study
- these are the choices made and
boundaries set by the researchers which
should be mentioned
- placed in the Chapter I
- indentifies the potential weaknesses of
the study
- these are the shortcomings or conditions
that the researcher cannot control
- mentioned in the Chapter 5
Scope of the study
The extent to which the research area will
be explored and explains the parameters
within which the study will be operating.

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